Show article teaser.
An event dispatched when an article teaser is viewed in a list.
eventName - articleListRowView
viewName - article
or packagePreview
moduleID - Module ID in app config
moduleName - Module name
moduleTitle - Module title in app config
articleHeadline - Article's headline
articleUUID - Article's UUID
isFrequency - Boolean, whether article is metered
isPremium - Boolean, whether article is premium content
userHasAccess - Boolean, whether the user has access to article or not
subscriptionId - Subscription UUID
Example - event dispatched when an article teaser is viewed in a list
eventName: articleListRowView
viewName: article
or packagePreview
moduleID: mynews
moduleName: NearMe
moduleTitle: My News
articleHeadline: Ineffektivt Färjestad föll i toppmötet
articleUUID: fc44ae40-c7b9-48a5-973c-3b1f2964e812
isFrequency: false
isPremium: true
userHasAccess: true
subscriptionId: 30d10286-79a6-43db-b46e-c7f3b120d394