Once you have set up a TM product and selected a target population, the next step is to select the distribution documents that should be generated and printed when the product is processed.
The following table describes the distribution documents that can be generated for TM products.
Note: A “format” for each distribution document must be set up before the document can be used with a product. The formats consist of parameters (such as the truck sequence to use when printing bundle tops). Multiple formats can be set up for each document, and a format can be used with multiple products. See Creating New Formats for more information about formats.
3541 PO Report
The 3541 post office report in the format defined by the Post Office.
A file with selected address information that is exported to /dti/exchange/cm. It can then be imported into Admail software.
Bag Summary
A bag summary report. Format Type “BagSumm” must print after mail labels.
Bundle tops for papers distributed in bundles to carriers.
Create Draw/Credit
The Create Product Delivery Credits report lists the routes that received credit for delivering the TM product, and the number of pieces that were delivered.
File Map
A file map defined using the “TM” usage.
Insert Draw Export
A format for exporting draw information for a TM product.
Mailing labels.
MailMart Export
Mailing labels in the Mail Mart format.
A truck manifest, which tells drivers which bundles to drop and where.
Output File
A file with selected name/address information that is sent directly to /dti/exchange/cm
(which can be accessed from Unix).
Phone Number Export
A file with the phone numbers of selected occupants is exported to /dti/exchange/cm
Postal List
A list of selected names/addresses in postal route, walk-sequence order. You may also use this type for preparation of 3rd Class PO Reports.
Route List
A list of selected names/addresses in route order. Only addresses assigned to routes are included.
StormPost email message format.
TeleDirect Delete TeleDirect File
Files that are sent to /dti/exchange/cm
for the purpose of interfacing with a TeleDirect system. TeleDirect is a telemarketing software product.
The TeleDirect file is used by TeleDirect to list the names and phone numbers subscribers that should be solicited. The TeleDirect Delete file is used to remove subscribers from the list.
To use these formats, your selected audience must be subscribers to a publication—active, temp stop, or former subscribers.
Within the product list, the output formats that been selected are displayed as symbols. To see a legend that describes these symbols, right-click on one of the symbols and select Legend.
Display the TM product in the Product Detail window if it is not already displayed.
Click the Output tab.
Click Add.
Enter a format (press F2 for lookup).
Identify the print order.
Click OK.
The following example shows that bundle labels and a truck manifest will be printed when this TM product is processed.
To create a new TM product:
Click the Product Detail button () to display the Product Detail window.
Click the Add Product button ().
Complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter an ID for the TM product (must be alpha-numeric).
open (30)
Enter a description of the Targeted Marketing product.
Enter the date range during which this product can be distributed. The end date is not required when defining a new product but should be entered when the product is no longer used.
Select the type of product: Regular, Combined, or Sub-Product. Note: If you are setting up a sub-product, you need to select “Sub-Product” here, and specify the parent product in Delivery Product. You’ll also need to indicate that the sub-product allows draw changes, draw adjustments and returns, as well as entering the returns rules (Return After and Return Days).
If this is a combined product, select the components from this combo box. Enter “*” to select multiple components.
Indicate which publication should be used to determine the routes, trucks, etc. for distributing this TM product.
Indicate whether the product can have inserts.
Note: This field is active only if you have InsertPlus installed. If you select this checkbox, the Inserts tab will be available. This tab allows you to specify an insert for the product.
If ALLOW INSERTS is selected, identify the occupants to whom this product should be delivered.
Indicate whether accounts should receive credit for delivering this product. Note that you must have an account rate set up with a route rule of TM Draw and that accounts can be allowed or disallowed credits on an individual basis in Account Setup. Also, the CREATE TM DRAW checkbox must be selected during TM Processing in order to create delivery credits.
Indicate if the carrier’s bill should include detailed information or only a summary of the delivery. A detailed bill lists the credit earned for each day’s delivery, while a summary shows only the total credit earned for the product during that billing period.
decimal (7)
If applicable, enter a minimum delivery credit for the product. The minimum delivery credit is the least amount of credit a carrier who delivers this product can earn. For example, if a carrier earned 2.00 delivering a soap sample, and the minimum was 3.00, the carrier would be credited 3.00. This may be overridden at a route level, if necessary.
Indicate whether this product should be shown in Customer Service and iServices as an available product.
Indicate whether complaints for this product should be escalated.
Indicate whether complaints and shortages related to this product will be dispatched. If you select this checkbox, the Dispatch Cutoff tab will be available. This tab allows you to enter the cutoff time, in military format, for dispatching complaints and shortages for the TM product on each day of the week.
yes/no yes/no yes/no
Indicate whether draw changes, draw adjustments and returns are allowed with this TM product.
If Allow Returns? is selected, enter the number of days after the publishing date in which this deliverable can be returned and the number of days it can be returned. When entering a return, these values are added to the publish date of the return to calculated the dates on which a return is considered “authorized”.
integer (3)
Enter the number of calendar days’ history (records of the selected addresses and occupants) that should be retained for this TM product. For example, if a TM product is delivered on 7/12 and has 10 retention days, history of the 7/12 delivery will be retained until at least 7/22. TM product history is purged as part of TM Processing if Purge Selection is selected and the specified number of retention days has elapsed. The default is 999. At least 3 retention days is recommended.
A delivery placement refers to where the paper is placed at a subscriber’s residence (e.g., “door”, “mat”). Enter the delivery placement that should be used by routes delivering this TM product, or leave this field blank if there is no special delivery placement. Note that TM delivery placements can be overridden for specific routes.
Click OK to save the product.
If, in delivering TM products, route boundaries differ from your publication route boundaries, you must set up a “dummy” publication for this TM product. See for more information.
There are three basic steps to setting up a new TM product.
Create a TM product and align it with a publication.
Define selection criteria to determine who will receive the TM product.
Specify the output formats (i.e., distribution documents) that should be printed for this product. For example, you might want to print bundle tops and truck manifests, but not mail labels.
One of Circulation’s chief functions is to produce the distribution documents (bundle tops, truck manifests, mail labels, etc.) that allow publications to be delivered. Circulation can also produce distribution documents for unpaid, non-publication products known as Targeted Marketing products (a product can be a publication or a Targeted Marketing product, such as a shopper). In this chapter, “product” refers to TM products, unless specifically stated. Because there are no subscribers, the addresses to which a TM product is delivered can be selected by the newspaper based on geographical area, address or occupant demographics, or whether or not they subscribe to a given publication.
Female occupants whose homes are valued at over 250,000.00 for a fine jewelry advertisement.
Apartment dwellers who might be interested in buying a home.
College students who might be interested in receiving a subscription to your newspaper at a special rate if they sign up with MasterCard.
There are two basic steps to Targeted Marketing: setup and processing.
In setup, you define the product name and specify what addresses and/or occupants should be selected (and enter single copy TM draws, if the product will be distributed at single copy outlets). You also specify the publication whose delivery map will be used for distribution (this determines what routes will deliver the addresses) and set up the documents (such as bundle tops) that will be printed for this product.
In processing, Circulation takes the addresses selected, along with the distribution information (routes, truck sequence, mail label group, etc.) and creates the distribution documents. These documents are displayed on the window and can be printed using the normal viewing and printing procedures.
The structure of Targeted Marketing is illustrated in the following diagram.
Targeted Marketing products are delivered on routes used by publications. For example, a newspaper might have the carriers for its publication, the Tribune, deliver a shopper along with the newspaper on the last Saturday of every month.
A situation may arise, however, in which a TM product requires its own routes. For example, the newspaper might have a TM product called the Weekly, containing coupons and advertisements from local stores. The newspaper might have an entirely separate carrier force delivering this product, using different routes.
