File type: Pipe delimited
Location: /dti/exchange/cm
. The user defines the file name when running the report. Note that the header and totals records for area, region, zone and district are similar in function to the sorting in the report. So, for example, the region records will only be included if the Selection Type is area or region.
Beginning of Header record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export (will always be 1)
Selection Date
The date the export was created for
Process Date
The date the export was processed (format mmddyyyy)
Process Time
The time the export was processed
The user who created the export
Subscriber Type
The type of subscriber selected to be exported (Active Subscribers, All Subscribers, All Households, Inactive Subscribers, Non-subscribers, or Active or Additional Product)
Billing Method
A comma separated list of Billing Methods selected to be exported (if selection is based on billing method)
Delivery Schedule
A comma separated list of Delivery Schedules selected to be exported (if selection is based on delivery schedule)
Day Of Week
The day of week selected to be exported
Includes Pending
Indicates whether pending transactions were considered in export
Selection Type
The selection type used in generating the export (Area, Region, Zone, District or Route)
Bonus Day
Indicates whether bonus day papers were included in export (can be “Yes”, “No”, or “Only”)
Publication Header
Beginning of Publication Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Product ID
The publication for the detail records that follow
The publication’s name
Area Header
Beginning of Area Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Area ID
The area for the detail records that follow
Area Description
A description of the area
Region Header
Beginning of Region Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Region ID
The region for the detail records that follow
Region Description
A description of the region
Zone Header
Beginning of Zone Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Zone ID
The zone for the detail records that follow
Zone Description
A description of the zone
District Header
Beginning of District Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
District ID
The district for the detail records that follow
District Description
A description of the district
Route Header
Beginning of Route Header
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Route ID
The route for the occupant/address records that follow
Route Name
The route’s name
Route Type
The route’s route type
The route’s depot
Drop Location (2 fields)
The route’s drop location(s)
The truck’s ID
Truck Name
Name of the truck
Supplying Truck ID
ID of the supplying truck
Household Record
Beginning of Household record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Address ID
The household’s address ID
Subscriber ID
The household’s subscriber ID, if a subscriber. If an external subscriber ID has been imported for the subscription (i.e. it is for an external publication), that is exported instead of the subscriber ID
The occupant’s first and last name (“Resident” if no occupant)
Address (5 fields)
Address of the occupant
House Number
House Number Modifier
Odd or Even
Pre Directional
Street Name
Street Suffix
Post Directional
Unit Designator
Unit Number
Military Foreign
(2 fields)
ZIP Code
ZIP Extension
Occupant’s phone number
Copies (7 fields)
Copies by day of week (Sunday through Saturday)
Route Walk Sequence
Newspaper route walk sequence for this address
Postal Walk Sequence
Postal walk sequence for this address
Subscriber status (Active, Inactive, Non Sub, etc.)
Expire Date
Current expire date for the subscription (if office pay)
Last Start
The last start date that has been processed
Rate Expire
The next rate change
Billing Method
Subscriber billing method (Office Pay, Carrier Collect, etc.)
Delivery Schedule
Subscriber delivery schedule ID
Delivery directions to the address (max 90 characters)
Delivery Placement
Delivery placement ID
Placement Description
Delivery placement description
Delivery Instructions
Address delivery instructions (maximum 90 characters)
Reassigned Address
Indicates if the subscription is route different from the address route
Pending Transaction
Indicates whether the subscription has been changed because of a pending transaction. If INCLUDE PENDING is set to “n”, this will be “no” in all records
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.). Field will be 0 if there are no bonus days for the household, or if SHOW BONUS DAY is set to “no”
Trip ID, if the route belongs to a trip
Trip Sequence
Occupant’s trip sequence
Other Name
Occupant’s other name
Additional Products Record
Beginning of Additional Products record (1 record will exist for each additional product the household receives on the delivery date, if INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS is “y”)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Address ID
The household’s address ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Number of copies of additional product delivered to occupant
Subscription ID
The household’s subscriber ID, if a subscriber
Expire Date
Current expire date for the subscription (if office pay)
Last Start
The last start date that has been processed
Rate Expire
The next rate change
Billing Method
Subscriber billing method (Office Pay, Carrier Collect, etc.)
Delivery Schedule
Subscriber delivery schedule ID
Delivery Placement
Delivery placement ID
Delivery Instructions
Address delivery instructions (maximum 90 characters)
Delivery Directions
Occupant delivery directions s (maximum 90 characters)
Rate Code
Subscriber’s assigned rate, if a subscriber
Delivery directions to the address (max 90 characters)
Copies (7 fields)
Copies by day of week (Sunday through Saturday)
Route Total
Beginning of route total record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Route ID
Total number of households for the route
Total number of non-subscribers for the route
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by route by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by route
Route Additional Product Record
Beginning of Route Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product delivered by route)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Route ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by route
Route Billing Method Totals
Beginning of Route Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination delivered by route)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Route ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.). Field will be 0 if there are no bonus days
Draw Totals by Rate Code
Beginning of Draw Totals by Rate Code record (one record will be created for each rate code assigned to subscribers delivered by route)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Route ID
Rate Code
A subscriber rate code
The number of subscribers on the route with this subscriber rate code
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route and subscriber rate code for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.). Field will be 0 if there are no bonus days
District Totals
Beginning of district totals record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
District ID
Total number of households for the district
Total number of non-subscribers for the district
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by district by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by district
District Additional Product
Beginning of District Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
District ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by district
District Billing Method Totals
Beginning of District Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
District ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
Zone Totals
Beginning of zone totals record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Zone ID
Total number of households for the zone
Total number of non-subscribers for the zone
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by zone by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by zone
Zone Additional Product
Beginning of Zone Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Zone ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by zone
Zone Billing Method Totals
Beginning of Zone Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Zone ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
Region Totals
Beginning of region totals record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Region ID
Total number of households for the region
Total number of non-subscribers for the region
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by region by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by region
Region Additional Product
Beginning of Region Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Region ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by region
Region Billing Method Totals
Beginning of Region Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Region ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
Area Totals
Beginning of area totals record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Area ID
Total number of households for the area
Total number of non-subscribers for the area
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by area by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by area
Area Additional Product
Beginning of Area Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product delivered by area)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Area ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by area
Area Billing Method Totals
Beginning of Area Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Area ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
Publication Totals
Beginning of publication totals record
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Publication ID
Total number of households for the publication
Total number of non-subscribers for the publication
Copies (7 fields)
Total copies delivered by publication by day of week
Number of occupants whose status was changed by a pending transaction
Bonus Day
Number of bonus day papers delivered by publication
Publication Additional Product
Beginning of Publication Additional Product Record (one record will be created for each additional product)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Publication ID
Product ID
ID of the additional product
Product Name
Name of the additional product
Copies of the additional product delivered by publication
Publication Billing Method Totals
Beginning of Publication Billing Method Totals record (one record will be created for each billing method/delivery schedule/subscriber status combination)
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
Publication ID
Delivery Schedule
Billing Method
Subscriber Status
Total copies (7)
Total copies for this route, delivery schedule, billing method, and subscriber status for each day of the week
Bonus Day
Numeric value of the day the copies are affected by the bonus day (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.)
Beginning of Export Trailer
Export Order
The order of this record in the export
End Date
The date the export was completed
End Time
The time the export was completed