Note: If you do not compensate accounts on a per-address basis, you can skip this option.
A drop credit is a flat fee paid to an account for each home address delivered, without regard to the number of pieces that are delivered to the address. Drop credits are not used with single copy routes.
Drop rates are associated with a product. Normally, the product with the highest drop rate determines the drop credit paid to the account, although product priorities can be established to override this calculation. For example, if a home delivery route delivered a daily publication and a TM product on a Saturday, the account would receive the drop credit for the publication or TM product, whichever was higher, or (if a priority was assigned) based on priority.
The Drop Rates option is where you define the daily drop rates. You must specify a product, but also may specify an account, route, district, zone, region, area, account class and account group. For each day of the week, you specify the GL account to use for the drop credit, as well as the credit code to use and the daily rate.
Drop credits are generated by the Create Drop Credits option (see the User manual).
In character Circulation, select Drop Rates from the Account Rates menu to display the Drop Rate Setup screen.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Specify the product to which these drop rates will apply.
Optionally, use these fields to narrow down the list of accounts to whom these drop rates will apply. The most specific criterion will always be used. For example, if a region and an route are entered, the drop rates will apply only to the route. If a single account is entered, the rates will apply only to that account, no matter what else is entered in these fields.
Enter the date range during which these drop rates are valid.
For each day of the week, enter the GL account number to be used for this drop rate.
For each day of the week, enter the charge code for the drop rate.
For each day of the week, enter the per-address drop rate.
Select Accept to enter the bonus rate into the database.
Set up another drop rate, or press F4 and select Exit to return to the Setup menu.
This section guides the user through the menu options that are available under the Account Rates menu.
This section outlines how account and subscriber rates are set up in the Graphical Setup module.
In Graphical Setup, existing rates are listed in a “tree” that has “branches” to show the relationships among rules or other rates. When you select a rate in the tree, details about that rate are shown in the right pane of the window. The toolbar allows you to find and filter rates, as well as launch the Rate Setup Wizard. New rates are added by completing the Rate Setup Wizards, which take you step-by-step through the entire rate setup process.
The rate trees show all of the existing rates in the system. If you choose, you can use the filter to show only the rates that meet certain criteria (see 364 for more information). The default view shows all rates. The subscription and account rate trees are shown below.
Different subscription rate types are represented by different icons, which are described in the following table.
Indicates a Normal rate.
Indicates a Promotional rate.
Indicates a Reduced rate.
Indicates a Retail rate.
For account rates, different rules are represented by different icons, which are described below.
Indicates a Product rule.
Indicates a Delivery rule.
Indicates a Route rule.
Indicates an Account rule.
Indicates a Copy rate associated with this rule.
Indicates a Period rate associated with this rule.
Within the rate tree, a plus sign (+) next to an icon signifies that there is more information within an icon (such as the “next rate” for a promotional subscription rate). Click the plus sign to expand the rate tree.
Note: If more than one next rate appears under a subscription rate, that means the rates are connected in a “rate chain”. See Creating Rate Chains to learn how to create rate chains.
Click the minus sign (-) to collapse the rate tree.
You can show All, Active or Inactive rate codes, and also narrow down your selection by choosing a specific publication, rate type, delivery method, reason, delivery schedule, or combination of criteria. Make the selections you want, and click Filter to apply them.
Some options are available on the tool bar rather than the menu. These options are described below.
Search for a rate code using a text string. If you can’t remember the name of a rate code, but you know it contains the text “DM”, for example, you can locate it by using Find. After finding a match, you can locate the next match by pressing F3. You can also press Alt-F to activate this button.
Subscription Rate Setup Wizard
Subscription Rate Increase Wizard
You can also press Alt-S to activate this button.
Refreshes the rate tree to show the most recent changes. You can also press Alt-R to activate this button.
This option is used to export account rates, modify them in Excel or other third-party program, and import the changes back into Circulation. In Graphical Setup, select Accounting | Account Rates | Exp/Imp Acct Rates.
When exporting rates, you specify the rates you wish to export, as well as the names of the files that will be created.
When importing rates, you specify the files you wish to import.
