Show article teaser.
An event dispatched when an article teaser is viewed in a list.
eventName - articleListRowView
viewName - article
or packagePreview
moduleID - Module ID in app config
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title in app config
articleHeadline - Article's headline
articleUUID - Article's UUID
isFrequency - Boolean, whether article is metered
isPremium - Boolean, whether article is premium content
userHasAccess - Boolean, whether the user has access to article or not
subscriptionId - Subscription UUID
Example - event dispatched when an article teaser is viewed in a list
eventName: articleListRowView
viewName: article
or packagePreview
moduleID: mynews
moduleName: NearMe
moduleTitle: My News
articleHeadline: Ineffektivt Färjestad föll i toppmötet
articleUUID: fc44ae40-c7b9-48a5-973c-3b1f2964e812
isFrequency: false
isPremium: true
userHasAccess: true
subscriptionId: 30d10286-79a6-43db-b46e-c7f3b120d394
Show ContentList module.
An event dispatched when a ContentList or NearMe module are rendered.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - articleList
moduleID - Module ID in app config
moduleName - Module name (ContentList
or NearMe
moduleTitle - Module title in app config
streamID - Concept UUID
streamType - Concept Open Content property name
streamTitle - Title of stream
Example - User navigates to the module called "Senaste nytt"
eventName - viewShow
viewName - articleList
moduleID - topnews
moduleName - ContentList
moduleTitle - Senaste nytt
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
Example - User opens the "My News" module and the concept stream "Example Town".
eventName - viewShow
viewName - articleList
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 3dcd84df-80b6-4a30-89d0-ca595c8584d3
streamType - ConceptTagUuids
streamTitle - Example Town
Subscriptions settings events.
Multiple user actions triggers these events, with different event names. All related to automatic push notifications and subscriptions.
User action
Show the subscription settings view where user can edit subscriptions
Remove a subscription
Enable push notifications for a subscription
Disable push notifications for a subscription
eventName - viewShow
, deleteStream
, notificationsDeactivated
or notificationsActivated
viewName - editSubscriptionList
moduleID - Module ID in app config
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - Module title in app config
streamID - Concept uuid
streamType - Open Content property name for the Concept
streamTitle - Title of the stream
Example - User clicks on the settings cog in "My News" and is presented with settings dialog (edit view).
eventName - viewShow
viewName - editSubscriptionList
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
Example - User removes a subscription e.g. Borås Basket
eventName - deleteStream
viewName - editSubscriptionList
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 2de1fe6c-0a44-49f0-8dde-b0937fbff529
streamType - ConceptTagUuids
streamTitle - Borås Basket
Example - User activates push notification for e.g. Family.
eventName - notificationsActivated
viewName - editSubscriptionList
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 31415cc9-b084-45a8-a716-72638c9669d4
streamType - ConceptCategoryUuids
streamTitle - Family
Example - User deactivates push notification for e.g. Family.
eventName - notificationsDeactivated
viewName - editSubscriptionList
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 31415cc9-b084-45a8-a716-72638c9669d4
streamType - ConceptCategoryUuids
streamTitle - Family
Show article.
An event dispatched when an article is opened.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - article
or packagePreview
moduleID - Module ID from app config
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title from app config
articleHeadline - Article headline
articleUUID - Article UUID
articleUrl - Article URL
isFrequency - Boolean, whether article is metered.
isPremium - Boolean, whether article is premium content.
source - String, if the article was opened from a push notification.
Example - Event dispatched when an article with title of "Title of an Amazing Article" is opened.
eventName: viewShow
viewName: article
moduleID: topnews
moduleName: SectionContentList
moduleTitle: Top News
articleHeadline: Title of an Amazing Article
articleUUID: cc6bad82-1a84-4c65-bcc4-f8a551851c2d
articleUrl: Article's URL
isFrequency: false
isPremium: true
User, login, password and similar views.
An event dispatched when a Flow view's registerStats property is true
eventName - viewShow
viewName - flow
moduleID - Module id from app config, or global
moduleName - Module name, or empty if omitted
moduleTitle - Module title from app config, or empty if omitted
viewId - Flow ID or empty if omitted
Example - Event dispatched during a custom User Login flow
eventName - viewShow
viewName - flow
moduleID - global
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
viewId - login_flow
Example - Event dispactched during a custom Free Trial flow
eventName - viewShow
viewName - flow
moduleID - global
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
viewId - try1_flow
Example - Event dispactched during a custom Forgot Password flow
eventName - viewShow
viewName - flow
moduleID - global
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
viewId - forgot_pasword_flow
All Apps dispatch statistics events via different Statistics Providers. Default is the Firebase Analytics integration (Google Analytics v4).
For each action or view in the app an event is triggered. Those events has parameters, described on these sub pages.
The attributes of each event type may differ but each event also contains the following global attributes:
userIsLoggedIn (iOS) - boolean, denotes a users login status on iOS
loggedIn (Android) - boolean, denotes a users login status on Android
userID - string, the unique identifer for a given user
appleAppTracking (iOS) - string, status of users consent with one of the following statuses: notDetermined, restricted, denied or authorized
Show the Add subscription view, and add subscription event
Topic Picker View: An event dispatched when the topic picker is opened.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - topicPicker
moduleID - Module id from app config, or global
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title from app config
Example - User navigates to the module "Top News", and the topicPicker dialog appears.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - topicPicker
moduleID - topnews
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
TopicPicker Create Subscription events are dispatched when a user saves their choices made in the topic picker.
