Several route-related setup items are available on the Setup menu in Route Service. Account Services (where account setup is managed) and Distribution Maintenance (where truck sequences are managed) are also accessed from the Setup menu. These options are listed below.
The Utilities menu contains options to suspend routes, export routes, and draw information to an inserting system. The utility options are listed below.
The Route Service module is used to view route information, enter route transactions, and perform other route-related activities.
Topics covered in this section are as listed below:
Circulation has the ability to interface draw and truck information to the BURT inserting software package. The Burt Export option writes four fixed-length ASCII files to the /dti/exchange/cm directory. These files can then be imported into the BURT system. The export now includes zip pure records for each zip code the route is linked to for sites that export alternate zone information.
The Burt Export is a licensed add-on feature. You must license and activate the “Burt Export” or “BurtPlus” add-on records before you can use it. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for assistance.
The Burt Export does not export insert or mix information. This means that the inserts must be scheduled and the mixes must be created in BURT.
The Burt format version used (version 4 or version 7).
Whether routes with zero draw for the draw date are included in the export.
Whether the class of sale should be “HD” for home delivery routes and “SC” for single copy routes, or the first two characters of the route’s route type or single copy type.
Whether carrier routes or ad zones should be exported as Burt “ad routes”. If ad zones are exported, a special ad zone map must be defined to identify the “ad route” ad zones.
Whether the truck departure sequence is exported as the in the Sequence Offset field, and whether the Route Sequence field is populated.
Whether mail subscribers are included in the export. If so, a carrier route and an ad route record will be exported for each edition within a Zip code or ad zone (based on the ad zone type selected) and include the draw for all mail subscribers receiving the edition in that Zip or zone. If using ad zones, they must be defined by Zip code; mail subscribers with Zip codes that are not assigned to an ad zone will be grouped under the ad zone “MAIL”. The route ID exported will be “Z” plus the Zip code. The trucks exported will be “ML” plus the ad zone or Zip code. The class of sale for mail draw is also specified in Business Rules. Note that mail draw will not be exported if the ad zone type is “Truck”.
Whether the Burt Product Type can vary by route. If so, “Routes” will be an option in the Home Delivery Product Type and Single Copy Product Type fields. If the “Route” option is selected, the Burt product type exported for the route will be based on route setup (for actual or pending draw, the Burt Type field on the Route Setup tab, and for advance draw, the Burt Part field on the Sections tab). If a product type is not defined for a route, the product type specified in the Home Delivery Indicator field will be exported.
The file extension used for the Burt files (can be product ID, draw date, or both).
The entry and presort discount codes exported, if any.
Draw by Carrier Route (CR)
Draw by Ad Route (AR)
Draw by Ad Route Checksum (ARC)
File Name Index (FN)
Carrier Route Detail (BurtPlus add-on only)
Carrier Messages (BurtPlus add-on only)
See Appendix B for the formats.
Select Burt Export from the Utilities | Export menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication for which to export draw and truck information to BURT.
Enter the date for which draw information should be exported.
Indicate whether actual, advance, or pending draw should be exported. If draw has already been exported for this product, date, and draw type, you will be prompted as to whether the existing file should be overwritten.
If running the export for a draw type of “Advance,” specify the section whose draw numbers should be exported (if advance publishing is run by section). If advance publishing is across all sections, enter “*” here.
Enter the truck departure sequence that should be used to determine the trucks to be exported.
Enter the truck sequence that should be used to determine the routes to be exported.
BURT has a Product Type field, which indicates whether a route is shipped complete or in parts that are assembled outside of the mail room. In these two fields, indicate whether your home delivery routes and single copy routes leave the mail room as completes or parts. If the Business Rule, Does the route indicator vary by route for Burt Export? (Route Services section) is set to “yes”, you will also be able to enter route in these fields. Selecting route will export the Burt product type entered for the route in Route Setup or, if not defined, the product type specified in the fields below.
If you selected “Route” in either of the product type fields above, enter the Burt product type to export for routes that do not have a product type specified in Route Setup. Note that if the Override field, below, is checked, this will be the product type exported for all home delivery and/or single copy routes.
The product type for a route may be specified in Route Setup. If Home Delivery Product Type or Single Copy Product Type is set to “Route”, indicate whether the route’s predefined product type should be exported, or whether the home delivery/single copy indicators entered above should be exported for all routes.
open (6)
The BURT system uses the concept of a routing schedule (or “delivery schedule”) to identify how the inserting should be carried out on a given day of the week. Potentially, seven different routing schedule could be used. For example, the same departure sequence and truck sequence might be used for the Times on Tuesday and Wednesday, but in certain cases two Circulation Management “trucks” might be loaded onto the same physical truck on Tuesday. To differentiate the different load arrangements, Tuesday and Wednesday could be assigned separate routing schedules. In this field, enter the routing schedule for the export date (for example “TMSSAT” for “Times Saturday”).
BURT has an “ad zone” field. Indicate whether the route’s truck, Zip code or ad zone should be exported in the ad zone field. Ad zone will only be a valid option if you have InsertPlus.
Click OK and then Continue to perform the export. After the export has completed, a processing report will list the number of records exported and any errors that occurred during the process; the standard viewing and printing options will be available.
Carriers, district managers, and others will often ask for information about a route. Much of this information is contained in the tabs in the lower part of the Route Service window, which are listed and discussed individually below.
The Accounts tab lists the accounts that distribute the route, including the account name and ID, address and phone number, account type, and the days on which the papers are distributed.
Circulation allows multiple accounts to deliver a single route, so more than one account may be listed here. The district, district manager, and number of households on the route are also listed, as well as any messages that apply to the route. If you double-click on an account, you will be taken to the Account Inquiry window for that account.
Note: Carriers other than the regular carrier, such as substitutes and agents, are shown on a separate tab.
If an account delivers more than one route, arrows will appear at the bottom of the window. Click the arrows to show the other routes. If more than one account is listed for a route, you will need to highlight the specific account before you can use the arrows to select another route.
The Draws tab shows draws for the route. First, you will need to specify some parameters for displaying draw.
Enter the date range for which draw information should be displayed. You may leave END DATE blank to display draw for all dates on or after the START DATE.
Indicate what type of draw figures should be displayed—actual, pending, or advance.
Indicate whether you want to include a row that shows Gross Draw for each week.
Indicate whether you want to include a row that shows Net Draw for each week.
Indicate whether you want to hide rows that have zero draw.
Indicate whether pending draw should be updated automatically based on future activity.
If this is a home delivery route, indicate whether draws should be broken out by delivery schedule. This pertains only to home delivery routes.
If this is a home delivery route, indicate whether you want to break out draws by billing method instead of delivery schedule. This pertains only to home delivery routes.
Home delivery route draw can be stored by subscriber rate code (a Business Rules option). Indicate whether draws for each week should be broken out by rate code. This pertains only to home delivery routes.
Indicate whether you want to display draw adjustments for each week. If you import sold and shrink copies, they will display in separate rows.
Indicate whether you want to include a row that shows returns for each week (home delivery routes only).
Indicate whether you want to include a row that shows authorized returns (single copy routes only).
Indicate whether you want to include a row that shows unauthorized returns (single copy routes only).
Indicate whether you want to include a column that shows the draw class for each draw entry (single copy routes only).
Draws are displayed differently depending upon whether the route is single copy or home delivery. For home delivery routes, draw figures are broken out by AAM delivery method:
Office Pay—Subscribers who pay the newspaper, which then applies the payment to the carrier’s account.
Carrier Collect—Subscribers who pay the carrier directly.
Unpaid Complimentary—Subscribers who do not pay for the subscription at all—it is free of charge. This billing method is most commonly used with “friends of the newspaper” individuals, such as advertisers.
Paid Complimentary—This is the same as unpaid complimentary, but it is reported separately on AAM reports. This category is used for employees of the newspaper.
Sample—Copies given to the carrier to hand out to non-subscribers.
Service—Extra copies given to the carrier in case there is a shortage or some papers are damaged.
Third Party—Free copies delivered to non-subscribers that are sponsored by a business.
For single copy routes, draw figures are displayed by date, with returns, draw adjustments, and net draw (the original draw plus or minus returns and draw adjustments). All draw classes are included in the draw figures.
Draw figures are displayed differently depending on how draw is calculated (known as draw type). The draw types used by Circulation are:
For dates that have been published, this is the draw as it was calculated by Circulation (not counting returns and draw adjustments), or gross draw. For dates that have not been published, the actual draw is the gross draw for the last published date of the same day of the week, plus or minus any processed transactions. So, if a route had a draw of 45 last Wednesday, and there have been 2 starts and 1 stop processed for the route, the actual draw for this Wednesday will be 46. This is also known as projected draw.
Pending draw is calculated in the same way as actual draw, but unprocessed transactions are also taken into consideration. So, in the example above, if there were 2 more starts for the route that have not yet been processed, the pending draw would be 48. Pending draw is calculated with an option called Update Pending Draw (it can also be calculated during End Publ Run, depending on Business Rules). Pending draw will exist only for future (unpublished) dates.
Advance draw is used only with advance publishing runs. This is the pending draw at the time the advance run was started. While pending draw can be recalculated over and over again, advance draw is calculated only once.
The Account Draw tab displays the draw for all routes assigned to an account. After specifying a start date, optional end date, and product(s), click OK to display the account’s gross draw. If multiple accounts are assigned to the route, you can toggle among them using the arrows to see the gross draw for each account.
Note: This tab will unavailable if the current route does not have an account assigned to it.
The Rates tab lists the account rates for a route. To view rates for home delivery routes, first enter the account, delivery schedule, and subscriber rate code for which to show rates (enter “*” for all). Then click OK. For single copy routes, enter the account ID or enter “*” for all (if there is only one account, the rates will simply be displayed).
The rate information displayed includes the account, delivery schedule, AAM zone, draw type, days of the week, draw rate and credit rate. Note that a route can have several different rates. For example, office pay draw might have a different rate than carrier collect draw.
The AAM% tab shows the percentage of the route that lies within an AAM zone and Town of 25. AAM zones and Towns of 25 are areas used in Alliance for Audited Media (AAM) reports. The percentages are entered in Route Setup.
The Truck Sequences tab shows the truck sequences associated with the route, and the truck assigned to the route within each sequence. A truck sequence is a pattern that determines which routes will be dropped by which trucks and in what order. A publishing date will use a particular truck sequence, and this determines what truck will drop bundles for the route.
The Inserts tab shows the inserts delivered by this route, starting with the publishing date. You can view inserts delivered by the route for a different date range or product by changing these values in the fields clicking OK. You must have InsertPlus to use this feature.
Note: The Demographics tab is active only for single copy routes.
The Demographics tab shows single copy demographic questions and answers. You can enter and modify answers. Demographics can be used as criteria in making group draw changes.
To enter or modify a demographic answer:
Highlight the question you wish to answer.
Click Modify.
Enter the answer to this question in the Answer field. Most questions have only certain valid answers—press F2 for a lookup.
Click OK.
The Transactions tab is where you view detail about route transactions, such as draw changes. You can also modify and delete transactions on this tab, as long as the transaction has not yet been processed by Transaction Processing.
Note: Unprocessed transactions appear in blue text in the Transactions tab in the upper-right portion of the window; processed transactions appear in gray text.
To view a transaction, select it from the Transactions tab in the upper-right portion of the window.
The Messages tab is where you work with messages for a route. See Messages for documentation.
Delivery deadlines can be defined for home delivery routes as part of Route Setup. The standard delivery time indicates the time of day by which the route should be delivered, while the dispatch cutoff time indicates the time of day by which all papers must be dispatched for redelivery. Notice the Override and Remarks columns. Overrides to delivery deadlines can be entered using the Deadline Override option.
Tasks can be generated or manually entered for routes and accounts, as well as customers. Route tasks are displayed in the Tasks tab in the upper-right corner of the window. Double-click on a task to display details in the lower part of the window.
The Tasks tab provides several options for managing tasks, including owning, reassigning, and completing a task. You can also add a manual task (described below).
Manual tasks are added via the Tasks tab. “Stand-alone” tasks (i.e., tasks that are not tied to an entity, such as personal reminders) can also be entered by leaving the Include Route checkbox unselected. Only tasks for task types set up with a “manual entry” event in Task setup may be added.
Find the route for which you are adding this manual task.
On the Task tab, click Add. Manual task entry fields will appear.
Complete the following fields and click OK. Once the task is created, it can be reassigned, escalated, completed, etc., in the same way as an automatically generated task.
This field will display the name of the group by which the task is being created.
Select this checkbox if the task should be entered for the current route. Leave it unselected if you want the task to be a “stand alone” task not connected with a route.
The assign type for the task (individual user or a group) will be displayed here. This is defaulted from Task setup.
This field will display the individual or group assigned to the task. If the assign type is “individual” and the assign to was set up as <group member> or <supervisor>, you will be able to select any group members or supervisors within the task group.
Enter the due date for this task. This will default based on the current date, along with the days to complete and deferred start days specified in Task setup.
integer (3)
Specify a priority for the task. This will default from Task setup.
open (unlimited)
Enter any explanations or instructions pertinent to the task here.
The first step in performing most Route Service activities is to find and display information about a route or account (Account Information describes how to locate an account). The Find option allows searching for a route by entering a route name or account name. Additionally, asterisks (*) can be used to perform wildcard searches for route names and single copy locations.
Click the Find Route button ().
Enter the product and one of the following:
The route ID of the route you wish to locate. If you are not sure of the route ID, click the lookup icon.
An account ID associated with the route you wish to locate. If you enter an account ID that is associated with multiple routes, the following dialog box will be displayed. Select the specific route you wish to view.
Route or account name. See discussion of searching for route or account names, and wildcards, below.
Click OK to display the route information.
Note: When finding a route, you can click the Recall button to default the search criteria entered in the previous find.
When you perform a Find in Route Service, the system first attempts to locate a route ID that matches what you enter in the Route field. If a matching route ID is not found, the system will attempt to locate a matching account ID. If a matching account ID is not found, the system will now locate all route and account names that begin with the character string you entered.
If multiple matching route and/or account names are found, the search results will be displayed in a dialog box, shown below. Selecting an item in the list will populate the Route field with the route ID. This example shows the results of a search on “go mart”—all routes and accounts with a name that begins with “go mart” are displayed.
If you enter a search string that contains wildcards (the asterisk character (*)), Circulation will search only for routes (home delivery and single copy). Wildcards cannot be used to search for an account.
In the following example, *mart is entered to locate all route names that end in “mart.” If mart* is entered instead, Circulation will locate all route names that begin with “mart.” If *mart* is entered, Circulation will locate all route names that have text before and after the string “mart.”
Selecting a route from the list of found routes will populate the Route field. If Circulation finds only one route that matches the search string entered, that route ID will be populated automatically.
The Route Service window is divided into three parts:
The Route Info panel (upper-left) is where route and publication information appears. If more than one product is delivered on this route, two arrow buttons will appear beneath the other route information. Click these buttons to view information about the other products.
The upper-right portion of the window contains several tabs that show summary information for the route. These tabs are described below.
The Draw tab shows projected draw for the selected product and route for the next seven days. The projected draw is the total number of newspapers a carrier, dealer, or motor route driver is scheduled to receive on a particular day, including all draw classes. It does not include unprocessed starts and stops. The pending draw, however, takes this into consideration.
The TM Draw tab shows Targeted Marketing draw for this route for past dates (up to 180 days before the current date) and future dates that have been processed.
The Transactions tab shows a summary of transactions for the route. Double-click on a transaction to display detailed information about it in the Transactions tab at the bottom of the window.
The Create/Modify tab shows the date and time when the route was created and by which user. It also shows when the route information was last modified.
The Publications tab shows all of the publications delivered by this route. You can double-click on a publication to show detailed information about it in the tabs at the bottom of the window.
The Tasks tab shows route-related tasks. Double-click on a task to display details in the Tasks tab at the bottom of the window.
The lower portion of this window contains several tabs that allow you to view and modify additional information about the route. These tabs are described in the next sections.
The 'Draw Mgmt' menu contains options for batch, group, and advance draw changes; returns; and draw adjustments. It also contains utilities for updating pending draw figures and the preprint zone summary file. The Draw Management options are listed below.
Use this option if you are entering draw changes for a number of single copy routes. If you want to change draw for only a few routes (or for a home delivery route), use the Draw Change option instead. If you want to adjust the draw for all single copy routes, use the Group Draw Change option.
Note: If you want to change a route’s draw after Transaction Processing, you must enter a draw adjustment.
Select Batch Draw Change from the Draw Mgmt menu.
Enter parameters for the batch in the fields described below. Then click OK.
open (10)
Enter a name for this batch (either a new batch ID or the ID of a suspended batch). Note: Batch ID field cannot be blank.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the product that should default when draw changes are entered.
Indicate the source of the draw change, such as “District Manager”.
Indicate the reason for the draw changes, such as “updraw” or “seasonal”.
Specify the draw class that will be affected by this draw change.
Enter the default publishing date on which the draw changes should take effect.
Enter the default publishing date on which the draw changes or replacement should be reversed. If these draw changes are permanent, do not enter a date here.
integer (7)
Enter the total number of papers that will be changed or replaced in this batch. Use “-” if the total is negative. If replacing a draw, count all the papers in the draw.
This field displays the total number of draw changes made thus far. It will initially be zero, and increase (or decrease) as you enter draw changes.
Batch draw changes are often entered for routes on a specific truck or district. The Batch Draw Change option can default all of a truck or district’s routes, making entry of this type of batch more efficient and accurate. In this field, indicate whether routes in a specific account, district, truck, zip, edition, or demographic should default, or select manual if no routes should default. Note: If the selection type is “account,” a Prefill button will be available in the bottom of the window to prefill the draw change entry pane with an account’s draw. When you click this button, a popup window appears for entry of an account number. Multiple accounts can be prefilled in this manner.
Enter the specific selection for the selection type entered above. For example, if you entered “District” above, enter a specific district here.
If the selection type is “Demographic”, enter the demographic by which you want to select routes.
If you entered a demographic above, enter the answer to that demographic here.
Indicate whether routes with no draw should be selected.
If this checkbox is not selected, the routes will be displayed with zero draw changes, and you will need to enter them by selecting Modify. If this checkbox is selected, draw changes will default, using the following method: • A route’s percentage of the draw of the truck or district will determine the percentage of the total draw change it receives (pct. of draw * total draw change). For example, if a truck has a total draw of 3000, a route’s draw is 150 and the total draw change is 120 papers, the route will receive a draw change of 6 papers (150/3000 = .05, and .05 * 120 = 6). Calculations will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
• If an effective date and a reversal date are specified on the batch screen, the draw changes will be distributed across these days. If no reversal date is entered, the draw changes will be distributed across the entire week, starting with the effective date.
• The default draw type will be “Adjust” (not “Replace”).
• If a route has a maximum draw change amount defined, the defaulted draw change will not be above the maximum. Likewise, if a minimum is defined, the default will be above the minimum.
• Draw change amounts for all routes can be modified for fine-tuning. Routes that default with a draw of zero will not be included in the draw change batch and no draw change transactions will be created for them.
Select this checkbox if single copy routes that are set up not to allow draw changes (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup) should be selected anyway. Note: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
Click Add and enter the draw changes for each single copy route, one at a time. You can add or subtract from the existing draw, or replace the existing draw with a new number. The columns in which you enter draw change information are described below. After entering each draw change, you can click OK to save that information, and then click Add to add the next draw change, or simply press Enter in the last column.
Enter the product to which this draw change applies.
Enter the ID of a single copy route whose draw should be changed (press F2 to display a route lookup). The single copy route must be set up to allow draw changes, or draw change entry will not be allowed.
Enter the draw class that is affected by this draw change. If only one draw class is valid for this route, this column will be populated automatically and skipped.
Indicate whether the draw for this route should be adjusted or replaced. If replacing a draw, the replacement draw must stay within the minimum and maximum draws set up for the route.
integer (3)
If the draw change is the same for all the days of the week, enter the number for each day here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
integer (3)
For each day of the week, enter the amount the draw should be changed. Enter “-” for negative amounts. If you are replacing (rather than changing) draw, enter the total new draw for each day of the week. Days that are holidays or non-publishing days will not be active for draw change entry.
Enter effective and reversal dates for this draw change, or accept the default date(s). Leave Reversal Date blank if the draw change is permanent.
When you have entered all the necessary draw changes, click OK and then Accept to accept the batch. If your control number (Total Papers) does not match the actual number of draw changes entered (Entered Papers), you will have to change the control number or modify one or more draw changes. You can also suspend a batch, and then modify or accept it later.
Note: Draw change tolerances can be defined for single copy route types to establish a range of “reasonable” draw change amounts. A red exclamation point will be displayed in the far-left column if a draw change amount does not fit within specified tolerances. See Single Copy Type in the Setup Manual for more information.
The Refuse button is used only for draw change batches entered through iServices Distribution, and it is available only when viewing one of these batches. Clicking this button causes the batch to be sent back to the carrier or agent along with optional refusal text (e.g., describing the reason for the refusal). The carrier or agent will then have the opportunity to modify the batch and resubmit it for review/acceptance.
Pending draw figures, which are based on both processed and unprocessed transactions, are useful for predicting future draws. Pending draw is different from projected draw, which does not take unprocessed transactions into account.
This option creates pending draw records by looking at unprocessed transactions happening on or before a specified date (it does not process the transactions). You may update pending draw as often as you wish, and you can view it on the Draws tab (See Draws). Pending draw can also be updated automatically as part of End Publ Run; a Business Rule determines how many days are updated.
Select Update Pending Draw from the Draw Mgmt menu to display the Update Pending Draw window.
Click Add.
Complete the following fields.
Enter the ID of the product whose draw should be updated.
integer (3)
Enter the number of days in advance of the current publishing date for which the draw should be calculated. Or, leave this field defaulted to “0” and enter a date in the next field.
If DAYS is left at “0”, this field becomes active for the entry of a date. Pending draw will be estimated through this date.
You may choose to update pending draw figures for only certain routes. Routes can be selected by route, district, single copy type, or route type. Enter all here to update pending draw for all routes.
Enter the route, district, single copy type, or route type for which to update pending draw, or enter “*” to multi-select. If Selection Type is “all”, this field will not be used.
Click and then Continue to update the draw.
Note: Update Preprint Zone is available only if you have InsertPlus.
InsertPlus uses Circulation draw figures to calculate required quantities for preprints. InsertPlus Scheduling uses an intermediary file called Preprint Zone Summary, which stores circulation figures provided by Circulation.
You can use the Update Preprint Zone option to manually update the Preprint Zone Summary file with the most recent Circulation draw figures. Preprint Zone Summary may also be updated automatically at the end of each publishing run in Circulation (this is an InsertPlus Business Rule). InsertPlus Business Rules also determine whether actual or pending draw is used to update the file.
Select Update Preprint Zone from the Draw Mgmt menu to display the Update Preprint Zone Summary window.
Click Add and specify the publication for which to update the Preprint Zone Summary file. Note that you cannot enter combined publications here—a combined publication is updated when Update Preprint Zone is run for its component publications.