Note: The Update Descriptions checkbox can be used to update the route rate class descriptions with the descriptions contained in the imported file.
The formats of the files that are exported and imported are given in Appendix B of the Circulation User Manual.
Note: For each imported rate, the start date you have defined will be the effective date of the changes. When the records are imported back into Circulation, the old records are end-dated one day prior to the start date you defined.
The subscription rate tree has a filter function that allows you to show only the rate codes that meet certain criteria. To open the filter, click the Filter icon () on the tool bar. The filter window is shown below.
Subscription rates only. Show only certain subscription rate codes based on criteria you specify. See for more information about the filter. You can also press Alt-Q to activate this button.
Create a new rate by completing the wizard. See or for more information. You can also press Alt-W to activate this button.
Account rating is done by linking a dollar amount (a rate code) with a set of characteristics (rules) a carrier/dealer must have in order to qualify for the rate. An example of account rating rules is shown below.
Product Rule
Delivery Rule
Subscriber Rate Code Delivery Schedule Distrib Method Bonus Day Delivery
DS-Auto Mon-Fri Motor n
Route Rule
District Route Route Rate Class AAM Zone Route Draw Type Paper Count
47 Fayette County C8292 Class B City Office Pay 20
Account Rule
Account Type Age Group Contract Length Account Rate Class
Sub Youth 1 Year City Carriers
For any rule item (such as Delivery Schedule), you can define a specific entity (such as “Mon-Fri”) or designate all entities as valid (all delivery schedules). An example of account rating is if you linked a rate code (such as 20¢ per copy) to the following rules:
Account rule—Adult, 2 years, all carrier types, all carrier rate classes
Product rule—All products
Delivery rule—Mon-Sat, all distrib methods, all rate codes
Route rule—All districts, routes, route rate classes, AAM Zones, and draw types. Paper count of 40
Any account that meets these conditions would receive this rate, unless it met more selective conditions. For example, let’s say you have a rate with the same set of rules, but with a Product Rule of Tribune. A Tribune account might be eligible for both rates, but because Tribune is more selective than All products, the account would receive the Tribune rate.
When the rules involve numbers, Circulation selects the highest possible rule. For example, the paper count in the example route rule above is 40. If there were another rate with the same conditions but a paper count of 60, the rule above would match only accounts whose paper count was 40-59.
The procedure for setting up an account rate is shown and explained below.
The first step is to set up rules for all of your rating combinations (i.e., the product, delivery, route and account rules).
The next step is to set up rate codes, which specify dollar amounts for your rates.
Finally, you must link the rules with the rate codes to create the rate.
As an alternative, you can define the rating rules “on the fly” as part of the Rule Rate Link process (thereby merging steps 1 and 3).
You add new account rates by completing the Account Rate Setup Wizard. The wizard guides you step-by-step through the entire process of setting up a new rate, including the entry of all rate code information, rules, rate terms and the rule-rate link.
Select Accounting | Account Rates. The Account Rates interface is displayed.
Using the wizard is simple. The cards are arranged so that you can answer a few questions, click Next> to go to the next card, answer some more questions, and so on, until you’ve entered all of the information necessary to create the new rate. When you reach the last card of the wizard, click Create to save the new rate and end the wizard.
You can also go back to previous cards to change your entries, skip certain sections (thereby accepting the default entries on those cards), or cancel the wizard at any time. You perform these tasks by clicking the buttons described below.
Takes you back to the previous card in the wizard (e.g., to view or change a previous answer). You can also press Alt-B to activate this button.
Takes you to the next card in the wizard (when you’ve answered the questions the current card). You can also press Alt-N to activate this button.
Takes you to the next section (group of related cards) in the wizard, skipping the remaining cards in the current section and accepting the default answers for all questions on those cards. You can also press Alt-F to activate this button.
Cancels the wizard entirely. None of the information you entered will be saved.
Creates the new rate. This button appears only on the very last card of the wizard. You can also press Alt-F to activate this button.
Every time you use the wizard, you are taken through the process of creating a new rate. Depending on the rate type you specify, certain cards may or may not appear. This section describes all of the cards that may appear, in order, and provides some detail about the types of entries you can make on them. In cases where a card appears only for a certain rate type, that fact will be noted.
