Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice, and Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
Welcome to the NCS Circulation 2020-4.0 release. This release comprises a variety of enhancements to the customer service, accounting, reporting, extracts modules, and application interface of the Circulation Management System.
New features have been introduced for NCS Circ and Subscribe Integration.
Additionally, this release also contains important bug fixes in various modules of the application.
If using Naviga Pay for payments, a minimum Naviga Pay version of 2.2 is required for 2020-4.0.
If using Payment Authorization Service, a minimum PAS version of 8.11.61 is required for 2020-4.0.
A minimum Circulation version of 2020 is required to upgrade to the 2020-4.0 release.
A minimum of Java 8.201 is required for the 2020-4.0 release upgrade. (PBS43A Interim #110)
If the application is accessed through OpenWebStart, we recommend using the Corretto 8 JRE along with it.
Download the Corretto 8 JRE Windows.msi file for your operating system from the link:
If using PostWare, run all of your postal reports through the current publishing date before applying this patch.
Place the latest microservices/navigaapi/interface.war
After upgrading to 2020-4.0, you must recreate/resave any input files for the:
Accounting > Subscriber > Auto Notice Export.
Reporting > Subscriber > Subscriber Activity Export
Session Context Errors that occurred while launching a new customer service session to update a subscriber’s opt-in or opt-out of E-Bill using the BillingChg transaction and then modifying the Renewal Delivery Override information have been resolved. (CM2-7411, CM43#2550)
Transaction processing for MoveIn and MoveOut transactions is now running successfully for accounts that were on a combo subscription previously. (CM2-7236, CM43#2400)
During QAS address cleansing, users may now add or modify the Unit Type and Unit Number fields. (CM2-7064, CM43#2390)
Creating a Temp Stop transaction with the “Send Email Confirmation” checkbox selected in Customer Services will no longer result in any debug warnings. (CM2-2953, CM43#2980)
The calculation for extending days by applying the incorrect adjustment amount in complaints has been corrected now in (CM2-8249, CM43#3660).
The issue where an incorrect CopyRateByDay is calculated for subscribers on a Rate Code with the Rate Terms in month, year, or quarter and if the payment includes a Wallet Amount has been fixed. (CM2-8787, CM43#3760) (CM43#3790)
Route Setup utility, under Route Service > Setup, no longer skip the Zip and Townof25 tabs while adding a new Single Copy Route and Home Delivery Route. (CM2-7417, CM43#2650)
User-specified input parameters are now saved so that the Reroute Utility program can be executed. (CM2-6669, CM43#2130)
Subscribers set to status Vac-Online will no longer be displayed on executing the Route Delivery List report with the filter set to Active only. (CM2-6612, CM43#2380)
When publishing Calendar does not exist for a product, the Subscription ID is now included in the error message for AutoRenew processing. (CM2-6365, CM43#2250)
The verbiage of the following Business Rule, in Subscriber Acctg section, has been changed to better convey the BR’s purpose. Before:
Should declined credit card refunds for digital Subscribers be moved to a separate batch instead of switched to cash?
Should declined CC refunds for subscribers on digital-only addresses be moved to a new batch instead of cash?
(CM2-7669, CM43#2810)
Due to a graphical timeout issue caused by AccountBillSource’s inefficient database access, the Accrual Selection (in Accounting > Account Accruals > Selection) was not possible when the records were in bulk. This has now been resolved. (CM2-7853, CM43#2930)
When running Subscriber Lockbox Processing (in Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Lockbox Processing), the warning message “Could not find subscription for subscriber...” is no longer displayed, and payments are now created according to the import file used in File Map. (CM2-367, CM43#3030)
All Digital Subscriber Grace Records will now be exported to the E-Bill file, and all Print Subscriber Grace Records will be exported to the Renewals file. In addition, a new email address field has been added to the Grace Records at the end of the S1 record for Digital Subscribers in the E-Bill file. (CM2-7424, CM43#2920)
The file map field error that occurs when the Export field is set to “No” on the Subscriber Refund Journal Character screen, Accounting > Subscriber > Refund Journal, has been fixed. The file map fields are required to be filled if the Export field is set to “Yes.” (CM2-8038, CM43#3390)
In account billing invoice, a calendar for returns displays each weekday with the quantity of returns per day. However, in the invoice summary, the total of returns was doubled, resulting in the charges being increased on that same line. This issue has now been fixed. (CM2-8075, CM43#3530)
The Subscriber ID in FileMap export was represented by a thousands separator (,) in the Subscriber Payment Journal (e.g., 1,23,456). This issue has been resolved, and the Subscriber ID is now displayed correctly (e.g., 123456). (CM2-8254, CM43#3520)
The repeated word “control” that showed up in the “Update Control Totals?” pop-up window message when a subscriber adjustment batch was being processed in the GUI has been fixed. (CM2-8177, CM43#3550)
A fix in the validation of the Bank Draft program has been made to accept Bank IDs that use the HSBC file format. (CM2-9086, CM43#4080)
In Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address > Batch Transactions, the errors that occurred when unselecting a record from a batch and deleting a batch with all records selected have now been resolved in the Stop Utility.