For products such as the Weekly, you need to set up a “dummy” publication (it could be named AltDeliv). This involves setting up a deliverable record, a delivery map, and routes for the product.
After the dummy publication is set up, you would set up Weekly as a product in Targeted Marketing, using the dummy publication AltDeliv as the “delivery product” for delivery information.
Typically, TM products with their own routes still select their audience based on a true publication—for example, the Weekly may go to non-subscribers of the Tribune. So the TM product Weekly would use Tribune in its selection criteria but AltDeliv as its delivery product. In order for this to work, the Tribune non-subscribers selected would need to be linked to an AltDeliv route—this is most easily done by defining the router for AltDeliv and performing rerouting.
In addition to the basic TM product setup described above, several tabs allow you to further refine the setup. These are described in the sections that follow.
Apartment buildings generally have a communal area where publications and TM products are delivered. In the case of a TM product, individual distribution depends on the whim of the occupants (who sees the product first, who decides to take a copy). For cases in which not all of the occupants will be interested in the TM product, it makes sense to leave only enough product for the certain percentage of occupants you anticipate will have interest. This is known as feathering.
Because feathering affects TM draws, you should use this option to set up any feathering on your routes.
Click on the Feathering tab.
Click Modify and complete the following fields.
The level determines how qualifying addresses are grouped before they are feathered; indicate if you want to group them based on product, route, route type, or Zip code. Select none if you want to turn feathering off.
Select random, standard, or dwelling type. The random method supplies a different set of addresses every time the product is processed, while the standard method retains the same addresses every time.The dwelling type method allows you to specify the order in which addresses should be selected. The Priority button below will become active to allow you to prioritize dwelling type selections.
Indicate if you want to perform the feathering calculation based on total supply (entered in the next field) or detail values (entered in the Feathering Detail portion of the tab).
integer (8)
If you are performing the feathering calculation based on total supply, enter the total supply here.
Package size determines how the TM draw is rounded after feathering has been performed. The draw will be rounded to the multiple entered here. For example, if 104 addresses are selected, but Package Size is set to 5, then only 100 addresses will be used. Threshold determines the point at which an additional package is added. For example, if a threshold of “3” is entered here, the previous example would actually use 103 addresses (20 packages of 5, plus one package of 3). The threshold cannot exceed the package size. Note: If you enter a total supply above, a threshold cannot be entered; the system will determine the threshold automatically.
Feathering Details:
Enter the route, product or Zip code that you would like to feather.
integer (3)
If feathering should be done by percentage, enter the feathering percentage for this feathering method. For example, if you are feathering by route, there are 50 occupants in an apartment and 90 other occupants on the route, and your percentage is 70, the draw will be 98 (140 x .7).
integer (3)
If a feathering percentage was entered, specify the maximum TM draw. For example, if feathering is 50% and the maximum quantity entered here is 100, but the selection has a draw of 300, the TM draw will only be 100 instead of 150.
integer (6)
If feathering should be done by amount, enter the quantity for the route. This will the be the TM draw quantity.
Click Add and enter feathering details. Note: Click Add+ if you are going to add multiple values and want to set default values for quicker entry.
Click OK.
The Priority button allows you to set the order in which addresses are selected for feathering, based on dwelling type. In the example below, businesses will be feathered first, followed by city government, followed by state government. If more addresses need to be feathered than what these priorities allow for, they additional addresses will be selected randomly.
Standing draw allows you to manage static draw amounts independently of TM processing. Users can choose to include standing draw by selecting the Include Standing Draw checkbox during TM processing. Static draw can be defined for home delivery routes as well as single copy outlets.
Two subtabs, Draw Detail and Draw Changes, are used to display and modify standing draw.
This tab shows all standing draw for current and future dates. The Draw History button will display the full history for one or more routes. The Draw Total allows a user to determine the total standing draw quantity for a given delivery date.
This tab allows you to add, modify and process standing draw changes. To add draw changes:
Click Add. The cursor will move to the first line of the draw change grid, in the Batch field.
Enter the standing draw for a route:
Enter a batch ID for the route’s draw change.
Specify the route which should have the standing draw (press F2 for a route lookup)
Select a source and reason code for the draw change
In Effective Date, enter the first date on which the route should receive the standing draw. Enter the last date they should receive the draw in Reversal Date. Or, if this is a permanent draw change, leave Reversal Date blank.
In Type, indicate whether the draw being entered should adjust (increase or decrease) the current draw for the route, or replace the current draw.
In Amount, enter the standing draw or draw adjustment for the route.
To enter standing draw for more routes, press Enter. Once all standing draw changes are entered, press OK.
Click the Process button. In the lower part of the screen, process fields display. Select the batch to be processed, or check All to process all current draw changes. You must also specify a processing date. Click OK to process the draw changes.
To view processed draw changes, click the Show Processed button. The Import button allows you to import draw changes (see below).
Note: Four Transaction Security items control the Standing Draw features to which users have access: TMDrawChangeAdd, TMDrawChangeMod, TMDrawChangeDel, and TM Draw ChangePro (for processing security).
An Import button on the Standing Draw | Draw Changes tab of the Product Detail window allows you to import standing draw. When you click Import, the Draw Change Import window appears.
Click Add and complete the following fields:
Enter the ID of the TM product, or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
open (8)
Specify an ID for the draw change batch that will be created.
Enter the source code for the draw change batch.
Enter a reason code for the draw change batch.
Enter the name of the file map to use for this import.
open (30)
Enter the name of the import file in the /dti/exchange/cm
Enter the date on which these draw changes will be active, or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
Enter the date on which these draw changes should be reversed, or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
Indicate whether these draw changes should adjust existing draw or replace it.
Indicate whether you want the draw changes to be processed as a part of this import.
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw changes.
The file format for the draw change import is defined via File Map (“DrawChgImprtTM
” usage). See Appendix B for the data elements that can be used with this file map usage.
Occupant and address demographics can be used as selection criteria when determining the audience of a TM product. TM processing can also update the answers of a demographic question, for all addresses or occupants selected. The demographic answer can then be used to filter subsequent processing selections for this TM product.
For example, if a TM product was used to create mail labels for new subscribers with a specific promotional offer, an address demographic could be updated to reflect the fact that the promotional offer had been sent to these addresses. The next of run of this TM product could exclude the addresses even though a new start might have otherwise qualified the household for the offer.
Click on the Demographic Update tab.
Click Add and enter the demographic and demographic answer that should be updated by the TM product. The demographic and answer must have been set up in advance. Note that only one demographic can be updated by a given TM product.
Enter another demographic, if applicable. Click OK when you have finished.
When you process the TM product, all addresses or occupants selected by the product will be assigned the answer entered for this demographic question.
The Dispatch Cutoff tab is where you enter the cutoff time, in 24-hour format, for dispatching complaints and shortages for the TM product on each day of the week. This tab will be available if the Allow Dispatching checkbox is selected for the product.
Click on the Dispatch Cutoff tab.
Click Modify and enter the dispatching cutoff times for each day of the week, in 24-hour format.
Enter a cutoff message, if desired.
Click OK.
Note: You must have InsertPlus installed to be able to use this tab.
The Inserts tab allows you to define an ad zone map for the product for each day of the week. This tab is enabled when allow inserts is selected in the Product Detail window.
Canada Post has the ability to deliver bulk products to all or a certain type of occupant (businesses, houses, etc.) serviced by a given postal installation. Newspapers can use this capability and have Canada Post deliver non-subscriber products to one or more occupant types, without having to gather address information.