This card appears when you launch the wizard. Answer the questions and click Next to move through the wizard.
Is this rate a copy or period rate?
Click the appropriate radio button to identify the type of rate you are creating. You have the following choices.
Copy—This rate will be based on the cost (to the account) of a single copy of the publication.
Period—This rate will be based on the cost (to the account) of a single copy for an entire billing period. For example, if the cost of your publication is $0.30, and your bill period is weekly, the per period cost is $0.30 x 7 = $2.10.
When will this rate start?
Enter the first date on which this rate can be used.
On this screen, you enter all of the account charges and credits that apply to this rate. Fill in the fields for all charges and credits that apply. You can press F2 for lookup in any field.
What week day will this rate take effect?
Indicate the applicable day of the week.
Is this a charge or a credit?
Indicate whether it is a charge or a credit.
What rate code is valid for this day of week?
The rate code defines the amount (copy or period) that the account is charged or credited for the paper. Press F2 and select a rate code to use.
What is the value for this rate code?
Indicate the amount of the rate code that is to be charged/credited.
What charge code is valid for this day of week?
The charge code defines the description that prints on the bill and the general ledger account for distribution. Press F2 and select from the list.
On this screen, you select the product to which this rate applies. Select a product from the drop-down list, or enter “*” for all products.
On this screen, you begin entering delivery rules for this rate, starting with delivery schedule and delivery type.
What Distribution Method is this rate for?
Enter a distribution method (e.g., carrier, motor, etc.), select one from the lookup, or enter “*” for all delivery types.
What Delivery Schedule is this rate for?
Enter a delivery schedule ID, select one from the lookup, or enter “*” for all delivery schedules.
On this screen, you enter the cost of each rate term you selected in the previous screen. You’ll enter the cost for the entire term (in dollars) and, for each day of the week, the percentage of the total cost represented by that day. For example, enter “20” for Sundays if they 20% of the cost of the subscription.
What Subscriber Rate Code is this rate for?
If this rule is valid only for rating papers delivered to subscribers with a certain rate, enter the subscriber rate code here. Otherwise enter "*".
Include Bonus Day Delivery?
Indicate (“y” or “n”) whether this rule applies to bonus day rates (enter "*" if it can apply to either normal or bonus day rates).
This screen is where you select the draw types (e.g., office pay, carrier collect, etc.) for this rate. To select a draw type, highlight it in the list on the left. Then, click Add>
to move it to the list on the right. You can select multiple draw types. If you need to remove a draw type, select it from the list on the right and click <Remove
On this screen, you enter route rules for the new rate.
What Route Rate Class is this rate for?
Enter the route rate class to which this rule applies (or "*" for all). Route rate classes are used to group like-rated routes that cannot be grouped by any other criteria
What District is this rate for?
Enter the district to which this rule applies, or enter "*" for all districts.
What Route is this rate for?
Enter the route or single copy outlet to which this rule applies, or enter "*" for all routes and single copy outlets.
What AAM Zone is this rate for?
Enter the AAM Zone to which this rule applies ("*" for all).
What is the Paper Count for this rate?
Enter the minimum number of papers a distrib point must deliver to qualify for this route rule.
On this screen, you define the account rule for the new rate.
What Account Type is this rate for?
Enter the account type that this rule applies to, or enter “*” to include all account types. Leave this field set to Delivery if the account rule applies to ordinary delivery carriers (who have no account type). Account type refers to the category of non-delivery carrier (for example “agent” or “trainee”) and can be assigned to carrier/dealers during account setup.
What Age Group is this rate for?
Indicate whether adult or youth carriers qualify for this rule, or select “*” for all.
What Account Rate Class is this rate for?
Enter the account rate class that this rule applies to, or select “*” for all. Account rate classes are assigned during account setup. Click Account Rate Class if you want to set up a new rate class.
What Contract Length is this rate for?
Enter the contract length (in calendar days) an account must have to qualify for this rule. The contract start date is entered for each account in account setup. Circulation calculates contract length by subtracting the contract start date from the current billing date.