Click OK and then Continue to update the Preprint Zone Summary file with the draw figures for this product for the current publishing date and the six days following it. A report will be displayed, listing any errors that occurred as part of the update process.
This option is designed specifically for situations in which a late-breaking story or other event makes your single copy draw increase (or decrease) for a short period of time. Typically, this will be a one-day-only draw change.
Group Draw Change changes the draw for all single copy routes within the selection parameters you enter by a certain percentage or quantity. It will create a suspended batch of draw changes, which you must then accept using the Batch Draw Change option (see Draw Management). You must do this before final Transaction Processing is run for the publishing day.
Group Draw Change is composed of two options: Entry and Processing.
Select Entry from the Draw Mgmt | Group Draw Change menu.
Click Add, enter information about the group draw batch, and click OK. Or, click Copy and copy group draw changes from a previous date, if they are the similar to the current batch of group draw changes.
open (10)
Assign an ID to this batch of draw changes.
open (30)
Enter a description of the batch.
Specify the publication for which you are entering group draw changes.
Enter a source code that describes who is entering or initiating the draw changes, such as “DM”.
Enter a reason code that describes why the changes are being made, such as “STORY”.
The effective date is the date on which the draw changes will first apply, and the reverse date is the date on which they will be reversed. The current publishing date for your publication will default as the effective date, and the day after will default as the reverse date. This will give you a one-day draw change. You can set the effective and reverse dates as many days apart as you wish, but you must enter a reverse date.
In Select Days, indicate whether this draw change applies only to selected days of the week. Then, select the day(s) of the week from the Weekday combo box.
Enter the draw class to which this draw change applies.
Select this checkbox if routes that already have a draw change on the selected dates should be excluded from this group draw change.
Indicate whether routes with zero draw should be included.
Select this checkbox if draw changes should be made for single copy routes that are set up not to allow them (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup). Note: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
decimal (5)
If you are changing the draw by a certain percentage, enter it here. For example, if you enter “10.00”, and a route would normally have a draw of 70, the draw for the route will be 77 during the group draw date range. To decrease draw, enter a minus sign (-) with the percentage.
integer (6)
If you enter a percentage, you can use these fields to indicate the minimum and maximum number of copies the draw should increase (or decrease) on the selected routes. For example, if a route has a draw of 20, and the draw change is for 15%, the draw would increase to 23. However, if the minimum was 30, this route would be given a draw of 30 instead. If the percentage is negative (decreasing draw), you should also enter a minus sign (-) with the minimum and maximum.
integer (6)
Rather than increasing draw by a percentage, you can specify a quantity. All routes selected will increase their draw by this number. So, if you enter “10” here, a route with a normal draw of 40 will now have a draw of 50. To decrease the draw, enter a minus sign (-) with the quantity.
If a percent change is entered rather than a quantity change, the base draw class entered here (if different from the draw class entered in Draw Class) will be used as the basis for calculating the draw change.
open (unlimited)
You can enter any remarks about the draw change here.
Click Add and choose the routes that will receive draw changes. Routes can be selected based on:
AAM zone
Zip code
Route class
Single copy type, or
Single copy demographic
After specifying one of these selection types in the Select By column, enter a value (such as a particular AAM zone or single copy type) in the Value column. For single copy demographics, you must also enter a demographic answer in the Answer column. Only routes that have given this answer to the demographic question will be selected.
You can enter as many parameters as you want. Be aware, however, that Group Draw Change will create draw changes only for routes that match at least one of the values of each “select by” category used. For example, if you enter Zip codes 55113 and 55119 and route class “beach”, only routes that are within 55113 or 55119 and have a route class of “beach” will be selected.
When you have finished entering selection parameters, click OK. You can now accept the batch of group draw changes.
Select Processing from the Draw Mgmt | Group Draw Change menu.
Click Add and select the ID of the batch you have just entered in the Batch field.
Click OK and then Continue to create a suspended batch of group draw changes. Note that the changes still need to be accepted in Batch Draw Change.
The Advance Draw Change option allows you to adjust advance draw up or down by a certain percentage. Advance draw changes might be necessary, for example, if the newspaper knows there will be many temporary stops on a holiday and, therefore, the actual draw will be significantly less than the advance draw. In this case, the advance draw should be decreased. Advance draw can be changed for one or more route types, single copy types, and/or label groups.
Note: If advance draw has been rounded, advance draw changes should not be made.
Select Advance Draw Change from the Draw Mgmt menu.
Click Add and complete the fields described below.
Enter the publication whose advance draw is being changed.
If you keep advance draw at the section level (a Business Rules consideration), enter the section whose advance draw is being changed. Enter “*” to multi-select sections. If you do not keep advance draw at the section level, this field will be set to “*”.
If advance draw is being changed for home delivery routes, enter the route type to change or enter “*” to multi-select route types.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for routes with the route type(s) selected above. Enter “-” to decrease draw.
If advance draw is being changed for single copy routes, enter the single copy type to change or enter “*” to multi-select single copy types.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for routes with the single copy type(s) selected above.
If advance draw is being changed for mail subscribers, enter the label group to change or enter “*” to multi-select label groups.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for the label group(s) selected above.
Enter the run date for the advance run that should be adjusted. An advance run must be active for this date.
Click OK and then Continue to adjust the advance draw. Once the advance draw has been adjusted, the Advance Draw Change report will be displayed. This report lists draw totals before and after the adjustment, and other information about the process. The standard view/print options are available for the report.
Carriers and dealers do not always receive (or sell) the expected number of papers. To record these changes in Circulation, follow these three rules:
If the draw is changed before final Transaction Processing has taken place (for example, if a convenience store manager calls to order 50 extra papers after a big story breaks), you should enter a draw change.
If the draw needs adjustment after final Transaction Processing (for example, a dealer calls at the last minute and orders additional papers), you should enter a draw adjustment.
If the draw is correct, but extra papers are returned (this typically happens only with single copy dealers and racks), you should enter returns using one of the options on the Returns menu.
Because returns and draw adjustments involve posting charges or credits, charge/credit codes must be set up for them. Draw adjustment codes are then set up and linked to a charge/credit code. When you enter draw adjustments or returns, you must specify the draw adjustment code. This code controls several aspects of draw adjustment processing:
Whether carriers should be charged for the adjustment.
If carriers are charged, the charge code specified for the draw adjustment determines whether this is a credit or a charge. Returns should always be credits.
Whether the adjustment should adjust AAM history.
When account bill processing is run, the returns or draw adjustments are added or subtracted from the draw (depending on the charge code), and the draw is then rated in the normal way (by account rating). A return will usually credit the carrier/dealer’s account (for the value of that paper as determined by rating—the rate used for the draw charge will also be used for the return). The exception would be a return “reversal” used to correct erroneous returns entered in a previous batch.
Business Rules determine whether a warning is displayed if adjustments or returns have been entered for the same route previously that day, or if the number of returns entered is greater than the number of papers received that day by the route. Business Rules also govern whether payments are automatically created when cash amounts are entered (typically for racks).
Returns can be managed with the following options:
You can track authorized and unauthorized returns for single copy routes. Returns that do not conform to the “return rules” that have been established are considered “unauthorized”; while returns that are within the rules are considered “authorized”. Returns can be identified as unauthorized for the following reasons:
• The returns amount exceeds the original draw for the day.
• Returns are imported on a day when there was no original draw.
• Returns are past the return-by date.
• Returns are imported for an invalid edition.
• Returns exceed a maximum return percentage.
Business Rules in the Returns section determine the draw adjust code that will be applied to returns that are identified as unauthorized for various reasons.
Maximum return percentages can be set up for each draw class. Returns that do not fall within the maximum percentage are considered unauthorized. See Draw Class in the Setup Manual for more information about draw class setup.
When returns are processed, the return quantity entered is applied according to the return priority of each draw class as set up in Draw Class Publication (see Publication in the Setup Manual). For example, let’s say you use two draw classes: Box-out and Standing. Box-out is set up with a return priority of 10, and Standing is set up with a return priority of 20. This means that returns will be applied first to the Box-out draw class (up to the maximum allowable returns), and then to the Standing draw class. Should the number of returns exceed the maximum allowable returns of the Standing draw class, anything left over is considered “unauthorized”.
Returns that fall outside of the defined return period are considered unauthorized. A hierarchy is used to determine which set of return rules is used:
If the returnable after days and returnable days fields are defined for a product/single copy type combination, those rules will override all other rules. See Return Rules in the Setup Manual for more information about this option.
In Press Room Entry, a return period date range can be entered to identify the acceptable period for returns. These dates will default from the Deliverable record if they exist, but can be overridden by entering different dates.
If neither of the above rules are set up, the returnable days and returnable after fields in Deliverable setup will be used to define the returns period. See Deliverable for more information about Deliverable setup.
Note: Unauthorized returns appear with a red exclamation point next to them in the returns windows.
A Transaction Security item, “UnauthRetrnOvrd” (Unauthorized Return Override) can be used to allow certain users to override the return rules that have been set up. These users will be able to click on the red exclamation point, which will turn yellow, indicating that the return is now authorized.
A “docked” tab, Return Periods, allows you to display the allowable return days for a product and edition.
You select a product and edition, and then click on a publishing date in the calendar. The dates for which the product is returnable will be highlighted in the calendar (based on all of the rules entered). If no rules exist, a message will be displayed indicating that no rules have been defined for that product and date.
Use this option to record single copy route returns for a publishing day.
To enter returns for a day:
Select Returns For A Day from the Returns menu to display the Returns for a Day window.
You will probably enter many returns at once. The returns you enter in one session make up a batch. Enter information that applies to the batch of returns you post (described below).
open (10)
If you are entering a new batch, enter a unique ID for it here. If you are restarting a suspended batch, enter the batch ID and click OK to bring up the batch information.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the draw adjustment code (Rack, Dealer, etc.) for the returns.
Indicate the date on which you are entering the returns. You may not enter returns for a date that has already been billed (i.e., the date you enter in Entry Date cannot be a date for which billing has been processed).
Enter the default publishing date to be used during return entry.
decimal (11)
Enter the total amount of cash collected (typically from racks) in this batch.
decimal (11)
Enter the number of returns in this batch.
Used only for Route Returns.
This field is used to “prefill” the returns entry portion of the window for more efficient entry. In other words, you can show all of a truck’s routes or all of an account’s products for which returns can potentially be entered. The options are: • Account, which then allows you to specify an individual account. All of the parent products delivered by that account will then be shown, and returns can be entered by simply typing the quantity returned. Sub-products will not be pre-filled, although they can be added. Otherwise, returns for sub-products will be calculated based on the draw percentage identified in Deliverable setup. • Truck, which then allows you to enter a truck sequence and truck. All of the truck’s routes will be shown, and returns can be entered by simply typing the quantity returned. You must enter the Product when using this entry type. • Manual, which does not pre-fill information in the window.
If the Entry Type is Truck, specify the product that should default in return entry.
If the Entry Type is Truck, enter the truck sequence here, and the truck ID here in the truck field. All of the routes dropped by the truck on this truck sequence will automatically display in the batch window.
If the Entry Type is Truck, enter the truck ID. If the Entry Type is Account, enter the account ID.
Displays an updated cash total as you add return entries to the batch.
Displays an updated paper total as you add return entries to the batch.
Click OK to accept the batch information. If you have entered an amount in Cash Total (i.e., if you will enter cash collected from racks), a Cash Batch window will open. Enter a name and description for the payment batch, as well as the ID of the bank where this cash will be deposited.
In the lower part of the window, enter the returns for each route, one route at a time. The columns are described below. Click OK after entering each route’s returns.
Indicate the product for which you are entering returns. You may override the default.
Enter the ID of the single copy route for which you are entering returns, or press F2 for a route lookup. Or, you can enter the account ID or name to locate the route. In order to enter returns for a route, the route must be set up to allow returns.
integer (6)
Enter the quantity of returns received for this particular route.
decimal (8)
Enter the amount collected from this single copy outlet (typically, a rack). This amount is used to determine the pilferage amount for the route. Business Rules determine if this amount creates an account payment. If so, a payment record will be created for each account receiving a payment (the account may have multiple routes).
Enter the publishing date for these returns (this is defaulted from Publishing Date above).
Enter the draw adjustment date for AAM Reporting purposes. This will be the same date as Draw Date unless AAM has already been closed for the draw date.
The draw adjustment code entered for this batch is displayed here.
When you are finished entering returns, click Accept in the batch area of the window. If your control totals for papers and cash (entered on the default window) are not in agreement with what you have entered, a warning will appear and you will be able to modify the control totals. If the control totals match, you will exit to the main Route Service window. If you want to leave this batch open and return to it later, click Suspend rather than Accept. You can restart it later by entering the batch name.
Note: Once you accept a batch of returns, you can make corrections by selecting RETURNS FOR A DAY and entering negative values (or using a charge, rather than credit, draw adjustment code).
Note: The Batch Type field is a display-only field that will always display “RETURNS”.
The Prefill button at the bottom of the window allows you to change the truck or account for which you are entering returns. For example, to change from truck M10 shown above, you would click the Prefill button to bring up the Prefill popup window. You would then select the new truck and click OK to return to the returns window.
You may want to enter returns weekly instead of daily. Weekly returns are entered in the same way as daily returns, except they can be entered for each day of the week that a route delivers. Based on the date entered in Entry Date, the seven days of the previous week are displayed.
The Period Start Date field is controlled by a Business Rule, When entering returns or adjustments for a week should the draw date represent the start or end of that week? (Returns section). In this case, “Start” is the setting for this Business Rule, and the prefill dates are selected forward from this date. The other possible setting is “End”, which will change the field label to Period End Date, and the prefill dates will be selected backward from this date.
This option allows you to import returns from another software program, creating a suspended batch of returns. You can then activate and accept the suspended batch using Returns For A Day or Returns For A Week. Returns can be imported for single copy routes only.
The import file can be given any name and imported from anywhere on your system. The format is determined by the file map you create for it (DrawAdjImprt usage).
Select Returns Import from the Returns menu.
Click Add and enter information about the file and the batch that will be created.
open (10)
Specify an ID for the suspended returns batch that will be created.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the publication to which these returns belong.
Enter draw adjustment codes for these returns; separate codes will be applied to positive and negative values that are imported. Only draw adjustment codes that are valid for returns may be entered.
Enter the date for this batch of returns. This is usually the current date.
Select a file format to use (set up in File Map) for the export.
open (45)
Enter the name of the import file.
If this checkbox is selected, a file will be exported to dti/exchange/cm that contains the barcode and ANA/URN as well as specific data on returns that were accepted and rejected. Rejected claims are identified with specific error codes and reasons. Note: This checkbox is available only when a custom EDI file map is being used.
If Claims Acknowledgement is selected, select the file map to be used for exporting the barcode, ANA/URN, and other information.
If Claims Acknowledgement is selected, specify the name of the export file that will be created.
Click OK and then Continue to import the returns and create the batch. A processing report will be displayed after the import is completed.
Some home delivery routes may have returns. For example, a carrier might deliver carrier collect subscriptions on a daily-pay basis (the subscriber must pay at the door to receive the paper). After the route is delivered, the carrier might then have several carrier collect copies to return.
In order to enter returns for a home delivery route, the route must be set up to allow returns.
Note: Returns are not allowed for office pay, paid complimentary, or unpaid complimentary draw types.
Route returns are entered in the same way as single copy returns (see Returns for a Day), but the returns are broken down into carrier collect, sample, and service. In addition, the delivery schedule and, if you store draw by rate code, subscriber rate code must be specified. This is because account rates (and thus the value of the return) can be defined by delivery schedule and subscriber rate code.
The Returns Journal lists all returns that were entered using the Returns for a Day, Returns for a Week, and Route Returns options, as well as imported using Returns Import.
Select Returns Journal from the Draw Mgmt | Returns menu to display the Returns Audit Report window.
Click Add and enter parameters for the report.
Indicate whether returns are to be included according to batch, draw date, entry date, or AAM draw date.
open (10)
If you entered batch in the above field, enter the batch you want included in the report.
If you did not enter batch in Report Type, enter a date range here.
Indicate whether only suspended batches should be included in the report.
Indicate if this is a single copy, route, or TM report.
Enter the product to be used in this report.
Indicate whether this report should sort by route, district, zone, region, or area.
Enter the route, district, zone, region or area (depending on what type is entered above) to include, or multi-select entities.
If the selection type is “district” and a district should be sorted by district manager, enter detail here. Otherwise, enter summary. For example, if a new manager is assigned within a reporting period and “detail” is selected, information for the old and new district managers would be reported separately.
Select a return type of authorized, unauthorized, or both.
Indicate if you want to export the Returns Journal.
Select a file format to use (set up in File Map) for the export.
open (20)
Enter the name of the file to be exported.
Select append to add new figures to an existing file or replace to replace an existing file.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
A draw adjustment is needed to change a route’s draw after final Transaction Processing has taken place for that publishing day. For example, if a dealer at a convenience store sells out all 100 of her papers and calls in to order 50 extra copies, a draw adjustment would be entered for this route. The draw for this day would then be recorded as 150.
Like returns, draw adjustments are entered in batches. A draw adjustment code (such as “rackadj” or “dealer”) must be specified for each batch.
Do not confuse draw adjustments with draw changes, which are made before Transaction Processing. Draw changes are for future changes to the draw, while draw adjustments are for historical changes.
Draw adjustments are typically entered for single copy outlets (dealers, racks, etc.) on a daily or weekly basis.
You can manage draw adjustments with the following options:
Draw adjustments can also be entered by the dealers or district managers themselves, via iServices Distribution. However, iServices draw adjustments can only reallocate draw between outlets of the same dealer or DM—the net adjustment must be zero. See the iServices Distribution manual for more information.
Use this option to enter draw adjustments for single copy outlets for a single day.
Select Adjust For A Day from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Adjust for a Day window.
Complete the following batch-related fields.
open (10)
Enter a name for this batch (either a new batch ID or the ID of a suspended batch).
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Specify the product that should default during draw adjustment entry.
Enter the default draw adjustment code (“rackadj”, “dealer”, etc.) for the draw adjustment.
Indicate the date on which you are entering the draw adjustments. You cannot enter adjustments for a date that has already been billed. In other words, the date you enter in this field cannot be a date for which billing has been processed.
Enter the default publishing draw date to be used during draw adjustment entry.
This field shows the type of batch being created. The batch type is determined by the draw adjust code being entered. “DNORDER” will be displayed if the draw adjust code is for “did not order” adjustments.
Enter the total number of papers that will be entered in this batch.
Will be updated as you enter draw adjustments.
Click OK to accept the batch information. Fields for draw adjustment entry will appear.
Click Add and enter draw adjustments for each route, one at a time.
Specify the product for which you are entering draw adjustments (or accept the default).
Enter the ID of the single copy route for which you are entering the adjustment. Or, you can enter the account ID or account name to locate the route.
If the single copy type assigned to this route supports multiple draw classes, specify the draw class here.
integer (6)
Enter the number of papers adjusted for the route. Enter a “-” sign if the adjustment is negative (typically, a negatives are used only to correct a previous adjustment that was erroneously entered).
Indicate the publishing date for which you are entering adjustments (or accept the default).
Enter the draw adjustment date for AAM reporting purposes. This will be the same date as DRAW DATE unless AAM has already been closed for the draw date.
Enter the draw adjustment code to use with this adjustment, or accept the default. This code determines whether the draw adjustment increases or decreases the draw for the route. If the draw adjustment code is a charge code, the draw will be increased; if it is a credit code, the draw will be decreased.
When you have finished entering draw adjustments, click Accept. If the control totals for papers and cash are not in agreement with what you entered, a warning will appear, and you will be able to modify the control totals. If you want to leave this batch open and return to it later, click Suspend rather than Accept. You can restart it later by entering the batch name.
If you click Reject after entering batch information, none of the information will be saved. If you open a suspended batch and then click Reject, the suspended batch will be deleted, whether you made changes to it or not.
Select this option to enter draw adjustments for single copy outlets for an entire week. For example, you may enter rack draw adjustments for an entire week in a single batch on Friday.
Entering draw adjustments for a week involves the same procedure as entering adjustments for a day (see instructions). The only difference is that you enter draw adjustments for each day of the week. Based on the date you entered in the Entry Date field, the seven days of the previous week are displayed.
Draw adjustments may need to be entered occasionally for home delivery routes. Suppose, for example, that a district manager gives a carrier five sample papers at the last minute (after Transaction Processing has been run for that day). A draw adjustment would then have to be entered that increases the carrier’s draw and adjusts AAM history.
Another example of home delivery draw adjustments are previous delivery papers, which are sometimes given to new subscribers when they start. Previous delivery route draw adjustment batches can be automatically generated by Transaction Processing for previous delivery draw. Generated previous delivery batches will be named “PD[yymmdd]”, where [yymmdd] is the publishing date on which the previous delivery paper is being delivered.
Only previous delivery draw adjustments can be made to office pay, paid complimentary, or unpaid complimentary draw types. Other draw adjustments can be made to carrier collect, sample and service draw types only.
Route draw adjustments can also be automatically created for back-dated subscriber transactions, if the Business Rule— Should backdated transactions create draw adjustments between associated routes? is set to “Yes” and the home delivery route in question is associated with a single copy route (Associated Route field in the Route Setup Utility). For example, a subscriber may start a subscription on Monday, but the newspaper may not be notified until Wednesday. In this instance, the agent provides the paper to the subscriber from a specific single copy route until the regular route draw is updated. A route draw adjustment is then created to adjust the home delivery route’s draw after the fact. For backdated transaction draw adjustments, the batch will be named “HD[yymmdd][seq]”, where [ymmdd] is the batch entry date, and [seq] is a sequence number, such as “001”.
The Restate AAM History and Digital Access Draw options also create draw adjustment batches that can be accepted in Route Adjust. In this case the adjustments are typically made in order to create digital draw for AAM reporting purposes.
Route draw adjustments are entered in the same way as single copy draw adjustments (see Adjust for a Day for instructions), but the route adjustments are broken down into carrier collect, sample, and service. In addition, the delivery schedule and rate code (if you store draw by subscriber rate code) must be specified. This is because account rates (and thus the value of the added draw) can be defined by delivery schedule and rate code.
If the batch of draw adjustments is for previous delivery papers, the window will be slightly different—there will be a column for carrier collect, office pay, paid comp and unpaid comp. Also, if the batch of draw adjustments is for AAM history restatement, there will be a column for AAM column and subscription.
The Batch Type field is a display-only field that shows the type of batch being created. The batch type is determined by the code entered. “DNORDER” is displayed in this field if the draw adjust code is for “did not order” adjustments.
A Business Rule determines the maximum number of records that can be visible in a route draw adjust batch. This typically pertains to batches created automatically by Restate AAM History or another option. Regardless of the size of the batch, when the batch is accepted, all records will be processed in the background.
The Draw Adjustment Journal prints the draw adjustments entered in Adjust For A Day, Adjust For A Week, and Route Adjust, that fit the specified criteria. Draw adjustments created by Tran Processing for previous deliveries will be listed only when the report is run for the previous delivery batch.
Select Draw Adjust Journal from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Draw Adjust Audit Report window.
Click Add to enter parameters for the report.