In addition, the batch limit has been hardcoded to the size of 50,000 records and records more than the limit of 50,000 will be split into multiple batches. (CM2-7179, CM43#2490)
The Bonus Day/Premium Day functionality has now been integrated for subscribers of all three delivery methods, namely Online, Route, and Mail, in Bonus Day Setup, under Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address. (CM2-7219, CM43#2610, CMO43#460) (CM43#3670)
The issue where parsing addresses left out the first 0 in house numbers (like 0N300 Hilts Dr.) has been fixed. The following modifications have been made:
If the second character is alphabetic, a leading 0 is now accepted (limited to N, E, W, and S).
If the home number has multiple leading zeros, it will be trimmed down to a single leading zero, which is consistent with the program’s functioning prior to this code modification.
(CM2-7916, CM43#3460)
Subscribers with “Not Started” status, i.e., with a future Start Date, are no longer picked up on running the Stop Utility, in Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address. (CM2-7163, CM43#2410)
The verbiage in the Remarks field on BillingChange transactions is now dynamic and will populate information based on the UpdateCode that is provided in the file.
If UpdateCode is 1, then Remarks will be “Token Account Updater - New CC Expire”
If UpdateCode is 2, then Remarks will be “Token Account Updater - New CC Number and Expire Date”
If UpdateCode is 3, then Remarks will be “Token Account Updater - Account Closed”
An error will be thrown for any other UpdateCode or for leaving it blank.
(CM2-6522, CM43#2280)
When running the Bonus Day Adjustment Utility (Utilities > Subscription/Address > Bonus Day Adjustment), only subscriptions that are under the specified delivery method in the Bonus Day setup will now be displayed in the Bonus Day Adjustment report. (CM2-8095, CM43#3360)
The Bonus Day Adjustment report no longer excludes non-refundable RateCode subscriptions that are eligible for Bonus Day/Premium Day adjustments. (CM2-8096, CM43#3350)
Bonus Day Utility:
When creating a new Start, if a day is designated as a Bonus Day but is not deliverable according to the Delivery Schedule, a Bonus Day transaction should be made on the Subscription. Previously, this could only be done through Customer Service and not through the CreateSubscription CircAPI. This issue has now been resolved.
Additionally, Bonus Day transactions can now be setup for Mail Subscriptions.
When the Bonus Day Utility was run again for the same date, bonus day transactions started to disappear. This has now been resolved.
When there is a Bonus Day setup for the same day with different delivery methods, and when copying it, it copies for one delivery method but throws an error for the other. This has now been resolved.
If there is a Bonus Day, the labelGroupDraw for Mail and Online Subscriptions was not getting updated through the End Publishing process. This has now been resolved.
(CM2-6426, CM43#3800)
The Export/Import Utility can now import a single file to end date an existing Rate Code setup and copy it to a new active setup using the date in the file. (CM2-7519, CM43#3540)
In Bonus Day Adjustment, a Progress error was shown due to a missing unique index, Delivery Method, which was earlier not included along with ProductID, Delivery Schedule, District, and Bonus Date. This issue has now been resolved.
