The Department tab shows the percentage of each transaction type that can be attributed to each department. For example, the graphs may show that more than two-thirds of complaints are being entered by CSRs, while only 10% are entered on the Web.
By double-clicking the graph, you can view an inverse of the data—transaction activity by department. Double-click the chart to return to the initial view.
Departments (a.k.a., user divisions) are set up in Setup | System | Security | Specifics | User Division.
The Dashboard module provides graphical views of various Circulation activity updated in real time. The Dashboard window has three parts:
Dials on the left side of the window that show the number and level of complaints, starts, and stops for the selected products entered on the current date (if Date Type is Create Date) or the last published date (if Date Type is Tran Date). By default, 0-25 transactions is considered a “low” level of activity, 26-50 is considered “medium”, and 51 or more is considered “high”. These levels can be changed in Setup. A fix program (tools/dashboard) can be run from the Progress editor to define the dial settings.
Several tabs in the center of the window that provide charted data of different Circulation activity. These tabs are discussed in detail on the following sections.
The Filter, which is a docked tab on the right side of the window. The Filter is where you select the product or products to include, the date range, transactions you want to include in the activity charts, and other criteria (source, reason, and user). To modify filter criteria, select or deselect the check boxes as needed, change the Start Date and End Date as needed, and click Filter.
The Time tab summarizes Circulation activity by hour of the day, broken down by department (CSR, customer, Internet, voice-response unit, etc.). This tab can show when each activity/source combination is at its peak. For example, it may show that customers tend to report delivery problems between 7:00 and 8:00 am, or that customers tend to start new subscriptions on the Web during evening hours.
You can view detailed Circulation activity for a single hour by double-clicking the bar representing that hour. Activity will be shown by transaction, and by department for each transaction. Double-click the chart to return to the initial view.
The Dashboard module provides graphical views of various Circulation activity updated in real time.
Topics covered in this section are as listed below:
The Reason tab shows the amount of each type of transaction entered, broken down by reason code.
Double-click on a bar to view a single transaction type broken down by reason code. Double-click the chart to return to the initial view.
The User tab shows the number of transactions entered by each user during each hour of the day.
Double-click on a bar to view the activity for a single user. The number of each transaction entered is shown. Double-click the chart to return to the initial view.
The Source tab depicts the number of transactions entered by each department in a pie chart.
Double-click on a segment of the chart to view a detailed chart of transactions entered by a single department. Double-click the chart to return to the initial view.
The Delivery Schedule tab shows the number of each type of transaction entered for each delivery schedule.
The Donations tab shows the number of donations entered based on donation codes.
The Complaint tab shows the number of complaints entered by type (e.g., late or wet paper, missed delivery).
The Task tab shows the number of tasks entered by the users based on type.