Canada Post has six occupant types that might be used with a bulk drop:
Houses (residential)
Apartments (apartments only)
Business calls (businesses only)
Farmers (farmers only)
Other (all addresses not included above)
Complete Coverage (all addresses)
For example, a newspaper might wish to send a product to all houses and apartments serviced by three different postal installations. Each installation would receive the right number of bundles (placed in correctly tagged bags) along with a delivery slip indicating the product should be delivered to all houses and apartments.
Each Zip code and Zip code extension that the bulk drop will be distributed in must be set up as its own “route” in SETUP | DISTRIBUTION | ROUTE | DISTRIBUTION POINT (there is a specific for bulk drop, see Distribution Point in the Setup Manual for details). For example, Zip code S1A 2L3 would be one route, and Zip code S1A 2L5 another. The number of dwellings must be set up for each occupant type in each route.
Once the routes are defined, you can set up your TM product with a selection type of Bulk Drop. Within the Bulk Drop selection type you specify the occupant type for each postal code, PO route type and route number combination. You can check the Allow Bulk Drop field on the Bulk Drop subtab and specify the mailing office, name and address, and whether to generate a single mail summary. Contact Naviga Support for more information on producing bulk drop documents.
The History subtab is a display-only tab that lists the processing history for the TM product. This includes the selection date, delivery date, and process date and time.
The Targeted Marketing module lets users create TM products, define criteria for choosing a target population, and produce documents for distribution.
Topics covered in this section are as listed below:
Ad zone maps are defined in Deliverable Map setup (see in the Setup Manual).
The iServices Campaign module has a browser-based interface that allows authorized Circulation users to record starts, reject reasons, and follow-up requests resulting from canvassing-based sales campaigns, which are set up and managed in Targeted Marketing. Starts become normal Circulation start transactions. Reject reasons and follow-up requests are stored as demographic answers attached to user-defined address or occupant demographic questions.
Campaigns are also used to start subscriptions, create billing changes, and generate other transactions based on a third party application, iServices Subscriber, or a Circulation process. For example, the Digital Paymeter sends starts via the Circulation API using a campaign code, which then determines the delivery schedule, billing method, and many other details of the start. By using a campaign, the third party application does not have to send as many details when interfacing a start.
Targeted Marketing Setup and Processing are used to define the audience for the campaign and select the related addresses. The Canvass Board is used to split the selected address set into lists to be assigned to canvassers working the campaign. iServices Campaign provides an easy-to-use interface to record the results of the canvassing by selecting a canvass board and recording the acquired responses with just a few clicks or keystrokes for each address.
Here is an overview of Campaign setup and processing:
Campaigns must first be set up using the Campaign option in Graphical Setup. Use this option to define a campaign, including its campaign ID, start and dates, and other details.
Two fields in TM Processing, Campaign and Week, allow you to identify a targeted marketing process as part of a specific campaign. The Targeted Marketing export file includes fields to capture this information: CampaignCode, CanvassCodeNumber, AddressID, and OccupantID.
Targeted Marketing allows you to view the addresses selected by TM processing and assign sub-sets of those addresses to specific canvassers (i.e., using canvass codes).
A section of iServices Business Rules, Campaign, controls aspects of the iServices Campaign module. These Business Rules can be set at the Business, Company or Publication level.
Should Route be available for entry when entering a campaign start? If this Business Rule is set to “yes”, users will be able to enter a default route on the Canvass Board Selection page. It will be followed by an Allow Override? checkbox which, if selected, will cause an additional column to appear for the entry of a different route.
Should AAM Zone be available for entry when entering a campaign start? If this Business Rule is set to “yes”, users will be able to enter a default AAM zone on the Canvass Board Selection page. It will be followed by an Allow Override? checkbox which, if selected, will cause an additional column to appear for the entry of a different AAM zone.
Should Rate Code be available for entry when entering a campaign start? This Business Rule allows users to specify the rate code when entering new starts in the iServices Campaign module. If it is set to “yes”, a Rate Code field will appear on the Canvass Board Selection page, populated with the campaign’s rate. It will be followed by an Allow Override? checkbox which, if selected, will cause an additional column to appear for the entry of a new rate code.
Should all starts entered through the iServices Campaign module be created as suspended starts? If you set this Business Rule to “yes”, every start that is entered through the Campaign module will create a suspended start transaction. If you set it to “no”, Circulation will create a suspended start only if a new start cannot be created for some reason.
Should a start be allowed when a subscription to the same product is already being received? This Business Rule enables you to disallow campaign starts for occupants who already have an active or pending start (by setting it to “no”.)
When is a resident’s phone number required to be entered on the canvass board processing page? This Business Rule determines if the customer’s phone number is required Always, Never, or only when adding a Start.
For how many days after a campaign’s end date, should it be available for selection? This Business Rule determines how far back the campaign date entered in the campaign selection can be. It is used to limit the amount of campaign information sent to the HTML user interface layer (i.e., by skipping older, end-dated campaigns).
What is the task group for tasks entered through the iServices Campaign module? This Business Rule allows you to define the Task Group that will be associated with tasks entered in iServices Campaign.
If TM processing or Setup is interrupted for some reason (for example, if the terminal is turned off), Circulation will not allow further processing or setup of the product until the interrupted activity is undone. Select this option to reset the product so that it can be processed again or setup can continue. You can also undo a TM Processing that has completed—in that case the entire processing run will be undone, including TM delivery credits.
Note: A TM processing cannot be undone if the delivery credits for that run have been billed. Unbilled account delivery credits will be removed as part of the undo.
Click the Undo Processing button () to display the Undo Processing window.
Click Add and select the Product to be undone. If you are undoing a finished run, a warning will appear; click OK to proceed.
Click Continue to complete the procedure. Circulation will undo any setup or processing data created by the TM processing.
Use the Copy option to copy a product’s selection set for use by another product. For example, you might have a selection already set up for a pet store. If an obedience training school would like you to deliver their flyers, you could copy the selection set from the pet store product to the obedience school product. The product you are copying to must be a new product (i.e., has not been set up previously).
Click the Copy Product button () on the Product Detail window.
In the Product field, enter the product to copy from.
Click OK. The Product Detail window will be populated with all of the information for this product.
Enter a product ID, description, start date, and delivery publication for the new TM product.
Change any other information as necessary for the new product.
Click OK to complete the procedure.
Targeted Marketing distribution documents have some parameters that must be specified before they can be generated for a specific product. For example, you must specify the departure order for truck manifests (this determines what order the manifests print in). You enter these parameters (or “formats”) in the Format Set window. You can have multiple formats for each type of document, and multiple products can use the same format.
Click the Format Setup button () to display the Format Set window.
Click Add to launch the Format Setup Wizard.
Complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter an ID for the new format.
open (60)
Enter a description for this format. Include the document type in your descriptions so that you can see this information on the window when you press F2 at a format field for a new TM product.
Enter the type of document (such as “bundle top”) that you are defining with this format. After you enter this field, a window will open with the parameters that must be specified.
Click Next. A new card will appear for entry of detailed information. The fields in this card will vary depending on the type of document you are adding (an example of the Bundle Top Parameters card is shown below).
Continue to click Next and enter information until you reach the end of the Format Setup Wizard. Click Finish when you’ve completed the last page.
The following tables describe the parameters that must be entered for the different document types (no parameters need to be entered for the Bag Summary, Create Draw/Credit Report or the Insert Draw Export).
Indicate whether subscribers should display on the PO Report as separate totals.
Enter the file name for the Admail export.
Indicate whether bundle labels should print in ascending or descending truck departure sequence.
Indicate whether bundle labels should print in ascending or descending order drop order within each truck.
Enter the truck departure sequence to use when printing labels. This is the order in which the trucks leave the dock.
Enter the truck sequence to use when printing labels. The truck sequence determines which routes are dropped by which trucks and in what order.
