1. Should unprocessed starts be set as processed when perm stops process? BCP (Non) If a start is suspended for a subscriber and a permanent stop is then processed for that subscriber, the suspended start can be set as “processed” if it is on or before the stop.
The start will be set as processed when a perm stop processes.
The start will be left suspended when a perm stop processes. This is the on-premises default.
2. Will you use the router to determine routes and delivery methods for addresses and subscriptions? B (Client) Circulation’s automatic carrier routing (router) feature may be used to determine the routes and delivery methods for addresses and subscriptions entered in Customer Service. This setting will determine whether the router is used.
If the router should be used to automatically determine the routes and delivery methods for subscriptions. Whether the operator may override route assignments is determined by another setting (below).
If the associate will manually determine the routes and delivery methods for subscriptions.
If Yes:
3. Are any of your route boundaries defined by city and state instead of ZIP Code? B (Client) The city and state or the Zip code may be used to define the geographic boundaries for a route. You may use city/state boundaries, for example, in cases where there are two streets of the same name in a single Zip code.
If the city and state should be used to route addresses.
If only the Zip code should be used to route addresses.
If Yes:
4. Should the ZIP code or the city/state be used first when determining a route for an address? B (Client) When an address range is defined in the router for both the Zip code and city/state, this setting determines which router record should be used.
ZIP Code
If the Zip code was most commonly used when defining the street segments for a route in the router.
If the city was most commonly used when defining the street segments for a route in the router.
5. Are any of your route boundaries defined by PO route type and PO route number? B (Client) The PO route type and route number may be used to define the geographic boundaries for a route. You may use PO route boundaries, for example, in cases where some of the house numbers have a dash, such as 11-04, where the first set of digits is the block and the second set is the house number on the block.
If the PO route type and route number should be used to route addresses.
If the PO route type and route number should not be considered when route addresses.
6. Should the full ZIP/postal code be used when routing addresses? B (Client) When routing addresses, the entire ZIP/postal code may be used if desired. When using the entire ZIP/postal code and a match is not found, a search is then made using only the first portion of the postal code.
Use the full ZIP/postal code as the first search when searching for a router match.
Use only the first portion of the postal code when searching for a router match.
7. If an address cannot be routed, should the delivery method default to mail or should the operator decide? BCP (Client) If the router is used but it cannot route the address, it will not be able to find the appropriate delivery method for the address. This setting determines whether a default delivery method of “Mail” should be assigned to addresses that the router could not find, or if the associate should manually assign the appropriate delivery methods to such subscriptions.
If a delivery method of “Mail” should be assigned by default if the router cannot find a route. This may be changed by the associate.
If the associate will be required to enter the appropriate delivery method for addresses that the router cannot route.
8. Are manual changes to route assignments allowed? B (Client) If the router is used to automatically assign routes, you can use this setting to control whether those routes may be overridden by the associate when a subscription is started.
If the associate may change routes assigned by the router.
If the associate may not change routes assigned by the router.
9. Do you allow duplicate addresses? B (Client) This setting determines whether entry of duplicate addresses is allowed.
If duplicate addresses may exist in the Circulation database. The next setting will define whether or not a warning will be displayed.
If associates will not be allowed to enter duplicate addresses.
If Yes:
10. Should a warning display that the entered address already exists? B (Client) If duplicate addresses are allowed, you may wish the associate to be notified that a duplicate address has been entered. This setting determines whether such a warning will be displayed.
If a warning message should display when a duplicate address has been entered. The associate may then either accept the duplicate address, reject it, or modify it.
If no warning message should display when a duplicate address has been entered.
11. Should the street name be validated? B (Client) Street names can be set up in Circulation and used for validation during address entry. This can prevent the entry of misspelled street names.
If the street names will be set up and should be used for street name validation.
If the street names will not be set up.
12. Do you display last name first for occupant setup? B (Client) On the Occupant tab, an occupant’s name can be displayed last name, then first name, or vice-versa.
Occupant names are displayed last name, then first name.
Occupant names are displayed first name, then last name.
13. What is the default dwelling status? B (Client) The default dwelling status assigned during address entry may be set up here, if desired. This default may be changed by the associate during address entry.
14. What is the default dwelling type? B (Client) The default dwelling type assigned during address entry may be set up here, if desired. This default may be changed by the associate during address entry.
15. What is the default town of 25? B (Client) The default Town of 25 can be specified here, for situations in which it cannot be determined by the router or the Zip Town of 25. This default may be changed by the operator during address entry.
16. What is the default credit status for new occupants? B (Client) The default credit status assigned during occupant entry may be set up here, if desired. This default may be changed by the associate during occupant entry.
17. What is the default occupant type for new occupants? B (Client) The default occupant type assigned during occupant entry may be set up here, if desired. This default may be changed by the associate during occupant entry.
18. What is the occupant type used for employees? BCP (Client) Donation Code Setup identifies donation codes for use by employees and non-employees. An occupant’s employment status is determined by comparing the occupant type in the occupant record to the “employee” occupant type, specified here.
19. What is the default number of days to display in the TM Products Delivered query? B (Client) This setting controls the number of Targeted Marketing days of history that are displayed in the TM Products Delivered tab after performing a Find in Customer Service. The default setting is 30 days.
20. Should a list of subscriptions display when entering a transaction for a subscriber with multiple subscriptions? BCP (Client) When entering transactions for a subscriber with multiple subscriptions, this Business Rule determines whether the subscriptions display in a popup window, or whether the currently selected subscription is automatically used.
If a subscriber has multiple subscriptions, all subscriptions will be listed in a popup window when entering a transaction.
If a subscriber has multiple subscriptions, the currently selected subscription will automatically be used for transactions.
21. Should reason codes for transactions entered in Customer Services be limited by product? BCP (Client) This Business Rule allows you to limit the available reason codes to those that have either (1) no reason info records or (2) a reason info record for the publication of the current transaction. If you select “no” (the default), there will be no change for how reason codes are validated in Graphical Customer Service.