Additionally, Bonus Charge records will now be created based on the DeliveryMethod and LabelGroupID. (CM2-9106, CM43#4100)
Added the subscription payment tip and adjustment amounts, also Modified the settings of the Temp Stop/Restart Date based upon subscriber status and the Account export to account for non-delivery account. The updated information has been exported to the Subscription and Account export files. (CM2-7873, CM43#3000) (CM2-8263, CM43#3510)
The performance of Demographic Edits to run 130k records has been optimized now. (CM2-8223, CM43#3450)
Calendar errors in Graphical Setup > Business > Calendars have been resolved from the GUI by setting the other months of that year with days set to “NO.” (CM2-7145, CM43#2420)
Running a campaign import program no longer forces the Delivery method field to use “*” when the AllowableUsage is set as “Others”. Hence, the campaigns can now be imported successfully with Delivery method as Online or Route. (CM2-7840, CM43#3110)
Carrier Mail Export now exports all messages to the carriers/routes when utilizing the multiple delivery address feature or the mapping feature, which allows a subscription to be delivered by multiple routes. (CM2-1274, CM43#3640)
Reporting > AAM The logic behind the AAM Draw Export has been modified to use the correct billing method (i.e., the Subscription Draw Billing Method). (CM2-7497, CM43#2600)
The 1099 Audit Report, in Reporting > Account > 1099 Audit, has been modified to reflect the changes made to the 1099 IRS form, and it now produces data for all three form types in a single report (Misc., NEC, and Interest). (CM2-7381, CM43#2470)
The Age Analysis-Summary Report screen, in Reporting > Management > Summary Age Analysis, has been updated with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Format (File Map options) and File Name (name of the exported file) will be available.
(CM2-6111, CM43#2520) (CM43#3700)
The Age Analysis-Detail Report screen, in Reporting > Management > Detail Age Analysis, has been updated with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Format (File Map options) and File Name (name of the exported file) will be available.
(CM2-7420, CM43#2560)
In Reporting > Account > Drop Credit Audit, the Drop Credit Audit Report missing Digital Vacation Pack subscribers due to Stop and Restart transaction on the same date has been resolved. (CM2-7476, CM43#2540)
The issue of printing incorrect expire dates on the Active Mail Subscriber Report, in Reporting > Subscriber, for subscribers with blank expire dates has been fixed. (CM2-6698, CM43#2320)
All user-specified input parameters can now be saved in the Financial Post Office Report (under Reporting > Postal > Financial PO). (CM2-7670, CM43#3430)
The header of the Weekly Sales Order (WSO) Report has been changed from ‘Circulation Dept’ to ‘Consumer Division’. (CM2-7103, CM43#2270)
Running the Pre-Export Edit report now captures the previously missing Insight Export error ‘No DistribPointPublication for Publ: XXX Route.’ (CM2-84, CM43#2510)
Vindicia GetPayments now creates payments with the correct rate code for both AutoPay and normal Subscribers. (CM2-5597, CM43#2950)
When using SAI to restart Subscribers who were mail accessible but not route accessible, the error “Delivery Method is mail but could not determine label group. Restart rejected.” no longer occurs, and the restart is now successfully created. (CM2-6608, CM43#2690)
Processing starts through SAI will report an error if the start already has a subscription record for the product ID, external SubscriptionID, and Subscription.Subscriber=Yes (i.e., an active subscription). (CM2-3765, CM43#2710)
Subscriber Activity Import will now use the email address associated with an occupant record to determine if the occupant is unique. (CM2-7671, CM43#2770)
In SAI, an error “Starting position for SUBSTRING, OVERLAY, etc. must be 1 or greater.” was shown for new Starts with AutoRenew. This has now been resolved, and there is no longer a need for a Credit Card number to make a Payment, Billing Change, or AutoRenew Start and SAI is functioning properly. (CM2-8859, CM43#3820)
Reporting > Subscriber > Subscriber Activity Export
Addition of two new checkboxes “All Reason Codes” & “All Source Codes” in the Subscriber Activity Export as runtime parameters will eliminate the occurrence of stack error.
Note: After updating to 2020-4.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files.