Note: This card appears only if you entered a rate code on the Enter Charges and Credits screen that does not yet exist.
To set up the new rate code that you entered on the Enter Charges and Credits screen, you must complete the fields described in table below.
What is the name of the rate code?
Enter an ID for this rate code.
What type of rate is this?
Indicates if the rate is per copy or per period. This is a read-only field whose value is carried over from the Create a New Account Rate screen.
What is the wholesale unit price?
What is the wholesale amount?
Only one of these questions will appear, depending on the rate type:
If this is a per copy rate, enter the wholesale rate per copy.
If this is a per period rate, enter the wholesale rate amount.
What is the retail unit rate?
What is the retail amount?
Note: You do not need to answer this question unless your taxes are based on retail rates. See the discussion below. Only one of these questions will appear, depending on the rate type:
If this is a per copy rate and you have a retail rate, enter the per copy amount (if necessary for tax purposes).
If this is a per period rate and you have a retail rate, enter the rate amount. Retail amounts and retail unit rates allow you to tax carrier/dealers based on a “retail rate”. For example, the amount you charge carrier/dealers may be $.25 per copy delivered. However, your state may require you to tax them at a “retail” rate of $.30. You set up both amounts here and, by using the TAX AUTHORITY SETUP option, indicate that the “retail” rate should be used for taxing purposes.
What is the description of the rate?
Enter a description of this rate code.
On this screen, you link the rate code to all of the rules you have been entering throughout the wizard. You also have the option to change the names in any of the enabled fields. Values in greyed-out fields cannot be changed.
Highlight the new rate under Account Rating Rules to view the rule names. To accept the rule names and complete the new rate, click Create.
This section describes the rate tree, the tool bar, and the tabs used to maintain account rates. Each tab is discussed in its own section, and all of the procedures you can perform on that tab (e.g., viewing information, adding, modifying, etc.) are explained there.
Use the Rule Rate Links tab to view, add, modify, copy and delete rule rate links. Rule rate links connect a rate code to specific rules for which accounts must qualify in order to receive the rate.
Note: This tab will be populated automatically if you used the Account Rate Setup Wizard to create the rate.
Icons in the left-most column indicate the date status of the rule rate links:
A green icon will appear for links with a start date “less than” today and no end date.
A yellow icon will appear for links with a start date “less than” today and an end date.
An orange icon will appear for links with a start date “greater than” today.
A red icon will appear for links with an end date “less than” today.
Add a new rule rate link.
Make changes to an existing rule rate link.
Create a new rule rate link by copying an existing one.
Delete a rule rate link that is no longer valid.
Get help related to this tab.
Return Codes
Enter return rate codes, if Return Rates is checked.
The fields on the Rule Rate Links tab are described below.
Enter the product rule to apply to this rate. If you have not defined rules, enter a rule ID in this (and the following three) fields and press F5. You can then define the rule in the window that opens.
Enter the delivery rule to apply to this rate.
Enter the route rule to apply to this rate.
Enter the account rule to apply to this rate.
Indicate whether you want to enter different codes for returns and charges for each day of the week. If you check this field, the Return Rates window appears for entry of rates and charges for each day of the week. These rates and charges will apply to returns.
Enter the date range during which this rate may be used.
Indicate if the rate type is per copy or per period.
For each day of the week, enter the rate code for the draw charge.
If this is a period rate and you do not vary charges by day of the week, enter only one draw rate code to be the rate for the whole period.
If this is a period rate and you do vary charges by day of the week (for example, if you have a higher rate for Sundays), enter the rate code for each day that is applicable—this will be the period charge for that day of the week alone. Business Rules determine if period rates vary by day of week.
The amount for the draw charge rate selected displays in this column.
For each draw rate code you have entered, enter the corresponding charge code. This code should be set up as a charge (not a credit).
For each day of the week, enter the rate code for the draw credit (if applicable).
If this is carrier collect rate, credit rate codes do not need to be entered unless carrier collect subscribers are discounted. In that case, the draw rate code should contain the full (undiscounted) amount, and the credit rate code should contain the discount amount.
If this is a period rate and you do not vary credits by day of the week, you will enter only one credit rate code.