Reason codes will be limited by product.
Reason codes will not be limited by product.
22. What is the reason code used for stopping paid subscriptions that expire with grace days and are not renewed? BCP (Client) The stop reason code assigned when renewed subscriptions are stopped for non-payment with grace days must be set up here. The stop reason entered must be a valid permanent stop reason code. This field must not be left blank.
23. What is the reason code used for stopping paid subscriptions that expire and have no grace days? BCP (Client) This setting has the same application as the previous setting, but it is used for renewed subscriptions stopped for non-payment without grace days.
24. What is the reason code used for stopping start and bill subscriptions that are never paid for? BCP (Client) The stop reason code assigned when start and bill subscriptions (subscriptions that are started but not yet paid for) are stopped for non-payment must be set up here. The stop reason entered must be a valid permanent stop reason code. This field must not be left blank.
25. Is a source code required for a start? BCP (Client) It may be desirable to require that every start transaction be assigned a source code to indicate the source of the subscription. Source examples might be: a particular ad campaign, subscriber referral, or the carrier.
If entry of a source code is required for subscription starts.
If entry of a source code is optional for subscription starts.
26. What is the default source code for new starts? BCP (Client) The default source code assigned when subscriptions are started may be set up here, if desired. This default value may be changed by the associate.
27. What is the default delivery schedule for new starts? BCP (Client) The default delivery schedule assigned when subscriptions are started may be set up here, if desired. This default value may be changed by the associate.
28. What is the default billing method for new subscribers? BCP (Client) The default billing method for subscribers when entering a new start must be either carrier collect or office pay. This default value may be changed by the associate.
Carrier Collect
If the carrier will usually collect the subscription payment from the subscriber.
Office Pay
If the subscriber will usually deliver the subscription payment in person or by mail to the newspaper office.
29. What is the maximum number of days to allow between the start and stop dates for ‘Did Not Order’ stop reasons? BCP (Client) You can disallow the use of “did not order” stop reason codes if certain criteria are met. For example, you may not allow them if a stop is entered more than 14 days after the start or if a payment has already been made. This will prevent the use of these reason codes when subscriber activity suggests there was an intent to order. This Business Rule identifies the maximum number of days after the subscriber’s start date that a “did not order” stop reason can be used. The default is zero.
30. Do you allow entry of new starts with a billing method of third party? BCP (Client) This setting determines if third-party sponsored new starts can be entered in Customer Service. Note: This setting is relevant only for Customer Service—third-party sponsored new starts can be created in Targeted Marketing and via the Subscriber Activity Import no matter how this rule is set.
New starts can be entered in Customer Service with a billing method of “third party”.
New starts cannot be entered in Customer Service with a billing method of “third party”.
31. What is the reason code used for stopping third party sponsored subscriptions? BCP (Client) This setting identifies the reason code that is used to stop third-party stop subscriptions. For example, when the third-party subscriptions created in TM expire, stop transactions will be created automatically. This setting assigns a reason code to these transactions.
32. Should the previous billing address and occupant be retained when entering a start for a former subscriber? BCP (Client) Some post offices cannot deliver mail to some locations that are newspaper delivery locations. Therefore, for some subscribers, the billing address and occupant may differ from the delivery address and occupant. This setting determines whether the billing address entered for a former subscriber is retained if a new subscription is started. It applies to starts entered in Customer Service as well as starts created by payment processing.
Retain previous billing address and occupant information when entering a start for a former subscriber. The associate may change this information.
Do not retain previous billing address and occupant information when entering a start for a former subscriber.
33. Is a source code required for a stop? BCP (Client) It may be necessary to know who initiated the subscription stop. This can be accomplished by requiring the entry of a source code for each stop transaction.
If a source code must be entered for each stop transaction.
If entry of a source code is optional for stop transactions.
34. Is a source code required for a complaint? BCP (Client) It may be necessary to know the general source of each complaint. For example, was it from a carrier, a subscriber, or some other source? This information may be recorded by requiring the entry of a source code for each complaint.
If a source code must be entered for each complaint.
If entry of a source code is optional for complaints.
35. Do you allow access to the digital edition for complaints? BCP (Client) This parameter determines whether digital access to the publication website or replica version can be offered to resolve a delivery complaint.
Subscribers can be offered access to the digital edition when entering a complaint.
Digital access cannot be offered to resolve a complaint.
If Yes:
36. How many past days does the subscriber have access to the digital edition after reporting a complaint? BCP (Client) This and the next parameter determine how many days of content (in the past and future) the subscriber has digital access to. For example, if this rule is set to “5”, the subscriber will be able to read content for the current publishing day and five days into the past (past dates typically pertain to only replica editions). The days are in calendar days. If both of these Business Rules are set to zero (the default), the subscriber will only have access for the current publishing date.
37. How many additional days does the subscriber have access to the digital edition after reporting a complaint? BCP (Client) Indicate how many days into the future the subscriber will be allowed digital access. For example, you can set this parameter to “7” to give the subscriber access to the publication website for the current publishing date and seven days into the future. The default is zero.
38. What is the maximum number of days a subscription may be extended for a complaint? BCP (Client) It may be desirable to extend subscription expiration dates to accommodate subscribers who have missed receiving a paper due to service errors. It may also be desirable to establish a maximum number of days that a subscription’s expiration date may be extended due to a complaint. Enter the maximum number of days a subscription expiration date may be extended for a complaint here. The default number of days is 5.
39. Do you want complaints to print to a dedicated printer at entry time? BCP (Client) You may have a printer set up for the exclusive purpose of printing complaints entered in Customer Service using the complaint entry option. This setting determines whether complaints will print on the dedicated printer immediately after entry. Complaints may also be printed by selecting Reports | Route | Complaint.
If you always want complaints to print on a dedicated printer at entry time.
If you do not have a dedicated printer set up for printing complaints at entry time. Complaints will print on the Complaint Report.
If you have a dedicated printer set up for printing complaints but would like to ask the associate if the complaint should print.