Reference Input File placed at: /u/pbs/spool/cm/input/SAE_INPUT
(CM2-7491, CM43#2670)
A new checkbox, ‘All Reason Codes’, has been added in Subscriber Activity Export to export transactions with all Reason Codes eliminating the occurrence of the error. (CM2-92, CM43#2430)
Subscribe Extract now exports all addresses and will display them in the Address Master even if the subscriber’s Route Publication record is end-dated. (CM2-7663, CM43#3100)
A fix program has been created to update the Zip Code and Zip Pattern fields of the Country table used in the Subscription Link. (CM2-8093, CM43#3290)
Modified MicroAPI, “GetRates” to return the valid Rate Codes. (CM2-6523, CM43#2590)
Any billing changes transactions initiated from CircAPI with a transaction date before the Subscription’s Start Date, it will now be created only at the Subscription Start Date. (CM2-6453, HM43#340)
A fix program has been created to add PayTrace and other recently added vendors to the Add-On Table, such as Bambora and Stripe.
Setting the business rule— If using DTI Payment Authorization, which third party payment authorization product integration is used? to newly added vendors such as Paytrace, Bambora, and Stripe will no longer make the Addon check fail. (CM2-7746, CM43#2760) (CM43#3780)
The Lock-Table overflow error caused by payment refunds of declined cards for Digital Address Subscribers has been fixed, and subscriber refunds are now processed in a separate batch. (CM2-7871, CM43#3020)
A set of new decline response codes returned by Payway has been added to CM43 > Setup > System > Pymt Auth Messages. (CM2-6577, CM43#2190)
When a credit card payment is initiated using Edgil as the payment vendor, the NavigaPay I-frame window now shows the right information, and the payment is processed successfully. (CM2-8221, CMO43#510)
The missing fix program has been added to address the failure of MicroAPIs error message. (CM2-8073, HM43#460)
When creating a subscriber with Billing Method = “Carrier Collect,” the CircAPI threw an error message if no rate code/term/length details were provided.
To resolve this issue, the Customer Service Business Rule— “Should carrier collect subscriptions be assigned a rate code?” logic has been modified such that only if the value is set to “Yes,” then the rate code/term/length details are mandatory, and failure to provide them will result in an error stating “No value passed for required field, Rate, Term, Length combination not valid.” (CM2-7490, HM43#520)
The Rate Code validation check has now been implemented in CircAPI, ‘CreateSubscriber’. Any invalid Rate Code passed for the PublicationID will now return an error in the CircAPI.
(CM2-4628, CM43#500)
Adjustment only payment through CircAPI is now buying the correct number of days and extending the Subscription Expiration date. (CM2-6448, CM43#2200) (CM43#2310)
The GetReturnsInfo API has been modified so that the Allowable End Date (or the Returnable End Date) can be correctly calculated based on the Return Rules. (CM2-7507, CM43#2570)
Digital subscriptions can now be started in CircAPI, CreateSubscription, up to 7 days prior the Start Date of the email address. (CM2-7942, HM43#420)
Changes have been made in the below APIs to allow creating transactions for payment processing if Token Value has been passed instead of Credit Card details.
Create Subscription
Create Payment
Create Billing change
Create Subscription by Campaign
Create Payment by Campaign
Create Billing Change by Campaign
(CM2-8068, HM43#470) (HM43#560)
All the errors and omissions on Unearned Revenue and month-end processes have been removed for the subscriptions originated from APIs with an ABCZoneAddress record and a blank ABCZoneID. (CM2-7489, CM43#3370)
In CircAPI, the DeliveryBillAddress endpoint, the Move-in date for a future address (the new address that is intended to take effect) along with the Move-in address information will now be returned in response. (CM2-7679, HM43#410)
The error message “No Subscription available” has been fixed in the CS API for subscribers with multiple subscriptions, with one set as inactive. (CM2-6467, CMO43#520)
The issue with the “Requested Refund?” checkbox being selected on the Customer Service screen when a PermStop is created using the CircAPI has been resolved by setting the checkbox to false by default. (CM2-8235, HM43#530)
Code changes have been made to eliminate erroneous debug messages that were terminating the Circulation API calls. (CM2-8991, HM43#590)
In the CreateSubscription API, the error "Invalid Rate Code" was shown since the Rate Code validation was performed against DeliveryMethod (Online/Mail/Route) instead of DeliveryType (Carrier/Motor/HomeDel). This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9074, CM43#4070 HM43#600)
The following four new Business Rules have been introduced in Customer Service:
Which Adjustment Code should be used for Print Trial Subscriptions?
Which Adjustment Code should be used for Digital Trial Subscriptions?
What is the reason code for Trial Subscriptions?
What should be the maximum number of days for Trial Subscriptions?