Indicate whether the report should include adjustments by batch, draw date, entry date, or AAM draw date.
open (10)
If you entered batch in the previous field, enter the batch to include in the report.
If you did not enter batch in Report Type, enter a date range of the report. Draw adjustments will be included if their entry date, draw date, or AAM draw date (whichever is specified in Report Type) falls within the date range entered here.
Indicate whether to include only suspended batches.
Indicate if this report is for single copy outlets, home delivery routes, or TM products.
Enter the product for which to print adjustments.
Indicate whether this report should sort by route, district, zone, region, or area.
Enter the route, district, zone, region or area (depending on what type is entered above) to include or enter “*” to multi-select.
If the selection type is “district” and a district should be sorted by district manager, enter detail here. Otherwise enter summary. For example, if a new manager is assigned within a reporting period and “detail” is selected, information for the old and new district managers would be reported separately.
Indicate whether authorized, unauthorized, or both types of returns should be included in the report.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
This feature is similar to the Returns Import. It allows you to import a suspended batch of draw adjustments, which can later be activated and accepted using Adjust For A Day. After the batch is accepted, Circulation will append the suffix “.old” to the file name (for example “nov11.dradj” would be changed to “nov11.dradj.old”).
Draw adjustments can be imported for single copy routes only. The import file can be given any name and imported from anywhere on your system. The format is determined by the file map you create for it (DrawAdjImprt usage).
Select Draw Adjust Import from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Draw Adjust Audit Report window.
Click Add to enter parameters for the report.
open (10)
Enter an ID for the suspended draw adjustment batch that will be created.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the publication to which these draw adjustments belong.
Enter draw adjustment codes for these draw adjustments; separate codes should be used for the positive and negative values that are imported.
Enter the draw adjustment code to be applied to any unauthorized draw adjustments imported from the file.
Enter the date for this batch of draw adjustments. This is usually the current date.
Enter the name of the file map to use for this import.
open (45)
Enter path and file name of the import file.
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw adjustments and create the batch.
The Copies Sold Import allows you to import sold or shrink copies for single copy outlets. This is an optional feature.
Circulation can track copies sold by a single copy outlet, as well as shrink copies (copies lost, spoiled, stolen or otherwise unaccounted for). For example, the quantity sold at a store may be pulled from the registers at the end of each day. Either sold or shrink copies can be imported. One quantity is used to determine the other, using the equation:
shrink = net draw (including adjustments and returns) - copies sold
So, if a batch contains sold copies, Circulation calculates the shrink copies when it is accepted. If the batch contains shrink copies, Circulation calculates the copies sold. Sold copies will not affect the account balance, but shrink copies can credit the account like other negative draw adjustments, and display on invoices.
Draw adjustment codes for sold and shrink copies can be defined, and sold or shrink copies can be imported via this option. In order to import sold or shrink copies, a file map must be defined in File Map setup with a usage of “SoldImport” (see Appendix B). Draw adjustments can also be entered manually for sold or shrink copies, by selecting the sold or shrink draw adjustment code in Adjust for a Day or Adjust for a Week.
Amounts for sold copies can also be imported, via the Proof of Sale Adj option on the Account Payments menu (see Proof of Sale Adj). This credits the account for the original draw charge and posts a new charge for the same amount, but with the current date.
Create a file of draw adjustments in format of the Sold Import file map discussed above, and place it in your dti/exchange/cm directory. The file can contain sold copies or shrink copies, but you cannot mix the two.
Select Copies Sold Import from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Single Copy Sold/Shrink Import screen.
Select Add and specify the batch, file name, and other information for the import. The fields are described in the table below.
open (12) open (30)
Specify a batch name and description for this batch of sold/shrink draw adjustments.
Select the product that these draw adjustments pertain to. Or, if the product is contained in the file format, leave this field blank.
Select the draw adjustment code defined for sold or shrink copies. This determines whether the copies imported are counted as sold or shrink.
Specify the entry date for the draw adjustments. If the import file has a date in it, this date will only be used as the batch date. The last published date defaults.
Select the file format for the import. This is the file map discussed above.
open (45)
Enter the file name containing the sold/shrink adjustments. The file must exist in your dti/exchange/cm directory.
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw adjustment batch. The batch will be suspended.
Once a batch of sold or shrink copies has been imported, it can be accepted in Adjust for a Day or Adjust for a Week. Select the Batch ID in the Batch field and click OK to display the adjustments in the suspended batch. If the adjustments look correct and the batch can be accepted, click Accept.
Messages form part of the communications necessary to deliver the newspaper. The topic of a message can be anything from slippery road conditions, to a subscriber who wants the carrier to collect after 6 pm on Tuesday. Messages can be distributed in the following ways:
Printed on bundle tops
Printed on truck manifests
Printed on the District Manager Report
Dispatched to a district, truck or route
Broadcast (i.e., displayed on the Accounts tab when applicable routes are displayed; see Accounts)
A message may have a given start and end date to limit its visibility to a certain time period. For example, you may want to broadcast a message during a time when a substitute carrier is delivering a route. To view all messages for a route, click the Route Messages button.
You can enter messages only for publishing dates that have not yet been processed with Transaction Processing.
To enter a message:
Open the Messages tab and click Add. Or, click the Messages button ().
Define the contents and distribution of the message.
Message Information
Select the product for which the message should be sent. The product could be a publication or a TM product.
Enter the date range during which this message should be distributed. You may leave END DATE blank.
Select the distribution type for this message (distribution method, district, truck, route or all).
Enter the specific truck, district, route, or delivery method for which the message should appear. For example, if you entered route in Distribution Type, enter the route here.
Enter the text of the message.
Message Usage
Indicate if the message should print on bundle tops, the District Manager Report and/or the Truck Manifest. Print On Truck Manifest is active for only if you enter a Selection Type of “Truck” or “All”.
Indicate if this message should be visible on the Customer Service window when a subscriber is displayed who is on a route, truck, etc., specified in the message. Broadcast messages are also displayed on the Account tab.
Indicate if this message should be dispatched. This option is available if the selection type is “district”, “truck” or “route”. After the message is dispatched, the Dispatch Detail button will become available for viewing the date, time, remarks, compliance information, and other information.
integer (4) predefined
If this is a broadcast message, you can set the exact time the message should be broadcast during the date range. Enter the start and end time, indicating whether each is AM or PM.
If the message is broadcast and the selection type is “district”, “route”, “truck”, or “Zip”, you can click the Deadline Override button and override the delivery deadlines of the routes involved. Deadline overrides can be entered only if the message start and end dates are the same (i.e., a one-day message). The deadline override will be in effect for the day of the message.
Click OK to distribute the message.
Add another message or click Cancel to exit the Messages tab.
Locate previously entered messages by clicking Find on the Messages tab. Enter search criteria in the Message Information panel. Any messages that meet the criteria will be displayed. Another way to display messages for a particular route is to Find the route and then click the Route Messages button at the bottom of the Messages tab.
The Reports menu contains a number of key route-related reports, such as the Draw Change Journal and Route Delivery List.
All reports except the Draw Change Journal, Compare Draw, and Historical Invoices also appear in the Reports section, and are documented here.
The Draw Change Journal can be used as a draw change audit report. It lists all draw changes entered within a date range or batch. If run for a date range, both draw changes entered individually and in batches will be included.
To produce the Draw Change Journal:
Select Draw Change Journal from the Reports menu to display the Draw Change Journal window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
What to enter
Indicate whether the report should include draw changes based on the batch, the date of entry, or the effective date of the draw change. If “Batch” is selected, all the remaining fields will be inactive except for Print Order and Include Reversals.
open (10)
If “batch” is the Report Type, enter the name of the batch that should be included in the report.
If the report is being run for a date range, enter the product that should be included in the report. Enter “*” to multi-select products.
If the report is being run for a date range, enter the date range here. If you entered “date of entry” in Report Type, all draw changes entered within this date range will be included. If you entered “effective date”, all draw changes that go into effect within this date range will be included.
Select the day of the week for which you are running the journal, or select All.
yes/no setup
Indicate whether you want to include all editions in the Draw Change Journal. If All Editions is unchecked, you will need to specify one or more editions in the Edition field (enter “*” to multi-select).
yes/no setup
If only draw changes entered with specific source codes should be included in the report, select the source codes in the Source field. Otherwise check All Sources.
Select the type of route to include in the report: home delivery or single copy.
Indicate whether only draw changes from suspended batches should be included in the report. You should periodically run this report with Suspended Only selected. This will tell you whether there are any suspended batches that should be reviewed.
Indicate whether the report should list draw changes by route or by district (in route order by district).
Indicate whether draw reversals should appear in the Draw Change Journal. For example, if a route’s draw change has a reversal date, the reversal transaction will print on the report if this checkbox is selected.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the journal. A sample Draw Change Journal is shown below.
The Compare/Update Draw option compares the single copy draw from an historical draw date to the draw for a future, unprocessed delivery date, and allows you to replace the future draw with the gross or net draw from the historical date, plus or minus a specified percentage.
To use this option:
Select Compare/Update Draw from the Reports menu to display the Compare Draw window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product ID.
Select the edition ID.
Enter the date of the previous draw you want to compare.
Select gross draw or net draw.
Indicate whether you want to include zero draw in the comparison.
decimal (8)
If desired, enter the percentage by which you want the historical draw to be increased or decreased before it replaces the future draw. Indicate a decrease by entering a negative percentage (e.g., “-10”) in this field.
Enter the date of the future draw you want to compare. This date must have draw but be unprocessed.
Indicate if you want to compare Actual draw, Advance draw, or Pending draw.
Enter the draw class of the draw you want to compare.
Enter the single copy type of the draw you want to compare (e.g., “dealer,” “rack,”)
Indicate whether you want to create a batch of draw changes that replaces the future draw with the historical draw. The batch-related fields at the bottom of the window become active when this checkbox is selected.
Select this checkbox if single copy routes that are set up not to allow draw changes (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup) should be selected anyway. Note: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
Indicate if you want to include pending draw in the report.
If you are creating draw changes, enter a name for the batch of draw changes that will be created.
Enter a description of the batch.
Enter a source code to be used with the draw changes.
Enter a reason code to be used with the draw changes.
Enter the date on which the draw change will be reversed.
Click OK and then Continue to compare draw. A sample report is shown below.
Carriers sometimes ask the newspaper to reprint an invoice that they lost or did not receive. Historical Invoice provides an easy method to reprint individual invoices without having to access the old invoice spool file. A historical invoice is simply a reprint of the original invoice for a given billing date. Historical invoices are created for specific accounts (not the entire billing run) and can be created only for closed billing runs.
To produce a historical invoice:
Select Historical Invoice from the Reports menu.
Click Add and enter the company, bill source, bill date, and account ID for the invoice.
Click OK and then Continue to reprint the invoice. The current bill format will be used for the invoice.
This report identifies drops occurring outside of the standard delivery times for a selected truck sequence.
To produce the report:
Select Reports | Truck Delivery Time to display the Truck Delivery Time Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product.
Specify the date range to be covered by the report.
Enter the truck departure sequence.
Enter the truck sequence
Select this checkbox if you want to include all trucks for the selected departure and truck sequence.
Enter the truck ID, enter “*” to multi-select trucks to include in the report.
Indicate whether the report should be sorted by departure order, run date, or truck.
Select one or more of these options to further define what will appear on the report. You can include a summary and/or drop detail. Additionally, you can have the report include only the exceptions.
Click OK and then Continue to run the report.
This report displays all trucks that will exceed their maximum weight on a selected day. The weight of each product is included, along with a total weight for all products.
To produce the report:
Select Reports | Truck Weight Audit to display the Truck Weight Audit Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publishing date.
Specify the draw type: actual or advance.
Enter the truck departure sequence.
Enter the truck sequence
Enter the product or “*” to multi-select. Products can be publications and TM products.
Indicate if you want to use actual or default weights in the report. • Actual weight is the average copy weight from Press Room Entry plus the combined weight of the inserts in the route’s package for the mix (identified in MIX NAME). • Default weight is the average copy weight from Press Room Entry. Defaults can be overridden on the Weight And Page Detail window, which you can access by clicking the yellow arrow next to this field.
Notes: • The Weight And Page Detail window also allows you to exclude selected editions from the weight calculation. • To include the weight of a mix, you must be using InsertPlus and have insert mixes set up in advance.
Specify the mix name to include in the weight calculations. InsertPlus must be connected for this field to be active.
Indicate whether the report should be sorted by departure order or truck.
Select detail or summary. Detail will show product, section/edition, and relay truck information for each truck. Summary will show one line of information per truck.
If this checkbox is selected, only trucks that are overweight will be listed on the report.
Click OK and then Continue to run the report.
In addition to route information, Route Service allows you to view information about your accounts. To access account information, click the Account Inquiry button ().
Your first action will be to find an account:
Click the Find Account button ().
Enter search criteria, such as the account ID or name, social security number, or route ID.
Note: The account’s social security number (SSN #) can be used to find the account, but it is not displayed when viewing the account.
Click OK. If more than one account meets the search criteria, select the correct account from the window that appears.
Once selected, the account ID and other personal information about the carrier/dealer will appear in the upper-left part of the window. The routes delivered by the carrier/dealer are shown in the upper-right corner.
Additional information about the account is shown in the tabs in the lower half of the window. These tabs are described below.
This tab contains information about the carrier/dealer’s balances, among other things. This information is useful when they call to ask about the status of their accounts.
If available, the Account tab will display:
The account’s vendor ID. Vendor IDs may be used in the accounts payable system, and Circulation exports the vendor ID when interfacing credits to AP.
The account’s tax ID, permit number, account class, birthday and contract date.
Account Groups information, which is entered in Account Setup.
The account’s balance for each company and billing source (most carrier/dealers belong to just one company and billing source). The balance will be broken out into four aging periods, with the Current period containing the most recent charges, and Period 3 the oldest. You may or may not apply finance charges to balances in one or more aging periods. Included with the balance information is the date and amount of the last payment.
The Routes tab displays information about the routes delivered by this carrier, or the single copy outlets managed by this dealer. The district, carrier type and start date for the route are listed. You can also see the days on which the carrier delivers the route (in Circulation, a carrier can deliver more than one route, and a route can be delivered by more than one carrier).
Double-clicking on a route will take you to the main Route Service window, with information about that route displayed.
A miscellaneous charge is a charge or credit applied to a carrier account on an irregular basis—for example, a credit because the carrier had a shortage and had to buy papers from a store.
The Charges/Credits tab lists the amounts and charge codes of any miscellaneous charges entered for the account, starting with the most recent charge. Note that the Billed column indicates whether the carrier/dealer has been billed for this charge.
In contrast with miscellaneous charges, recurring charges are standard charges or credits applied to carrier accounts on a regular basis—for example, a charge for insurance. The Recurring tab lists all recurring charges that have been set up for the account (in Account Setup).
Court-ordered levies can be imposed on a carrier’s wages for expenses such as alimony and car loans. In Circulation, levies are similar to recurring charges, but they are based on the carrier’s 1099 net income. Levy charges are displayed on the Levy tab.
You can view payments made by the account, starting with the most recent, on the Payments tab. The date, check number, and the batch in which the payment was entered is also shown. The invoice or invoices associated with each of an account’s payments are also shown. Clicking the “+” next to each payment will display the related invoice(s).
If you tax your accounts, you may find the Tax Authorities tab useful. Any city, county, state or country tax authorities that apply to the account are listed. If the account is exempt from a tax authority that would normally tax them, the exempt reason code will be shown in the Exempt column.
Carrier/dealers sometimes have questions about items on their invoices. Existing invoices can be viewed on the Invoices tab. The payment or payments associated with each invoice are also shown. Clicking the “+” next to each invoice will display the related payment(s). To view a specific invoice, highlight it and click the View Invoice button. It will be displayed in your browser, and the standard view/print options will be available. You can also click the View Signature button to view the signature for a payment, if there is a signature image on file.
In addition to viewing invoices, you can enter and resolve disputes from the Invoices tab. While an invoice is disputed, payments cannot be applied to it, and the invoice will show up as disputed on the Detail Age Analysis report.
Click the Dispute button to enter a dispute for the invoice. In the Dispute window that opens, enter the dispute date, reason, date, and any comments that pertain to the dispute. Then click OK.
Click the Task button to create a task for a disputed invoice. (The task button is only active when a disputed invoice is selected.)
Click the Resolve button to resolve a disputed invoice. This will close any task related to the dispute, and an alert can be generated automatically.
Note: In order to enter a dispute on an invoice, you must have Transaction Security permissions for adding disputes (ASDisputeInv). In order to resolve a dispute, you must have permissions for dispute resolution (ASInvResolve).
The Complaint tab displays complaints entered for an account within a given date range. To view complaints, enter a start and end date, then click OK. The date, product, route, complaint code and complaint text will be shown for all complaints entered for this account that have a complaint date within this date range.
The Demographics tab displays the demographic questions and answers that apply to the account. To enter a demographic answer, highlight the question, click Modify, and enter the answer.
The Notification tab displays the message notification preferences defined for the account. These preferences define how this account receives messages when the carrier mail export is run.
The Tasks tab allows you to enter a manual task for an account.
Use the Route Sequence option to create walk sequences for your carriers to help them deliver their routes. The walk sequences you create can include directions. After setting up walk sequences, use the Route Walk Sequence report to print them.
Note: You can not use the character-based route sequence utility and this graphical menu option concurrently. You can use one or the other, but not both.
Select Setup | Route Sequence in the Route Service module.
Click the Find Route button () and specify the route for which you want to walk sequences.
The different streets that are delivered by the route display in the Streets area on the left of the screen. Address segments will only display in the Delivery Segments area to the right if a route walk sequence has already been defined for the route. To view the house numbers delivered on a street, click the plus sign to the left of the street name. You can then click the plus sign to the left of a house number to view the subscribers at that address.
Click on a street name to define walk sequences for its addresses. The Segment Entry window displays. This is where you determine the house number range for the delivery segment. Initially, the full house number range for the street delivered by the route displays, but you can change the house number range if only defining walk sequences for part of the street. You can also set the Side field to only deliver to the odd or even side of the street (the default is both) and change Order field from ascending to descending, if the street is delivered in descending house number order. Click OK to add the street segment.
Add additional delivery segments, as needed. If you click on a street that already has delivery segments added for it, the Segment Entry window will default with the house number range and side that is not yet included. For example, if you click on a street name and keep the full house number range but change the Side to “Even”, the next time you click on the street name, the Segment Entry window will have the full house number range but default Side to “Odd”.
This option allows you to reroute subscribers and addresses to new home delivery routes, based on the router.
After changing router boundaries, you may want to use this option to reassign the subscribers and addresses that are affected (both addresses and subscriptions have assigned routes). There are three different scenarios for rerouting:
You can reroute addresses. If the router now places the address in a different route, the new route will be assigned. Subscriptions held by occupants of these address will not be affected, but any new starts or Targeted Marketing distribution will use the new route. You may want to do this so that current subscribers will keep being delivered by their familiar carrier.
You can reroute subscribers. The addresses will stay on the same routes as before, but the subscriptions will be assigned to a new route, if determined by the router. New starts will also be assigned to the new route, if the default start date is after your reroute date. Targeted Marketing distribution, however, will not be affected.
You can reroute both subscribers and addresses.
To give an example, let’s say the router was changed and part of Elm street fell within route 12 instead of route 5. Mr. Jones lives in this area now assigned to route 12, and he has an active subscription.
If we run rerouting for subscriptions only, Mr. Jones will notice that a new person, the carrier from route 12, was delivering his paper.
If we run rerouting for addresses only (instead of subscriptions), Mr. Jones will likely not notice a difference, except he perhaps may observe that TM products are being delivered by someone else. If Mr. Jones stops his paper and then starts another subscription, however, it will be delivered by the new carrier on route 12.
Rerouting both addresses and subscriptions will cause Mr. Jones to be delivered by route 12, and in addition any new subscriptions or TM products will likewise be delivered by route 12.
Note: Addresses can be reassigned to routes individually, and subscriptions can be rerouted, in Customer Service. If a subscription is rerouted individually, and the reason code has Reroute set to “n” (see Reason in the Setup Manual), the subscription will not be rerouted when this option is run.
Select Setup | Rerouting to display the Rerouting window.
Click Add and specify how rerouting will be done by completing the fields described below.
Indicate whether to reroute subscribers, addresses, or both.
yes/no setup
Indicate if all products should be rerouted. If not, enter the product for which addresses and/or subscriptions should be rerouted.
If you are rerouting subscribers, indicate whether and when the subscriber rate should be reassigned if rerouted (subscriber rates can change from route to route). If you enter immediate (a rate change will be created immediately upon rerouting) or on expire (a future rate change will be created that will be effective as of the subscriber’s expire date), a warning message appears that all rates (including promotional rates) may be changed. You are then prompted to continue. If you enter no, subscriber rates will not be reassigned.
If Reroute Type is “subscribers” or “both”, enter a reason code indicating why this rerouting is to be done. The reason code will be used for rerouting and billing change transactions created as part of the rerouting process.
Enter the transaction date for this rerouting activity. Subscriber rerouting goes into effect as of this date. Address rerouting goes into effect immediately, using this date to determine route boundaries.
If you are rerouting subscribers, indicate whether subscriber billing methods may be changed, if needed. For example, a carrier collect subscriber may be rerouted to a route that accepts only office pay subscribers. If this checkbox is selected, a billing change transaction would be created when the reroute is processed in Transaction Processing, changing the subscriber from carrier collect to office pay (If this field were set to “no”, the carrier collect subscriber would not be rerouted). Billing change transactions created by rerouting will not be printed on bundle tops.
Indicate whether addresses and/or subscribers should actually be updated. You may want to run rerouting with this checkbox deselected, study the Unroutable Address Report to make sure the rerouting is what you expected, and run it again with this checkbox selected.
You have the choice to reroute only certain geographical areas. Or, you can reroute using router changes made within a certain date range. Indicate whether addresses should be rerouted by Zip code, map, route, district or date. Enter all to reroute all addresses.
open (10)
If rerouting by Zip code, enter the Zip code for which to reroute. Enter an asterisk (*) in order to specify multiple Zip codes (a window will open, described below). You can optionally include the Zip code extension.
open (22)
If rerouting by Zip code, enter the name of the street for which to reroute. Do not enter suffixes such as RD, Dr, etc. If you do not enter a street name, all streets in the selected Zip code will be rerouted.
open (10)
If you entered a street name, enter the house number range that should be rerouted. If you do not enter house numbers, all houses on the selected street will be rerouted.
If you entered a house number range, indicate whether houses with odd or even house numbers should be rerouted, or select both to reroute both odd and even addresses.
If rerouting by map, enter the delivery map here. Rerouting will only be done for router segments defined for this map.
If you are rerouting by district, enter the (new) district for which rerouting should be carried out.
If you are rerouting by route, enter the (new) route for which rerouting should be carried out.
If you are rerouting by a range of dates, enter the date range here. The rerouting will only take into account changes in the router that occurred within these dates.
Click OK to begin the rerouting. As part of the process, the Unrouteable Address Report is created, listing addresses that could not be rerouted due to gaps in the router boundaries or other reasons. The standard view/print settings are available.