If you have a dedicated printer set up for printing complaints but would like to print only if the complaint is urgent.
If Always, Ask, or Urgent:
40. What is the device name of the printer for automatically printing complaints? BCP (Client) If a printer has been set up to print complaints as they are entered, you must enter the printer’s device name here. Examples of device names are: lp0, lp, lpt1, etc. See your system administrator for this information.
41. What is the maximum number of days after a complaint has been processed that the reason code can be changed? BCP (Client) Unlike most subscriber transactions, complaints can be modified after they are processed (only the complaint code can be changed). This setting determines the number of days after the processing date during which a complaint transaction can be modified. The default is zero.
42. What is the maximum number of complaints a route may receive on a day before warnings display? BCP (Client) You may not wish to take serious action if only a few complaints are received from subscribers on a route. This setting allows you to establish the maximum number of complaints that may be received for a route in a single day before warnings display. When the number of complaints received for a route exceeds this limit for one day, a warning message displays on the complaint entry screen. The default number of complaints is 5.
43. How many delivery type complaints should be allowed before a complaint is flagged as “urgent”? B (Client) Most complaints are delivery complaints (for example, a missed paper), as determined by the complaint code. If a subscriber submits this number of delivery complaints within a given time interval (defined with the next setting), this and any subsequent complaints will automatically be marked as urgent for dispatching purposes. For example, if this rule is set to four and there are five complaints for a subscriber, the fourth and fifth complaints would be marked as urgent. The feature allows dispatchers to quickly take action if, for example, a carrier does not realize a certain address should be delivered. In addition to being marked as urgent, a message will display when entering any additional complaints for the subscriber. The default is 99 days.
44. How many calendar days should be reviewed when determining if the complaint should be considered “urgent”? B (Client) This setting determines the number of days to consider when evaluating the setting above. For example, if the above setting is two and this setting is three, if a subscriber complained on Tuesday and then again on Thursday, the Thursday complaint would be marked as urgent. The default is 999 days.
45. Should “urgent” complaints be based on the number of complaints received from an occupant, address, or both? B (Client) This setting determines if addresses or occupants should be considered when determining whether a complaint should automatically be marked urgent (based on the two settings above). For example, if an occupant with three complaints moves to an address with two complaints, this setting governs whether the system counts two or three complaints for this subscriber. If you set this rule to “both”, only complaints entered for the occupant at that address will be counted (in the example above, zero complaints would be counted for the subscriber).
Only complaints at the address should be considered when determining whether a complaint should be marked urgent.
Only complaints for the occupant should be considered when determining whether a complaint should be marked urgent.
Both address and occupant complaints should be considered when determining whether a complaint should be marked urgent.
46. Should the subscriber's delivery directions and request default as the redeliver instructions for complaints? BCP (Client) When entering a complaint that should be redelivered, the delivery directions for the address and delivery instructions for the occupant can default in the Redeliver Instructions window, based on this setting.
If delivery directions and instructions should default when entering redeliver information.
If no delivery information should default in the Redeliver Instructions window.
47. Can a route be assigned during a complaint when the subscriber's address is not route accessible? BCP (Client) When entering complaints for a mail subscriber, the paper can be flagged for redelivery and a route specified. If the address is marked as route inaccessible, a route may or may not be entered, as determined by this setting.
A redelivery route can be specified in a complaint for a subscriber whose address is route inaccessible.
Redelivery routes can only be specified for subscribers with route accessible addresses.
48. Is a source code required for a move? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a move request for analysis.
If entry of a source code is required for move transactions.
If entry of a source code is optional for move transactions.
49. Is a source code required for a subscriber billing method change? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a subscriber billing method change for analysis.
If entry of a source code is required for subscriber billing method changes.
If entry of a source code is optional for subscriber billing method changes.
50. Is a source code required for a route reassignment? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a route reassignment, for example, if a route boundary changes and you want to differentiate between such a change and a change initiated by the subscriber.
If entry of a source code is required for a route reassignment.
If entry of a source code is optional for a route reassignment.
51. Is a source code required for a delivery schedule change? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a delivery schedule change for analysis.
If entry of a source code is required for a delivery schedule change.
If entry of a source code is optional for a delivery schedule change.
52. Is a source code required for a temporary address? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a temporary address, for analysis.
If entry of a source code is required for a temporary address change.
If entry of a source code is optional for a temporary address change.
53. Is a source code required for a restart? BCP (Client) It may be important to track the source of a restart, for example, if a carrier reports a restart and you want to differentiate between such a restart and a restart initiated by the subscriber.
If entry of a source code is required for a restart.
If entry of a source code is optional for a restart.
54. How many days will you allow a transaction to be backdated? BCPDv (Client) In some cases, it may be desirable to backdate a transaction. The number of days a transaction may be backdated is established by this setting. The default number of days is 0. Backdated transactions will not change draw or AAM history for previous publishing days.
55. Should backdated transactions create draw adjustments between associated routes? BCP (Client) At times, transactions performed at an agent level are not reported to the newspaper until after they have occurred. For example, a subscriber may start a subscription on Monday, but the newspaper may not be notified until Wednesday. In this instance, the agent provides the paper to the subscriber from a specific single copy route until the regular route draw is updated. This Business Rule allows this draw movement to be corrected through draw adjustments between home delivery and single copy routes as the start transaction is processed. Setting this Business Rule to “yes” will require home delivery routes to be linked to a single copy route; otherwise, backdated subscription transactions will not be processed.
Backdated transactions should create correcting draw adjustments between routes.
Draw adjustments will not be made.
56. Which draw adjustment code should be used to create a charge for copies added to associated home delivery routes? BCP (Client)
57. Which draw adjustment code should be used to create a credit for copies deducted from associated home delivery routes? BCP (Client) If the above rule about backdated transactions is set to “yes”, enter the draw adjustment codes to be used for home delivery routes. Enter an adjustment code for copies added, as well as an adjustment code for copies deducted. Codes are limited to those for which IsReturn=“no”, AdjustAAMHistory=“yes”, and ChargeCarrier=“yes”.