Indicate if the bundle tops should print for key bundles only (always), for all bundles (never), or print based on the setup of the individual route (route). A key bundle is an odd-sized bundle that is added to the standard bundle to make the correct draw.
Enter the number of copies of this Targeted Marketing product in a standard size bundle.
Enter the maximum bundle size for this product.
Enter the minimum bundle size for this product.
Indicate whether start, stop, or complaint messages should print on the bundle top.
Indicate whether a route delivery list should print on the bundle top.
If you have InsertPlus, indicate whether the ad zone (a geographical area used when selling inserts) should print on the bundle top.
TM bundle tops currently cannot print the insert mix or insert list
Indicate whether bundle labels should print in ascending or descending truck departure sequence.
Indicate whether bundle labels should print in ascending or descending order drop order within each truck.
Enter the truck departure sequence to use when printing labels. This is the order in which the trucks leave the dock.
Enter the truck sequence to use when printing labels. The truck sequence determines which routes are dropped by which trucks and in what order.
BURT has an “ad zone” field. Indicate whether the route’s truck, Zip code or ad zone should be exported in the ad zone field. Ad zone is a valid option only if you have InsertPlus.
The BURT system uses the concept of a routing schedule (or “delivery schedule”) to identify how the inserting should be carried out on a given day of the week. Potentially, seven different routing schedules could be used. For example, the same departure sequence and truck sequence might be used for the Times on Tuesday and Wednesday but, in certain cases, two Circulation “trucks” might be loaded onto the same physical truck on Tuesday. To differentiate the load arrangements, Tuesday and Wednesday could be assigned separate routing schedules In this field, enter the routing schedule for the export date (for example “TMSSAT” for “Times Saturday”).
BURT has a Product Type field, which indicates whether a route is shipped complete or in parts that are assembled outside of the mail room. In these two fields, indicate whether your home delivery routes and single copy routes leave the mail room as completes or parts.
Indicate which file map (usage of “TM”) to use.
Enter the name of the file to be created.
Indicate whether this file should be appended or replaced.
Indicate whether PostWare Presort and Label software should be used to sort the mail labels. When using PostWare, labels may be sorted in Periodical or Standard A order. Use PostWare to achieve the best postal discounts on your mailing.
If you are using PostWare, enter the number of days that information about a mailing should be retained.
If you are not using PostWare, indicate if labels should print in route order (by home delivery carrier, then walk sequence); Periodical (by Periodical class postal order); Standard A (by Standard A class postal order); or Zip code order. Note that if you are using a bag summary, labels must print in “Standard A” order.
If you are sorting mail in Standard A order, indicate if postal route delivery sequence information is required.
Indicate if the labels should print horizontally or vertically on the page. Enter “vertical” if you want labels to print vertically; that is, the first three labels would print down the page; the next three labels would print down the page alongside the first three, and so on. Across the top of the page you would find Label 1, Label 4, Label 7.
Indicate whether addresses should print in ascending or descending order. This is usually determined by the requirements of the label machine that applies the labels.
Enter the number of lines per page.
Enter the number of printable lines per label.
Enter the number of labels across the page. If your Label Print Order is “Periodical” or “Standard A” class and you enter a Walk Sequence Indicator, it will be displayed on the first line of the mail label; for example, “**ECRLOT C002”. Circulation does not, however, verify that the mailing qualifies for a walk sequence discount.
Enter the maximum number of printable characters that can print across the label.
Indicate the starting column number for each label across the page.
Indicate whether Targeted Marketing bag tags should be produced where there is a change in the label sacks, based on the sorting.
Indicate which walk sequence identifier should display on the first line of the mail label: ECRLOT (line of travel), ECRWSH (high density), ECRWSS (saturation), WS (generic walk sequence) or none.
Enter the default occupant name to be printed on the label if a name is not related to an address.
Indicate what should print in the Occupant Name fields: name when known (occupant name prints unless unknown; if unknown, the default will print); combine name/default (occupant name and default name both print) or default only (only default prints). An entry in this field is required.
* These fields are not active if you are using PostWare.
Enter the file name for the MailMart export.
Indicate whether truck manifests should print in ascending or descending truck departure sequence. If using the labels format to print for a specific company, you may use a company specific name as the default. For example, if printing mail labels for “KMart”, the default could be “Friends of KMart”.
Indicate whether the truck manifest should print in ascending or descending drop order within each truck.
Enter the truck departure sequence to use in printing the manifests. This is the order in which the trucks leave the dock.
Enter the truck sequence to use in printing the manifests. The truck sequence determines what routes are dropped by what trucks and in what order.
Indicate if the bundle tops should print for key bundles only (always), for all bundles (never), or print based on the setup of the individual route (route). This information is used to determine the number of “wraps” (bundle tops) total that prints on the manifest for each truck.
Indicate whether product-level overrides, or the route values, are used for bulk. Select Yes (override to Yes at the product level) No (override to No at the product level) , or Route values (no override at the product level).
Indicate whether product-level overrides, or the route values, are used for key bundles. Select Yes (override to Yes at the product level) No (override to No at the product level) , or Route values (no override at the product level).
Indicate whether an export file should be created.
Optionally, specify a publishing group that has TM products. If you select a publishing group, the TM manifest will include products for all of the TM products in the group.
Enter the number of copies of this TM product in a standard size bundle.
Enter the maximum bundle size for this product. Bundle sizes are required because you could print manifests but no bundles—the truck manifest lists the bundle sizes for each drop. If you are printing both bundle tops and manifests, be sure the bundle information is the same for both.
Enter the minimum bundle size for this product.
This field is not used with truck manifests.
If you have InsertPlus, indicate whether ad zones and insert mixes should print on the manifest.
This field is not used with truck manifests.
Enter the output file name.
Enter the output file name. Phone numbers will be exported to this file (one phone number per line).
Enter the type of phone numbers that should be exported. For example, if you enter “Home” here, only home phone numbers will be exported.
Indicate how much of the Zip code should be used in determining the sort order for the postal list: three digits, five digits, or the complete Zip code.
Indicate the primary sort order for the route list: route, truck, census tract, or Zip code.
Indicate whether the route list should print in the primary sort order in ascending or descending order.
Indicate whether the secondary sort order should be newspaper route delivery sequence order, address order, or postal walk sequence order.
Enter the truck sequence to use when generating the list (the list includes the truck and drop order of the route).
Select this checkbox to include phone numbers in the list. Otherwise, de-select it.
This is a hard-coded value that will vary by company.
This is a hard-coded value that will vary by company.
Enter the LIST-ID from StormPost.
Enter the TEMPLATE-ID from StormPost.
Enter the title of the mailing in the StormPost system.
Enter the reply-to mask name that will be displayed when a user replies to the email message.
Enter the reply-to email address that will be displayed when a user replies to the email message.
Enter the name that will be displayed in the “From” column of the users’ email applications.
Enter your StormPost user name.
Enter your StormPost password.
Enter a file name for the TeleDirect file (or TeleDirect Delete file).
The selection criteria associated with the TM product determine who will receive the product. There are three components to a selection:
The selection type, which is the entity used for selection (such as demographic, Zip code, dwelling type, etc.).
The include, exclude, or ignore factor, which determines whether the selection type should be included or excluded from the selection, or ignored. If the target population is a smaller, less diverse group, it is better to select by including selection types. If the targeted population is large and diverse, however, it may be easier to narrow down the selection by excluding. If a selection type is irrelevant to your targeted group, you can ignore it.
The selection details, which are the specific values within the entity that should be selected. For example, if the selection type is “City”, the selection values could be “Minneapolis”. For selection types that are included, you can click the selection detail icon () to view the selection values.