The amount for the credit charge rate selected displays in this column.
For each credit rate code you have entered, specify the corresponding charge code for the draw credit. This code should be set up as a credit.
Use this tab to set up dollar amounts for account rates.
Use this option to specify the actual amounts to charge accounts for various rates. These amounts (called rate codes) can then be linked to a set of rules to form an account rate.
Rate codes can be defined per copy or per period.
If you choose the per copy method, you will enter the cost (to the carrier) of a single copy of the publication.
If you use the per period method, you will enter the cost of a single copy for an entire billing period. For example, if the cost of your publication was 30¢, and your bill period was weekly, the per period cost would be $.30 x 7 = $2.10
Business Rules determine whether home delivery and single copy routes are billed using per period or per copy rates. Typically, you charge single copy routes based on a per copy basis.
If a draw has a charge and a credit (as with office pay subscriptions), set up two rate codes—one for the credit and one for the charge. Enter both as positive values. Then, place them in the appropriate column (charge or credit) on the Rule Rate Link tab.
Add a new rate code.
Make changes to an existing rate code.
Create a new rate code by copying an existing one.
Delete a rate code that is no longer needed.
Get help related to this tab.
The fields on the Account Rate Code tab are described below.
open (20)
Enter an ID for this rate code.
Enter the date range during which this rate code may be used.
open (30)
Enter a description of this rate code.
Indicate if the rate is per copy or per period.
decimal (9)
If the rate type is “period”, enter the wholesale rate amount.
decimal (11)
If the rate type is “copy”, enter the wholesale rate per copy.
decimal (9)
The RETAIL AMOUNT and RETAIL UNIT RATE fields allow you to tax accounts based on a “retail” rate. For example, you may charge accounts $.25 per copy delivered. However, your state may require you to tax accounts at the “retail” rate of $.30. You set up both amounts here and, in TAX AUTHORITY SETUP, indicate that the “retail” rate should be used for taxing purposes. Note: You do not need to enter an amount in either of these fields unless taxes are based on retail rates. If the rate type is “period”, and you have a “retail” rate, enter the rate amount in this field.
decimal (11)
If the rate type is “copy”, and you have a “retail” rate, enter the per copy amount in this field (if necessary for tax purposes).
The Rules tab allows you to define and maintain account rate rules. This tab contains four sub tabs, one for each rule:
On each subtab, you select a rule to view or work with by double-clicking it.
The buttons on the Rules tab are described below.
Add a new rule.
Make changes to an existing rule.
Create a new rule by copying an existing one.
Delete a rule that is no longer used.
Get help related to this tab.
Use the Product subtab to set up product rules to use with account rates.
You can use product rules to assign account rates based on the products your carrier/dealers distribute. For example, if you have two publications, the Star and the Tribune, you can have a Star product rule and a Tribune product rule, and use these rules to set up different rates.
Fields on the Product subtab are described below.
open (12)
Enter a product rule ID.
setup (8)
Enter the product that can be used with this rule (enter “*” for all). If you have only one product, you will set up only one product rule.
Use the Delivery subtab to set up account delivery rules.
Delivery rules allow you to assign account rates based on delivery schedules or distribution methods. For example, you would have to set up three delivery rules with the following rates:
Rate 1
Rate 2
Rate 3
You can set up delivery rules with specific subscription rates, if your account rates are linked to the rates of the subscribers being delivered. For example, you may offer a promotion to carrier collect subscribers, and have a lower account rate that is linked to this subscriber promo rate (so the carriers receive the same amount for delivering the paper). You can also set up special delivery rules for “bonus day” papers. These are free papers delivered to subscribers on days outside of their delivery schedule. For example, a weekend-only subscriber may receive the paper on New Years Day, even though it falls on a Tuesday.
Set up as many rules as needed to ensure that all distribution methods and delivery schedules can be linked to rates. If, for example, rates differ by distribution method (i.e., foot carrier rates differ from motor carrier rates), enter a record for each distribution method so that each can have a separate rate.
The fields on the Delivery subtab are described below.
open (12)
Enter a delivery rule ID.