58. Which draw adjustment code should be used to create a charge for copies added to associated single copy routes? BCP (Client)
59. Which draw adjustment code should be used to create a credit for copies deducted from associated single copy routes? BCP (Client) If the above rule about backdated transactions is set to “yes”, enter the draw adjustment codes to be used for single copy routes. Enter an adjustment code for copies added, as well as an adjustment code for copies deducted. Codes are limited to those for which IsReturn=“no”, AdjustAAMHistory=“yes”, and ChargeCarrier=“yes”.
60. Should carrier collect subscriptions be assigned a rate code? BCP (Client) It is not necessary to establish rates for carrier collect subscribers, since they will not receive a renewal notice. However, if collection invoices are given to carriers for the purpose of collecting from carrier collect subscribers, a rate must be assigned to these subscribers. In addition, if subscribers tend to move between office pay and carrier collect, then it is best to assign a rate to the carrier collect subscribers at the time the start is entered.
If carrier collect subscriptions should be assigned a rate code. When set to "Yes," the rate code/term/length details are mandatory, and failure to provide them will result in an error stating— "No value passed for required field, Rate, Term, Length combination not valid."
If carrier collect subscriptions should not be assigned a rate code.
61. Should available refunds be applied to former subscribers when they start again? BCP (Client) Customers may have refunds available if they stop permanently before their expire date. If a new start is then entered, the refund amount may be automatically applied to the new subscription.
Available refunds should be automatically applied to new starts, if applicable.
Available refunds should not be applied to a new subscription, but should remain available until transferred, issued as refunds or written off.
If Yes:
62. Which source code should be used when an available refund is automatically applied to a former subscriber during a start? BCP (Client) Applying an available refund amount to a new subscription requires a source code.
63. Which reason code should be used when an available refund is automatically applied to a former subscriber during a start? BCP (Client) A reason code is also required when applying a subscriber’s available refund amount to a new subscription. The reason code must be valid for Transfer type transactions (in effect, you are transferring the refund to the same subscription).
64. Should available refunds be automatically applied during a billing change to office pay? BCP (Client) If a billing change switches a customer with an available to office pay, the refund balance amount can be applied to the subscription, based on this parameter.
Available refunds should be automatically applied as part of a billing change, if applicable.
Available refunds should not be applied as part of a billing change, but should remain available until transferred, issued as refunds or written off.
If Yes:
65. Which source code should be used when automatically applying available refunds during billing changes to office pay? BCP (Client)
66. Which reason code should be used when automatically applying available refunds during billing changes to office pay? BCP (Client) If applying available refunds as part of a billing change, specify the source and reason codes that should be used with the transfer in/out transactions that will transfer in the refund amount.
67. Should manually entered messages for subscribers be retained as transactions? BCP (Client) Messages can be entered for individual subscribers, and print on bundle tops, display for dispatchers, etc. Your newspaper may or may not want permanent message transactions to be created when messages are entered. If this rule is set to “yes”, messages will be retained and you will be able to view them just like other subscriber transactions. If this rule is set to “no”, subscriber messages will be purged with other messages at the end of the applicable publishing run.
Subscriber messages will be retained.
Subscriber messages will be purged at the end of the publishing run for which they are entered.
68. How many days do you want to retain messages before End Publ Run deletes them? BCP (Client) The End Publ Run option typically purges all carrier and subscriber messages after they have printed on bundle tops, and if they have an end date earlier than the process date. This setting allows you to retain these messages for a defined number of days, rather than purging them immediately. This allows you to rerun bundles with subscription-related messages after closing a publishing run. The default setting is one day.
69. How many days must an office pay subscriber be temp stopped before the system resends the last invoice or renewal? BCP (Client) Renewal notices and invoices can be resent to subscribers who have been temp stopped for a given number of days. If a subscriber qualifies for a resent renewal, the renewal number for the subscriber will be decreased by one when the restart processes. For example, if a subscriber who has been sent a first renewal temp stops for 10 days and this rule is set to 8, transaction processing will set the renewal number for the subscriber from 2 back to 1 as part of the restart. The renewal notice will then be resent the next time first renewals are processed. Note that this rule uses the calendar days (not publishing days) that the subscriber is temp stopped. The default is 999.
70. What is the permanent stop reason that should update a carrier collect subscriber’s credit status? BCP (Client) All occupants are assigned a credit status, which determines whether they can start a subscription, among other things. An office pay subscriber’s credit status may change when their subscription expires. But carrier collect subscribers do not have expire dates—the subscriber or their carrier must call in to stop the subscription. However, you can change a carrier collect subscriber’s credit status when their subscription is stopped, by setting this rule. Enter the stop reason code that will cause a carrier collect subscriber’s credit status to change. All carrier collect stop transactions entered with this reason code will change the subscriber’s credit status to the status entered for the next rule. If you will not be using this feature, leave the setting blank.
71. What credit status should be assigned to a carrier collect subscriber permanently stopped with a rules defined reason? BCP (Client) If you entered a stop reason code for the previous rule, enter a credit status here. When a stop transaction with that reason code is processed for a carrier collect subscriber, the subscriber’s credit status will be changed to the status entered here.
72. If a subscriber perm stops on a non-refundable rate, what donation code should the subscriber’s balance be applied to? B (Client) Subscribers on non-refundable rates should not receive refunds when they permanently stop with a balance. Instead, their balance will be applied to a donation code. Enter the donation code here. It must have a type of “GLAccount” or “Specific Carrier”.
73. Do you want to maintain an occupant’s credit status by product? B (Client) An occupant’s credit status determines how many grace days they are allowed after a subscription has expired, among other things. By setting this rule to “yes”, you can allow an occupant to have different credit statuses for each product. For example, an occupant might have a credit status of “Good” for the Tribune, but “Bad” for the Star.
An occupant can have different credit statuses for different products.