Note: When a TM product’s selection set includes multiple criteria, the address/occupant records must match all criteria to be selected. For example, if your selection set includes “females” with “incomes over 200000” in “Zip code 55599”, only records that match all three of these criteria will be selected.
To define selection criteria:
Display the TM product in the Product Detail window if it is not already displayed.
On the Selection tab, identify the selection criteria for this product:
For each selection type, indicate whether you want to Include, Exclude, or Ignore that selection by clicking the appropriate radio button. The following table describes the valid selection types.
If you select Include or Exclude, a Selection Detail pop-up window will appear. Click Add and enter selection criteria. Press F2 for a lookup. For some selection types, an Add+ button is available to enter a search string and multi-select values.
Click OK when you have finished.
The example selection detail depicted below shows that City, Credit Status, Phone Number, and Global Parameters have been set up for selection. Everything else is ignored.
The following table describes the possible selection types.
Ad Zone
Ad zones; can be selected only if InsertPlus is installed
Any valid ad zone. Note that the ad zone must be linked to the TM product directly, and the TM product must be assigned the correct ad zone map (in Deliverable Setup).
Demographic (Address)
A demographic attached to an address (such as “value of house”)
A particular demographic
A specific value or range of values, such as “70,000 - 100,000”, for a house value demographic
Census Tract
A census tract, such as “00121.00000”
A particular census tract
The Census Block, such as “12” that should be selected
A city, such as “Maplewood”
Any valid city.
A country, such as “US” or “CA”
Any valid country
A county, such as “Ramsey”
Any valid county
Distance From
Radius around an address
Number of miles around any valid address, such as 5 miles within a shopping center. If you have implemented mapping using Placebase PushPin, you can also map the results in a browser window.
Dwelling Status
A dwelling status, such as “occupied”
Any valid dwelling status. Note that dwelling status will automatically be a parameter in the selection, if not defined. All dwelling statuses set up to receive TM will be included
Dwelling Type
A dwelling type, such as “house”
Any valid dwelling type
Previous Selection
Whether the address was selected previously
Specific TM product and date range
Any valid TM product and date range.
A route, such as “09”
Any route
A state, such as “MN” for Minnesota
Any state
Town of 25
A Town of 25, such as “Abbey”
Any Town of 25
A truck sequence and truck
Any truck sequence and truck (e.g., truck sequence DAILYDM and truck M10B)
Zip Code
A Zip Code, such as “55119”
A particular Zip code
The specific PO Route for the zip code(s) entered; for example “Rural Route 4”
A newsletter or alert
Any communication item (newsletter or alert). Subscribers opted into the alert will be included (or excluded) from selection. With each communication item selected, a contact method (address, e-mail, phone) must be specified
Credit Status
A credit status, such as “OK” or “Bad”
Any valid credit status. If you maintain credit statuses at a publication level, you must also specify one or more publications (only subscribers that have the credit status for these publications will be selected).
Do Not Call
Flagged for do not call (typically excluded)
A particular area code
Federal or state Do Not Call list
Demographic (Occupant)
A demographic attached to an occupant, such as “number of children” or “gender”.
A particular demographic
A specific value or range of values, such as “male” and “female” for the gender demographic
A phone number type or Do Not Call list setting
Any phone number type or any Do Not Call list (not both). You must also specify an area code, or enter “*” to include all area codes. Phone numbers within the area code having the phone number type or flagged for the Do Not Call list will be selected. DNC list numbers are typically excluded from a TM selection.
An occupant type, such as “regular” or “student”
Any occupant type
Solicitation Code
A solicitation code, such as “nophone”
Any solicitation code. For example, you could assign a “nophone” solicitation code to all occupants who request not to be called, and exclude this code from the TM selection.
Day Pass
A day pass usage
A particular publication
Term Subscription
A publication, such as “Tribune”
A particular publication
Demographic (Subscription)
A subscription demographic
Any subscription demographic that has been set up (e.g., “Nonprofit”)
Bulk Drop
This is used only when selecting addresses for Canadian bulk drop
Zip code and PO Route information, and y/n flags for each bulk drop type
Global Parameters
A collection of various address and occupant parameters
You can modify the default Global Parameters (see below).
Global selection parameters are useful for setting some general guidelines for your selection. The values for this selection type are defaulted, but can be changed. The table below shows possible values for global selection parameters.
Address Only Once in Selection
An address should only be considered once in the TM selection process. For example, more than one occupant may be linked to one address, but you want to limit your product distribution to one product per address, rather than one per occupant.
Each occupant should be selected if all other selection criteria are met.
Address With No Occupant
Addresses can be selected during TM processing without regard to occupants; for example, if an address meets all of your selection criteria, it can be selected whether or not an occupant is associated with it. Note: if Occupant Type is a selection parameter, addresses without an occupant will still be selected, if this field is set to “*” or “Yes”.
Only addresses without occupants should be selected.
Only addresses with one or more occupants should be selected. Note: if a selection has a Publication parameter and the subscriber types do not include “Never Subscribed”, ADDRESS WITH NO OCCUPANT will automatically be set to “no”.
Mail Accessible Status
Addresses can be selected without regard to whether the address is mail accessible (defined in the address record).
Only addresses that are mail accessible should be selected.
Only addresses that are not mail accessible should be selected.
Postal Walk Addresses Only
Only addresses that have postal walk sequences will be selected.
Addresses will be selected without regard to postal walk sequence.
Test First Occupant Only
This parameter affects households with more than one occupant. If you select “yes” and the first occupant identified (i.e., the occupant with the most recently added occupant/address combination) fails the test, then the address will be skipped. Note: Setup of the Exclusion Level field in Term Subscription selection (below) will affect the behavior of this selection parameter.
If you select “no”, the system will continue to test the remaining occupants at that address until a qualifying occupant is found or until it is determined that no occupant qualifies. Note: “Test First Occupant Only” applies only to address/occupant-based selections and does not affect tests that use subscriber-based criteria.
Occupants With Email Address
Select “yes” to include only occupants with an email address on file.
Select “no” to exclude occupants with an email address on file.
Select “either” to include occupants with or without an email address on file.
Search with Primary Address
If occupants have multiple delivery addresses, search only with the primary address.
If occupants have multiple delivery addresses, search only non-primary addresses.
Occupants can be searched using any address.
Include Digital Address
Digital Sales addresses will be selected.
Digital Sales addresses will be skipped.
Day pass selection allows you to specify the publications, editions, date range and other criteria for selecting day pass subscribers. See Day Pass for more information about day passes.
The day pass selection criteria are listed in the table below. If you add multiple records, a subscriber qualifying for any of the day pass selection records will be selected (if they also qualify for the other selection types).
Select the product whose day pass subscribers should be selected.
If only day pass subscribers with a certain edition should be selected, specify the edition here. Otherwise select “*”.
If only day pass subscribers with a certain rate code should be selected, specify the rate code here. Otherwise select “*”.
Specify whether day pass or day pass bundle subscribers should be selected, or choose “*” to include both.
Specify the date range for selecting day pass subscribers. Only subscribers with day pass usage within this date range will be selected. Both dates are required.
integer (8)
Specify the usage range for selecting day pass subscribers. The minimum value is 1 (one usage within the date range). For example, if selecting day pass subscribers for a date range of a year, you might enter 1-365 as your range.
Term Subscription selection allows you to identify a variety of criteria related to publications. You can identify one or more subscriber types, billing methods, rate codes, delivery schedules, or editions for selection. In addition, you can:
Select based on subscribers’ last starts and stops. For example, you could select all active, bank draft auto pay subscribers whose last start was a promotion during a specified date range.
Select based on subscribers’ digital access. For example, you could select subscribers who accessed their digital product between one and ten times between January 1 and June 30.