(CM2-7318, CM43#2880)
Transaction Security has been added to the Trial button on the Customer Service screen so that it may be regulated at the user level whether or not to utilize this feature. The value is set to “Not Activated” by default.
If the Security field in Transaction Security is left blank, the feature will work, and the user will be able to create the Trial Subscription.
If the Security field is set to ‘Not Activated’, the feature will not function and will be greyed out on the Customer Service screen.
Transaction Security can be configured under:
(CM2-7761, CM43#2850) (CM2-8925, CM43#3840)(CM43#2850)
Under the Transactions tab of Customer Service, a new button, “Trial”, has been introduced. On clicking the Trial button, a pop-up appears with input fields:
“In Trial?” checkbox,
“Trial Length” (text box to fill in the length of the trial)
“Trial Term” (dropdown with values: Day, Week, etc.).
If the In Trial, Trial Length, and Trial Term fields are populated in the CircAPI, CreateSubscription, the trial details in the Customer Service screen will be updated accordingly.
This feature can be used to add, remove, or modify a subscriber’s Trial Subscription.
(CM2-7454, CM43#2780) (CM43#3320)
An alert will pop-up on the customer service screen if a CSR view a subscriber account information who is on Trial subscription.
Note: The alerts can be configured under Setup > Distribution > Notification. (CM2-7527, CM43#3200)
A new Business Rule— “Which GMA/SAM version should be used?” has been added under Route Services.
When value is set to “Export with Bundle Info”: Five new fields (Zip, Publication, Bundle Size, Key Bundle, and Company) will be added in the GMA/SAM export.
When value is set to “Export without Bundle Info”: GMA/SAM export will execute as it was in previous version.
Additionally, Content Code char lengths have been increased from 8 to 30 chars, Ad Zone char lengths have been increased from 10 to 30 chars, and Drop Name char lengths have been increased from 10 to 30 chars. (CM2-5347, CM43#3500)
The Subscriber Renewal Notice Export, in Accounting > Subscriber > Renewal Notices, now includes the Publication Code in addition to the Publication Name, providing a static data point in the file to clearly identify the publication for which the renewal is produced. (CM2-5351, CM43#2500)
A new dropdown for ‘Notice Type’ has been added to the Auto Renew Notice Export screen in Accounting > Subscriber > Auto Notice Export. The dropdown has three options:
‘Trial End’ - returns a list of Auto-Renew Subscriptions that have a Trial active on them,
‘Auto-Renew’ - returns regular Auto-Renew Subscriptions, and
‘Both’ - returns a combination of the two subscriptions mentioned above.
(CM2-7528, CM43#2830)
A fix program has been created to get the Security ID menu included in proto data in Graphical Setup > Accounting > Subscription Rates > Fee Code. (CM2-7299, CM43#2460)
The Auto Renew Notice Export screen, in Accounting > Subscriber > Auto Notice Export, has been modified with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Format (File Map options) and File Name (name of the exported file) will be available. The File Map logic for Auto Notice Export has been revised in accordance with the nomenclature specified in the User Manual. In addition, all the information about trials has been added to the File Map.
(CM2-7904, CM43#3140)
The Subscriber Payment Journal report, in Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Payment Journal, has been modified to show tax on fees (Activation & Printed Bill) for each account level, as well as a total tax on fees amount at the end of the report.
(CM2-7788, CM43#3170) (CM43#3750)
When running an AP Interface report or Subscriber Refund Batch using PeopleSoft4 format, an additional field ‘Occupant Email ID’ will now be included in the 001 SSC row of the Vendor Export file. (CM2-7912, CM43#3190)
The logic that determines the payment amount to include Fee Tax in the total payment amount has been updated.
When a payment is cancelled, the system now creates a ‘PymtCancel’ transaction with all the amounts (Payment, Tax, Fee, Premium, etc.) precisely identical to the amounts of the original payment but with a negative sign to nullify the payment.
Also, convert records for Fee Tax will be created with both equal and negative amounts.
(CM2-7953, CM43#3250)
A set of new parameters have been added to the FindTax API, allowing the API to return additional details on the ‘fee amount’ and ‘tax on the fee amount’ when executed.
