This option (Miscellaneous | Mapping Properties
) allows you to register the API keys needed to use the various mapping services.
In a single sign-on (SSO) environment, subscribers log in only once to an identity provider (IDP), and do not need to log in again when accessing iServices Subscriber pages. The SSO Properties option allows sites to map the SAML, OpenID or Syncronex attributes requested from or returned by an IDP to attribute values expected by iServices Subscriber. See the iServices Subscriber manual for more information.
To access this option, select Miscellaneous | SSO Properties
The SSO Request properties initially display. These are properties sent to the IDP by iServices. The Usage attribute specifies the source of the SSO request (e.g. was it triggered from Login, registration, or new subscription process). It is sent to the IDP to help determine whether the user is logged in. Users not logged in must log in or register with the IDP.
The other request properties are mainly used to send the IDP name and address information in the case where a user enters a new start before registering; this allows the IDP to prefill the information on the Registration page, so that the user does not need to re-enter it.
Set the Properties field to SSO Response to define the values that should be mapped to responses sent to iServices Subscriber by the IDP when a user logs in.
To map a corresponding value in iServices Subscriber, enter that value in the Value column. For example, you may want to use the subscription ID in Circulation as the subscriber’s “AccountNumber” for identification within the single signon environment. If so, you would enter “SubscriptionID” in the Value column. Press the Esc key to leave field entry mode. You can then select a different Properties area, or click Exit exit from SSO Properties.
The Documents option is used to make documents available for viewing in Circulation and iServices. Documents must be set up in advance. This option does not create documents dynamically. Rather, it identifies and categorizes documents that have been created previously using the Circulation application or other tool.
To access documents, select Miscellaneous | Documents
Note: Before you can add a document, you must have the document group (Adding a Document Group) and document type (Adding a Document Type) set up previously. Several standard document groups and types are preloaded into Circulation.
Select a Document Area, where the document will be used (such as iServices Distribution, Customer Service, etc.)
Click the Add button on the Documents tab.
Complete the following fields:
Document—Enter a name for the document.
Description—Enter a description of the document.
Group—Select the group to which this document belongs (e.g., distribution, performance). Document groups are set up on the Document Groups tab.
Sequence—Enter a sequence number to identify where in the list this document will appear.
Type—Select the file type (e.g., html, pdf, doc) of the document. Document types are set up on the Document Types tab.
Days Available—Indicate the number of days for which this document is available.
File Name—Indicate how the document’s file name is formatted. Enclose tokens within brackets. For example, you might name your account invoices INVOICE<District>.*, which indicates the district ID. The following tokens can be used:
Account Inquiry
Customer Contact
<Subscription>, <AddressID>, <OccupantID>
Customer Service
<Product>, <Subscription>, <TranDate>
Customer Services Renewal Notices
<Product>, <Subscription>, <TranDate> Note: It is recommended that you use at least the <Subscription> and <TranDate> tokens to ensure the uniqueness of each document.
iServices District Manager
<Product>, <District>
iServices Distribution
<Product>, <Route>, <Account>, <PublDate>, <ReportDate>, <SystemDate>, <RunType>, <SequenceNbr>
Route Inquiry
<Product>, <Route>
File Path—Indicate where the document is stored; e.g., /dti/spool/cm/pdf.
Click OK to save the document entry.
Document groups are used to organize documents on the Reports tab in iServices Distribution. If you want to show a group of related reports in the same list, you need to have a document group for them.
Select the Document Groups tab.
Click Add.
Complete the following fields:
Group—Enter a group ID (e.g., “Exports”). This ID will appear in the group combo box on the Documents tab (described above).
Description—Enter a description of the document group (e.g., “Miscellaneous Data Exports”). This description will appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the group title in the menu row on the Reports tab.
Sequence—Enter a sequence number to identify where in the menu row this document group will be listed.
Title—Enter a title for this document group (e.g., “Data Exports”). This title will appear in the menu row on the Reports tab.
Type—Indicate whether this document group is for standard documents (i.e., within Circulation) or external documents (i.e., stored in a document warehouse outside of Circulation). When standard is selected, the URL Path and URL Params fields are not accessible. When external is selected, the URL Path and URL Params fields are required.
The external type is only available for the “iServices Distribution” Document Area. All other Document Areas must use the standard type.