Note: Term Subscription selection will not select day pass subscribers (they must be selected using Day Pass selection).
The Exclusion Level field allows you to define the selection behavior for each subscriber type when the term subscription selections are set to “Exclude” or “Never.” The exclusion levels work as follows:
Address—If this level is selected, the address will fail if one match is found on the selection.
Occupant—If this level is selected, only the occupant will fail if one match is found on the selection. The logic will continue to test other occupants at the address. If one is found that does not fail the tests, the address will qualify with that occupant.
Occupant+—This selection is valid for a never-subscribed status only. It indicates that a selection must pass the “Occupant” exclusion level test (the occupant can not have had a subscription to the defined publication), and no other active subscription exists at the address. In other words, as long as an occupant who has never subscribed to the defined publication is found at the address, and no other occupant is currently subscribing to the defined publication at that address, then the selection will be valid.
Note: Selections in the Exclusion Level field will also affect the Test First Occupant Only selection (when that option is in use).
The Product Selection Summary is a report of all the selection criteria and formats set up for a TM product. It can be used to verify that the product was set up correctly.
Click the Selection Summary button () to display the Product Selection Summary window.
Click Add.
Select a product.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
Once a TM product has been set up, use this option to process it. Draw will be calculated based on the addresses selected, and distribution documents such as bundle tops will be generated.
Note: If you are selecting a target audience based on whether they subscribe to a publication, it is a good idea to run Transaction Processing for the publication and publishing day before processing the TM product.
Click the Process button () to display the TM Processing window.
Click Add and enter the processing information. You can choose to process the selection, print distribution documents, or both. If you do not process the selection, the distribution documents will reflect the last selection set processed for that product.
Click OK.
Click Continue to begin processing. The reports and distribution documents will be displayed one after another. The standard viewing and printing options are available.
Circulation can track outbound subscriber and non-subscriber contacts, with an option to display the source documents associated with them. For example, you may wish to send a “welcome to the neighborhood” letter to new residents, inviting them to sign up for a subscription. This letter is considered a contact. Information about it, as well as the document itself (if available), will be available in Customer Service when viewing the occupant or address record. If a customer calls in, you will know that she received the welcome letter, and you’ll be able to view the document she received.
To create contacts, select the Create Contacts check box. The Contact Information window appears.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Draw changes for sample, service, or third-party copies can be created as part of TM Processing. The TM draw calculated for each home delivery route will adjust or replace the current sample, service, or third-party draw. For example, if non-subscribers were selected for product “Trib”, and Trib route 51A has 44 non-subscribers, a sample draw change of 44 will be created for the route. Note that TM feathering can be used to adjust the selection; for example, you may want to give sample copies to only 10% of the addresses selected.
Select the Create Route Draw check box. The Draw Change Information window appears.
Complete the following fields.
When the TM product is processed, the draw change batch will be created. The batch will be accepted automatically (it will not be suspended), and the draw change transactions will be processed when Transaction Processing is run for that date. TM documents, such as route lists, can then be given to carriers to help them deliver the copies.
Businesses can sponsor newspaper delivery to non-subscribers for selected dates or time periods. These papers are categorized as “third-party sponsored sales” and are considered paid circulation by AAM. In Targeted Marketing, you can create third-party route draw for a selected date, or individual third-party sponsored subscriptions for selected non-subscribers. You can create either route draw or subscriptions for third-party sales, but not both.
If you selected the Create Subscriptions check box in the TM Processing window, the Subscription Information window will appear.
In this window, you enter details about the new start transactions that will be created for the selected non-subscribers. The following describes the fields in this window.
A Business Rule— What is the reason code used for stopping third party sponsored subscriptions?, must be answered before using this feature. This question determines the reason code associated with the expiration of third-party subscriptions. It is in the Customer Services section.
The TM Processing Information report includes a count of the number of subscriptions created.
If a problem is encountered with a selected occupant during processing (for example, the occupant is already a subscriber), the occupant is skipped and a message is sent to the log file.
After creating subscriptions, you can use the Start Audit report (Reports | Audit-Transaction | Start) to view a list of new subscribers created.
If you want to undo the start subscriptions created by Targeted Marketing, use the Undo option (Options | Targeted Marketing | Undo) before the transactions have been processed. Transactions cannot be undone after they are processed.
If you wish to export draw for a TM product, the export is done as part of TM processing:
Set up the TM product in the standard way.
Define a format with a type of Insert Draw Export and assign it to the TM product.
Process the TM product. TM draw figures for the product and run date will be exported to /dti/exchange/cm
. The file name will be <TMProduct><Month><Day><Year>TM
. For example, if the TM product “Shopper” was processed on 10/15/10, the file name would be Shopper101510TM. The file format is the same as for the publication draw export.
Note: Only subscribers selected for the TM product will be included in the draw figures exported.
The iServices Campaign module is accessed through a web browser at the following URL:
http://[server]/cgi-bin/[script name]/campaign/web/login.html.
The Login page appears first. Enter your Circulation user ID and password, and click Login.
You must have an iServices environment to be able to use the iServices Campaign module. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for assistance.
Access to this module is controlled by the Web Campaign security item in Transaction Security Setup.
The login instructions shown on this page are set up in a web text section called Campaign. Select Setup | Blurb | Blurb Text | Section | Campaign
to set up this text.
The Campaign Selection page appears next. On this page, you identify the campaign by selecting the publication, entering the campaign date, and selecting the campaign description. Click Continue to proceed.
The Canvass Board Selection page appears next. On this page, you identify the canvass board by selecting the week number, canvass board, canvasser, and default start date. Also enter the default route, AAM zone, and merchandise code if Business Rules allow it. Select the Allow Override? checkbox if you want to be able to enter a value that differs from the default value. Click Continue to proceed.
The addresses that match the selected campaign and canvass board criteria are displayed on the Canvass Board Processing page. This page is where you enter actions for selected addresses, such as “start”, “reject”, “follow up”, and “no action”.
“Start” will create a new start transaction for the customer. “Follow up” and “Reject” will create a demographic answer describing the action; it will be associated with the product/address record.
To add actions, click the Edit button to enable the fields for input. Depending on the address you select, other fields may also become active. Click Submit to save your actions. A summary of your actions is displayed in the top portion of the page and will be updated every time you click Submit. You can return to the previous selection pages by clicking the Edit Campaign and Edit Canvass Board buttons.
If you modify an occupant’s name, you will be asked if this change is an update. If you click OK, the occupant record will be updated. If you click Cancel, a new occupant will be entered into the system.
A name is required for all actions except “reject” and “no action”.
To make canvass board assignments:
From the Product List window, highlight the product with which you want to make canvass board assignments.
Click the Product Detail button () to display the Product Detail window.
Click the Canvass Board button () to display the canvass board.
In the Campaigns panel, double-click on the campaign date for which you want to make assignments. A message will display the number of addresses for this campaign week as well as the number assigned. Click OK.
In the Selection panel, select a route and click Get Addresses. The TM selections for this campaign and week appear.
The addresses that have not been assigned a canvass code appear in the list on the top of the window. Addresses that already have a canvass code appear in the list beneath.
Select the address(es) you want to assign. You can do this in the following ways:
Click on an individual row.
Ctrl-click to select multiple non-adjacent rows.
Shift-click to select multiple adjacent rows.
In the Assignment panel, enter a number of addresses to select in Row Count and click the Select Rows button. For example, if you enter “5” and click Select Rows, 5 rows will be selected starting from the first highlighted row in the list.
Assign a canvass code to the selected addresses. You can:
Enter a Canvass Code (in the Assignment panel) and click the Assign button, or
Click the Assign button without entering a canvass code to have the system assign a canvass code for you.