An occupant can have only one credit status that applies to all products.
74. Do you want a detailed product query when entering a start in Customer Service? BCP (Client) When the associate presses F2 for a lookup in a Product field, valid products will display. However, if F2 is pressed in the Product field during a new start and this rule is set to “yes”, the lookup will display not only valid products, but also the default route (determined by the router), carrier, valid delivery schedules, and other information for each product.
A detailed F2 lookup will display for the Product field during a new start.
An ordinary F2 lookup will display for the Product field during a new start.
75. Are previous delivery requests allowed for restarts? BCP (Client) Newspapers may offer new subscribers a previous day’s paper for free. For example, the previous Sunday’s paper may be offered to a subscriber who starts on a Wednesday, and be delivered with the Wednesday paper. Restarts can also be offered a previous paper. This setting determines whether previous papers can be delivered to subscribers that restart.
A previous paper may be offered to a subscriber as part of a restart.
A previous paper may not be offered to restart subscribers.
76. Are previous delivery requests allowed for schedule changes? BCP (Client) In addition to starts and restarts, a subscriber may be offered a previous paper during a delivery schedule change. For example, a previous Sunday’s paper may be offered to a subscriber changing from Monday-Friday to 7-day.
A previous paper may be offered to a subscriber as part of a delivery schedule change.
A previous paper may not be offered to subscribers during a delivery schedule change.
77. When entering a start transaction, what is default answer for the previous paper delivery prompt? BCP (Client) This determines the initial setting of the Prev Delivery field, and can be set to “yes”, “no”, or “Blank” (nothing defaults in the field).
The Prev Delivery field will default to “yes”.
The Prev Delivery field will default to “no”.
The Prev Delivery field will initially be blank.
78. When entering a restart transaction, what is default answer for the previous paper delivery prompt? BCP (Client) This is the same as the setting above, only it applies to restarts.
The Prev Delivery field will default to “yes”.
The Prev Delivery field will default to “no”.
The Prev Delivery field will initially be blank.
79. May the subscription renewal delivery method be overridden during a new start or billing change transaction? BCP (Client) Renewal notices are most often mailed by the newspaper, but notices for route-delivered subscribers can also be delivered by the carrier of the route or sent via e-mail. A subscriber whose renewal notices would normally be carrier-delivered may request that the notices be mailed instead. This setting determines whether the delivery method of the renewal notice can be changed to mail-delivered or e-bill, as part of a new start or billing change.
A subscriber’s renewal notice delivery method may be overridden.
A subscriber’s renewal notice delivery method may not be overridden.
80. What is the default source code for a billing change created by the reroute utility? BCP (Client) When a subscriber’s route is changed by the mass reroute utility (Utilities | Subscription/Address | Rerouting), billing changes occasionally need to be made. This happens, for example, when a subscriber who is office pay is rerouted to a route that does not allow office pay subscribers—so a billing change is created to change the subscriber to carrier collect. This and the following rule determine the default source and reason code for these billing change transactions.
81. What is the default reason code for a billing change created by the reroute utility? BCP (Client) Enter the default reason code for billing changes created by mass rerouting (as described in the previous rule).
82. Which file map should be used to create the Dispatch Interface? B (Client) The Dispatch Interface uses a file map when exporting information. Enter the name of a file map with a usage of “DispatchExport.” Two predefined file maps can also be used: Dispatch (the standard format, which defaults) and DispatchPlus (the standard format plus the Redelivery and Dispatch flags).
83. Should the Dispatch Interface create separate files by product? B (Client) This setting allows separate export files to be generated for each product.
Separate export files are generated for each product by the Dispatch Interface.
A single file is exported by the Dispatch Interface.
84. What is the area code of the vendor modem used with the Dispatch Interface? BCP (Client) Optionally, enter the area code of the vendor modem to be exported using the Dispatch Interface.
85. What is the phone number of the vendor modem used with the Dispatch Interface? BCP (Client) Optionally, enter the phone number of the vendor modem to be exported using the Dispatch Interface.
86. What is the district manager’s phone type used with the Dispatch Interface? BCP (Client) Enter the phone type of the district manager’s phone number (work, cell, etc.) to be exported using the Dispatch Interface.
87. To which entity are items dispatched using the Dispatch Interface? BCP (Client) Enter the dispatching method that the Dispatch Interface will add to dispatch transactions in the database. This setting will populate the Dispatched To field in the Circulation Dispatching module. It shows the entity to which the item was dispatched.
Dispatch transactions are dispatched to a zone.
Dispatch transactions are dispatched to a district.
Service Area
Dispatch transactions are dispatched to a service area.
Dispatch transactions are dispatched to a truck.
Dispatch transactions are dispatched to a route.
No dispatching method will be added to the dispatch transaction.
88. Should the account’s name and address be exported to the Dispatch Interface when dispatched? BCP (Client) The carrier’s name and address can be added to the pager interface export file when dispatching shortages.
Export the carrier’s name and address.
Do not export this information.
89. How many days of historical transactions should be exported using the Dispatch Interface? BCP (Client) Historical transactions can be exported to the Dispatch Interface when dispatched. This setting determines the maximum age of transactions that will be exported. If you enter “7” (the default), transactions entered within the last seven days will be exported. The maximum is 999.
90. Should messages display during payment entry for grace, tax or unallocated amounts? BCP (Client) When entering subscriber payments, messages can display when amounts are deducted to pay grace or tax amounts, or if there will be an unallocated amount (a leftover amount which is not enough to buy another day). The messages may be helpful to the associate, but also increase the time it takes to enter the payment. This setting determines whether the messages are displayed.
Messages should display during payment entry for grace, tax or unallocated amounts.
Grace, tax, and unallocated messages should not display during payment entry.
91. When a subscriber is in grace or has grace owed/written off, should the grace owed be included in the balance displayed? BCP (Client) Customer Service displays the customer’s current balance—i.e., the value of their subscription that remains undelivered. When the balance falls to zero, the subscription expires and the subscriber is either permanently stopped or goes into grace. Subscribers in grace, and those whose grace period has ended without a payment, may be looked at as having negative balances. This setting determines whether subscribers in grace or with grace owed are shown with a negative balance, or a balance of zero.