One event is dispatched for each choice that was made.
eventName - createStream
viewName - topicPicker
moduleID - Module ID from app config, or global
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title from app config
streamID - Concept uuid
streamType - Open Content property name for the Concept type
subscriptionName - Subscription UUID
Example - User follows the "Ice Hockey" concept, and saves their choice.
eventName - createStream
viewName - topicPicker
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 5b129691-a4e7-4318-9ced-c7344c54b2b0
streamType - AppConceptCategoryUuids
subscriptionName - Ice Hockey
Show profile module
An event dispatched when profile module is opened.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - profile
moduleID - Module id from app config, or global
moduleName - Module name, or empty if omitted
moduleTitle - Module title from app config, or empty if omitted
eventName - viewShow
viewName - profile
moduleID - profile
moduleName - MyProfile
moduleTitle - Profile
Stop showing article.
An event dispatched when an article has been read.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - articleRead
moduleID - Module ID from app config
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title from app config
articleHeadline - Article's headline
articleUUID - Article's UUID
isFrequency - Boolean, whether article is metered
isPremium - Boolean, whether article is premium content
userHasAccess - Boolean, whether the user has access to article or not
Example - this event was dispatched when an article was read.
eventName: viewShow
viewName: articleRead
moduleID: mynews
moduleName: NearMe
moduleTitle: My News
articleHeadline: Lilliz inte anmäld till disciplinnämnden
articleUUID: 1c5ee092-f5fd-48fa-b610-ee537d67a337
isFrequency: false
isPremium: true
userHasAccess: true
Show image
An event dispatched when an image is loaded.
eventName - imageViewer
viewName - empty if omitted (?)
moduleID - Notification context (?)
moduleName - Module name. or empty if omitted
moduleTitle - Module title from app config, or empty if omitted
contentID - Notification uuid
contentType - Notification contentType
articleHeadline - The article's headline
articleUUID - The article's UUID
imageUUID - The image's UUID
Example - an event dispatched when an image is opened
eventName - imageViewer
viewName -
moduleID - editions
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Editions
contentID - 73328ee7-1bc4-4abd-b630-12b10579f796
contentType - {notification.data.contentType}
articleHeadline -
articleUUID -
imageUUID -
Show onboarding view
An event dispatched when an on-boarding slide is displayed.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - promotion
moduleID - Module id from app config
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title from app config
promotionId - Promotion id from app config
pageIndex - Promotion page index from app config (0,1,2,n)
Example - event dispatched when the first slide of the on-boarding is loaded.
eventName - viewShow
viewName - promotion
moduleID - topnews
moduleName - SectionContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
promotionId - topnews_1.0
pageIndex - 0
Receive and open push notifications
Notification Received Event. An event dispatched when a push notification is received by a device registered for push notifications.
eventName - showNotification
viewName - empty if omitted
moduleID - Notification context
moduleName - Module name, or empty if omitted
moduleTitle - Module title in app config, or empty if omitted
streamID - Notification uuid
streamType - Open Content property name for the concept
streamTitle - Concept headline
notificationTitle - Notification alert title
notificationText - Notification alert body
contentID - Notification uuid
contentType - Linked contentType
Example - The device receives a manual push notification with a link to open an article if clicked.
eventName - showNotification
viewName -
moduleID - topnews
moduleName - ContentList
moduleTitle - Top News
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
notificationTitle -
notificationText - Some title\nSome body text goes here
contentID - a67d3300-1fa0-4595-ac58-d223d217f12d
contentType - article
Example - The device receives a manual push notification which does not contain a link to an article (or anything), and does not contain any module info.
eventName - showNotification
viewName -
moduleID - global
moduleName -
moduleTitle -
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
notificationTitle -
notificationText - Some title\nSome body text goes here
contentID -
contentType -
Example - The device receives a manual push notification for the Editions module about a new Edition.
eventName - showNotification
viewName -
moduleID - editions
moduleName - ContentList
moduleTitle - Editions
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
notificationTitle -
notificationText - Some title\nSome body text goes here
contentID - a67d3300-1fa0-4595-ac58-d223d217f12d
contentType - package
Example - The device receives an automatic push notification, from the NearMe module, with a link to an article.
eventName - showNotification
viewName -
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - 95d3e986-26b7-4b14-b436-8c79c8645412
streamType - ConceptCategoryUuids
streamTitle - Crime and Punishment
notificationTitle - Some title
notificationText -
contentID - a67d3300-1fa0-4595-ac58-d223d217f12d
contentType - article
Notification Opened Event. An event dispatched when a push notification is opened.
eventName - openNotification
viewName - empty if omitted
moduleID - Notification context
moduleName - Module name, or empty if omitted
moduleTitle - Module title in app config, or empty if omitted
streamID - Notification uuid
streamType - Open Content property name for the Concept
streamTitle - Concept headline
notificationTitle - Notification alert title
notificationText - Notification alert body
contentID - Notification data body (?)
contentType - Linked contentType
Example - The device received an automatic push notification with an article. This event triggers when that notification is opened (clicked) and the article will open in a concept stream.
eventName - openNotification
viewName -
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID - a5c77d9c-6c4f-4dd7-860a-a155c568a9be
streamType - ConceptCategoryUuids
streamTitle - Example category
notificationTitle - Push notification's title
notificationText -
contentID - 329a8259-93e1-4eb0-bf50-6e73d8732b07
(article uuid)
contentType - article
Example - The device received a manual push notification to open an article, and that notification was opened.
eventName - openNotification
viewName -
moduleID - mynews
moduleName - NearMe
moduleTitle - My News
streamID -
streamType -
streamTitle -
notificationTitle - Push notification's title
notificationText -
contentID - 329a8259-93e1-4eb0-bf50-6e73d8732b07
(article UUID)
contentType - article