Select the address or addresses to be unassigned from the list at the bottom of the window.
In the Canvass Code field in the Re-Assignment panel, type the address’ current code.
Click the Unassign button. The address will appear in the list of unassigned addresses the next time you click Get Data.
Select the address or addresses to be reassigned from the list at the bottom of the window.
In the Canvass Code field in the Re-Assignment panel, type the new code you want to assign to the address. It can be an existing code or a new code.
Click the Reassign button. The address will appear under the new canvass code.
Note: You can unassign or reassign all address with a specific code by selecting the code, rather than addresses, before clicking the Reassign or Unassign buttons.
If you have set up internet-based mapping, you can view a map of campaign results from the Canvass Board. After retrieving addresses for a campaign and week, click the Map Campaign Results button to view the results in a map.
Name, address, phone, status and details information is shown in a list under the map. If you want to center the map on an address, click the corresponding Marker link. The zoom tools allow you to zoom the address in or out.
A campaign must be set up before you can use it within Targeted Marketing. Campaigns have two tiers: parents and children. Multiple source, reason and rate codes can be tied to a single campaign code through the use of parent campaign IDs. This allows a campaign to be defined with multiple sales channels (i.e., by using children campaigns).
From the Product List in Targeted Marketing, click the Campaign Setup icon () to view a list of the currently set up campaigns. Parent campaigns are shown in the initial list. Click the +
symbol to view any child campaigns associated with a parent.
Enter the Parent Campaign Code and the date range.
Click Next.
Enter the number of Forecasted Responses and the Number Solicited.
Click OK. The new parent campaign code appears in the list.
Enter the Campaign Code, Start Date and End Date.
Click Next.
Complete the remainder of the fields described below.
Click the Scripts button to enter a campaign and/or confirmation script. This script will be used differently depending on the usage selected in the Allowable Usage field. For example, a Customer Service associate may have this text displayed on the window for reading to a customer over the phone, while in iServices, this text may be displayed as a confirmation message to the customer.
For iServices Zip code-based campaigns, the text in this field will appear below the image specified in the Image URL field. See the image below. Any valid HTML can be used in this script (e.g., font, color, image). You must include at least an image URL or a campaign script. Do not leave both of these fields blank.
Click OK to save the campaign information.
You can select day pass subscribers by edition, rate code, day pass type (day pass or bundle), usage date range and number of day passes used. See for more information.
You can identify one or more subscription types, billing methods, rate codes, delivery schedules, or editions for selection. In addition, you can select based on subscribers’ last starts and stops. See for more information.
Click the Add Campaign Parent Setup button () on the main button bar (top of the window).
Click the Add Campaign Setup button () in the lower pane of the window to begin setting up a new campaign.
Enter the date on which the document will be delivered.
Enter the contact type. Contact types must be set up in advance. See Contact Type in the Setup manual.
Enter the source code for these contact records.
Enter the contact reason. Contact reasons are associated with documents. Both must be set up previously. See Contact Reason and Documents in the Setup manual
open (10)
Enter a batch ID of the draw adjustment batch that will be created.
Enter a source and reason code for the draw changes.
Indicate whether draw changes should be made to service, sample, or third party draw. Service copies replace damaged papers, while sample copies are handed out by carriers to nonsubscribers. Third-party draw is business-sponsored delivery to non-subscribers. Note: You can create third-party draw or third-party subscriptions, but not both. See Creating Third-Party Subscriptions with Targeted Marketing for more information.
Indicate whether the TM draw for each route should adjust or replace the service or sample draw. For example, if TM Processing selects 10 for a route, and “sample” is entered in DRAW TYPE, this field will determine whether 10 copies should be added to the route’s current sample draw (“adjust”), or whether 10 should be the new sample draw (“replace”).
Because draw is stored by delivery schedule, you must identify the delivery schedule for which the draw changes should be made.
Enter the first date on which the draw changes should take effect.
Enter the date on which the draw changes should be reversed, or leave this field blank if the draws should be change indefinitely. Note: You must enter a reversal date if the draw type is “third party”.
Enter the delivery schedule for these new starts. The delivery schedule describes the days of the week on which the paper is delivered (for example, “daily” or “Sunday only”).
Enter the first date on which third-party subscribers should receive the paper.
Enter the source of the new start transactions, such as “3rdParty”. Note: Source codes must be set up in advance. You may want to set up a source code for each business that sponsors third-party sales, such as “Walgreens” and “Kmart”. Alternatively, you could set up a source code of “3rdParty” and a sub-source (see below) for each sponsoring business.
If this field is active, enter a more specific source. For example, if the source is “third party sales”, a subsource might be the name of the business sponsoring these new subscriptions.
Enter the reason code for the new subscriptions. Note: To help identify TM new starts, you may want to set up a reason code to use exclusively for them.
Enter the date on which the new subscriptions will expire.
This field defaults to “Third Party”, but it can also be blank or any valid AAM column. If the AAM column is “Third Party” or blank, the subscription will be assigned the normal AAM column for its subscription type and zone. If the subscription needs to be isolated from its normal AAM column, enter a value other than “Third Party”.
Enter the default AAM zone for these subscribers. This value will be used only if an AAM zone for the subscriber’s address is not found or cannot be determined by the router.
yes/no open
If an occupant is not found at this address, an occupant record will be created if you select this checkbox. Enter a default last name for the occupant, such as “resident”.
open (8)
Enter a campaign code.
Enter the first date on which this campaign is active.
Enter the last date on which this campaign is active.
Enter the parent campaign code for this campaign.
Select the product to which this campaign applies.
open (30)
Enter a description of this campaign.
The campaign can be carried out through a number of different means, such as Customer Service associates, door-to-door canvassers, or on the web. Campaigns can also be used to define additional renewal offers for subscribers. Your options in this field are iServices, Advertising, Canvassing, Renewals, or Other. Note: When defining a campaign for use by the Digital Paymeter, the Allowable Usage should be “Advertising” or “Other”.
Select the type of transaction that will be created for customers who accept the offer:
• Start—A new start will be created.
• DelivSched—A delivery schedule change will be created. For example, upselling from a 5-day to a 7-day subscription requires a delivery schedule change.
• BillingChg—A billing change will be created. The purpose of this option is to switch the subscriber to auto-pay.
• DelivSched w/Billing Chg—Both a delivery schedule change and a billing change will be created. For example, you may want to offer 7-day subscription at a reduced price to current 5-day subscribers who switch to auto-pay. Note that reason codes must be set up in advance that are valid for both delivery schedule change and billing change transaction types.
• ComboChange—A combo change transaction will be created to switch a non-combo subscriber to a combo subscription. Note that this option can be used only with an Allowable Usage of “Renewals” or “iServices.”
• DayPass—A day pass subscription will be created. Note that this option can be used only with an Allowable Usage of “Advertising” or “Other”.
yes/no integer
If you are entering an iServices campaign, check All Zip Codes if the campaign is not specific to certain ZIP Codes. If the campaign is offered only in certain ZIP Codes (i.e. is a Zip Code campaign), enter the ZIP in the Zip Code field, or click the Find icon to the right of the field to add multiple ZIPs via the Zip List Maintenance window. See the iServices Subscriber User manual for more information on Zip Code campaigns.
When a customer accepts an offer, you will want Circulation to create either a transaction (above) or a task for a follow-up action. Select Create Transaction, Create Task, or Create Transaction if Possible here.
“Create Transaction if Possible” means that Circulation will attempt to create a transaction but, if it is unable to do so, it will create a task instead.
If you are entering an iServices campaign, select this checkbox if you want to limit the subscriber to this campaign.