Print bill Fee Amount
Activation Fee Amount
Total Fee Amount - Sum of Print bill Fee Amount and Activation Fee Amount
Taxable Fee Amount
Total Fee Tax
TotalFeewithTax - Sum of Total Fee Amount and Total Fee Tax
GrandTotal - Sum of TotalFeewithTax and TotalAmountwithTax
Note: These new fields are only displayed in the response if the SubscriptionID is provided as an input parameter.
(CM2-7789, HM43#430) (HM43#510)
A new field, ‘Fees Owed Tax’, has been added to the Grace Owed Report, in Accounting > Subscriber > Grace Owed Export. When running a Grace Owed Report for any subscription with fees, the export file will now include a field for Fees Tax. In addition, Grace Owed Export would include the Fees Tax information in the remark.
(CM2-8115, CM43#3420)
A set of new fields have been added to the Renewal Notices Export, Detailed Export 2.
The tax applicable for the Activation Fee
The tax applicable for the Printed Bill Fee
The tax imposed by the City for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the County for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the County for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the County for the Activation Fee
The Renewal Notices Export’s FileMap now includes the following 10 new fields.
The tax applicable for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the City for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the County for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the State for the Activation Fee
The tax imposed by the Country for the Activation Fee
The tax applicable for the Printed Bill Fee
The tax imposed by the City for the Printed Bill Fee
The tax imposed by the County for the Printed Bill Fee
The tax imposed by the State for the Printed Bill Fee
The tax imposed by the Country for the Printed Bill Fee
For generating Renewal Notices Export in Detailed Export 2, set the value of BR— What format should be used for subscriber billing notices? to ‘Detailed Export 2’. For generating FileMap export, set the value to ‘File Map’.
In addition, taxation has been applied to the Activation and Printed Bill Fees, and the total payment amount will now include the Fees Tax Amount. (CM2-8114, CM43#3620)
A set of new fields have been added to the Auto Notice Export, Detailed Export 2, and its File Map.
and five fields in its FileMap
Additionally, the City/County/State/Country Tax will now include the Fee Tax in the Auto Notice Transaction, and the Total Amount will include both the Fee and the Fee Tax Amount. (CM2-8113, CM43#3570)
In the Carrier Billing Account Direct Deposit Report, under the Original Amount and Adjusted Amount columns, Pending Total and Approved Total have been added. The Pending Total would include all failed transactions, while the Approved Total would include all successful transactions, and the Carrier Total would be the total of the Pending Total and the Approved Total.
(CM2-8754, CM43#3720)
The Publication Code field has been removed from the Detailed 1 and Detailed 2 Export formats of Renewal Notices, in Accounting > Subscriber > Renewal Notices. (CM2-9038, CM43#4010)
Changes made to the internal Database Migration tools have been committed to SVN. (CM2-7674, CM43#2730 CM43#3220)
The Import error “IMPORT data field wider than 65534 characters. (4138)” on running the Batch Hygiene in Utilities > Subscription/Address has been resolved. (CM2-1268, CM43#2680)
In NCS Circ, Activation and Printed Bill Fees are now taxed, and the payment amount will include the Fees Tax amount.
(CM2-7693, CM43#3230)
A program has been developed to update new Satori Product Keys for Architect, Presort, and Label Studio for all of our clients and our own databases, which expired on July 31, 2022. (CM2-8806, CM43#3770)
Under ‘Publishing > Publishing > Distribution > Bundle Info’ and ‘Publishing > Advance Processing > Enter Bundle Info’, a new button, “Copy Distribution Info Range,” has been introduced. Select the required Distribution Information from the Advance Distribution Information table and click on Copy Distribution Info Range button. A pop-up window will be displayed to add, update, or delete records depending on the date range passed for selected weekdays in the specified range.
(CM2-5348, CM43#3280)
Conversion Edits - The logic for validating the Credit Card Expire date has been changed from hardcoded values to ‘Current Year to Current Year + 5’. (CM2-6552, CM43#2230)
Conversion Edit Reports: Subscriber Status (Active, Temp Stopped, Perm Stopped) has been added in the Edit Reports for Subscription Edit error 131.
(CM2-7235, CM43#2370)
The products of each subscriber are now displayed in the Conversion Edit Reports for Subscription Edit errors 251 and 252.