If this rule is valid only for rating papers delivered to subscribers with a certain rate, enter the subscription rate code here. Otherwise, enter “*”.
Enter the delivery schedule for this rule, such as “daily” or “Sunday”. Enter “*” for all.
predefined or setup
Enter the distribution method (any of the user-defined route types or single-copy types), or enter “*” for all.
Indicate whether this rule applies to bonus day rates (enter “*” if it can apply to either normal or bonus day rates). If carriers should not be charged or credited for delivery bonus day papers, you can set up a special bonus rate with a charge and credit of zero. Or, you could add a credit without a charge, so that the carriers are paid for delivering the bonus papers.
Use the Route subtab to create route rules.
You can use route rules to assign account rates based on district, route, rate class, AAM Zone, draw type, and paper count. For example, you would need to set up four route rules for the following rates:
Rate 1
Office Pay
Rate 2
Office Pay
Rate 3
Office Pay
Rate 4
Carrier Collect
Note: If you will generate account credits for delivery of Targeted Marketing products, you must set up an account rate and enter “TMC” in Route Draw Type.
The fields on the Route subtab are described below.
open (10)
Enter a route rule ID.
Enter the district to which this rule applies, or enter “*” for all districts.
Enter the route or single copy outlet to which this rule applies, or enter “*” for all routes and single copy outlets.
Enter the route rate class to which this rule applies (enter “*” for all). Route rate classes are used to group like-rated routes that cannot be grouped by any other criteria
Enter the AAM Zone to which this rule applies (“*” for all).
Enter the draw type (carrier collect, office pay, paid comp, unpaid comp, service, sample, single copy, TMC) or enter “*” for all. Most routes deliver different draw types. Make sure the rules cover all draw types for all routes.
integer (7)
Enter the minimum number of papers a distrib point must deliver to qualify for this route rule.
Use the Account subtab to assign rates based on the account’s rating class, account type, contract length and whether the carrier is an adult or youth. Account and rating rules can be set up independently (with this option) or while entering rule rate links.
The fields on the Account subtab are described below.
open (12)
Enter an account rule ID.
Enter the account type to which this rule applies, or enter “*” to include all account types. Note: Leave this field blank if the account rule applies to ordinary delivery carriers (who have no account type). Account type refers to the category of non-delivery account (for example, “agent” or “trainee”) and can be assigned to carriers during account setup. Enter a substitute account type if you are defining a rate for multiple substitute accounts.
Indicate whether adult or youth accounts qualify for this rule (enter “*” for all).
Enter the account to which this rule applies, or enter “*” for all. Account rate classes are assigned during account setup.
integer (5)
Enter the contract length (in calendar days) an account must have to qualify for this rule. The contract start date is entered for each account in Account setup. Circulation calculates contract length by subtracting the contract start date from the current billing date.
The Class tab is divided into two sub tabs:
The Account Rate subtab is used to set up rate classes used to group accounts for rating purposes.
The Route Rate subtab is used to set up rate classes to group single copy and home delivery routes for rating purposes.
Each subtab is described separately.
Use the Account Rate subtab to set up rate classes used to group accounts for rating purposes.
Account rate classes allow you to assign rates based on account attributes. For example, you might have a “Senior” rate class for carriers who are seniors, or a “StopNGo” rate class for Stop ‘N Go dealers.
Account rate classes are assigned to accounts during account setup, and are used in account rating as part of the Account Rule.
The fields on the Account Rate subtab are described below.
open (8)
Enter the ID of the account rate class.
open (30)
Enter a description of this account rate class.
Use the Route Rate subtab to set up rate classes used to group single copy and home delivery routes for rating purposes.
For example, you may set up the following rate class IDs:
Counter Sales
Special School Rate
Street Sales Rate
Routes are (optionally) assigned to a rate class during distribution point setup.
The fields on the Route Rate subtab are described below.
open (8)
Enter a rate class ID, which will be used in rating.
open (30)
Enter a description of this account rate class.
Use the Bonus Rate Code tab to set up account bonus rates for delivery based on the number of pieces or combined weight of the paper and inserts (if you have InsertPlus).
Note: If you do not use bonus rates, you can skip this tab.