If you enter “*” in the Zip Code field, a window will open for you to add the Zip codes you want rerouted. Enter the Zip codes, one at a time, along with the Zip+4 extension (if desired), the street name, beginning and ending house number, and street side (odd, even, or both). These fields are all described in the table above. After you have entered all of the Zip codes to be rerouted, click OK. Then, click OK again to return to the main window.
There may be cases in which more than one substitute delivers a route in the absence of the regular carrier. For example, you might put two substitutes on a route because, being unfamiliar with the neighborhood, it will take longer for them to deliver it. Normally, a substitute will be given credit for the route draw at the regular carrier’s rate. However, with multiple substitutes, the system does not know what percentage of the draw each is delivering. So, the draw must be split between the substitutes manually by using this option.
You will be able to split draw only for routes and days where multiple substitutes are active. Also, you can use this option only if the Business Rule, Are multiple substitute accounts allowed for a single day for a publication and route? (Account Finance section), is set to “yes”.
Once the draw is split, each substitute will be billed based on their portion of the draw. You may not be able to use the regular carrier’s rate to bill the substitutes—special substitute rates may need to be set up instead. Another Business Rule in the Account Finance section, How should multiple substitutes be rated?, determines whether the regular carrier’s rate or special substitute rates are used to rate draw for multiple substitutes.
If the regular carrier’s rate is used, the rate must have “*” in Delivery Schedule, Draw Type, and Rate Code, because split substitute draw will not have a value for any of these fields. If a special substitute rate is defined, you will probably want to use Account Rule with the specific account type for the substitutes. Also, Delivery Schedule, Draw Type, and Rate Code must all be set to “*”.
Note: If multiple substitutes deliver a route, no complaint charges will be charged to the substitute carriers—the complaint will be charged to the regular carrier.
Select Substitute Draw from the Setup menu.
Click Add and complete the fields described below.
Specify the publication for which you are entering draw for multiple substitute carriers.
Specify the route for which you are entering draw for multiple substitute carriers.
Enter the date for which you are dividing draw among the substitute carriers for this publication and route.
The route type of the route entered above is displayed here.
The total draw for the route is displayed.
This field displays the draw that has not been allocated to a substitute. As you enter draw for each substitute carrier, the unallocated draw will decrease.
The substitute carriers for the route and the draw previously allocated to them are displayed in these fields.
integer (8)
Enter the number of papers that each substitute carrier will deliver on this route and day of week.
After the draws are entered for each substitute (and they add up to the total draw for the route), click OK.
Split substitute draw for another route or date, or click Cancel to exit.
This option allows you to define the expected start and end delivery times for each truck on a selected truck sequence.
To define expected truck times:
Select Setup | Truck Time to display the Truck Time Setup window.
Click Add and complete the fields described below. These fields define which trucks are displayed in the Truck Time table.
Select the product, departure and truck sequence to determine which trucks are displayed in the Truck Time table.
Further define which trucks are displayed in the Truck Time table by selecting the individual days of the week. The order of days is determined by Business Rules. If you want to see trucks for all weekdays, select the Show All Run Days checkbox.
If you select this checkbox, all trucks for the selected departure will be displayed. Otherwise, only trucks that have been defined previously will appear. Show All Trucks is helpful when setting up truck information for the first time.
Select this checkbox if you want to display records that are not valid for today.
Click OK. Trucks that match your selection criteria are displayed in the Truck Time table.
In the Truck Time table, select a truck, click Modify, and complete the fields described below. To add a truck, click Add instead of Modify.
The truck’s departure order is displayed.
Select a truck for which you want to enter truck time information.
Enter the date range for which the truck times are valid.
Enter a day of the week, or “*” to cover days not specifically set up for the truck. For example, if the trucking information is different for Sundays than for the rest of the week, you can enter one record for Sunday and another record using “*” to cover the remaining days.
This field is used to specify how the departure time should be determined relative to the actual publish date. For example, a number of trucks delivering a morning publication may load before midnight of the previous day. Entering “-1” here indicates that the truck leaves before midnight of the run date. If the truck loads on the run date, enter “0” (the default).
Enter the time of the truck’s departure in a 24-hour format (e.g., 08:00, 23:00).
Enter the amount of time (in HH:MM format) that is normally required to make the deliveries (i.e., the difference between the departure time and when the last drop is made).
Click OK to save the information.
A route is a geographic location made up of addresses. Routes that sell papers to customers are single copy routes. Routes that deliver papers to subscribers are home delivery routes. Both types of routes are defined in the Route Setup Utility.
The Route Setup Utility is an alternative to the Distribution Point, Home Delivery Route, and Single Copy Route setup options (see Distribution Point in the Setup Manual). The advantage is that, by using Route Setup, you are walked through all three setups, including specific information, in one continuous entry session.
The Route Setup Utility consists of a number of tabs. These tabs are described in the order in which they are arranged. To begin, select Route Setup Utility from the Setup menu.
Basic information for the route appears in the top portion of the Route Setup window. See the descriptions in the following table. After basic information is entered, additional route information can be specified in the tabs in the bottom portion of the window, as documented below.
Select a product that can be delivered on this route.
open (8)
Enter an ID for this route.
Enter the first date this product can be delivered on this route.
Enter the last date this product can be delivered on this route. Never set an end date until the draw is zero (0) and all billing has been completed.
Indicate whether this is a route (home delivery route) or single copy route.
If you selected “single copy” in TYPE, indicate if this is a bulk postal drop.
open (25)
Enter the name of the route.
Enter the district in which this route is located.
This field is used by advance publishing and the Burt export option. Indicate if this route delivers all or some of the newspaper’s advance sections. Otherwise, enter none. If you select “all” or “some”, the Sections tab will be available for entry of Burt part information. Note: If all routes of an edition deliver an advanced section, you can link the section to the edition, and can select “All” here.
Select the AAM column in which paid circulation figures for this route should be recorded for AAM reporting.
Select the route class for this route. A route class is a group of similar routes for group draw purposes. If, for example, you have four racks at a shopping mall whose daily draw would change at the same rate, you can group them together in a route class.
Optionally, select an account rate class for this route. A rate class is a group of routes used for account rating purposes.
If you have InsertPlus, enter the insert group for this route (also known as a preprint demographic). Insert groups represent types of routes (such as “apt” and “house”) that are typically sold together when advertisers order insertions.
Optionally, select a bonus rate class for this route. Bonus rate classes are used to insert bonusing with InsertPlus.
User defined. Works in conjunction with Burt Export and is only for sites that export alternate zone information.
User defined. Works in conjunction with Burt Export and is only for sites that export alternate zone information.
Indicate whether returns are allowed for this route.
Indicate whether draw changes (changes to the draw before the publishing run has been processed) are allowed for this route. Leave this box unselected for home delivery routes whose office pay, carrier collect, paid comp, and unpaid comp draws should not be adjusted manually. Note that you will still be able to adjust the draw for samples and service copies.
open (unlimited)
Indicate whether a drop location should be entered. If the drop location for this route does not vary and is not the carrier’s home address, select this checkbox and then specify the drop location for this route in the Default Drop Location dialog box that appears.
open (unlimited)
Indicate whether special drop instructions apply to this route. If so, select this checkbox and enter the instructions in the Default Drop Instructions dialog box that appears.
If you are defining a home delivery route, you must enter delivery information in the Route Setup tab. Click OK to accept the information. The other Route Setup tabs will then be open.
Note: If this is a single copy route, the fields on the Route Setup tab will be different. See Single Copy Information for descriptions of those fields.
Enter the route type for this route, such as carrier or foot. Route types are user-defined categories.
decimal (4)
Enter the number of miles covered by this route. This field is currently used for reference purposes only.
integer (6)
Enter the total number of households on this route (subscribers and non-subscribers). This field is used by InsertPlus.
Indicate whether vacation packages will be held for subscribers by the carrier or the office (District Manager).
Indicate whether route labels should never be printed for this route, always be printed, or be printed only for dwelling types that have been set up for route labels. Enter “always”, for example, if this route delivers to a nursing home or campus dormitory where every paper on the route should be labeled for internal distribution.
The route may be assigned to a subscription rate class for subscriber rating purposes. If so, enter the rate class here.
At times, transactions performed by agents are not reported until after they have occurred. For example, a subscriber may start a subscription on a Monday, but the newspaper may not be notified until Wednesday. In this situation, the agent provides the paper to the subscriber from a specific single copy route until the regular route draw is updated. Backdated draw adjustments can be created to reconcile this draw between home delivery and single copy routes. In associated route, you enter the single copy route that should be used to provide or receive papers related to the backdated transactions. This field is required if the Business Rule, Should backdated transactions create draw adjustments between associated routes? is set to “Yes”.
decimal (8)
If transportation cost subsidies can be entered at the route level (as governed by the Business Rule Should route level subsidies be included in transportation costs?) you may specify the subsidy for this route. If a subsidy amount is specified, it increases the transportation cost for taxing purposes.
For example, if a subsidy of .05 is entered and the carrier receives 27¢ per copy to deliver a subscription, the total transportation cost for the subscription would be .32.
If a subsidy amount is entered at the route level, it will be used rather than the subsidy specified in the Business Rule What is the daily subsidy amount which should be added to the remit on payment trans cost calculation?
Indicate whether products can be redelivered to the subscriber, if necessary, on this route. For example, redelivery may not be allowed to some subscribers because of time/distance constraints. Typically, redelivery is made because the paper is wet or damaged.
Indicate whether office pay subscriptions are allowed on this route.
Indicate whether carrier collect subscriptions are allowed on this route.
Indicate whether office pay status cards should be printed for this route. These cards are printed when an office pay subscriber has a transaction that would affect the carrier (such as a change in expiration date).
Indicate whether subscriber renewal notices are delivered by this route. Renewal notices can be delivered by route or mailed.
Indicate whether this is a throwoff route. A throwoff route represents one or more subscribers delivered directly by the truck driver (the individual subscribers will print on the truck manifest).
If you produce invoices for carrier collect subscribers (a Business Rules consideration), indicate whether carrier collect invoices should be printed for this route.
Route walk sequencing will only be allowed in iServices Distribution when this field is checked.
This field will be open only if the Print CC Invoices checkbox is selected. If you print carrier collect invoices for this route, indicate whether the invoices should be produced in advance or in arrears. If you select “arrears”, the collect invoices for this route will indicate what is due from each carrier collect subscriber in the current billing period. If you select “advance”, the invoices will indicate what is due for the next billing period.
If both the Office Pay and Carrier Collect checkboxes are selected, this field will be open. Enter the default billing method for subscribers on this route. This will be either office pay, or carrier collect. Leave the field blank to use the default billing method defined in Business Rules.
Enter the Zip code for this route. Time zones are associated with Zip codes in Zip setup. If you enter a Zip code with an associated time zone, the time zone will default.
open (28)
Enter the city in which this route is located. This and the following fields are used for taxing purposes and will be open only if you tax by route (a Business Rules consideration).
open (25)
Enter the county in which this route is located.
Select the state in which this route is located.
Select the country in which this route is located.
For each day of the week (Sunday - Saturday), indicate the edition that will be delivered on this route. The edition will be printed on the bundle top, insuring that the correct edition is sent to the route.
If you use depots, enter the depot at which this route’s papers are dropped for each day of the week.
integer (8)
If a depot is entered for some or all days in the week, enter the route’s drop order within the depot on that day.
open (2)
Specify the Burt product type for this route for each day of the week. The product type is exported to Burt and indicates how the route is inserted (complete, part, etc.). The product type entered here is used for actual and pending draw; the product type used when exporting advance draw is specified in the Section tab.
Single copy routes include racks, dealers, NIE, bulk, and office copies. Dealers and racks are reported in paid circulation totals, bulk is reported in the bulk sales section of AAM reports, and the office is reported in the unpaid section of the AAM reports.
If you are setting up a single copy route, the Route Setup tab will contain different fields, as shown below.
open (15)
Some cities require a permit for every newspaper box on a street corner. If so, enter the city permit number for this route. The permit number is for reference only.
open (15)
If you use ANA/URN numbers to identify single copy routes, enter this route’s ANA/URN identifier here. The identifier can be included in bundle top exports and returns imports, along with the publication barcode. See Publishing Info in the Setup manual for more information.
Indicate the single copy type for this route. To establish a Counter Sales route, enter a single copy type other than “office” so that it is included in paid circulation.
Indicate whether shortages should be dispatched on this route.
open (28)
Enter the city in which this route is located. This and the following fields are used for taxing purposes, and will be open only if you tax by route (a Business Rules consideration).
open (25)
Enter the county in which this route is located.
Select the state in which this route is located.
Select the country in which this route is located.
setup setup
Optionally enter the ZIP Code and time zone for this route. Time zones can be associated with ZIP Codes in Zip setup. If you enter a ZIP Code with an associated time zone, the time zone will default, but can be changed.
If a time zone is specified, transactions for subscribers delivered by the route will display in Customer Service and elsewhere with the time adjusted for the time zone.
Check these fields if the route allows draw adjustments, draw changes and/or returns to be entered via iServices Distribution. Note: These fields are enabled only if iServices Distribution is installed. In addition, Allow iServices Draw Changes is enabled only if the Allow Draw Changes checkbox is selected for the route, and Allow iServices Returns enabled only if the Allow Returns checkbox is selected for the route.
Check these fields if the route allows draw adjustments, draw changes and/or returns to be entered via iServices Distribution. Note: These fields are enabled only if iServices Distribution is installed. In addition, Allow iServices Draw Changes is enabled only if the Allow Draw Changes checkbox is selected for the route, and Allow iServices Returns enabled only if the Allow Returns checkbox is selected for the route.
Check these fields if the route allows draw adjustments, draw changes and/or returns to be entered via iServices Distribution. Note: These fields are enabled only if iServices Distribution is installed. In addition, Allow iServices Draw Changes is enabled only if the Allow Draw Changes checkbox is selected for the route, and Allow iServices Returns enabled only if the Allow Returns checkbox is selected for the route.
Enter the draw adjustment code to apply to returns entered via iServices Distribution.
Enter the draw adjustment code to apply to unauthorized returns entered via iServices Distribution.
For each day of the week (Sunday - Saturday), indicate the edition that will be delivered on this route. The edition will be printed on the bundle top, insuring that the correct edition is sent to the route.
If you use depots, enter the depot at which this route’s papers are dropped for each day of the week.
integer (8)
If a depot is entered for some or all days in the week, enter the route’s drop order within the depot on that day.
open (2)
Specify the Burt product type for this route for each day of the week. The product type is exported to Burt and indicates how the route is inserted (complete, part, etc.). The product type entered here is used for actual and pending draw; the product type used when exporting advance draw is specified in the Section tab.
The Delivery Schedule tab is where you indicate the delivery schedules that are valid for this route. Subscribers with delivery schedules not added here cannot be assigned to the route.
Click Add and complete the following fields. Click OK to make the delivery schedule valid for the route.
The route ID is displayed.
The product for which this route is being defined is displayed.
Enter a delivery schedule valid for this route. Press F2 to display a lookup of valid schedules.
Specify the first date range this delivery schedule will be used for this route. You may leave End Date blank.
Subscribers can specify a delivery placement (for example, “door” or “mat”) for the paper as part of a start, move, temporary address or reroute transaction. Delivery placements are set up in advance and can be valid for all home delivery routes or for a specific set of routes. If your delivery placements are valid only for certain home delivery routes, you can specify the delivery placements that are valid for this route here. This tab is not active for single copy routes.
Click Add and complete the fields described below. Then click OK to make the delivery placement valid for this route.
The route and product being defined are displayed.
Enter a valid delivery placement for this home delivery route.
Enter the date range during which this delivery placement will be valid for this route. You may leave End Date blank.
Home delivery routes are attached to delivery maps for routing and other purposes. If you have more than one delivery map set up, specify the map(s) to which the route should be assigned on the Map Route tab.
Click Add and complete the fields described below. Then click OK to accept the map assignment.
Enter the ID of a delivery map to which this route should be assigned.
The days on which the delivery map is used by this product are displayed.
Enter the date range during which the route will be assigned to this map. You may leave End Date blank.
Because routes may lie in more than one census tract, the draw percentages for each census tract should be specified on the Census Tract tab. You need enter census tract information only if you have census tracts defined and use them for market penetration, subscriber rating, Targeted Marketing selection or InsertPlus. To add census tract percentages, click Add and complete the fields described below. Click OK to accept the percentages entered for the census tract.
Note: If all addresses within the Circulation database are stored with census tract information, you can select UTILITIES | ACCOUNT | UPDATE CENSUS TRACT % to establish the percents for home delivery routes.
Routes may lie in more than one Town of 25, so you need to establish what percentage of the route draw lies within each area. These percentages are used to determine Town of 25 circulation for the paragraph 3 by Town Report. Percentages are defined on the Town of 25 tab.
Click Add and complete the fields described below. Then click OK to accept the percentages. Enter all Towns of 25 that overlap with this route.
Note: If all subscriber records (including carrier collect and office pay) are stored in the Circulation database, you can select Utilities | Account | Compare/Update AAM % to establish the Zip code percents for home delivery routes.
The route ID is displayed.
The product for which you are defining this route is displayed.
Enter a Town of 25 that overlaps with this route.
Enter the AAM zone for this Town of 25. It is possible (though uncommon) that the Town of 25 lies in two or more AAM zones. In that case, you would enter percentages for each Town of 25/AAM zone combination.
Enter the date range during which the following draw percentages are valid. An end date is not required.
decimal (6)
For each publishing day of the week, enter the percentage of this route’s draw that lies within this Town of 25 and AAM zone. The combined percentages for all Towns of 25 must equal 100 for each publishing day.
As with Towns of 25, routes may also cross Zip code boundaries. If you do AAM reporting by Zip, you will need to specify the percentage of this route’s draw that lies within each Zip code. These percentages are used to determine circulation within a Zip on the Paragraph 3 by Zip Report.
Note: If, according to Business Rules, you maintain AAM history by Zip code (for use on AAM reports) or use InsertPlus, select this option to set up these records. Otherwise, the option can be skipped. Note also that if all subscriber records (including carrier collect and office pay) are stored in the Circulation database, you can select Utilities | Account | Compare/Update AAM % to establish the Zip code percents for home delivery routes.
Zip code percentages are defined on the Zip tab. Click Add and complete the fields described below. Then click OK to accept the Zip percentage. Define percentages for each Zip code that overlaps with this route.
The route ID is displayed.
The product for which you are defining this route is displayed.
open (5)
Enter a Zip code that overlaps with this route.
The Town of 25 is displayed.
Enter the date range for which these draw percentages are effective. You may leave END DATE blank.
decimal (5)
For each day of the week, enter the percentage of the draw that is delivered within this Zip code. Draw percentages for all Zip codes must total 100% for each publishing day.
If you use service areas in dispatching, you can assign the route to a service area on the Service Area tab. Click Add and complete the fields described below. Then click OK to accept the service area assignment.
The route ID is displayed.
The product for which you are defining this route is displayed.
Enter the service area to which this route belongs. A route may belong to different service areas on different days of the week. Service areas must be set up in advance.
Enter the date range during which the route belongs to the service area above. You may leave END DATE blank.
Enter the days of the week that the route belongs in this service area.
If this is a single copy route, you can assign a single copy price level via the Price Level tab. If your newspaper reports AAM circulation figures based on price level, and the draw for a single copy route will not fall under the default price level for single copy (as defined in Business Rules), a price level must be assigned. Enter a price level for each day of the week, and the date range for which the price level assignment is valid.
The edition normally delivered by the route has already been specified as part of the basic information for the route. On certain occasions, however, a different edition may be delivered. For example, routes sometimes deliver a different edition on holidays. In these cases, an alternate edition model is used. The model tells Circulation which edition is delivered by each route on days when the editions are non-standard. If your newspaper does not use alternate edition models, you do not need to enter information on this tab.
Alternate editions are specified on the Edition Model tab. Click Add and enter the editions that should be delivered by the route when a certain alternate delivery model is used. Click OK to accept the alternate edition assignment.
The route being defined is displayed.
The publication delivered by the route is displayed.
Enter the alternate edition model for which you are specifying an edition.
Enter the date range for which the edition specified here will be delivered by the route when this alternate edition model is used. START DATE cannot be before the current publishing date; END DATE can be left blank.
Enter the edition that will be delivered by the route when this alternate edition model is used.
If the route will deliver TM products, a minimum delivery credit for each product can be defined on the TM Product Info tab. You need to enter this information only when the minimum delivery credit for the route is not the same for all routes delivering the product (if it is the same, it can be set up in Targeted Marketing). Click Add to define the minimum delivery credit for a TM product and OK to accept.
The route ID is displayed.
The product for which you are defining the route is displayed.
Enter a TM product that can be delivered by this route.
Enter a start date and, optionally, an end date during which the delivery credit information is in effect.
decimal (8)
Enter a minimum delivery credit. This is the minimum credit that a qualifying account can earn for delivery of this product. Accounts must be cleared for delivery credits during Account Setup.
This tab is used to enter route-level resupply exceptions. An exception is needed when a product allows resupply (Deliverable record), but the route does not.
You can specify the time by which the route should be delivered on each day of the week on the Deadlines tab. This information can be useful to customer service associates, especially when entering complaints. Click Add to enter the deadline times and OK to accept the deadlines.
Enter date range for which the deadlines are valid. You may leave END DATE blank.
military (4)
For each day of the week, enter the time by which papers on this route should be delivered. Enter the time in military format. For example, 9 am would be entered as 09:00, and 2:30 pm would be entered as 14:30.
military (4)
For each day of the week, enter the latest time of the day by which papers must be dispatched for redelivery.
The Demographic tab is where you can answer single copy demographic questions (as set up in Setup | Subscription | Demographics). To answer a question, highlight the question and click Modify. You can then supply an answer for the question. Click OK to accept the answer.
If you select “all” or “some” in the Sections By Route field, the Sections tab will be available. If you select “all”, the Paper Section field will be populated automatically with “*”. If you select “some”, you will need to complete the fields described below to identify which sections are delivered by this route.
The route’s product is displayed.
The route ID is displayed.
Enter the date range during which this section will be delivered by this route. The end date may be left blank.
Enter the section this route will deliver.
Enter the Burt product type for this route when distributing this section. The product type is exported to Burt and indicates how the route is inserted (complete, part, etc.).
The Draw Class tab allows you to enter draw classes for a single copy route, as well as minimum and maximum draw, and optimal and maximum return information. At least one draw class (flagged as primary) must be defined for a single copy route. See Draw Class in the Setup Manual for more information on draw classes.
Click Add to add the first draw class. The draw class flagged as primary in Draw Class setup will display in the CLASS field and cannot be changed. If additional draw classes are added for the route, the CLASS field opens and a non-primary draw class can be selected.
Displays the product ID.
Displays the route ID.
Select a valid draw class for this single copy outlet. When adding the first draw class record for a route, this field will display the primary draw class defined in Draw Class setup.
Enter the first date the draw class can be used for this single copy outlet.
Enter the last date the draw class can be used for this single copy outlet.