URL Path—The URL Path and URL Params fields are combined to create a link that launches a window to an external document warehouse. Enter the URL path in this field.
URL Params—The valid URL parameters are <ACCOUNT>, <ACCOUNTCLASS>, <FIRSTNAME>, <LASTNAME>, and <CSRFHASH>. The <CSRFHASH> value is passed through MD5 encryption and used for authentication at the specified Document Warehouse. This value is generated in iServices Business Rules.
Details—Enter an internal description to indicate what kind of documents these are (e.g., “Data exports in Excel format). This is an internal description that will not appear in iServices Distribution.
Click OK to save the document group.
A document’s type indicates its format (e.g., pdf, html), which instructs the default browser how to open it. It also determines the thumbnail graphic that appears next to the report in iServices Distribution, identifying the document’s type.
Select the Document Types tab.
Click Add.
Complete the following fields:
Type—Enter a type ID (e.g., “xls”). This ID will appear in the Type combo box on the Documents tab (described above).
Description—Enter a description of the document type (e.g., “Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet”). This description will appear when the mouse pointer hovers over the thumbnail image on the Reports tab.
Content Type—This is syntax used by browsers to determine how to open the document. For example, you would enter “application/vnd.ms-excel” to indicate that this document should be opened in Microsoft Excel.
Image Path—Enter the name of the thumbnail image file that will be displayed next to the document in iServices Distribution.
Click OK to save the document type.
This chapter documents miscellaneous setup options, such as Document setup, along with setup utilities.
This utility copies one publication’s AAM Column Heading and AAM Column Heading Link setup to another publication.
Select Utilities | Copy AAM Headings
Specify the product you want to copy from, and the product you want to copy to.
Click OK and then Continue to copy the AAM headings.
Use this option to save time when creating product records. This utility will copy the area, region, distribution zone, and district records from one product to another.
Note: If any of these records already exist for the to product, they will not be copied. For example, if product “DM” has Area records of “East” and “West”, and product “GZ” already has an Area record of “East”, copying product “DM” to “GZ” will result in only one Area record, “West”, being copied.
Select Utilities | Copy Publ Info
to display the Copy Publication Information window.
Specify the product you want to copy from, the product you want to copy to, and enter a date range.
Click OK and then Continue to copy the publication information.
Use this option to copy the router from one publication to another.
Select Utilities | Copy Router By Publ to display the Copy Router By Publication window.
Complete the following fields:
Copy From Product—Enter the product from which you want to copy router information.
Copy To Product—Enter the new product for which you want to create a router.
Copy From Map—Enter the map from which you want to copy map information.
Copy To Map—Enter the map to which you want to copy map information.
Start Date—Enter the start date of the new router.
Click OK and then Continue.
This utility copies the Business Rule settings from one entity (bill source, company, division, or publication) to another. This utility could be used, for example, when setting up a new product that should use most of the same settings as an existing product. You have the option to override existing settings or only replace settings that are currently blank.
Select Utilities | Copy Business Rules
to display the Copy Business Rule Settings window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Identify the type of Business Rules entity (BillSource, Company, Division, Publication) from which you will copy Business Rule settings. For example, if you want to copy from an existing publication to a new publication, you will select “Publication”.
Enter the specific bill source, company, division, or publication (depending on the entity you selected above) from which you want to copy settings.
Enter the specific bill source, company, division, or publication to which you want to copy settings.
Select this checkbox if you want any existing settings of the TO ENTITY to be replaced by the settings of the FROM ENTITY. If you do not select this checkbox, only Business Rules with blank settings will be copied.
Click OK and then Continue to copy Business Rules.
This option generates a report for publications for which a delivery day is being removed. The report includes future-dated draw changes that affect the draw on the removed day, unprocessed transactions for the removed day, and any single copy draw or route draw records for the removed day. Its purpose is to help ensure that no draw or activity is remaining for the selected weekday before removing it.
Select Utilities | Deliverysched Verify to display the Delivery Schedule Verification window.
Click Add and specify the Product, Day Of Week being removed, and the Effective Date.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
The Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) API provides a communication channel between external systems, such as an Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) system or a phone system, and Customer Service. This allows an external system to initiate a “screen pop” operation as part of incoming or outgoing phone calls. The CTI API is a licensed add-on.
See the Computer Telephony Integration API manual for more information about this interface. The manual includes documentation for the CTI API Properties option, where the API host name, port, and other properties are configured.