Grace amounts should be deducted from subscriber balances, resulting in a negative balance for subscribers in grace or with grace owed.
Grace amounts should not be deducted from balances; a balance of zero should display for subscribers in grace or with grace owed.
92. What is the default source code for bonus day transactions created during a start or delivery schedule change? BCP (Client) Bonus days are free papers given to subscribers outside of their normal delivery days (for example, a weekend-only subscriber who receives a New Years paper, even though New Years falls on a Monday this year). If the subscriber is to receive bonus day papers, BonusDay transactions will be created as part of a new start or delivery schedule change. This setting determines the source code to be used with the BonusDay transactions.
93. What is the default reason code for bonus day transactions created during a start or delivery schedule change? BCP (Client) Indicate the reason code that should be used with bonus day transactions created as part of a new start or delivery schedule change, as explained in the previous rule.
94. What is the default reason code for bonus day transactions for subscribers who opted out of bonus day papers? BCP (Client) It is possible to create bonus day transactions for subscribers who opt out of bonus days by using the Incl Opt Out Subscribers field in the Bonus Days specific of Delivery Schedule setup. The draw for these subscribers will be counted as unpaid draw in AAM reporting. This setting specifies the reason code that will be used for these bonus day transactions.
95. What is the reason code to use when a suspended subscription is restarted to process a stop? BCP (Client) Circulation has the ability to suspend route delivery on a given route, creating a temporary stop (suspend transaction) for the subscribers on that route. If a stop is entered for a subscriber on a suspended route, the stop will create a restart (unsuspend transaction) when it is processed, so the subscription will be unsuspended but stopped. This setting determines the reason code to use when the system creates unsuspend transactions for subscribers. This reason code must have a transaction type of “Restart” and UPDATE DRAW set to “n”. This and the following rule need to be set only if you will use Circulation’s suspend route functionality.
96. What is the reason code for the temp stop created when an unsuspend subscription is overridden? BCP (Client) If a customer on a suspended route calls in to stop the subscription, the associate can enter a stop for the subscriber (as discussed in the previous rule). Or, the associate can modify the existing temp stop (the suspend transaction) and set the Restart flag to “n”. If this happens, then a restart transaction will be created for the subscription when the route is unsuspended, as it will be for all the other subscribers on the route. However, the system will also create a new temp stop so that the subscription remains stopped. This setting determines the reason code to use if a stop is created in this scenario. This reason code must have a transaction type of “Stop” and PERMANENT set to “n”.
97. For combo subscriptions, should the suspend route process override the combo's setup for 'must stop together?’ BCP (Client) This parameter determines whether the Suspend Route utility can ignore the Must Stop Together flag in Combo setup when suspending a combo subscription.
Combo setup can be ignored, and a combo component subscription can be suspended without the rest of the combo being suspended.
If one component subscription of a combo is suspended and subscriptions are required to stop together, all subscriptions of the combo will be suspended.
98. What is the label to be displayed for an auto renew to bank account subscription? BCP (Client) Subscribers who renew their subscriptions automatically via a bank draft can have a special label displayed in the Bill Method field in the Customer Service window. The label itself is defined by this setting. For example, if “Auto Bank” is entered here, that will be the bill method displayed for auto renew bank draft subscribers. “Auto Renew Bank” is the default setting. This value can also be exported using the Subscriber Tax Export data element of “Auto Pay Type”.
99. What is the label to be displayed for an auto renew to credit card subscription? BCP (Client) Subscribers who renew their subscriptions automatically via credit card can have a special label displayed in the Bill Method field in the Customer Service window. The label itself is defined by this setting. For example, if “Auto CC” is entered here, that will be the bill method displayed for auto renew credit card subscribers. “Auto Renew Card” is the default setting. This value can also be exported using the Subscriber Tax Export data element of “Auto Pay Type”.
100. Should complaints associated with a formal complaint count towards the creation of a future formal complaint? BCP (Client)
If you are using Circulation’s complaint escalation feature, a formal complaint will be created if a subscriber calls in a certain number of complaints within a certain number of days. Once the formal complaint is resolved, any complaints entered will count towards a second formal complaint. The complaints that led up to the first formal complaint may or may not be included when determining whether a second formal complaint should be created.
For example, say the threshold for formal complaints is three complaints within three days, and in a three day period the five complaints were entered for the subscriber. If this rule is set to “no”, only one formal complaint would be created:
C, C, C, F, C, C (where C = complaint and F = formal complaint)
If this rule is set to “yes”, three formal complaints would be created because the first three complaints would continue to count towards future formal complaints:
C, C, C, F, C, F, C, F
A complaint attached to a formal complaint should contribute to future formal complaints.
A complaint attached to a formal complaint will not count towards other formal complaints.
101. For Note transactions, should the reason code display in the transaction window? BCP (Client) A note’s reason code may now display with the note in the Transaction window in Customer Service. For example, if the reason code is “FYI”, the note transaction will display in the Transaction window as “Note-FYI”.
The Note reason code should display in the Customer Service Transaction window with the Note transaction.
The Note reason code should not display in the Transaction window.
102. Should a warning display during entry of a billing change if the rate entered is less than or equal to the current rate? BCP (Client) During a billing change, a subscriber can be assigned a different rate. If the new rate has a lower cost than the old rate, a warning message can display. The warning tells the Customer Service associate that the subscriber is being switched to a lower rate, and so prevent a discounted rate from inadvertently being assigned. This setting determines whether the message displays. When determining whether the new rate is cheaper than the old rate, Circulation will use the 1 day rate terms (average copy rates) or 1 week rate terms (rate by day rates).
A warning message should display during a billing change if the new rate has a lower cost than the old rate.
No warning message should display.