If you selected the checkbox above, these radio buttons determine whether the locked subscriber is limited to this individual child campaign (Single) or can select from among all of the child campaigns within the parent campaign (Parent).
The field determines whether the campaign is searchable in iServices. If Always Available is checked (the default), it can be searched and selected for a subscription. If Always Available is unchecked, the subscriber must enter the campaign code manually—it is not a standard ZIP campaign that can be searched or selected.
integer (1)
If applicable, you can assign a priority order to the tasks that are created.
integer (1)
If applicable, you can assign an event number to the tasks that are created.
Select the Targeted Marketing product to which this campaign applies.
The reject response is a demographic answer that will be registered with the product/address record when an address declines the promotion.
The follow-up response is a demographic answer that will be registered with the product/address record when an address is flagged for follow-up.
If the transaction type is “Start”, indicate the type of start that will be created: Unpaid, Start and Bill, or Paid Start. Note: If you want to use a start type of “Start and Bill,” the iServices Business Rule, Is start and bill a valid payment option for a new start? (Subscriber - Web: Starts section), must be set to “yes.”
Select the billing method that will be assigned to the transactions that are created.
If this field is active, select a valid delivery method (route, mail, online or hybrid) or “*” for all.
This field is only active for day pass campaigns (Transaction Type is “DayPass”). Select the edition for the day pass subscriptions created under this campaign. Only editions that offer day passes (based on Edition setup) can be selected.
Select the source that will be used for the transactions. If the source has subsources defined (for example, specific carriers for a “Carrier” source) select the subsource also.
Select the reason code that will be used for the transactions. For campaigns with an Allowable Usage of "iServices", the reason code must have Enter on Web and Show on Web flagged in Reason setup. When setting up a campaign for a combo change transaction, the reason code must be valid for the “ComboChange,” “Start,” and “BillingChg” transaction types. If the reason code is not valid for all three of these transaction types, it will not be available in the Reason field. When setting up a day pass campaign, only valid day pass reason codes can be selected.
Select the combo ID, if applicable. This field is active only if the Allowable Usage is “Renewals” and the Transaction Type is “ComboChange.”
Select the schedule of the created transactions.
Select the rate code that will be applied to the subscriptions.
Enter the term (year, quarter, month, week, or day) for this subscription. This must be a valid term for the rate code and start before the campaign start date.
integer (3)
Enter the number of terms for this subscription. For example, if the subscriber wants 13 weeks, you would enter “WEEK” in Term and “13” in Length. This must be a valid term defined for the rate code in Subscription Rates setup.
If you select this checkbox, this campaign will be allowed to default during a new start (provided that this campaign was the most recent campaign used for the household).
If you are entering an iServices Zip code-based campaign, this image will be used to represent the campaign to the user. It should be stored in the iServices “webcustom” area along with other images, ideally in a “campaign” subfolder. This field can contain a relative path to point to the subfolder (e.g., /campaign/digitalprint.jpg). Any format that is supported by a browsing device (e.g. gif, jpeg, png) can be used. You may make the zip campaign image any size you want. The image dimensions that will work with the (3-across) out-of-the-box zip campaigns are: • Image height: up to 200 pixels • Image width: up to 226 pixels
You can change the CSS to build the boxes to fit any size image. Optimally images for different campaigns should all be the same size.
integer (7)
Enter the estimated number of occupants who will be solicited in this campaign.
integer (7)
Enter the estimated number of occupants who will accept the promotional offer in this campaign.
decimal (5)
Enter the cost per order.
Enter the TM product to process.
Enter the date on which the TM product will be delivered. This date determines which routes and carriers will deliver the product based on its specified publication. This should be the same date that is used when entering press room history.
Indicate if processing is for regular selection, alternate selection, an address import file, a draw import file, or none. If a sub-product is entered in Product, this field will default to “none” and be skipped. This allows you to produce reports without creating a selection.
open (30)
If the Selection Type is “address import” or “draw import”, enter the name of the file to be imported. The file must reside in /dti/exchange/cm and be formatted as follows: • The address import format of the file must be: AddressID OccupantID or “AddressID” “OccupantID” In both cases, there must be a space between the two fields. • The draw import format of the file must be: “RouteID” “Copies” Again, there must be a space between the two fields.
Select the Final Process checkbox only if the selected TM product is a sub-product. When Final Process is selected, the required TM draw will be calculated using the draw percentage rules defined in sub-product setup, taking into consideration any pending draw changes of the core publication. All pending draw changes used during processing will be written to the process log.
Enter the date for which records should be selected for processing.
Indicate whether TM draw should be created when this product is processed. Note: You must select this checkbox in order to create bundle tops, truck manifests, and delivery credits.
Indicate whether bundle top messages should be created for this product during processing.
Indicate whether tasks should be created during this process. In order to create tasks, a task type and event must be defined for the TM product in Task setup.
Select this checkbox if you want to generate contact records for selected addresses/occupants. See Creating Contacts with Targeted Marketing for more information.
Indicate whether draw changes should be created as part of TM processing. If you select this checkbox, the Draw Change Information window appears. See Creating Draw Changes with Targeted Marketing for more information.
Indicate if you are creating third-party subscriptions with this process. If you select this checkbox, the Third Party Subscription Information window will appear. See Creating Third-Party Subscriptions with Targeted Marketing for more information.
If you are processing a TM product in order to select occupants for a newsletter, alert, or other communication, check this field to create communication history. Communication history records will then be created for the occupants selected, and can be viewed in Customer Service.
If these TM records are for a specific campaign, enter the campaign ID.
integer (2)
Enter the week number of the campaign (e.g., “3” for week 3 of a campaign).
Select draw (the draw for all of the delivery product’s routes will be used), household count (the household count for all of the delivery product’s routes will be used, as defined in Route Setup), or non-subscribers (the difference between the household count and the draw will be used).
If the alternate selection is “draw”, then route types of single copy and route can be selected. If the alternate selection is “household” or “non-subscribers”, only route can be selected.
Select actual, advance, or pending. This field is used only for alternate selection.
If you entered an alternate selection method in the field above, indicate whether only the routes defined in the TM product’s selection set should deliver the TM product. If this is not selected, all routes will be included.
Select this checkbox to exclude addresses from the alternate selection and reduce the draw by the number of addresses found when processing excluded selections. TM will process all excluded criteria as if they were included, and then deduct that number from the value calculated by the alternate selection.
Indicate whether standing draw should be used in processing. Standing draw is entered on the Standing Draw tab in TM Setup. If standing draw is being used, it takes precedence over any draw created by processing.
Indicate if Circulation should generate distribution documents for this product. Clicking the V/P Options button allows you to review and modify the documents that will be printed.
Indicate whether you want to delete the TM address and occupant selection records for this product after all processing is complete. If so, product history will be purged for delivery dates whose retention period has elapsed, as defined in TM setup. For example, if a TM product has 7 retention days, the product history for a 6/5 delivery will not be purged until processing is done on 6/13. Note that address and occupant selection records are needed to print TM product messages on bundle tops. Selecting this checkbox will not delete the selection setup.
open (unlimited)
Enter comments about this processing job, if desired.
A campaign code can be passed to the New Subscription page in iServices Subscriber to allow the publication, delivery method, delivery schedule, payment option, etc., to be defaulted. This is done using the “campaign” URL parameter, shown below, which is passed along with the URL that initiates a new start:
In this example, the campaign ID (ezpay25) must be set up in advance with an Allowable Usage of “iServices,” a Transaction Type of “Start,” and an Action of “Create Transaction.” The default billing method, delivery method, publication, etc. are also defined, as shown in the following example. The Campaign Script, if entered, will appear as a blurb on the New Subscription page.
The following example shows how the campaign defaults may appear in iServices Subscriber when a campaign ID is used.