Indicate whether the optimal draw information (entered below) is a percent or an amount. The optimal return percent or amount is used for Return Draw Analysis reporting, which compares the actual returns for the route with its optimal percentage/amount. If the returns are different from the optimal, Circulation creates draw change transactions.
integer (6)
For each day of the week, enter the minimum draw limit for this draw class. Draw changes will not be able to set the draw below this limit (unless the draw is changed to zero).
integer (6)
For each day of the week, enter the maximum draw limit for this draw class.
decimal (4)
If the optimal return type for this draw class is “percentage” (as entered in Optimal Type), enter the optimal return percentage for each day of the week.
integer (6)
If the optimal return type for this draw class is “amount” (as entered in Optimal Type), enter the optimal quantity for each day of the week.
decimal (5)
For each day of the week, enter the maximum percentage of draw that may be returned. The maximum percentage may not exceed 100%. Note: Returns that exceed the maximum percentage entered for this draw class will be considered “unauthorized” returns.
Note: When end dating draw classes, draws should be moved from the old draw class to the new draw class with draw changes. Also, do not end date or delete the primary draw class record for a route unless you are changing primary draw classes.
Trips are walk sequences used by carriers who deliver multiple routes; addresses from all of the routes are arranged collectively in one trip sequence. If this home delivery route belongs to a trip, you can assign it on the Trip Route tab. Click Add and specify the trip for the route. Then click OK.
The route being set up is displayed, along with the product it delivers.
Enter a trip that includes this route. A route may only be assigned to one trip per day. For example, if a route is assigned to a trip that is valid for all days of the week, it cannot be assigned to another trip.
Enter the date range during which the route will belong to this trip. End Date may be left blank.
Use this option to enter or change the drop address associated with the route. This is the address that will be shown in the Single Copy Locator (through geocoding).
Find the route whose address you want to enter or change.
You have the following options in this window:
Add—Use this option to add a new address to associate with the route. The address fields are described in the Customer Service section.
Find—Use this option to search for an existing address to associate with the route.
Remove—Use this option to modify the address that is associated with the route.
Click Continue when you have finished.
Many larger newspapers employ sophisticated inserting systems that have their own software applications. In order to insert the correct preprints in the papers for each route, these applications need the route draws. They also need to be updated when routes change trucks, or when ad zone boundaries change. The Insert Draw and Insert Base options export this data to an ASCII file, where it can be imported into an inserting system.
The draw export contains route draw figures, while the base export contains truck, ad zone, edition, preprint demographic, and other information for the route. The draw export will most likely be run daily. The base export may be run on a periodic basis, but if it is, you should wait to add new routes or make changes to existing routes until just before running the export.
Using this process, Circulation and the inserting application will always have the same information and you will not, for example, be importing draw into the inserting system for a route that doesn’t exist there yet.
The base export can be run for up to seven days, beginning with a user-defined start date. It can be run for both publications and TM products. In the case of a TM product, all routes belonging to its delivery publication will be exported. For each day, only one Zip code and AAM zone will be exported. If a route belongs to more than one, the Zip or AAM zone with the highest percentage will be used. The distribution ad zone (the ad zone belonging to the ad zone map that is assigned to the product on that day) will be exported, along with up to seven selling ad zones. A selling ad zone will be included only if it is assigned to an ad zone map on that day of the week. See the InsertPlus manual for more information about ad zones.
Note: If you do not have InsertPlus, the ad zone fields will be blank in the export.
The base records will be sorted in the export file by date, truck departure order, and the route’s drop order within each truck.
Select Insert Base from the Utilities | Export menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication or TM product for which base information should be exported.
Enter the date range for the base export. Route information will be exported for the days in the date range. If a publication does not publish on a given day of the week, no records will be exported for that date. Note that the export can be run for a maximum of seven days.
setup x 7
For each day of the date range, enter the truck departure sequence that should be used for sorting purposes.
setup x 7
For each day of the date range, enter the truck sequence that should be used. This determines the truck to which a route is assigned and its drop order within the truck.
Click OK and then Continue to begin the export. The base data will be exported to /dti/exchange/cm
, and the file will be named <ProductID><Month><Day><Year> BASE
. For example, if route information for the Times is exported starting on 10/02/09, the file will be named times100209BASE
. See Appendix B for the format of this file. Once the export has completed, the Insert Base Export report will list the number of records exported, and other information about the process.
The draw export is run for a user-defined date, and can export actual or advance draw information. Only routes that are active and have draw for the publication entered will be included in the export.
Select Insert Draw from the Utilities | Export menu.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Select the publication for which draw should be exported.
Indicate whether to export actual or advance draw figures.
If you are exporting advance draw and you keep advance draw by section (a Business Rules consideration), enter the section whose draw figures should be exported. Otherwise, this field will be skipped.
Enter the date for which draw figures should be exported. If there are no draw records for this date and the type entered above, you will be prompted to enter a different date. Actual draw, for example, cannot be exported for more than seven publishing days in the future because it is kept for only seven days beyond the current publishing date.
Select OK and then Continue to begin the export. The draw will be exported to /dti/exchange/cm
, and the file will be named <ProductID><Month><Day><Year> <Draw Type>
. For example, if actual draw for the Times is exported on 10/02/06, the file will be named Times100206ACT
. If advance is exported rather than actual, the file would be Times100206ADV
. And, if a section is entered, the first three letters appended to the file name (for example Times100206ADVCOM
). See Appendix B for the format of this file. Once the export has completed, the Insert Draw Export report will list the number of records exported, and other information about the process.
A route’s delivery can be suspended for a period of time. For example, bad weather might prevent some routes from being delivered on a given day. When a route is suspended, it will not appear on distribution reports, and its draw will not be included in AAM reporting. Subscribers on suspended routes will be temporarily stopped for the number of days the route is suspended. The carrier may or may not be charged/credited for the draw on the suspended days.
Note: The Suspend transactions created by the Suspend Route utility are processed only during non-final Transaction Processing runs.
The following setup must be in place before using this option:
At least one reason code each must be set up for the Suspend and Unsuspend transaction types in Reason setup. These will be used as the reasons for the route’s suspension and reinstatement.
The Suspend reason code must also be set up for the transaction type of Stop, and the Unsuspend reason code must also be set up for the transaction type of Restart. For example, if you define a reason code of “SUSPEND” for the transaction type of Suspend, you must also define a reason code of “SUSPEND” for the transaction type of Stop. Similarly, if you define a reason code of “UNSUSPEND” for the transaction type of Unsuspend, you must also define a reason code of “UNSUSPEND” for the transaction type of Restart.
For the Stop and Restart reason codes, the Update Draw, Print On Bundle, and Print Code On Bundle fields all must be set to “n.” This is required because the temporary stops and restarts created by the suspend and unsuspend processes should not affect the draw and are not printed on bundle tops (bundle tops are not produced for a route while it is suspended).
Business Rules must be set up to handle special circumstances, such as perm-stopping a subscriber on a suspended route. See Suspends in Customer Service for information.
Select Suspend Route from the Utilities menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Indicate whether you are suspending or unsuspending (reinstating) routes.
Indicate whether routes should be selected for suspension/reinstatement by district, route, or account.
open (8)
Enter the publication for which you are suspending or reinstating routes.
Depending on what you entered in Selection Type, enter the district, route, or account that should be suspended or reinstated. You can also multi-select. If you select districts, all routes in the selected districts will be suspended or reinstated. If you select accounts, all routes associated with the accounts will be affected.
Indicate whether single copy or home delivery routes will be suspended or reinstated.
Enter the source code for the suspension or reinstatement.
Enter any remarks pertinent to the suspension or reinstatement.
Enter the date on which the routes will be suspended.
Enter the reason code for the suspension. The reason code must be a Suspend reason code.
If you are suspending home delivery routes, indicate whether carriers should be charged/credited for the draw on the suspended day. Single copy routes will never be charged or credited for a suspended day.
If you selected Charge/Credit Account, indicate the draw types for which carriers should be charged/credited on the suspended day, or multi-select draw types. The valid draw types are carrier collect, office pay, paid comp, unpaid comp, service, and sample.
Enter the reason code for the temporary stop transactions that will be created by the system for subscribers on the routes selected. The reason code must be a Stop reason code.
Enter the date on which the routes will be reinstated.
Enter the reason code for the reinstatement. The reason code must be an Unsuspend reason code.
Enter the reason code for the restart transactions that will be created by the system for subscribers on the routes selected. The reason code must be a Restart reason code.
Click OK and then Continue to complete the suspension (or reinstatement). A Suspend transaction will be created for the route. This transaction, when processed during non-final Transaction Processing, will create temporary stops for subscribers on the route. Once processing is complete, a report will display details about the process.
Note: If a route has subscribers delivered by other routes (e.g., different weekday and weekend routes), the route cannot be suspended unless the other route(s) delivering to its subscribers are also selected for suspension. Likewise, a route cannot be reinstated unless all other routes delivering to its subscribers are selected for reinstatement.
Once delivery can be resumed, routes are reinstated using the Suspend Route option with a Transaction Type of “Unsuspend.” An Unsuspend transaction will be created for each route that is reinstated. When processed by Transaction Processing, the Unsuspend will create restarts for the subscribers on the route.
For example, if a route is suspended on the 6th and reinstated on the 9th, subscribers on the route will have a temporary stop dated the 6th and a restart dated the 9th. This means that the route was suspended on the 6th, 7th, and 8th, and the subscribers will have their expire dates extended by three days.
If a route is suspended, a draw of zero will be shown for the suspended days and a suspend message will be displayed in the Route Service window. The route will also have a Suspend transaction. If this transaction is for a future date, it can be deleted, which would cancel the suspension.
When the route is reinstated, the suspend message will no longer appear, and the route will have an Unsuspend transaction. Again, future Unsuspend transactions can be deleted, which would cancel the reinstatement.
If a subscriber is on a suspended route, a message will be displayed in the Customer Service window. The subscriber will also have a Suspend transaction; this is the temp stop, but it is called “suspend” to distinguish it from ordinary temp stops.
When the route is reinstated, the suspend message will no longer appear, and the subscriber will have an Unsuspend transaction, which is the restart.
If a start or restart is entered for a subscriber on a suspended route, it will be processed normally, but a temp stop (Suspend) will be created for the same date.
If a stop is entered for a subscriber on a suspended route, a restart (Unsuspend) transaction will be created when the stop is processed, so the subscriber will be unsuspended but stopped. The Business Rule, What is the reason code to use when a suspended subscription is restarted to process a stop? (Customer Services section), identifies the reason code to use for these Unsuspend transactions. This must be a Restart reason code defined with the Update Draw and Print On Bundle fields both set to “n.”
The temp stop (Suspend) and restart (Unsuspend) transactions are processed when they are created; therefore, they cannot be modified or deleted. However, if the subscriber really does want to temp stop, the Restart field in the temp stop can be set to “n” so that another temp stop will be created when the route is reinstated. This is an alternative way to enter a stop for the subscriber. The Business Rule, What is the reason code for the temp stop created when an unsuspend subscription is overridden? (Customer Services section), identifies the reason code to use for these temp stops. This must be a Stop reason code with the Update Draw and Print On Bundle fields both set to “n.”
If a component of a combo subscription is suspended, and the combo has Must Stop Together checked in Combo setup, Suspend Route will use the Business Rule—For combo subscriptions, should the suspend route process override the combo's setup for 'must stop together?’ to determine how to handle the rest of the combo. If the Business Rule is set to “No,” the other components of the combo will also be suspended.
As mentioned, suspended routes will not appear on any reports (bundle tops, truck manifest, AAM reports, etc.). Subscription messages for the route will be retained, however.
When the route is reinstated, all of the subscription messages that have accumulated over the suspended period will appear on the route’s bundle top.
If an account is to be charged/credited for some or all of the draw on suspended days, draw records will be kept for the draw types that should be billed. The draw, however, will be given a draw type of “suspend,” so that it will be ignored by most Circulation options.
Billing, however, will pick up suspended draw and bill it. It will be billed at the normal rate. If an account will not be charged/credited for suspended draw, no draw records will be kept.
The Distribution Maintenance module allows you to manage routes and trucks within a truck sequence using drag-and-drop functionality.
Using Distribution Maintenance, you can assign drop sequences and drop locations to truck sequences that have already been set up.
The truck sequence determines the truck, drop order and drop location for a specific route.
The drop order is the order in which bundle tops are printed and bundles are loaded on the truck (and, hence, dropped off at routes). More than one route can have the same drop order, if multiple routes are dropped at the same location.
The drop location is where the bundles are dropped.
Some features in Distribution Maintenance are controlled by Transaction Security:
The DistribMaintUpd security item controls who has the ability to make changes in Distribution Maintenance. Users who do not have security will be able to view everything but will be unable to make changes.
The DistribMaintBkp security item controls the Backup feature. This button will be inactive for users who don’t have security. See Backup for more information about the Backup option.
The DistribMaintDte security item controls the ability to click on a node and select Show Dates.
See the Circulation Setup Manual for more information about Transaction Security.
Click the Distribution Maintenance button () on the Route Service button bar to launch Distribution Maintenance. The parts of the interface are shown below.
To display a truck tree (i.e., a truck departure/sequence combination):
Enter filter criteria in the following fields and click OK.
Specify the truck departure you want to view. The truck departure is the order in which trucks depart from the loading dock. Truck departures are set up in Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck Departure Sequence.
Specify the truck sequence you want to view. The truck sequence is the order, and from which truck, bundles will be dropped. Truck sequences are set up in Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck Sequence.
Enter the effective date for which you want to view the truck departure and truck sequence. The effective date defaults to the maximum cut-off date of all the products in the truck sequence.
Note: Entering a date after the defaulted date turns off some functionality. Entering a date before the minimum cut-off date turns off most functionality.
If you want to allow the departure order to be modified while working with the truck tree (i.e., rearranging departure trucks), select Reorder Dep Order. If you select Retain Dep Order, you will not be permitted to change the order of departure trucks in the truck tree. You can change them using the Departure Order option, however.
If you want the truck tree to show the drop location as the description of the drop, select Drop Description Visible. If you want the truck tree to show the route ID as the description of the drop, select Route Description Visible.
If you want to build the entire distribution tree, select Full Distribution Build. Using this build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree merely displays details that have already been loaded. If you want to build only the departure trucks and their potential drops, select Departure Distribution Build. Using this build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree causes the next level of detail to be loaded.
The truck tree shows departure trucks, relay trucks, drops and routes. These objects are represented by icons, which are described below.
The root of the tree structure (the printing plant). It displays the truck departure name. Note:
Highlight this icon before you perform a text search of the entire tree.
A truck that has no objects (drops, routes, or other trucks) within it. An empty truck.
A truck that has objects (drops, routes, or other trucks) within it.
A relay truck.
A drop for multiple routes, multiple trucks, or a truck and a route. Note:
When a drop is for a single route or truck, no separate icon represents the drop—only the route or truck icon will be visible.
A home delivery route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A rack route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A single copy route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A split route (added to more than one truck in the same truck sequence).
A throw-off subscription.
A broken object (e.g., route or truck).
An unknown route.
You can view a legend of these icons by right-clicking an object in the truck tree and selecting Legend.
To view detailed information, click an object in the truck tree. The details will appear in the right pane, as shown below.
You can also hover over an object with the mouse pointer to display selected details.
Several options for working with Distribution Maintenance are accessed by clicking buttons on the button bar, shown and described below.
Find Trucks (Alt-Q)
Display a new truck tree by selecting a different truck departure, truck sequence, and/or effective date.
Route Service (Alt-R)
Return to the Route Service interface.
Account Inquiry (Alt-I)
Search for a carrier/dealer.
Truck Sequence Export (Alt-E)
Export truck sequences.
Truck Sequence Import (Alt-P)
Import truck sequences.
Split Route Setup (Alt-L)
View a list of split routes that have been created, and modify order priorities and split draw quantities.
Double (Alt-B)
Display a duplicate view of the current truck tree. This can be helpful when you are moving objects within a large tree. For example, if you want to move a route that is near the bottom of the tree to a position near the top, you could scroll down and click on the route in the truck tree, then drag it to its new position in the duplicate view of the tree. You can drag objects to, from, and within the duplicate view.
Departure Order (Alt-O)
View and modify the departure order. You can modify the order by dragging one truck at a time to its new position. Or, you can use Ctrl-click or Shift-click to select multiple trucks to drag to a new position.
Alternate Tree (Alt-2)
Show a different truck tree, side by side with the current tree. This option allows you to copy objects and groups of objects from one tree to another. The departure or sequence of the alternate tree must be different than the current tree.
Backup (Alt-K)
Create a copy of a truck departure or sequence under a different name
Add a Truck Record (Alt-M)
Add a truck record.
The Truck Tree has its own button bar, shown and described below.
Search Trucks (Alt-F)
Search the entire truck tree, or a portion of it, for a specific text string (e.g., to locate a truck or route by ID). After finding a match, you can locate the next match by pressing F3. Note:
The scope of your search depends on what is highlighted in the truck tree when you click this button. If a truck is highlighted, only the objects within that truck are searched. If you want to search the entire truck tree, highlight the root icon before clicking this button.
Add Route
Add a route or split route to the truck tree. When you click this button, a context menu appears that allows you to indicate where you want the route placed on the tree:
• To add the route to a truck, first highlight the truck, then click this button and select Add Route In [Departure or Relay Truck]. Note that similar options are available for adding split routes.
• To add the route to another route, first highlight the route, then click this button and select Add Route In.
• To add the route below another route, first highlight the route, then click this button and select Add Route Below.
• To add the route to a drop, you can either (1) highlight the drop, then click this button and select Add Route In, or (2) highlight another route within the drop, then click this button and select Add Route at Same Drop.
Note: You cannot add a route if the root icon is highlighted.
Add Truck
Add a truck to the truck tree. When you click this button, a context menu appears that allows you to indicate the type of truck (departure or relay) and where you want it placed on the tree:
• If you want to add a departure truck, highlight the root icon before you click this button.
• If you want to add a relay truck, highlight another truck before you click this button. When adding a relay truck, the truck record needs to be added first. Then it can be placed in the departure as a relay truck.
Delete Selected
Delete the highlighted object or objects in the truck tree. Multiple objects of the same type can be deleted at the same time.
You cannot delete objects that contain other objects. If you want to delete a truck, for example, you must delete all objects within it (starting at the lowest level) before you will be able to delete the truck.
Toggle Future (Alt-G)
Toggles between the original tree, which displays records active on the effective date, to a similar tree that shows data active on or after the Effective Date. Note:
Records that have a future aspect (i.e., the Start Date or End Date is after the Effective Date) are shown in red italicized text.
You can right-click on an item in the truck tree and select Show Dates.
The particular dates that are shown depend on the type of item that was right-clicked.
Departure trucks will show a departure truck modify line.
Relay trucks will show a relay truck line, a parent departure truck line, a relay departure truck line, and an associated drop line.
Drops will show a drop line and parent departure truck line.
Regular routes will show a route line, a parent departure truck line, and an associated drop line.
Split routes will show a route line, a parent departure truck line, an associated drop line, and an associated split route line.
The Transaction Security item “DistribMaintDte” controls access to this feature.
Rearranging sequences is fairly straightforward using drag and drop—click on an object to select it, drag it to a new location, and then release the mouse. You can move routes, trucks and drops in this way.
If the object could potentially be inserted below another object or within it (such as a route being inserted within a drop), a pop-up menu will be displayed. You have three options:
Select Drop In to insert the object within the other object.
Select Drop Below to insert the object on the same level as the other object, but below it on the truck tree.
Select Cancel to cancel the action.
If there is only one logical insertion point, the object will be placed there automatically (i.e., the pop-up menu will not appear). If you attempt to drop an object in an invalid place (e.g., drop a route on the root icon), the action will simply cancel itself. No error message will appear.
You can select multiple objects to drag and drop at the same time: multiple routes (independent of route type), multiple drops, or multiple trucks. However, you cannot drag and drop a truck and a route at the same time.
You can open another instance of the current truck tree to aid in rearranging sequences. This can be helpful when you are moving objects within a large sequence.
For example, if you want to move a route that is near the bottom of the tree to a position near the top, you could scroll down and click on the route in the original tree, then drag it to its new position in the duplicate view.
You can drag objects to, from, and within the duplicate view.
You can modify the departure order in the following ways:
Click and drag one truck at a time to a new position.
Use Shift-click
to select multiple, adjacent trucks, and then drag them all to a new position.
Use Ctrl-click
to select multiple, non-adjacent trucks, and then drag then all to a new position. When you use Ctrl-click
, the system remembers the order in which you clicked on the trucks. When you drag them to a new position, they will be sequenced in the order you selected them.
Click OK to close the window.
The Alternate Tree option allows you to open a different truck tree (as opposed to a duplicate view of the same tree) and copy objects to it. This can be helpful when you are building a new truck tree that will use some of the same trucks, routes and drops as an existing tree.
Note: You can only copy from the truck tree to the alternate tree.
Enter the Truck Departure and Truck Sequence of the alternate tree. Either the departure or sequence of the alternate tree must be different than the current tree.
Click OK. The alternate tree appears in the right pane of the window.
Copy objects from the truck tree to the alternate tree as necessary.
When you have finished, click Cancel.
In the truck tree, click on the object where you want the route to be added.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the route.
This display-only field shows the ID of the truck to which you are adding the route.
Enter the product (usually a publication) that will be delivered on this route.
Enter the route being dropped (home delivery or single copy). If dropping to a throw-off subscriber, leave this field blank.
If the drop is to a throw-off subscriber, enter the account number. Otherwise, enter zero.
Specify the date range during which the drop is valid.
• If you are adding a route to an existing drop, these fields will be populated from the drop information and cannot be modified.
• If you are adding a route and creating a drop at the same time, the DROP START DATE will default from the Effective Date, and you can modify it.
The Drop End Date may be left blank.
Specify the date range during which this route is valid. The end date may be left blank.
Select this checkbox if the papers are delivered in bulk to the distribution point.
Papers for all bulked routes on the truck will be bundled together, and the driver will count the papers for the route from the stack.
In this case, a bundle top is not prepared for the route unless Key Only is selected.
Select this checkbox if you want to print bundle tops for key bundles only. If you do not check this box, bundle tops will be printed for all bundles.
If you do not check this box, and the route has messages, a special bundle top will be printed that contains only messages.
Otherwise, no corresponding bundle will be printed for the route (the truck will receive a truck-level bulk bundle).
Select this checkbox if you wish to enter free-form details about the stacker.
When you select this checkbox, the Stacker Details button becomes active. Click this button to display the Stacker Details window and enter information.
Indicate whether the drop will be made at the Account (carrier’s address), a location specified with the DistribPoint, or a Specific location.
If you enter “specific”, the Drop Location field will remain active so you can specify the drop location.
If you selected “Account” above, this will be the carrier’s address. If you selected “Specific”, this field will allow you to enter a specific drop location.
If you selected “DistribPoint”, this will be the default drop location in the Distrib Point Publication record.
Enter specific instructions about the drop.
open (4)
Enter a reference to a map on which this route can be found, if applicable.
open (4)
If you use map references, enter the number on the map where this route can be found, if applicable.
If this route is a split route:
• Each truck in the split must be assigned an order priority, with the lowest order number receiving first priority.