103. Should the previous bonus day delivery request be retained when entering a start for a former subscriber? BCP (Client) Subscribers can be flagged for bonus day papers (papers delivered on days the subscriber would not normally receive a paper) as part of a start. This determines whether a former subscriber’s bonus day setting should be retained if they start a new subscription. For example, if a former subscriber had Bonus Days set to “n” in their Start transaction, if this rule is set to “yes” and they start again, Bonus Days will default to “n”.
When starting a former subscriber, the bonus day flag should default based on the bonus day setting in their former subscription.
Former subscriptions should not be considered when defaulting the bonus day flag during a start.
104. When rerouting a subscriber, should the delivery placement be retained? BCP (Client) Subscribers can specify a delivery placement (a specific place, such as under the mat or in the door, where they would like the paper delivered) as part of a start. This can default from the router. When a reroute is entered, the delivery placement can also be changed. This setting determines how the delivery placement field defaults in a reroute. It can be set to “Retain if possible” (use the current delivery placement, if there is one), “Retain if overridden” (use the current delivery placement, but only if the default has been overridden), and “Use route’s default” (use the new route’s delivery placement, as defaulted from the router).
Retain if Possible
Default the subscriber’s current delivery placement, if there is one.
Retain if Overridden
Default the subscriber’s current delivery placement, if the old route’s default has been overridden. Otherwise, use the current route’s default (from the router).
Use Route’s Default
Use the current route’s default, based on the router.
105. For adjustment only payments, what description should display in the transaction window? BCP (Client) Payments may be entered with only adjustment amounts (no payment amount). To differentiate these from regular payments, you may wish to have a different label display in the Customer Service transaction window; if so, enter it here. The default is the standard description for payment transactions: “Payment”.
106. For grace owed, what description should display in the transaction window? BCP (Client)
107. For grace paid, what description should display in the transaction window? BCP (Client) These settings allow you to customize the label of GraceOwed and GracePaid transactions that appear on the Customer Service screen. For example, GraceOwed transactions could be labeled “PastDue” instead of GraceOwed. Use these settings to assign a different name to these transactions.
108. Should multiple-day complaints be displayed as a single transaction? BCP (Client) Set this Business Rule to “yes” (the default) to display multiple-day complaints as a single complaint within Customer Service. When this Business Rule is set to “yes,” a multiple-day complaint will be displayed as “Complaints” in the Transactions tab in the upper-right corner of the window, with the number of individual complaints displayed in parenthesis. On the Transactions tab in the lower portion of the window, the number of individual complaints is displayed next to Incident Date field. The individual complaints themselves can be viewed by clicking the forward and back arrows next to the incident date.
109. Which solicitation code should be checked when displaying a Do Not Call indicator for an occupant in customer service? B (Client) If an occupant’s phone number is on a Do Not Call list, a DNC indicator displays by the phone number on the Customer Service main screen. Occupants who are not on the DNC list can still have the indicator appear next to their phone number, if you assign them the solicitation code entered here. For example, you might assign this solicitation code to an occupant who is not on the Do Not Call list but requests that the newspaper not call.
110. Should donations be allowed for subscribers in their grace period? BCP (Client) Donations can be made by subscribers in grace (i.e. subscribers who have no balance or a negative balance) during a stop or restart, as governed by this rule.
All in grace subscribers can make a donation.
Donations can only be made by subscribers with a positive balance.
Auto Renew
Auto renew subscribers who are in grace can make donations, but no other in grace subscribers.
111. Do you allow subscribers to select both the Redeliver and Digital Access options for complaints? BCP (Client) If digital access can be offered to resolve a complaint (based on the Business Rule Do you allow access to the digital edition for complaints?), you can offer subscribers both digital access and redelivery to resolve a complaint, based on this parameter.
If a complaint is being redelivered, digital access can still be given.
Either redelivery or digital access can be selected to resolve a complaint, but not both options.
112. At which level can individual papers be selected to be held in a vacation pack within a temporary stop period? BCP (Client) This setting determines the level of detail at which subscribers can choose to have their papers held for vacation packs. It applies only to graphical Customer Service; in character Customer Service, the only options are to choose the vacation pack or not.
All Days Only
The subscriber can choose to have all papers held, or none.
Selected Weekdays
The subscriber can choose to have papers held on specified weekdays during the vacation period (e.g., every Wednesday and Sunday), or to have all papers held.
Specific Dates
The subscriber can choose to have papers held for specific dates during the vacation period (e.g., 2/14, 2/17, 2/20), or selected weekdays, or to have all papers held.
113. Should non-delivery accounts be included for sub-source types defined as carrier? BCP (Client) This setting affects source/sub-source setup. If you set up a source code to require a “carrier” type of sub-source, this setting determines if non-delivery carriers can be selected in addition to delivery carriers.
Non-delivery carriers are valid sub-sources.
Only delivery carriers are valid sub-sources.
114. Do you support hybrid subscriptions? BCP (Client) Hybrid subscriptions are a combination of online and route delivery. Indicate here whether your newspaper offers hybrid subscriptions.
Hybrid subscriptions are supported.
Hybrid subscriptions are not supported.
115. Do you allow a subscriber’s delivery address to vary by weekday? BCP (Client) A subscriber may wish to receive a newspaper at different addresses on different days of the week; for example, the office on Monday-Friday, and home on Sat-Sun. If you allow multiple delivery addresses on the same subscription, set this Business Rule to “yes”.
Multiple delivery addresses are allowed.
Multiple delivery addresses are not allowed.
116. If multiple delivery addresses are allowed should the subscription rate be based on the primary address only? BCP (Client) Subscribers with multiple delivery addresses have both a “primary” address defined, as well as one or more “secondary” addresses. This setting determines if subscriber rating should account for multiple addresses or not (set up in Location Rule). Setting this Business Rule to “yes” allows a newspaper to, for example, charge more for multiple-address subscriptions.
Subscriber rating should account for multiple addresses.
Subscriber rating should use the primary address only.
