Household Management is a separate application used to manage address and occupant information that is shared between Circulation and Ad Management, MediaPlus Advertising, or AudienceReach.
Settings for Circulation’s integration with AudienceReach are located in the Audience section.
1. What is the host name for the DTI Audience server? B (Client) Enter the name of the AudienceReach server here.
2. What is the URL Path for the DTI Audience service? B (Client)
Enter the URL for the AudienceReach server here. The default is “/csp/ad/public/
3. What is the class path for the DTI Audience service? B (Client) Enter the location on the Audience server where the Circulation Audience web service is located. The default is “dt.audience.profiler.service.”
4. What is the WSDL name for the DTI Audience service? B (Client)
Enter the name of the WSDL file used by the Circulation Audience web service, which determines the format of the XML file used by the service. The default is “IntegrationService.CLS?WSDL=1
5. What is the maximum batch size for transferring genome information to the DTI Audience service? B (Client) The default is “192.” This determines the number of records sent in a call to the AudienceReach service. It does not affect the total number of records exported. You should not need to change the default unless directed to by Naviga.
6. Should genome information transferred by the Audience Sync utility include passwords? B (NCS) This parameter determines whether Circulation sends web passwords for subscribers during the Audience Sync process.
Web passwords will be sent during Audience Sync.
Passwords will not be sent during Audience Sync.
7. Should genome information be transferred immediately when registration details change? B (NCS) This Business Rule determines whether Circulation sends updates when doing an “instant synch” via the Audience web service as a result of a subscriber changing their e-mail address or account information.
Information will be transferred to Audience when registration details change.
Changing registration details will not trigger updates to be sent to Audience.
8. Should genome information be limited to one profile per occupant? B (NCS) You can choose to transfer only one profile per occupant to Audience Sync. For example, an occupant with two addresses (due to a move or a subscription being delivered to a different address) would have only one profile interfaced. This is necessary in Audience 2011 and greater, as the e-mail address must now be a unique value, and it is also required for some pay wall environments where the login ID is the e-mail address.
Only one profile per occupant should be transferred to Audience.
Multiple profiles can be transferred per occupant.
9. Should genome information be transferred only for subscribers? B (NCS) You can choose to transfer only subscribers for certain publications to Audience via Audience Sync. If so, set this parameter to “yes” and indicate the publications in the parameter If transferring genome information only for subscribers, should these subscribers be included?, below. This will reduce the amount of profile data transferred by the integration, and the number of errors that are generated by the process due to erroneous data and other issues.
Only information for subscribers should be transferred to Audience.
Information for all occupants should be transferred to Audience.
If Yes:
10. If transferring genome information only for subscribers, must they have complete web user registration details? B (NCS) If interfacing only subscribers to Audience, Audience Sync can exclude subscribers with incomplete, missing or invalid registration information (e.g. no active email address, no password, invalid email address, non-SHA-1 password). This feature can be useful in environments where Audience Sync is being used to support a subscriber access pay wall. Answer this parameter “yes” to exclude profiles with bad or missing login information in Genome Synch.
Only subscribers with complete registration details will be transferred.
All subscribers will be transferred.
11. If transferring genome information only for subscribers, should these subscribers be included? BCP (NCS) This Business Rule can be used to limit AudienceReach integration to certain companies or publications. For example, if set to “yes” for publication Times but “no” for other publications, only subscribers for the Times would be interfaced.
Transfer information for the subscribers of the publication, company or business selected.
Do not transfer information for the subscribers of the publication, company or business selected.
12. What is the host name for the Audience API's XML Schema location? B (Client) This will typically be the same as the host name for the Audience server entered above. The XML Schema is used to synch demographics defined in Circulation with AudienceReach.
13. What is the URL Path for the Audience API's XML Schema location? B (Client) Enter the URL for the XML Schema. The default is “hm/xmlschema”.
14. What is the Task Group for manual tasks for creating products via Audience? B (Client) E-mail campaigns in Audience are sent to Circulation for distribution. When this happens, a task can be generated in the Circulation Task system, reminding users in this task group to check the TM setup.
15. What is the Task Group for manual tasks when adding targets for a specific delivery date, via Audience? B (Client) A manual task can also be created for each delivery date for a campaign. For example, if the campaign is set up to e-mail the selected profiles on March 6, and make phone contact starting on March 9, two tasks would be created in the Circulation Task system for users in this task group, one for March 6 and one for March 9. The tasks remind users to process the TM product and confirm that the campaign was distributed correctly.
16. What is the default delivery publication for products created via the Audience API? B (Client) When a TM product is created as a result of a campaign launched in AudienceReach, this delivery publication will be used by default (the delivery publication can later be changed in Targeted Marketing). The delivery publication determines the routes, trucks, and other distribution entities that are used with the product.
17. What is the default process to run for products created via the Audience API? B (Client) When a TM product is created for an Audience campaign, it can be automatically assigned to an output format, such as StormPost or an ASCII export, if specified here. Enter the name of the format to assign the product. (The format should already exist in TM.)
Note: Most of the Business Rules in this section are also found in the General section in Circulation.
1. In which country are the addresses primarily located? B (Client) See description in the General section in Circulation.
2. Does the user name in the CIRC API need to be a valid user in the database? B (Client) This setting allows sites to optionally validate users making Circulation API calls.
Users making Circulation API calls will be validated.
Users making Circulation API calls will not be validated.
3. Which day is considered the first day of the week? B (Client) See description in the General section in Circulation.
4. How many addresses should be displayed when searching and multiple addresses match the selection criteria? B (Client) See description in the General section in Circulation.
5. How many occupants should be displayed when searching and multiple occupants match the selection criteria? B (Client) See description in the General section in Circulation.
6. What is the maximum number of items that should display in an F2 lookup? B (Client) See description in the General section in Circulation.
7. What is the Task Group for manual tasks for subscribers? BCP (Client)
8. What is the Task Group for manual tasks for non-subscribers? BCP (Client) Tasks interfaced via the Circulation API will be created in Circulation for the task groups specified by these parameters. Different groups can be defined for subscribers and non-subscribers.
9. Should starts via the Circ API be suspended? BCP (Client) Starts interfaced from the Circulation API will initially be suspended, if this Business Rule is set to “yes”. If Circulation API starts do not need review before being processed, set this parameter to “no”.
Starts interfaced by the Circulation API should be suspended.
Starts interfaced by the Circulation API should not be suspended.