• The highest-priority truck must have a split draw quantity entered. This is the maximum draw that will be assigned to the truck. Once this quantity is achieved, the remaining draw will then “spill over” to the next truck in the priority.
• The lowest-priority truck must have a split draw quantity of zero. Once all other trucks have received their maximum draw, the last truck in the priority will receive the rest of the draw.
Use this option to set up the individual trucks that distribute your publication. The truck IDs that are assigned here can then be added to the truck tree as departure or relay trucks.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter a truck ID.
open (20)
Enter a name describing this truck.
Enter a date range for this truck. The end date may be left blank.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (12)
Enter the driver’s first name.
Note: An occupant record will be created for this driver.
open (30)
Enter the driver’s last name.
The default occupant type and credit status are displayed. Business Rules determine these defaults when adding an occupant record.
Click OK to save the truck record.
Add more trucks, or click Exit.
Use this option to export truck sequence details, for a selected draw sequence, to an external file. The export will use a File Map you create in advance. The file will be written to /dti/exchange/cm/
If you plan to export truck sequence details, modify them, and then re-import them back into Circulation, it is recommended that you include all possible file-mapping data elements when performing the export and the import. Missing one or more data elements may result in missing data. See file mapping data elements.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the truck departure sequence.
Enter the truck sequence.
If you want this export to apply to all products. select this checkbox. Otherwise, select a product or products to include.
Enter the date for which draw figures should be exported.
Indicate if actual, advance, pending draw should be exported.
Indicate which TM products you want to include in the export, if applicable. Valid TM products are based on the product(s) entered above.
Select the name of the file map you created for this purpose.
Enter the name of the file to be exported, if different from the default.
Click OK and then Continue to export the information.
Use this option to import truck sequences from an external file in /dti/exchange/cm/, using a File Map you created previously. The following Circulation tables will be updated during the import process:
* only if one does not already exist
** existing record will be end-dated and a new record created
*** only if provided in the import file
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the truck departure sequence. It can be an existing departure sequence or a new one.
Enter the truck sequence. It can be an existing truck sequence or a new one.
Enter the date on which these records will become effective.
Select the name of the file map you created for this purpose.
Enter the name of the file to be imported.
Click OK and then Continue to import the information.
Use this option to view all of the split routes that have been created. In this window, you can enter and modify order priorities and split draw quantities. A red icon will be displayed in the Status column for all split routes that are in an error state.
You can add departure trucks and relay trucks to the tree. The placement of the new truck depends on the object you highlight before clicking the Add Truck button and which option you choose from the context menu that appears.
To add a departure truck to the truck tree:
If you highlighted the root icon, select Add Departure Truck at Root from the context menu. If you highlighted another truck, select Add Departure Truck Below Departure Truck from the context menu.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the new truck.
Enter a truck ID or select one from the list. Trucks are set up in character Circulation: Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck.
The date on which this truck was first added to the sequence.
An optional end date for this truck.
Indicate whether a new spool file should be created once this truck’s bundle tops have printed. Select this checkbox, for example, if you print bundle tops at more than one printer at the same time.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (2)
The chute ID can be exported to file-mapped stacker interface files. A site may use chutes as loading “lines” on the docks for their trucks.
Multiple chutes could be used to load trucks on one dock, for example, or a single chute could be used to load trucks on multiple docks.
Chutes could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., or A, B, C, etc. Chute (also known as dock) assignments can also be imported.
Indicate whether the key or split key bundle size calculation should be used for this truck.
The “key” option will produce one key bundle, while the “split key” option will produce two key bundles (a key bundle is the odd-sized bundle in a group of standard bundles).
Indicate whether standard or key bundles should be printed first.
Indicate whether with route or end of truck where keys should be printed
To add a relay truck inside another truck:
In the truck tree, highlight an existing truck to which you want the new relay truck to be added.
Select Add Relay Truck In Departure Truck from the context menu.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the new truck.
This display-only field shows the ID of the truck to which you are adding the relay truck.
Specify the product delivered by this truck.
Enter a truck ID or select one from the list. Trucks must be set up in advance .
Specify the date range during which the drop is valid. • If you are adding a relay truck to an existing drop, these fields will be populated from the drop information and cannot be modified. • If you are adding a relay truck and creating a drop at the same time, the Drop Start Date will default from the Effective Date, and you can modify it. The Drop End Date may be left blank.
Enter the date range during which this truck can be used. You can leave the End Date blank.
Indicate whether a new spool file should be created once this truck’s bundle tops have printed. Select this checkbox, for example, if you print bundle tops at more than one printer at the same time.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (1)
The chute ID can be exported to file-mapped stacker interface files. A site may use chutes as loading “lines” on the docks for their trucks.
Multiple chutes could be used to load trucks on one dock, for example, or a single chute could be used to load trucks on multiple docks. Chutes could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., or A, B, C, etc.
Indicate whether the key or split key bundle size calculation should be used for this truck.
The “key” option will produce one key bundle, while the “split key” option will produce two key bundles (a key bundle is the odd-sized bundle in a group of standard bundles).
Indicate whether standard or key bundles should be printed first.
Indicate whether with route or end of truck where Keys should be printed
Select this checkbox if the papers are delivered in bulk to the distribution point. Papers for all bulked routes on the truck will be bundled together, and the driver will count the papers for the route from the stack.
In this case, a bundle top is not prepared for the route unless Key Only? is selected.
Select this checkbox if you want to print bundle tops for key bundles only. If you do not check this box, bundle tops will be printed for all bundles. If you do not check this box, and the route has messages, a special bundle top will be printed that contains only messages.
Otherwise, no corresponding bundle will be printed for the route (the truck will receive a truck-level bulk bundle).
Indicate whether the drop will be made at the Account (carrier’s address), a location specified with the DistribPoint, or a Specific location.
If you enter “specific”, the Drop Location field will remain active so you can specify the drop location.
If you selected “Carrier” above, this will be the carrier’s address. If you selected “Specific”, this field would allow you to enter a specific drop location.
Enter specific instructions about the drop.
open (4)
Enter a reference to a map on which this route can be found, if applicable.
open (4)
If you use map references, enter the number on the map where this route can be found, if applicable.
Use the Backup option to create a copy of a truck departure or sequence under a different name. Saving a backup of your work is a good idea; it allows you to go back to the original version of the departure or sequence if you make a mistake. This option also allows you to remove a truck departure or sequence (for example, once you’ve finished building a truck departure, you may want to remove the old backup and create a new one).
Click the Copy button.
Select either the Copy Departure? or Copy Sequence? check box, as appropriate.
Enter a name for the backup in the To Departure or To Sequence field, as appropriate.
Click OK to create the backup.
Click the Remove button.
Select either the Remove Departure? or Remove Sequence? check box, as appropriate.
Click OK to remove the departure or sequence.
This option exports a draw forecast file to be used by an external forecasting application. The export is for a specified time period and uses file mapping (“DrwForecastExprt
” usage). The export file includes single copy draw, returns, and draw adjustments for a selected product and date range. Past and future draw dates can be included in the file.
Note: This option exports only single copy draw. Home delivery draw is not included. Also, only replacement draw is exported. This export does not create additions and subtractions.
Select Draw Forecast from the Utilities | Export menu to display the Draw Forecast Export window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Specify the publication whose draw, returns and draw adjustments should be exported.
Enter the date range for which to export the information.
Select the type of route to include in the export: home delivery, single copy, or both.
Select Advance, Pending, or Actual draw.
When no pending or advance draw exists for a given weekday, actual draw can be used instead. For example, if you are running advance draw for a week, but advance draw exists for only one day, select this checkbox if the remaining days should be populated with actual draw.
When this checkbox is selected, data will be exported for all days selected, in order to keep the format of the export file consistent each time it is run. If this option is not selected, only days with draw will be exported, and it will be possible for the number of days to vary among exported records.
When this checkbox is selected, only those days of the week with draw that differs from the previous week will be exported. For example, if Wednesday’s draw is the same as it was last week, it will not be exported. If this option is not selected, all draw will be exported.
This field is available only when Export Changed Draw Only (above) is selected. Indicate whether All Dates In Range or Changed Dates Only should be exported. For example, if the export is run for one week, and only one day’s draw differs from the previous week, you have the option to export only that date or all dates in the entered date range.
Indicate whether draw, returns, and draw adjustments should be sorted by draw class in the export file.
Indicate whether draw, returns, and draw adjustments should be sorted by Subscriber’s delivery schedule in the export file.
Select a file format to use (set up using File Map).
open (20)
Enter the name of the file to be exported.
Select append to add new figures to an existing file or replace to replace an existing file.
If the selected file map (File Format field) contains the truck ID element, specify the truck sequence ID to use in this export.
Click OK and then Continue to run the export. The file will be exported to the default exchange directory. A processing report will list the number of records exported and any errors that occurred during the process.
The Circulation router is essentially a set of address ranges. Each address range has a default route. For example, the following address ranges and routes could be assigned:
100 Main St - 500 Main St
route 7
340 5th Ave - 770 5th Ave (even only)
route 7
2440 Portland Ave - 2565 Portland Ave
route 3
35 Robbie Pl - 90 Robbie Pl
route 12
When a subscription is started for a subscriber at, say, 55 Robbie Pl, the router will automatically default route 12.
The router can store address ranges by either Zip code or city. It might be easier to use the Zip code, but there may be situations where there are two streets of the same name in one Zip code. For example, there may be a 1st Ave in St. Anthony and one in Falcon Heights, both in Zip code 55114. In this case you would define 1st Ave by city.
It may be helpful to look at the router in terms of a single route: route 08 (illustrated at right).
Route 08 would be defined in the router by the following address ranges:
100 - 300 Bolivar St (odd only)
200 - 500 3rd Ave (even only)
100 - 300 Elm St
200 - 400 2nd Ave
100 - 200 10th St (even only)
400 - 500 2nd Ave (odd only)
200 - 300 10th St
215 - 400 1st Ave (odd only)
200 - 300 Como Pl (even only)
210 1st Ave, Units 10-90 (other units delivered by another route)
Business Rules determine whether you use routers and, if so, whether any of the router boundaries are defined by city rather than Zip code. Business Rules also determine whether the Zip code or the city should be consulted first when assigning a route to an address. When routing Canadian addresses, Business Rules determine whether the full Zip will be used. Finally, Business Rules determine whether the delivery method of an unrouteable address should default to mail or be decided by an operator.
Note: Changes made to the router will update the route address records immediately. This could result in changes to existing Targeted Marketing selections, since route address records are used in identifying the recipients of Targeted Marketing products.
Select Router Utility from the Setup menu.
Enter the delivery map, product, and selection options for this router entry session.
Enter the delivery map for which you are defining the router. This determines which routes are valid. Enter “*” to include all delivery maps.
Enter the product for which you are defining the router. Enter “*” to include all products.
Indicate what you want to enter selections for: Zip, city (also includes county, state, and country), route, or street (a street name default can also be entered with the other three options). For example, if in this session you are defining the router for only one route, you might select route.
open (5)
If you entered “Zip” in Selection, enter a Zip code.
setup setup setup setup
If you entered “city” in Selection, enter a country, state, county, and city.
If you entered “route” in Selection, enter a route.
open (28)
This field will always be active. Enter a street name, if most of your entries will be for one street.
Click Find. Address ranges that have already been defined will then be displayed, according to your selections. For example, if you entered a Zip code, all of the address ranges defined for that Zip code will be displayed.
To define an address range, click Add and enter information in the Segment Details tab.
open (5)
If you are defining this address range by Zip code (rather than city) enter the Zip code for the range.
open (4)
This field pertains only to Canadian rural routes (middle digit of FSA is “0”). Enter the LDU for this rural route.
PO ROUTE (type and number)
These fields enable you to define route boundaries by PO route type and PO route number, in cases where the house numbers have a dash, such as 11-04. The first set of digits is the block and the second the house number on the block. The availability of these fields depends on Business Rules.
setup setup setup setup
If you are defining the address range by city, leave Zip Code blank and enter the city for this address range, along with the county, state and country where the city is located.
open (10) open (10) predefined
Enter the starting and ending house numbers for this address range. Then, indicate whether the range includes odd house numbers, even house numbers, or both (a route may cover only one side of the street). If the entire street is in one route, you may leave the house number fields blank and the street side defaulted to “b”.
Street Address fields
predefined open (28) setup predefined
Enter the street address (predirectional, street name, street type, and postdirectional) of this address range.
setup open (8)
If the route covers only part of a street address (for instance, a large apartment building), enter the range of units delivered by the route. For example, if route 12 delivers units 200-400 at 300 Main St, you would enter 300 in both house number fields and 200 and 400 in the unit fields.
open (20) open (20)
If the address range covers only a certain complex or building at a particular street address, enter the complex and/or building here.
setup setup setup
These fields are optional. Enter the census tract, block, and Town of 25 for this address range. These values will default when an address is added.
This field is optional. Enter the AAM zone that should default when a subscription is started in this range. This and the following field will be inactive if you entered “*” in Product—you will need to assign the AAM zone and delivery method by selecting Publication (see below).
Indicate whether the address range is route or mail delivered.
This field is optional. Enter the default delivery placement (for example, “door” or “mat”) for subscriptions in this range.
Enter the route that should be defaulted when a subscriber living in this address range starts a subscription. Leave this field blank if the addresses are mail delivered. If you entered “*” in Delivery Map, this field will be inactive and you will need to assign the route by selecting Route (see below).
integer (6)
This field is for reference only. Enter the number of houses within this address range.
If a special rule applies to this address range, enter the rule here. Rules must be set up beforehand (see the section on rules, below).
Indicate whether this address range may be cleansed by Quadient.
Click OK to accept the router segment. In certain circumstances, you may need to enter information in one of the router option tabs, described below.
Add another address range, or click Cancel.
If a router segment was defined for a delivery map of “*”, you will need to assign the route to use with each delivery map from the Route tab.
Highlight a router segment and click Select.
On the Route tab, enter the delivery map, the route that should be assigned under the delivery map, and the start date of the route assignment.
If a previous route assignment existed (as displayed in the Router Route Segments area), it will be end-dated on the date previous to the start date entered for the new route assignment.
This tab is similar to the Route tab, but it allows you to change the AAM zone and delivery method (route or mail) for a particular address range. If you entered “*” in Product, use this option to specify the AAM zone and delivery method for each publication.
You can use the Split tab to split a single address range into two ranges. Select the router range, and enter the split house number and odd/even type on the Split tab. Two router segments will result, the second one beginning at the split number.
Two address ranges that are adjacent to one another can be combined into one segment if they have the same street name, route, publication and AAM zone. For example, if you want to combine 120 - 150 with 250 - 350 Colfax Ave., the result would be one address range: 120 - 350 Colfax Ave. Note that some house numbers not included before in either range (between 150 and 250) are now included.
To combine two router segments, highlight them both, click Select to select them, and then click Combine.
Some information entered with the router segment (Town of 25, for example) is for default purposes. Rather than entering this with the address range, you can add or modify the defaults on the Address Defaults tab. The information will also be added or modified in the Segment Details tab.
Use the Rules Setup tab to set up a special router rule. Rules are used when the address fields cannot adequately differentiate between address ranges. This happens most often in rural communities. The rule will contain a rule ID, display order, condition, and route.
If a subscription is started at an address where special rules apply (such as “North of Hwy 17 and west of County Rd 8” and “North of Hwy 17 and east of County Rd 8”), a rule window will pop up with the available rules, and the operator will select one. In cases where rules are used, two or more route records are entered with the same address range, but with different rules (and different default routes).
Use this import utility to import single copy draw changes from an ASCII file. For example, if you track NIE draw in a different system, you could export draw changes for NIE routes to a file and import them into Circulation.
This option creates a suspended batch of draw changes. The draw changes will replace (rather than adjust) the route’s draw for each day of the week beginning with the start date. A reversal date for the draw change may be specified in the ASCII file, or may be left blank (no reversal date). All of the draw dates interfaced must be unpublished, and only draw changes for single copy routes can be imported.
Create an ASCII file containing the draw change information. The file format is defined in File Mapping.
Select Utilities | Import | Single Copy Draw to display the Single Copy Draw Import window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Indicate whether to edit or commit this information. Select commit to import draw records. Select edit to view a report showing the number of records processed (and errors)—you must then run this option a gain and set this field to commit. A batch, description, source and reason are only needed when this field is set to commit.
open (8)
Specify an ID for the draw change batch that will be created.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the source code for the draw change batch (such as “NIE”).
Enter a reason code for the draw change batch.
This checkbox is available only in “commit” mode. Select this checkbox if draw changes should be made for single copy routes that are set up not to allow them (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup). Notes: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
Enter the product ID or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
Enter the date on which these draw changes will be active or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
Enter the date on which these draw changes should be reversed or leave the field blank to use an imported value.
Indicate whether these draw changes should adjust existing draw or replace it.
Enter the name of the file map to use for this import.
open (30)
Enter the name of the import file in the /dti/exchange/cm
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw changes. The draw changes will be imported, and a suspended batch created (the batch can be accepted using Batch Draw Change). A processing report will display the number of records exported and any errors.
Note: The Router Import option is a licensed add-on feature. You must license and activate the “Router Import” add-on record before you can use it.
This option imports router changes from an external file in the RouteSmart format. To export Circulation route information, you generate the Route Delivery List report with a report type of “Export.”
Export Circulation’s route information to a file that can be read by RouteSmart. The Route Delivery List report, which is run as an export using a predefined “RouteSmart” file map, accomplishes this.
Import the file into RouteSmart and make the necessary route-boundary modifications. Then, export the route information from RouteSmart. Be sure to export all of the addresses for each route that was changed.
Using the new Route Import option, import all of the route information back into Circulation.
Run the Route Reassignment option to create reroute transactions for subscribers who are now on different routes.
To use this option, you will need to create a new file map with a usage of “RouterImport”. The data elements that can be used with this file map include AAM Zone ID, Address ID, New Route ID, Old Route ID, Product ID, and Record Identifier. All elements except AAM Zone ID and Record Identifier are required.
Note: If a route was changed in RouteSmart, all addresses on that route should be exported from RouteSmart and re-imported into Circulation so that the router is rebuilt completely. The Router Import utility will not append routes; it will replace them completely.
Select Utilities | Import | Router in Route Service to display the Router Import window.
Click Add.
Complete the following fields:
Read Option—Select Edit to produce a report of the router changes that would have been made if Commit were selected. Select Commit when you are ready to update the database with these changes.
When run in “Commit” mode, the Router Import will
make a backup copy of the current router tables (i.e., Router, RouterRoute, RouterPublication, and RouteAddress) in the default exchange directory,
delete all of the router-related records for both the old and new contained in the input file,
build a new set of router-related records for the “new” routes contained in the input file, and
produce a report of the new router segments that were created.
File Format—Select the file map that you created for this import.
File Name—The file name will default from File Map setup, but it can be changed. The file must be located in the default exchange directory.
4 Click OK to run the import.
Use this import utility to import drop times from an ASCII file. File layouts for this import are defined in File Map. At a minimum, you must include the truck ID, drop time and drop number in your file map, although you may include all of the required fields. Any fields that are not included in the file map will be prompted for at run time.
Select Utilities | Import | Drop Time to display the Drop Time Import window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Indicate whether the import should be run in commit mode (transactions imported into Circulation) or edit mode (no transactions imported—the file is simply read and any errors displayed).
Select a File Map format to use for this import. The file name may default from the file map.
Select the product.
Enter the run date.
Select the truck departure order.
Select the truck sequence.
Enter the delivery date.
open (30)
Enter the name of the file being imported; it must be in the /dti/exchange/cm
Click OK and then Continue.
Dock (chute) assignments for trucks can be imported from an external file, via Truck Dock Import. The option imports a file that is comma or pipe delimited for a specified effective date and truck departure, and contains two fields. The first field is the truck ID and the second is the dock number.
Create an ASCII file containing the dock assignments, in the format described above.
Select Utilities | Import | Truck Dock Import to display the Truck Dock Import screen.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
open (30)
Enter the name of the import file in the /dti/exchange/cm directory.
Indicate whether the delimiter used is a comma or a pipe symbol (|).
Specify the date on which the dock assignments will take effect.
Select the truck departure for which the dock assignments are being imported.
Indicate whether the file should be processed in edit or commit mode. Edit mode will only read the records and report any errors. Commit mode will create the dock assignments. NEWSYCLE recommends running this option in edit mode before importing the actual dock assignments in commit mode.
Click OK and then Continue to import the dock assignments. A processing report will display the number of records exported and any errors.
The Truck Check report displays routes with draw that are not assigned to a truck for a selected truck sequence(s), with an option to create tasks. This information can be useful to ensure that all routes with draw will be included in the distribution documents.
Select Utilities | Truck Check to display the Truck Check window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Specify the product or enter “*” to multi-select.
Specify the truck departure or enter “*” to multi-select.
Specify the truck sequence or enter “*” to multi-select.
yes/no setup
If you want to limit this utility to a specific edition, select Check By Edition and specify the Edition.
Optionally, specify the day of the week.
Enter the date at which you want to start locating unassigned routes.
Select the draw method: Actual, Advance, or Both.
check box
Select this check box if you want to create tasks to alert users to assign these routes.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
When a route with draw is found, but not assigned to a truck, a task will be created if:
The Create Task checkbox is selected, and
A task is set up in the Tasks module for the Truck Check report (i.e., An Event of “Report Processing” and “Truck Check” selected as the Report).
Delivery deadlines can be defined for home delivery routes as part of Route setup (see Route Setup Utility | Deadlines). The deadline indicates the time of day by which the route should be delivered. Deadlines can be viewed in Customer Service and Route Service (see Viewing Route Information | Deadlines), and display when entering a complaint if the deadline has not yet been met.
You may want to override the normal delivery deadlines from time to time, for example if the weather is delaying delivery. This can be easily accomplished with this option, the Delivery Deadline Utility.
Select Deadline Override from the Utilities menu to display the Delivery Override window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication whose deadlines are being overridden.
Enter the date on which the override will take place. The override will only be effective on this date.
Indicate whether overrides are being entered for routes based on area, region, zone, district, route, depot, truck, edition, or Zip code
If the entity type above is “truck”, enter the truck sequence that should be used when selecting routes from the trucks entered. Otherwise, this field will be skipped.
Enter the entity for which deadlines are being overridden. For example, if the entity type is “edition”, you would enter an edition here. Enter “*” to multi-select entities.
Indicate whether the override will be an Adjust, Override, or Delete. An Override will set a new delivery deadline for this date for the routes selected. An Adjust is used when you need to add time to an override deadline already entered. A Delete will remove an override, which means the deadlines defined in route setup will be in force again on that date.
integer (4)
Enter the time, in military format, for the deadline. If this is an adjust, rather than an override, enter the number of hours and minutes that the deadline should be extended.
open (30)
Enter any remarks pertinent to the deadline override. Remarks entered here will appear on the Delivery Deadlines screen in Route and Customer Services.
Click OK and then Continue to override the deadlines. The utility creates Delivery Deadline Override records, which will be retained in the system for a certain number of days, as defined in Business Rules (How many days do you want to retain delivery deadline override records?). Once the overrides have processed, the Delivery Deadline Utility report will be displayed, listing the routes whose deadlines were overridden and other information about the process. The standard view/print options are available.