117. What is the document name associated with storing renewal notice PDF files? BCP (Client)
If you make PDF versions of renewals available for viewing in Customer Service (the View Renewal button), this setting identifies the document name (established in Document setup) that will be used to establish the file-naming convention of the PDF files and the file path on your server where you store them. For example, you could set up a document called “Renewal” that uses a file name of <Subscription>Renewal<TranDate>.pdf and is stored in a folder called pdf/renewals. When renewals, invoices, or rebill transactions are displayed in Customer Service for this subscription, the View Renewal button will be active if a PDF file with this name exists in this folder. Clicking the button will show the PDF file. In this scenario, you would set this Business Rule to “Renewal.” Press F2 to select from a list of documents that exist in Document setup.
Note: To ensure the uniqueness of each document, it is recommended that you use at least the <Subscription>
and <TranDate>
tokens somewhere in the file name when setting up the document in Document setup. The <Product>
token can also be used.
118. What is the maximum days before the publishing date that a message may be sent to an agent? BCP (Client) Newspaper-defined messages can be produced and sent to agents on bundle tops (e.g., for expire alerts). These messages that can be based on the subscription rate code and number of days before of after the expiration date. This Business Rule allows you to define a maximum number of days before the publishing date that these messages are produced. The default is “999” days.
119. Do you use alternate account numbers? P (Client) If this Business Rule is set to “yes”, an external (alternate) account number can be imported for subscribers from a third party system via the Subscriber Activity Import, and displayed in Customer Service.
Alternate account numbers can be imported for subscriptions.
Alternate account numbers are not used.
120. Should new starts that cannot be routed be suspended? BCP (Client) If a new start is entered for an address that cannot be routed, it will be suspended if this setting is “yes”.
Starts entered for an address that cannot be routed will be suspended.
Starts entered for an address that cannot be routed will be processed like other starts.
121. Is a restart date required when entering a temporary stop? BCP (Client) If this Business Rule is set to “yes”, users must include a restart date every time they enter a temporary stop. The restart date will then be included on the message along with the stop notification.
A restart date is required.
The restart date can be left blank.
122. When entering a fixed term start, what is the default answer to “Renew after this term”? BCP (Client) When entering a new start for a fixed-rate, fixed end-date subscription (such as for an NIE fixed rate), the Renew After This Term checkbox will default based on this setting.
The default answer is “yes”.
The default answer is “no”.
123. Should the default date for Notes always be today? B (Client) When set to “yes,” the default date will always be today. When set to “no” (the default), the default date will always be the greater of the cutoff date plus one day, and today.
124. What is the reason code used to permanently stop subscriptions dropped from a combo during a combo? BCP (Client) The Business Rule determines the reason code to use when perm stopping a component subscription as part of an end combo transaction.
125. When displaying search results for Find Subscription, should phone number or other name be shown? B (Client) If this Business Rule is set to “Phone Number” (the default), the occupant’s phone number will be displayed in the search results. If it is set to “Other Name,” the occupant’s other name will be displayed instead.
126. Can a transaction which exceeds a security threshold be suspended? BCP (Client) When the security threshold is exceeded, the transaction can only be accepted (as suspended) if this parameter is set to “Yes.” See Security Threshold for more information on security thresholds.
Transactions that exceed a security threshold can be accepted as suspended.
Transactions that exceed a security threshold cannot be accepted.
127. What label group should be used for subscribers on digital vacation pack? BCP (NCS) If you offer digital vacation packs for temp stopped subscribers, specify the label group that should be used to determine the electronic edition offered. This will typically be a label group used for online subscribers.
128. Which AAM column should be used for reporting digital vacation pack draw? BCP (NCS) Digital vacation pack draw will be reported under this AAM column. At Cloud sites, the AAM column “oDigVac” will be added automatically, and Naviga recommends that setting.
129. What is the delivery schedule used for day pass purchases? BCP (Client) Although day passes are valid on any day of the week, day pass subscriptions must have a delivery schedule for validation reasons. The delivery schedule specified for this Business Rule must be a delivery schedule set up with a subscriber type of “Day Pass”. See the User Manual or more information about day passes.
130. When entering a make good day pass transaction, which subscription adjust code should be used? BCP (Client) If you allow make goods for day pass subscriptions (see the User Manual), the subscription adjustment code to use for the make good adjustment must be specified for this parameter. This adjustment code must have Cash Adjustment and Refundable set to “n”.
131. Which Adjustment Code should be used for Print Trial Subscriptions? Enter the adjustment code that should be used Print Trial Subscriptions. When a Print Trial Subscription Start Transaction is processed, an Adjustment Only Payment for the same Trial Length and Term is created using the Adjustment Code specified in this Business Rule.
132. Which Adjustment Code should be used for Digital Trial Subscriptions? Enter the adjustment code that should be used Digital Trial Subscriptions. When a Digital Trial Subscription Start Transaction is processed, an Adjustment Only Payment for the same Trial Length and Term is created using the Adjustment Code specified in this Business Rule.
133. What is the reason code for Trial Subscriptions? Enter the reason code that should be used when creating Trial Subscriptions.
134. What should be the maximum number of days for Trial Subscriptions? Enter the maximum number of days allowed for a Subscription during the Trial period. The value should not be more than 999.
135. What is the default Billing Change Reason Code for Discontinued AutoPay when Credit Card account is closed? Enter the default Billing Change reason code that should be used for discontinuing the AutoPay for a subscription when the Credit Card account is closed.
136. What is the default Billing Change reason code for change in Credit Card Details? Enter the default Billing Change reason code that should be used when changing the Credit Card details.
137. When a subscriber has unpaid fees, should the unpaid fee amount be included in the balance displayed? Default Value: Yes This setting determines whether subscribers with an unpaid fee amount are shown with a negative balance or a balance of zero.
Unpaid fee amounts should be displayed in subscriber balances, resulting in a negative balance for subscribers.
Unpaid fee amounts should not be displayed in subscriber balances; a balance of zero will be displayed for subscribers.