In some cases, carriers are given a bonus credit based on the number of inserts per paper or the weight of the paper they deliver. Circulation determines the weight based on the basic copy weight of the paper plus the weight of the inserts. (The basic copy rate is recorded in Press Room Entry on the Publishing Menu). InsertPlus, another software product by Newscycle, is required in order to calculate bonuses based on insert piece or weight.
To qualify for a bonus rate, a carrier must meet a threshold of pieces or per-copy weight. For example, a rate could have a threshold of 0.3 pounds; a carrier would only qualify for the rate if he or she delivered a paper that weighed 0.3 pounds or more. After the threshold, the bonus rate can increase at an incremental level.
Further thresholds can also be defined. The diagram below shows a bonus rate with two thresholds, A and B. Carriers who qualify for threshold A will receive 25¢ plus 5¢ for every ounce of weight. Carriers who qualify for threshold B, on the other hand, will receive 50¢ plus 10¢ for every 3 ounces of weight.
For piece bonusing, the newspaper itself will count as a piece, and any inserts will be additional pieces. So, for example, a route that has 5 inserts will have 6 pieces per copy.
Note: In order to qualify for a piece or weight bonus, an insert must have a preprint type that allows for piece or weight bonusing. Also, the preprint must appear on at least one InsertPlus production report. See the InsertPlus User Manual
for more information.
Bonus rates are set up here and then incorporated into specific account rates on the Rule Rate Link tab (379). This means that, for example, carriers might be bonused for office pay inserts but not carrier collect. Returns will create reverse bonuses, if the Business Rule, Should insert bonuses be reversed for returns/draw adjustments?, is set to “yes”.
The buttons on the Bonus Rate Code tab are described below.
Add a new rate code.
Make changes to an existing rate code.
Create a new rate code by copying an existing one.
Delete a rate code that is no longer needed.
Get help related to this tab.
The fields on the Bonus Rate Code tab are described below.
open (8)
Enter a bonus rate ID.
decimal (12)
Enter the threshold that defines the minimum weight or number of pieces to qualify for this bonus. Weight is measured in pounds. The paper and each insert count as one piece.
Enter the date range during which this bonus rate can be used.
Indicate if the bonus type is weight or piece. The latter calculation is applicable only when using InsertPlus.
decimal (12)
Enter the base rate for the number of pieces or weight in the threshold. This base rate amount is per paper.
decimal (12)
Enter the increment for each piece or weight over the threshold for which an account will receive an additional bonus.
decimal (12)
Enter the dollar amount of the additional bonus per paper per increment, as controlled by the BONUS INCREMENT.
For each day of the week, enter the charge code for this bonus rate. The charge code defines the description that prints on the bill and the general ledger account for distribution. Charge codes are set up in CHARGE/CREDIT CODE.
Let’s say the newspaper bonuses home delivery carriers based on the number of pieces delivered. Accounts receive 0.05/copy for delivering one insert, and 0.02 for every additional insert.
For this bonus rate, we would need to define only one threshold:
Threshold would be 1. A carrier would have to deliver one insert (2 pieces) or more to receive the bonus.
Bonus Type would be “piece”.
Base Amount would be .03. Because the first increment amount is automatically given if the threshold is reached, the base amount is only 3 cents (.03 + the first increment of .02 = .05 for 1 insert).
Bonus Increment would be 1 (a bonus increment given for each additional piece)
Bonus Increment would be 0 (every additional insert would receive an incremental bonus).
Increment Amount would be .02 (2 cents given for every additional insert above the threshold).
The bonus rate would then be attached to the rule-rate links for all home delivery (but not single copy) carriers.
A home delivery carrier with a draw of 50 that delivers 6 inserts (7 pieces) on a day would receive the following bonus using this bonus rate:
0.03 * 50 = 1.50 base
0.02 * 6 increments * 50 = 6.00 incremental
6.00 + 2.50 = 7.50 total bonus for the day
Click the Account Rate Setup Wizard icon () on the tool bar. The wizard displays the Create a New Account Rate card.
Enter rate codes to be used for piece and weight bonus rating. Bonus rate codes are set up on the Bonus Rate Code tab. See for more information.