The following table lists the data elements that can be used with the “RouteData” file map usage, which is used for exporting the Route Delivery List.
Address ID
Drop Location
Region ID
Address Line [1-5]
Dwelling Status Date
Route Accessible
Area ID
Dwelling Status ID
Route ID
Dwelling Type ID
State ID
Census Block ID
Street Name
Census Tract ID
House Number
Street Suffix ID
City ID
House Number Modifier
Supply Truck ID
Line Feed
Town of 25 ID
Country ID
Literal Value
Truck ID
County ID
Mail Accessible
Truck Name
Delivery Detail (has detail)*
Military Foreign
Unit Designator ID
Delivery Placement ID
PO Route Number
Unit Number
Demographic Answer
PO Route Type
Zip Bar Code
Depot ID
PO Route Walk Sequence
Zip Code
Directions To Address
Post Directional
Zip Code + Zip Extension
Distrib Zone ID
Pre Directional
Zip Extension
District ID
* Delivery Detail can include the following detail elements:
AddressID, AddressLine[1-5], AllowWebAccess, AreaCode, AreaCode+Phone, AreaID, AttentionLine, Building, CensusBlockID, CensusTractID, CityID, Complex, Copies[Sun-Sat], CountryID, CountyID, DeliveryInstructions, DeliveryPlacementID, DeliveryScheduleID, DepotID, DirectionsToAddress, DistribZoneID, DistrictID, DropLocation, DwellingStatusDate, DwellingStatusID, DwellingTypeID, Extension, ExternalSubscriptionID, Filler, FirmName, FirstName, HouseNumber, HouseNumberModifier , LastName, LineFeed, LiteralValue, MailAccessible, MilitaryForeign, Name, NameAddress [Lines1-6], OccupantID, OccupantTitle, OccupantTypeID, OriginalStartDate, OtherName, OtherNameUsage, Phone, PhoneUnlisted, PORouteNumber, PORouteType, PORouteWalkSequence, PostDirectional, PreDirectional, ProductID, RateCodeID, RegionID, RenewalDeliveryOverride, RenewalOverrideCode, RouteAccessible, RouteID, ShortName, StateID, StreetName, StreetSuffixID, SubscriptionID, TownOf25ID, UnitDesignatorID, UnitNumber, ZipBarCode, ZipCode, ZipCode+ZipExtension, ZipExtension