The Truck Validation Sequence report lists potential problems in a truck sequence, such as routes that have more than one drop assigned, routes that are not assigned to a truck, and so on.
You can run the Truck Sequence Validation report for a particular truck sequence, product, departure sequence, and date, to ensure that:
All of your routes have been assigned a drop order with a truck.
There are no routes that have been assigned to more than one truck.
All route drops have been assigned a location (a Truck Drop Sequence record).
A route doesn’t have multiple drop orders on a truck.
A truck does not have multiple editions (if One Edition Per Truck is set to “y”).
All trucks are included in the departure sequence.
This report is useful after initial setup, and whenever you are doing significant modifications to your trucks or routes. Some problems this report might reveal are: routes assigned to multiple trucks, routes that are not assigned to trucks, routes that do not appear because the drop record has an end date before this date, and routes on trucks multiple times.
Select Utilities | Truck Validation to display the Truck Sequence Validation Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product for which to produce the report. Only routes delivering this product will be considered.
Enter the departure sequence for the report. Trucks that are in the truck sequence but not in this departure sequence will be listed.
Enter the truck sequence for which to produce the report. The drops information will be considered according to this sequence.
Enter the date on which to base the report. For example, if a drop record has an end date before this date, the drop will not show up on the report.
Indicate whether the truck sequence should be validated for edition—if so, a warning will be displayed if more than one edition of the newspaper is being dropped by a truck.
If you are validating for edition, indicate the day of week that should be validated, or enter “*” to multi-select days. Routes can have different editions on different days of the week; you may allow multiple editions on a truck on one day but not another day.
Indicate whether you want all trucks to appear on the report.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
This option allows you to select single copy draw class records based on product and draw class, and change the maximum return percentage permanently, or for a date range.
Select Max Return from the Utilities menu to display the Max Return Percentage window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product ID.
Indicate whether this report should include a particular edition, district, zip, route, truck, single copy type.
If you entered “truck” in Selection Type, select a truck sequence here.
Enter the specific edition, district, zip, etc. (depending on what type is entered in Selection Type) to include. If you entered “mail” above, this field will be skipped.
If you are using a Zip code as the selection, enter the Zip extension here.
Select the draw class for which you want to change the maximum return percentages.
Enter the date on which the maximum return percentages should be changed.
Enter the date on which the percentages should be changed back.
decimal (6)
Enter the maximum return percentage for these draw classes for each day of the week.
Click OK and then Continue to change the percentages. A processing report will be displayed.
The Reseq Drop Order utility resequences the drop order of selected trucks and can also be used to remove end-dated truck records.
Select Reseq Drop Order from the Utilities menu to display the Resequence Drop Order window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter truck sequence containing the drops to be resequenced.
Select this checkbox if end-dated drops should be deleted.
yes/no setup
Indicate which trucks should be resequenced. Either specify the trucks in the Truck field or select Resequence All Trucks.
Enter the maximum number of characters that can be used in a drop sequence number. For example, entering “3” in this field indicates that drops can be numbered up to 990 using multiples of 10 (e.g., 10, 20, 30, up to 990). If it is not possible to use multiples of 10 and remain within the 3-character limit, then a smaller multiple (between 1 and 9) will be used instead.
Click OK and then Continue to run the utility.
Use this utility to record start and end times of each truck, as well as the drop time for each drop on a truck.
Select Utilities | Drop Time Entry to display the Drop Time Entry window.
Click Add and complete the following fields to define which trucks are displayed in the Truck Time table.
Select the product to determine which trucks are displayed in the Truck Time table.
Enter the run date.
If only one departure and truck sequence exist for the entered product and run date, they will be populated automatically, and these fields will be skipped. Otherwise, you must enter the departure and truck sequence.
Optionally, you can use these fields to establish default dates for the Truck Time table.
Click OK. Trucks that should have had deliveries for the run date entered are displayed in the Truck Time table.
Select a row in the Truck Time table and click Modify.
Complete the fields described below.
The truck’s departure order, ID, and description are displayed.
Enter the date and time of the truck’s departure. Enter the time in 24-hour
format (e.g., 23:30
Enter the date and time that the truck completed its route. Enter the time in 24-hour
format (e.g., 00:45
Click OK.
Select a row in the Truck Time table and click Drop Time. The Drop Time Entry window, which shows all of the deliveries for the truck in drop order, is displayed.
Select a row in the Drop Time table and click Modify.
Enter the drop date and time in the Delivery Date and Delivery Time fields.
Click OK.
Click Close when you have finished entering drop times.
The Draw Change Lockout utility is used to lock out additional draw changes for a selected date, product, single copy type, route, etc. If draw changes are locked, then additional draw changes cannot be entered in Route Service, iServices Distribution, or imported from a file, depending on the particular usage defined.
Select Utilities | Draw Change Lockout to display the Draw Change Lockout window. All active draw change lockouts are shown in the upper portion of the window.
Click the Add icon () and complete the following fields:
Click OK to save the lockout information, or Add Another to add more lockout entries.
In addition to Burt, you can also export route and truck information to GMA’s SAM application, which is used in insert packaging. This allows circulation data to be transferred automatically to the GMA inserter. This export can be run for publications or TM products.
The GMA/SAM Export is a licensed add-on feature. You must license and activate the “GMA/SAM Export” add-on record before you can use it. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for assistance.
The GMA/SAM Export will not export InsertPlus insert or mix information. Inserts must be entered and mixes created in SAM. InsertPlus ad zones, however, may be exported.
Before running the export, Circulation route types must be mapped to GMA “account types”; account types are exported as part of the route information. This is done using the GMA/SAM Account Type option on the Setup menu in Utilities. Currently, this option is available only in Circulation’s character interface.
Several Business Rules in the Route Services section control various aspects of the SAM Export, including what is exported in the Zone Group, Content Code, and Plant Code fields, and whether mail draw is exported.
Select GMA/SAM Export from the Utilities | Export menu to display the GMA/SAM Export window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Click OK and then Continue to run the export. The files will be exported to the /dti/exchange/cm
directory. See Appendix B for the file format. A processing report will then list the number of records exported and any errors that occurred during the process.
Accounts (i.e., carrier/dealers) handle the last stage of distribution—getting publications into the hands of the readers. Home delivery carriers, motor route drivers, and dealers are all considered “accounts.” They are independent contractors who buy the publication wholesale and sell it retail. In cases where one person delivers the paper and another handles finances, both are considered accounts.
Account Services is used to view, set up and maintain accounts and the distributions (routes and districts) for which they are responsible. Access it by selecting Account Services from the Setup menu.
and related to Account Services
The following Business Rules support various features of Account Services:
Enter the character or string to be used to represent the day of week the account does not deliver the product (Account Setup section)—identifies the characters that represent non-delivery days for the account in the Account Detail window
Enter the character or string to be used to represent the day of week the account delivers the product. (Account Setup section)—identifies the characters that represent delivery days for the account in the Account Detail window
The Search Date in Account Services should default as how many days before the current date? (Account Setup section)—controls the default date when searching for an account, with 0 being today’s date
The following Transaction Security items control various features of Account Services. By default, no security is applied to Account Services.
AS-Account—Add or modify account information. Also controls demographic and tax-maintenance functions.
AcctWrittenOff—Change the “written off” setting for accounts.
AS-Change—Run the Account Services change function.
AS-Distribution—Add or modify distribution or substitute information.
AS-Levy—Add, modify, or delete levy information.
AS-Notification—Add, modify, or delete notification preferences.
AS-Recurring—Add, modify, or delete recurring charges.
AS-Terminate—Terminate or reinstate a distribution.
The following buttons are accessed from the Account Services button bar on the top of the window.
Enter any combination of search criteria and click OK to find an account.
The distributions that are shown for an account are those distributions that are active as of the Search Date or the account’s last bill date, whichever is earlier. A Business Rule, The Search Date in Account Services should default as how many days before the current date? (Account Setup section), controls the default search date, with 0 being today’s date.
If a single account matches the search criteria, it will be displayed. If many accounts match the criteria, they will be displayed in a popup window. Double-clicking the account in the popup window will select it.
Once an account is selected, the current setup displays on the Account Services screen.
When working with large amounts of data in Distribution tab, the filter option can be useful. Records can be sorted using these filters based on Product, Account Type, Route ID, and Active.
Account details display in subtabs in the lower portion of the Account Services screen:
Routes currently linked to the account display on the Distribution tab (shown above). Some route-related information, such as contract review date, can be modified from here.
Substitute information displays on the Substitute tab, if applicable.
Personal information displays on the Account tab. The Account Info fields on the right side of the screen can be modified. Occupant and Address information can be changed by clicking the Occupant or Address buttons.
Billing information for the account displays on the Billing tab. The Billing Info fields can be modified.
While modifying Billing Info, click the "Modify CC Info" or "Delete CC Info" to change or delete credit card information. You can also change the billing occupant or address by clicking the Billing Occupant and Billing Address buttons.
Click the “Modify BD Info” or “Delete BD Info” to modify or delete the bank draft information. Note: If the Business Rule—Should you use Naviga Pay for Bank Draft payments? (Pymt Auth - General section), has been set to No, the ‘Modify BD Info’ and ‘Delete BD Info’ buttons under the Billing tab will not be displayed.
The bill sources an account is linked to display on the Source tab. You can modify information for an existing bill source, such as the bill terms. You can also link the account to another bill source by clicking the Add button. You can also click the Delete button to remove a bill source link, but only if the account has no billing history for the bill source.
The tax authorities assigned to the account display on the Tax tab. The exempt reason and tax number for a tax authority can be modified from this tab.
Recurring charges defined for the account display on the Recurring tab. You may modify charge details from this tab.
If the account has levies, levy information displays on the Levy tab, and can be modified from there.
Truck information for the routes delivered by the account displays on the Truck Drop tab. This tab is initially blank. To show all truck drop information for the account’s routes, click the OK button. Or, select a specific truck sequence, truck, product and/or route and click OK to filter on those values.
Notifications set up for the account display on the Notification tab. Notification details can be modified from here.
Account List is a docked tab on the left side of the Account Services window. Click this tab to open the Account List.
This tab contains three window panels:
This is an account search function that allows for a more flexible use of search criteria than the regular account search. Partial values can be entered in the search fields, and multi-selection can be used in most of the fields.
When you enter search criteria and click OK, the search results are added to the Account List. Double-click on an account to view the account details in the Account Services window. The Account List is not cleared between searches (i.e., it is cumulative). You can clear the entire list by selecting All in the Clear field and clicking the Clear button. You can remove selected items from the list by using Ctrl + click
and/or Shift + click
to select the items, choosing Selected in the Clear field, and then clicking the Clear button.
This panel contains a list of accounts that were selected for viewing (i.e., double-clicked) from the Account List. This list can be cleared in the same way as the Account List.
The Account Detail pane is a tree view of all the distributions associated with an account.
The tree shows, in order:
The account ID, company, and bill source.
The account’s role (e.g., delivery, bill-to, or other type of account).
The route type (e.g., home delivery, motor, rack, etc.).
Individual routes of that type associated with the account.
Publications delivered by each route.
The publication can be further expanded to show the account responsible for the route (in a bill-to situation, this will not be the account being viewed) and the days of week on which the product is assigned to the account, as well as the start and end dates of this assignment.
The Business Rules, Enter the character or string to be used to represent the day of week the account does not deliver the product and Enter the character or string to be used to represent the day of week the account delivers the product (Account Setup section), are used to identify the characters that represent delivery and non-delivery days for the account.
Detail Tree is a dockable tab on the right side of the window. It is a copy of the Account Detail pane that can be resized, left open, etc., like other docked tabs. This could be useful, for example, if the account is a bill-to for many other accounts for which changes are being made.
The Account Setup wizard is used to set up an account. It walks you through all the specific information you need to enter.
In the Route Service module, select Setup | Account Services to display the Account Services window.
Click the Account Wizards icon and select Add Account. The wizard’s first card appears.
Note: The additional options of Add Account Billing and Add Account Source may be active if you are viewing an account for which this information has not yet been set up.
To use the wizard, enter the information on the cards (described below) and click Next to move to the next card. Click Finish on the last card to complete the wizard.
Complete the following fields and click Next:
Account Number—Enter an account number. If the Business Rule, Should the account ID be automatically assigned?, is set to “yes,” then the account number will be assigned automatically and this field will be disabled.
Receives an invoice—This option controls whether the second and third parts of the wizard will appear (Add Account Billing and Add Account Source). If this account does not receive an invoice, only the first part of the wizard will be needed.
Account and Billing occupants are the same—Select this option if the account and the billing occupant are the same person.
Account and Billing addresses are the same—Select this option if the account’s address and the billing address are the same.
To find an occupant, click Find. Then, enter search criteria and click OK. The occupant information will appear in this card.
Click Next when you have supplied the occupant information.
If an address is found for the occupant, it will be displayed on this card. You can modify it as necessary.
If you need to use a different address, click Find. Then, enter search criteria and click OK to locate the address.
Click Next when you have supplied the address information.
Complete the following fields on this card:
Enter the following dates:
Click Next when you have finished. A message, “Account added to database,” is displayed. Click OK.
This is the same basic card as Enter Occupant Information. If you indicated on the first card that the account and billing occupant are the same, then the occupant information will already be filled in here. If they are not the same, either find the billing occupant or add the billing occupant’s information.
Click Next when you have supplied the billing occupant information.
This is the same basic card as Enter Address Information. If you indicated on the first card that the account and billing address are the same, then the address information will already be filled in here. If they are not the same, either find the billing address or add the billing address information.
Click Next when you have supplied the bill address information.
Complete the following fields and click Next.
To add source information, click Add and complete the following fields.
Click OK to save the source information.
At this point, you can:
Click Add to enter more source information.
Highlight a row in the upper portion of the card and click Modify to modify source information.
Click Finish to end the wizard.
Once an account has been set up, it can be maintained using the various tabs (Account, Billing, and Source, depending on whether the account can receive an invoice). The occupant and address information can be maintained on the Account and Billing tabs.
A distribution is a route or district for which an account is in some way responsible. To add a distribution, you will use the Add Distribution wizard, which walks you through the specific information you need to enter.
To add a distribution, click the Distribution Wizards icon and select Add Distribution. The Add Distribution card appears.
Complete the following fields:
Click Add Another to add another distribution, or click OK if you have finished.
If errors are encountered, they are displayed and the options of revising the entered information or continuing the wizard are presented (whether to Revise or to Continue).
When the distribution has been added, you are returned back to the first card to add another distribution. If you have finished entering distributions, click Cancel and then Finish to return to the main Account Services window. The distribution(s) you added will be visible on the Distribution tab.
To terminate a distribution, click the Distribution Wizards icon and select Terminate Distribution. The Termination Criteria card appears.
Enter the effective date of the termination and the days of the week to terminate. The effective date is the last day this account will be associated with the distribution.
Individual days can be selected under Days For Terminate. For example, if only the Sunday portion should be stopped, then select only the Sunday checkbox. Click Next to continue.
On the Termination Selection card, you will see a list of distributions that qualify for termination based on the effective date and weekdays selected on the first card. To select a distribution for termination, check the appropriate Select checkbox. To select all distributions, click the Select button (you can also click Unselect to deselect all distributions). Click Finish to complete the termination.
To change a distribution means to reassign it to a different account. One or many distributions can be reassigned at the same time. To reassign a distribution, click the Distribution Wizards icon and select Change Distribution.
Complete the following fields and click Next.
The Copy Criteria card will have active fields if any of the following checkboxes on the previous card were not selected: Copy Minimum Daily Draw Credit, Copy Contract Review Date, or Copy Substitute Penalty Maximum. Enter new values in these fields as necessary, then click Next.
On the Change Selection card, you will see a list of distributions that qualify for reassignment based on the effective date and weekdays selected on the first card. To select a distribution for reassignment, check the appropriate Select checkbox. To select all reassignments, click the Select button (you can also click Unselect to deselect all distributions). Click Finish to complete the change.
If you need to “back out” of a distribution change (i.e., reverse it) because it was entered in error, you can use the following procedure.
Use the Terminate Distribution wizard to end-date the new account. When terminating, use the day before the effective date that was used for the original change. For example, if the distribution was to become active for the new account on 3/10/12, then use 3/9/12 when terminating the distribution. This will remove all records associated with the original change.
Then, on the old account, use the Reinstate Distribution wizard to reactivate the route. Use the same date as the end date on the route. If the route relationship was ended 3/9/12, then use 3/9/12 for the effective date in the Reinstate wizard.
Perform the distribution change again using the correct effective date.
Perform a distribution change from the incorrect account to the correct account using the same effective date.
The Change Distribution wizard can be used to perform a mass modification of minimum daily draw credits, contract review dates, and substitute penalty maximums. In other words, you can change this information for all accounts associated with a bill account at the same time.
In Account Services, find the bill account for the accounts whose information you want to change.
Launch the Change Distribution wizard.
Select the Maintain Account / Billing Account Relationship checkbox.
Enter the current bill account in the Bill Account field. Do not change the company and bill source.
Enter the effective date of the changes.
De-select the appropriate checkbox(es) related to the information you want to change. For example, if you want to change the contract review date, you must de-select the Copy Contract Review Date checkbox. The same is true for minimum daily draw credits and substitute penalty maximums.
Leave all of the Days For Change selected.
Click Next.
Enter the new information as appropriate.
Click Next.
Select the distributions to which this change should apply.
Click Finish to end the wizard.
Reinstate means to reverse a termination or change (i.e., if it were entered in error).
To reinstate a distribution, click the Distribution Wizards icon and select Reinstate Distribution. The Reinstate Criteria card appears.
Enter the reinstate date, which must be the end date of the distribution to be reinstated. Optionally, you can reinstate the recurring charges by selecting the Reinstate Recurring Charges checkbox.
Click Next.
On the Reinstate Selection card, you will see a list of distributions that qualify for reinstatement based on the reinstate date selected on the first card. To select a distribution for reinstatement, check the appropriate Select checkbox. To select all reassignments, click the Select button (you can also click Unselect to deselect all distributions). Click Finish to reinstate the distributions.
The distribution fields that can be modified appear on the Miscellaneous Info panel of the Distribution tab.
To modify a distribution, select it from the list and click Modify. Enter an effective date for the modification, make the appropriate changes, and click OK. The changes will be in effect as of the date entered. Note: The effective date cannot be before the last bill date.
Recurring charges are charges that appear on an account’s bill regularly (for items such as insurance or monthly bond charges).
To add a recurring charge, click the Other Wizards icon and select Add Recurring Charge.
Complete the following fields and click Next.
On the Recurring Charges Selection card (below), you will see a list of distributions to which the recurring charge can be assigned. Check the appropriate Select checkbox(es) or Select All. Then, click Finish.
The Add Levy wizard is used to assign court-imposed levies that must be deducted from the carrier’s 1099 income. For example, a levy may be imposed on a carrier to pay a creditor.
Click the Other Wizards button and select Add Levy to display the first card.
Complete the following fields and click Next.
On the Levy Selection card, click the Select checkbox next to the company and bill source to which this levy applies. Or, click Select All to select all company and bill source combinations. Click Finish to end the wizard.
Notification preferences are used by the Carrier Mail Export to distribute notifications to accounts. For example, if an e-mail address is specified as a preference, then notifications will be sent to the account’s e-mail address.
To add a notification preference, click the Other Wizards icon and select Add Notification.
Complete the following fields:
Account—This will default if the currently selected account is the only associated account. If this is a billing account with many associated accounts, then click the lookup icon and select the account whose notification preference is being added.
Notification—Specify the notification preference (e-mail, home phone, etc.).Account notifications must be defined in advance (see Notification in the Setup Manual). The notification method (e-mail, bundle top, etc.) is specified when the notification is set up.
Start Date and End Date—Enter the date range during which this notification preference is valid.
Details—Enter the specific e-mail address, phone number, etc., of the account.
Click Finish when you have entered all the information.
This wizard allows you to define the default recurring charges for a distribution. When a new account is associated with a distribution, the recurring charges will default based on how they are set up here.
Click the Other Wizards icon and select Default Recurring Charges.
On the first card, enter the effective date of the default recurring charge and click Next.
On the second card, select the distributions to which default recurring charges should be applied. Then, click Finish.
Click the My Tasks button () to switch to the My Tasks window. The Task window, Task tab, and My Tasks button can also be accessed from Account Inquiry, although the tasks will pertain to the account rather than the route.
Select the task type that identifies this task. are set up in advance. Only task types set up for manual entry in Tasks setup will be available.
Select this checkbox if a bundle top is required for each entry in the batch. This option is available for products that allow resupply. See .
Indicate whether these draw adjustments should have resupply documents created for them. See for more information.
Note: If all of a street’s addresses are included in a sequence (i.e. are in the Delivery Segments area), it will have a dark yellow pending icon (). If only a portion of the addresses are included in a sequence, the pending icon will be light yellow ().
If you want to define a delivery segment that is only part of a street, it may be easier to click the Add Street Segment icon (). This will add the first street in the list that does not have a delivery segment, with the From and To fields blank. Set the house number range in the From and To fields, as well as the Side and Order.
You can add left turns, right turns, and turnarounds to the sequence by clicking on the , , and icons. When adding a turn, the Direction Entry window displays. The Description will be Turn Left, Turn Right, or Turn Around, depending on what type of turn was selected. In the Detailed Instructions field, enter any specific instructions for this turn. Then click OK.
Any new streets segments or turns will automatically be added to the end of the sequence. To move a segment up or down in the delivery sequence, highlight the segment and click the or buttons to move it. You can also remove a delivery segment by checking the box to the left of it and clicking the Delete icon ().
When finished with the route sequencing, click the Save Changes icon (). The delivery segments, which were marked with a yellow pending icon (), will now have a green updated icon (), indicating that the route walk sequence has been saved to the database.
After sequencing a route, you can produce a Route Walk Sequence report (see Route Walk Sequence) by clicking the Report icon ().
You can add (), find (), modify () or copy () routes using the Route Setup Utility.
Note: The other option on the toolbar () is used to maintain the drop address associated with the route. See Maintain a Route Address for more information about this option.
Click the Maintain a Route Address icon (). The Route Address window appears.
Click the Find Trucks button () on the button bar.
To open a duplicate view, click the Double button () on the button bar. A duplicate view of the truck tree appears in the right pane of the window. To hide the duplicate view, click the Double button again.
To view or modify the departure order, click the Departure Order button () on the button bar. The departure order is displayed in the right pane of the window.
Click the Alternate Tree button () on the button bar.
Click the Add Route button () and select the appropriate option from the menu. You can also right-click on the new route’s drop (or the drop just before it) and select Add Route in Drop or Add Route below Drop from the Add Route menu.
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Truck Sequence Export button ().
Click the Truck Sequence Import button ().
Highlight the root icon in the truck tree () or another truck.
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Backup button ().
Click the Backup button ().
When you click the Search button (), fields are made available for finding an account in the system.
The account’s answers to account demographics are displayed on the Demographic tab (see ).