Use this option to copy route information from one publication to another. Information from the following tables will be copied from a specified “Copy From” product and created for a new “Copy To” product:
The following must be set up before running this utility.
New Publication
New Edition, if there is one
New Route Rate Class, if there is one
Delivery schedules for the new product
District for the new product that matches the existing product. If a matching record does not exist for the new product, those records will not be copied.
Map, if there is a new one
If any tables from the “Copy From” product don’t exist for the “Copy To” product, the following warning will be written in the Process Log: “<TableName> does not exist for <New Product> Route: <RouteID> not copied.
To run the Copy Routes utility:
In Graphical Setup, select Utilities | Copy Routes to display the Copy Routes window.
Click Add and complete the following fields:
Copy From Product—Enter the product from which you want to copy route information.
Copy All Routes— Select this checkbox if you want to copy all the routes.
Copy Recurring Charges/Credit— Select this checkbox if you want to copy all applicable recurring charges/credits for the selected product/route.
Copy From Routes— Enter the route from which you want to copy the routes.
Copy To Product— Enter the new product for which you want to create routes.
New Edition— Optional. If you enter an edition here, it will be used for the new product in the DistribPointPublication.EditionIDByDayOfWeek[1-7]
fields. If you leave this field blank, the edition of the “Copy From” product will be copied over.
New Route Rate Class— Optional. If you enter a route rate class here, it will be used for the new product in the DistribPointPublicaiton.DistribPointRateClassID
field. If you leave this field blank, the route rate class of the “Copy From” product will be copied over.
Type— Select the route type: Single Copy, Home Delivery, or Both.
Start Date— DistribPointPublication records that are active on this date will be selected. No future start dated records will be copied. All records created will have their start dates set to this date, and end dates set to “?”.
Copy Truck Departure Times— Select this checkbox if you want the truck departure times to be copied as well.
Click OK and then Continue to copy the routes.
The Mass Import/Export option is used to export and import the contents of Circulation tables to and from the dti/exchange/cm directory. Data can be exported, manipulated in an external program such as Excel, then imported back into Circulation. The layout of the tables will match the Circulation schema. See the Circulation schema documentation for details about the contents of specific tables.
Note: By default this option is not accessible. Please contact Naviga Support if you are interested in using the Mass Import/Export tool.
Before importing data, you should export all of the applicable tables and save the original files. Testing the import using test data or a test database is also recommended.
The following table shows how AAM Column data is stored in Circulation. Note that certain fields refer to “ABC”, the former name of the AAM.
When exported, the fields are pipe-delimited. This same format is required when the file is imported.
If the Start Date of a database record matches the Start Date of a imported record, the EndDate of the DB record will be set to the EndDate of the imported record.
If the Start Date of a database record is less than the imported record StartDate, the database record EndDate is updated to the imported record StartDate
, and a new record with imported values is created.
Select Utilities | Mass Import/Export in the Graphical Setup module. The Mass Import window appears.
In the Run Type field, indicate whether you want to Export or Import the table(s).
Select the table or group of tables to export or import. The name of the table to be exported or imported is displayed. If a group of tables is selected, the name of each table is listed separately (see the example above in which four tables are being exported). The setup tables that can be imported/exported is listed below.
Table Groups
AAM Group
Zone District Group
User Group
User Profile Group
ABC Column
Charge GL Accounts
ABC Column Heading
Charge Tax Authority
Reason Info
ABC Column Link
Chart of Accounts
ABC Paid Verification Row
Complaint Charge
Service Area
ABC Paid Verification Row Link
Complaint Code
Tax Authority
ABC Price Level
Credit Status Publication
Tax Authority Publication
ABC Zone
CR GL Accounts
Town of 25
ABC Zone Publication
Delivery Schedule
Zip Area Code
Delivery Schedule Bonus Day
Zip Town of 25
Blurb Level
Distrib Zone
Blurb Setting
Charge Code
Draw Brand
Sub Source
User Profile
User Profile CR
If prompted, specify the product ID.
Click OK to run the utility.
When importing data, you will have the option to review it before clicking Commit to write it to the database.
If any errors are encountered when importing a table or tables, they will be listed individually and identified with a red exclamation point. Details can be displayed by clicking on the error (see below). Errors must be resolved before data can be committed.