To add a new occupant, click Add and complete the occupant fields on this card. The occupant fields are described in Adding an Occupant in the Customer Service chapter (see ).
You can also add one or more phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the occupant, on the Phone and Email subtabs. This is similar to entering phone and e-mail information for occupants in Customer Service (see ).
If you need to add an address, click Add and complete the address fields on this card. The address fields are described in in the Customer Service chapter.
Enter the departure whose departure orders will be resequenced.
Select this checkbox if end-dated departure IDs should be deleted.
Enter the maximum number of characters that can be used in a departure order number. For example, entering “3” in this field indicates that departure order can be numbered up to 990 using multiples of 10 (e.g., 10, 20, 30, up to 990). If it is not possible to use multiples of 10 and remain within the 3-character limit, then a smaller multiple (between 1 and 9) will be used instead.
Indicate if this account belongs in the youth or adult age group.
You may use the age group, account rate class, and contract date as criteria when determining the rate that is charged or credited for draw.
If this account belongs to a special rate class, enter that rate class here.
See Account Rates in the Setup Manual for more information.
open (15)
Optionally, enter the account’s work permit number.
integer (11)
Enter the social security number of the account (optional). Enter this number with dashes (for example, “123-45-6789”).
Business Rules determine whether the social security number must be unique.
open (15)
Optionally, enter the account’s tax ID number.
This field is used to identify agents who have the ability to generate recipient-created tax invoices (Australia only).
Indicate if this account may be credited for the delivery of targeted marketing products.
This field is used to identify accounts that should be paid on a per-address (i.e., drop) basis rather than account rating basis.
Enter the account’s preferred language.
open (60)
Enter drop instructions that print on the bundle top and truck manifest when the drop location is the account’s address (optional).
Enter the start date for this account.
Enter the end date of this account. Leave this field blank until the account becomes inactive.
Enter the account’s birth date (optional).
Enter the account’s graduation date (optional).
Indicate the first day of this account’s contract. This can be used in account rating.
Billing Information
Enter the account class or press F2 for lookup. See Account Class in the Setup Manual to learn how to set up account classes.
Enter the ID of the collector assigned to this account, if applicable.
If you print carrier collect invoices for this route, indicate whether the invoices should be produced in advance or in arrears. If you select “arrears,” the collect invoices for this route will indicate what is due from each carrier collect subscriber in the current billing period; if you select “advance,” the invoices will indicate what is due for the next billing period.
Specify the bill format to use with this account, either single or memo. The single bill format prepares one bill for each account and may include more than one route and product combination. The memo bill format prepares separate bills for each route and provides a summary bill with totals for the “bill to” account.
Vendor Information
open (8)
Enter this account’s vendor ID used in interfacing credit balances to an Accounts Payable system for check generation. If you interface account information to an AP system, the account’s vendor ID and vendor company must be entered here (otherwise the balance will not be interfaced). This may (based on Business Rules) be a system-assigned number. If so, the vendor ID will be displayed here but cannot be changed. The vendor ID, company, and payment method can also be imported into Circulation.
open (4)
Enter this account’s vendor company ID used in interfacing credit balances to an Accounts Payable system for check generation.
open (8)
Indicate the method by which checks are sent to the account in the AP system. Examples might be “office” and “mail.” This is interfaced to the AP system along with the vendor ID and company.
If you enter vendor information (i.e., interface credits to an AP system), the Bank Number and secondary bank fields will be skipped unless the AP interface uses the Dunn and Bradstreet or Peoplesoft 3 format.
Bank Draft Information
open (9)
Enter a bank number that defines this account’s bank. This and the following fields are used in direct deposit. Enter information here only if the account will be involved in your direct deposit program.
open (20)
Enter the bank account number.
Indicate whether this bank account is a checking or savings account.
open (8)
Enter a branch number, if needed, for this bank.
open (30)
Enter the name to whom the bank account is registered, if different from the account’s name.
A prenote is a zero-amount transaction sent to make sure all of the account information is correct. Indicate if a prenote has been sent to the bank for this carrier.
Credit Card Information
This field, and the next two fields, allow a site to generate credit card payments through Account Lockbox processing without having to include credit card information in the lockbox file itself. Enter the account’s credit card number for lockbox payments.
The type of credit card is displayed.
Enter the credit card’s expiration date.
Indicate the usage of the credit card: On File (lockbox processing) or Recurring Charges.
open (30)
Enter the name to whom the credit card is registered, if different from the account’s name.
Enter a company for which this account will be billed.
Enter the bill source indicating the billing group in which this account will be billed. See Bill Source for more information.
Enter a terms ID to indicate the terms which should be used to bill this account (such as “By3rd” to indicate that the payment is due by the 3rd of each month). See Terms for more information.
decimal (8)
Enter the minimum amount charged to this account each delivery day, if desired. Business Rules govern whether minimum daily draw charges are used and, if so, their charge code.
Enter the account group to which this account belongs, if applicable.
Enter the product for which this account will be billed.
Enter the route for which this account will be billed.
You may want to assign a distribution code to this account (see Distribution Code). Distribution codes can be used in sorting account invoices.
decimal (7)
If this account has a levy imposed upon his or her net income, enter any protected income here. For example, a levy of 100.00 may be imposed on a carrier to pay an auto loan, but the court may stipulate that 500.00 of a carrier’s income is protected. See the next section for more information on account levies.
decimal (6)
The protected income can be entered either as a flat amount or a percentage. If the carrier has no levies or the levies have no protected amount, leave these fields set to zero.
Indicate whether finance charges can be applied to this account balance.
Indicate whether this account’s amount due can be written off in the future.
Indicate whether this account’s amount due has been written off. Payments and/or returns are not accepted after a carrier’s amount due has been written off. Changing the value in Written Off to “y” will not actually write off the account’s balance, but payments and/or returns will no longer be allowed for this account. You must write off the balance due by selecting Accounting | Miscellaneous Charge/Credit and making the appropriate entries.
predefined setup
Select Delivery or a user-defined account type such as “trainee” or “agent.” Delivery means the account is responsible for delivering the route (a CarrierDistribPoint record is created). Other account types are considered billing accounts (a BillingDistribPoint record is created).
If Delivery is selected in Account Type, then this field will be set to Route and disabled. If a different account type is selected, then either Route or District can be selected here.
The route ID or district ID of the distribution type defined above. You can select multiple routes or districts.
Enter the product for which you are assigning the distribution.
This field will default to the currently selected account. If the currently selected account is set up to receive an invoice, then any account can be selected in this field. However, if the current account is not set up to receive an invoice, then the default must be used, and the field is disabled.
Enter a date range for this distribution. The start date defaults to today’s date, and the end date may be left blank.
Enter the ID of the account who receives the bill.
Enter the company of the bill account.
Enter the bill source of the bill account. Only bill sources linked to the account above can be selected. Bill sources can be linked to an account via the Source tab in Account Service.
Select the days of week on which this distribution is active.
Select this checkbox to create default recurring charges for the distribution.
decimal (6.2)
Enter the minimum amount credited to this account each day. The availability of this field is controlled by Business Rules.
Enter the date on which this account’s contract will be reviewed.
decimal (6) X 7
When a substitute delivers a route, a penalty can be assessed for the regular account. If you are setting up a delivery account, enter the maximum penalty per day that can be charged to him/her when the route is delivered by a substitute.
Select this checkbox if you are reassigning this distribution to a new billing account, but the delivery accounts should remain the same. The Account field will be disabled and the relationships maintained. If you do not select this checkbox, the distribution will be reassigned to the accounts specified in the Account and Bill Account fields below. No relationships will be maintained.
Select this checkbox to allow new recurring charge records to be created from the default values for each distribution that is reassigned.
Enter the account to whom this distribution is being reassigned.
Enter the bill account to whom this distribution is being reassigned.
Enter the company of the bill account.
Enter the bill source of the bill account. Only bill sources linked to the account above can be selected.
Bill sources can be linked to an account via the Source tab in Account Service.
Enter the date on which this distribution assignment becomes active.
These three checkboxes control whether the respective entries from the original record are copied to the new record or if new entries will be provided. If one or more of these checkboxes are not selected, then the next card in the wizard will prompt for the new entries.
Select this checkbox if you want to continue working with the current account after finishing the wizard.
If it is not selected, the account entered in the Bill Account field will be displayed instead.
Select the days to be reassigned.
Enter the date range during which this recurring charge is active.
Enter the recurring charge/credit code. Charge and credit codes need to be set up in advance of recurring charges. Note that if the account is a non-delivery account at the district level (i.e., is not assigned to a specific route), only charge codes with a flat rate type will be available.
Enter the bill period in which the recurring charge should appear on the account bills. For example, if the recurring charge should appear on bills the fourth week of every month, enter the code established for the fourth week recurring charges. Then, during account billing, Circulation prompts you to enter which bill period should be billed in that run.
Indicate whether the recurring charge should be included in the account’s advance bill, if accounts are billed in advance.
The rate type (percentage or flat) and calculation type (the percentage can be calculated based on draw charges or draw credits) are displayed. These are defined when the charge code is set up.
decimal (6)
If the rate type is flat, enter the amount of the charge or credit for this account.
decimal (9)
Enter the maximum ongoing amount that can be charged to the account with this recurring charge. For example, if an account was charged 10.00 per billing period for a bond, and the maximum was 70.00, the recurring charge would show up for seven billing periods before it would reach its maximum and no longer appear. It is possible to exceed Maximum Amount with interest calculations. For example, if the recurring charge Rate is 50.00, Maximum Amount is 150.00, and the account’s current balance is 145.00, only 5.00 of the current recurring charge would be added to the total, but any interest calculations could increase the total amount to more than 150.00.
decimal (6)
If the rate type is percentage, enter the percentage that draw charges or credits should be multiplied by to calculate the charge. For example, enter 3% as “3.000”.
decimal (6)
If you did not enter a maximum amount for a percentage charge, you can establish a maximum amount each billing period based on the draw charge/credits. This factor is multiplied by the draw charge or credit to find the maximum amount. For example, if the draw charge is 100.00 and the maximum factor is 2.000, the maximum for this recurring charge would be 200.00. If you use a maximum factor, the maximum amount will be “floating”—i.e., it will be recalculated each time the charge is billed, based on the current draw charges or credits.
Each time this recurring charge is selected for billing and processed, Circulation increases the Total Amount by the amount charged/credited.
Enter the date range during which this levy will be imposed on the carrier’s wages. End Date may be left blank.
Enter the charge code for the levy. The charge code must be defined in advance and be identified as a levy charge code.
integer (5)
The order in which different levies are deducted from the account’s wages is defined when the levy charge code is set up. However, there may be situations in which two levies with the same charge code are imposed on a carrier (for example, two auto loan levies). If two levies of the same charge code are assigned, this field determines which levy is imposed first.
decimal (6)
If the levy is for a flat amount, enter the amount here. This amount will be deducted from the account’s wages each period, if possible.
decimal (6)
If the levy is for a percentage, enter the percentage here. This percentage of the account’s wages will be deducted for the levy, if possible.
decimal (8)
Enter the maximum cumulative amount for the levy. For example, if the levy for an auto loan is 100.00 per period until the entire loan of 2000.00 is paid off, then 2000.00 would be entered here.
Search. Search for an account.
List. Open the Account List Builder.
Account Wizards. Launch a wizard to add an account, an account billing, or an account source.
Distribution Wizards. Launch a wizard to add, terminate, change, or reinstate a distribution.
Other Wizards. Launch a wizard to add a recurring charge, a default recurring charge, a levy, or a notification.
Current/History Toggle
Go To Subsystem. Go to another part of the Route Service module: Route Service main window, Account Inquiry, Route Setup, Distribution Maintenance, or Tasks.
Account Status. Shows the status of the account setup. This button has three possible states: a red traffic light indicating an error in the account setup; a “caution” mode, which indicates a “warning” about the account setup, and a green flag indicating no issues with the account setup. Button states other than the green flag will display a report of errors/warnings about the account setup when clicked.
Two important transactions, draw changes and shortages, can be entered in Route Service, but will not be processed until Transaction Processing is run during the publishing run.
You can enter draw changes:
For an individual route
As part of a batch of draw changes
As part of a group of mass draw changes, which are typically short term (due to a late-breaking story, bad weather, etc.)
Individual draw changes and shortages are covered in this section. Batch and group draw changes are covered in the Draw Management section (see below).
Carriers and dealers may not always have the exact draw they need to serve their customers. Circulation assigns draw to a route based on the active subscriptions on that route. However, some routes may need extra papers for samples or other purposes. Or, in the case of dealers, routes may have more or fewer customers than usual. Four draw-related transactions are available in Circulation:
A draw change adjusts draw before Transaction Processing takes place. This is used primarily with dealers and racks. For example, if there is a large convention in town, downtown dealers might ask for increased draw.
A shortage does not adjust the draw at all, but simply records a shortage (or overage) for dispatching and audit purposes. For example, if a carrier is given too few papers and needs more, the newspaper may elect to dispatch the missing papers.
A draw adjustment adjusts draw after Transaction Processing takes place. For example, after a late-breaking story, a dealer might run out of papers and order additional copies.
A return adjusts draw after Transaction Processing takes place, just like a draw adjustment. However, in the case of returns, the draw is reduced. This happens when dealers and racks do not sell all of their draw on a given day.
Keep in mind that draw transactions apply to routes, not the dealers or carriers who distribute them. For example, if two carriers deliver route 11, a draw change to route 11 will affect the draw of both carriers.
You may need to change a route’s future draw for many reasons. For example, a big news story may affect some routes more than others, or you might increase the draw for a route that delivers to college campuses when classes begin in the fall.
Draw changes are typically made only for dealers and racks. Starts and stops on home delivery routes are automatically included in the draw during the publishing run. Also, a route may not be set up to allow draw changes, although draw changes for “service” and “sample” copies are always allowed. Draw change transactions can be entered only for dates that have not yet been processed with Transaction Processing.
The Draw Change option is most useful if you need to enter draw changes for only a few routes. To enter draw changes for a large number of routes, use the Batch Draw Change option. To change the draw for all single copy outlets on a particular day, use Group Draw Change.
Note: Draw change tolerances can be defined for single copy route types to establish a range of “reasonable” draw change amounts. See Single Copy Type in the Setup Manual for more information about draw change tolerances.
Find the route whose draw you wish to change.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Enter the first date that this draw change will be in effect.
Enter the date on which this draw change should be reversed. Leave this field blank if the draw change is for an indefinite period of time. For example, if you want to change the draw for 6/4/10 through 6/6/10, the date you enter in Effective Date would be 6/4/10, and the date you enter in Reversal Date would be 6/7/10.
Enter the source code, such as “carrier”, for this draw change. This field is optional.
Enter the reason code, such as “scdraw”, for this draw change. This field is optional.
If this is a home delivery route and you store draw at the rate code level (a Business Rules consideration), enter the subscriber rate code for which draw is being changed. Account rates can be based on subscriber rate codes.
If this draw change is for a home delivery route, enter the delivery schedule for which this draw change should occur; for example, “daily” or “Friday”. This field is not active for single copy routes.
Indicate whether the draw should be adjusted (increased or decreased) or replaced. If you are replacing old draw figures with new draw figures, choose replace.
integer (6)
For each day of the week, indicate the number of newspapers that should be adjusted/replaced. To enter negative adjustments, add a minus sign (such as “-5”). The adjustments/replacements will be displayed for each publishing day. You can leave the first field blank so that different amounts can be entered for each day.
open (unlimited)
Enter any necessary remarks about this transaction.
Carriers and dealers may call to say they received more or fewer newspapers than scheduled. For example, a carrier’s bundle top might indicate that she should receive 50 newspapers, but she only received 40. This information can be sent by the dispatcher to drivers for redelivery of the additional 10 papers.
Use Find to locate the route that has been shorted.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Indicate which product is short.
Enter the date this shortage occurred.
integer (4)
Enter the number of newspapers this route was shorted.
integer (4)
Enter the number of newspapers this route received over the scheduled draw (if too many newspapers were received).
Enter the source code, such as “carrier”, for this transaction.
Enter the reason code, such as “shortage”, for this transaction.
Indicate whether this transaction should be dispatched. Some shortages may not need dispatching. For example, a carrier who is shorted 3 papers may buy the missing papers at a store. In this case, you would not dispatch papers. You would, however, give the carrier a miscellaneous credit for the cost of the store-bought papers. After the shortage is dispatched, the Dispatch Detail button will become available for viewing the dispatch date, time, remarks, compliance information, and other information.
Enter any remarks about this transaction.
Enter any instructions for redelivery of the newspapers. For example, enter instructions here if the shortage driver should deliver the additional papers to the carrier’s home or work address.
Use this option to attach a note to a home delivery or single copy route.
Note: Before entering a route note, you must set up at least one “OutletNote” reason code in Setup | Subscription | Codes | Reason.
Find the product/route combination for which you want to add a note.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Enter the date for this note.
Enter the content of the note.
Select the source code for this transaction.
Select the reason code for this transaction.
Use this option to enter complaints related to a single copy or home delivery route. Complaints may involve wet papers, non-delivery, or no papers in a rack. Non-subscribers may report a problem with the carrier, such as “yard” or “noise”. Entering a route complaint is very similar to entering a Customer Service complaint, except complaint codes for route complaints are added using Setup | Distribution | Route | Complaint Code.
Find the route toward which the complaint is directed.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Enter the date for this route complaint.
Enter the source code for this transaction, such as “customer” or “carrier”.
Enter the reason for this route complaint.
The description of the reason code will appear in this field, but you can modify it.
Indicate whether products with this complaint code should be redelivered.
Enter re-delivery instructions, if applicable.
Indicate whether this complaint should be dispatched.
Indicate whether resolution to this complaint is urgent.
Use this option to add draw for a single copy outlet that has no draw. When you enter an outlet start, a draw change will be created to add the draw you specify. You can enter a flat draw amount to be added to each day of the week, or you can specify differing draw amounts for each day of the week.
Note: Before entering a start, you must set up at least one “OutletStart” reason code in Setup | Subscription | Codes | Reason.
Find the single copy outlet for which you want to add draw.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Enter the source code for this transaction, such as “DM”.
Enter the reason for this outlet start. At least one reason code must be set up in advance with a transaction type of “OutletStart”.
Enter the reason for the draw change that will be created as a result of this start.
Enter the effective date of the draw change.
If the draw will be the same for all days of the week, enter the amount in the DRAW field. If the draw will differ by day of the week, enter the draw for individual days.
Enter any helpful remarks about this transaction.
Use this option to remove all draw from a single copy outlet (e.g., because a store is closing). When you enter an outlet stop, a draw change will be created to zero out the draw for all days of the week.
Note: Before entering a stop, you must set up at least one “OutletStop” reason code in Setup | Subscription | Codes | Reason.
Find the single copy outlet for which you want to remove draw.
Complete the following fields and click OK.
Enter the source code for this transaction, such as “DM”.
Enter the reason for this outlet stop. At least one reason code must be set up in advance with a transaction type of “OutletStop”.
Enter the reason for the draw change that will be created as a result of this stop.
Enter the effective date of the draw change.
Enter any helpful remarks about this transaction.
You can modify any transaction that has not yet been processed with Transaction Processing. To modify a transaction, double-click on it in the Transactions tab in the upper-right portion of the window. You can then click Modify and change the values in the fields. When you finish modifying the transaction, click OK. See Transactions for more information about the Transactions tab.
Specify the product to which this lockout applies.
yes/no setup
Specify the edition to which this lockout applies, or select All Editions.
yes/no setup
Specify the single copy type to which this lockout applies, or select All Single Copy Types.
yes/no setup
Specify the route to which this lockout applies, or select All Routes.
yes/no setup
Specify the account to which this lockout applies, or select All Accounts. If you select an account, then all routes associated with that account will be locked out.
yes/no setup
Specify the draw class to which this lockout applies, or select All Draw Classes.
yes/no predefined
Specify the usage (external, internal, or import) to which this lockout applies, or select All Usages. • External refers to iServices Distribution and the Distribution API. • Internal refers to the Route Service module.
• Import refers to any import of draw changes.
date date
Specify the date range of the draw affected by this lockout.
date time
Specify the date and time at which this lockout takes effect. The start time is optional.
date time
Specify the date and time at which this lockout is no longer in effect. These fields can be left blank.
Specify the publication or TM product whose route information should be exported. Note that draw must be created during TM processing prior to running this export for a TM product. Mail numbers will not be exported for TM products (only publications).
Enter the date for which route information should be exported.
Indicate whether actual, pending, or advance draw should be exported.
Select the truck departure sequence that should be used in the export. Only trucks in this sequence will be selected.
Select the truck sequence that should be used in the export. Only routes dropped by this truck sequence will be selected.
Indicate the entities that should be exported as account groups and zones. The choices are ad zone, Zip code, truck, parent truck, district, distribution zone and carrier ID.
Indicate the entities that should be exported as zone types. The choices are ad zone, Zip code, truck, district, and distribution zone.
This field allows you to include a suspended draw change batch (or batches) in the SAM export file, so that multiple export files can be generated for different draw scenarios. When the export is run, a message is written to the process log indicating which batches were included in the export.
open (10)
Enter the circulation group ID that should be exported. This may default from Business Rules.
open (30)
Specify the file name for the SAM export file. This will be the name of the draw file; the global file will have this name with “GLBL.txt
” appended to it.
Select this checkbox if you want messages records (1 through 6) to be exported. Messages will not be exported if this checkbox is not selected.
Note: Mapping is an add-on feature. Contact Naviga Global Support Centre to obtain a password
Circulation can be set up to use internet-based mapping features. In Route Service, you can generate a map showing home-delivery routes and single copy addresses. You can and also locate all of the single copy locations within a specified distance from an entered address (see Customer Service | Mapping ). The three options are Map Delivery Addresses, Map Single Copy Address, and Find Single Copy Locations.
The Map Delivery Addresses option can be helpful in determining exactly where to find an occupant’s delivery address. In addition to a map of the route, the addresses on the route and the delivery schedules of the subscribers are also shown.
Note: The zoom and navigation tools will vary depending on the system you have set up.
You can view detailed information (address, account number, status, etc.) by hovering the mouse pointer over a delivery address. In addition, each address on the route is listed below the map. You can zoom in/out on a single location, as well as center the map on a specific location by clicking the corresponding Marker link.
The Map Single Copy Address option will map the address associated with a single copy address.
This option is described in the Customer Service Chapter. See Customer Service | Mapping | Find Single Copy Locations.
Click the Draw Change button ().
Enter the route draw type, such as “carrier collect”, “office pay”, “paid complimentary”, or “third party”. For single copy outlets, enter a valid draw class in this field. See for more information about draw types. See the Setup manual for more information about draw classes.
Click the Shortage button ().
Check this field if this is a resupply request for the route, rather than an actual shortage. If so, distribution documents will be regenerated for the papers, and a draw adjustment will be made, using the resupply draw adjustment code specified in Deliverable setup. See for more information about the resupply feature. You can still use the Resupply button in Dispatching to distribute regular shortages (which have this field unchecked). See for more information.
Click the Notes button () to display the Notes entry window.
Click the Complaint button ().
Click the Start button ().
Click the Stop button ().