(CM2-7837, CM43#3040)
The Copy Routes Utility, in Graphical Setup > Utilities > Copy Routes, is modified by adding a checkbox ‘Copy Recurring Charges/Credits,’ which when selected, copies the recurring charges from the existing record.
(CM2-6604, CM43#2530)
On running the Decrypt/Encrypt Private Info, the “payment source” and “PayPal email id” fields are now added in the SubscriptionPayment Table. However, the Carrier table now includes the “BankDraft” Vault ID.
(CM2-7707, CM43#3150) (CM43#3120)
In Setup > Accounting > Subscription Rates > Fee Code, a new checkbox “Is Taxable?” has been added to apply tax on the Activation and Printed Bill Fees. Hence the payment amount will be calculated including the Fees Tax Amount.
(CM2-7737, CM43#2820)
To import or export the Sub Source, a new dropdown value “Sub Source” has been added under Table/Group name of Mass Import/Export Utility.
(CM2-7867, CM43#3050)
The following changes have been made to the Mass Import Export utility to update the End Date of existing records:
When the StartDate of a DB record matches the StartDate of an imported record, the EndDate of the DB record will be set to the EndDate of the imported record.
When the Start Date of a DB record is less than the imported record StartDate, the DB record EndDate is updated to the imported record StartDate – 1, and a new record with imported values is created.
The following is a list of Tables/Groups where changes have been implemented:
(CM2-7902, CM43#3330)
In the AutoRenewTerm table, the grace days and renew days will now include a field for Trial Subscriptions and the Delivery Method (Route, Mail, Online). Also, a new field for Trial Subscriptions has been added to the notice days. See the FAQ document for further details.
(CM2-5345, CM43#3690)
Trial subscription records will only be picked in AutoPay batch based on the new AutoRenew Term setup for Trial Subscription as mentioned above in CM2-5345. (CM2-7526, CM43#3210)
When a Trial Subscription Start transaction is processed, an Adjustment Only Payment for the same Trial Length and Term is created using the Adjustment Code specified in the Trial Subscription Business Rule—Which Adjustment Code should be used for Print/Digital Trial Payments?
(CM2-7616, CM43#2970) (CM43#2940) (CM43#2890)
If any Subscriber (Perm Stop/Expire Stop) has a GraceOwed amount, it will not be adjusted in the Trial Adjustment Only Payment but will be included in the next payment cycle following the Trial End Date. (CM2-7617, CM43#3060)
The next billing amount shown on the Auto-Renew CC start & Auto-Renew CC expire extract will now be calculated from the Auto renew process. (CM2-7792, CM43#3300)
Creating a Temp Stop, Complaint, MoveIn-MoveOut, or Billing Change transaction within the Trial Period now extends the Trial End Date.
(CM2-7859, CM43#3070)
To avoid the conversion of a normal subscription into Trial, the Trial button will be disabled for restarts coming directly by posting a payment from lockbox processing or CreatePayment API. (CM2-7865, CM43#3080)
During the Trial Period, Subscriptions are not permitted to add donations when making a Temp Stop.
(CM2-7920, CM43#3310)
The fake payment created in NCS Circ Trials now matches the amount specified in the plan’s Rate Term and does not contain any additional amounts (i.e., premium day amounts and taxes). (CM2-7995, CM43#3240)
A new MicroAPI, “GetSubscriptionInfo”. (CM2-7152, CM43#2450) (CM43#3740) (CM43#3590, HM43#480) (CM2-7955, CM43#3160)
A new MicroAPI, “DeleteSubscription”. (CM2-8187, CM43#3480)
A new API “CTAddUser” has been added in the ctimap file to add users. (CM2-6329, HM43#370)
The FindSubscription CircAPI end point has been updated to give information about whether a Subscription is now on Trial. The response now has a Parent Tag, “Trial,” that provides relevant details such as ‘InTrial’ (Yes/No), ‘Start Date,’ ‘End Date,’ ‘Rate Code,’ ‘Rate Term,’ and ‘Rate Length’.
(CM2-7457, HM43#390)
Create Subscription CircAPI has been modified with the below three new fields Trial’, ‘Trial Term’, and ‘Trial Length’ to support the creation of Trial subscription.
(CM2-7317, CM43#2720 HM43#400 CMO43#480)
The Circ API CreateDayPassByCampaign has been updated with the following changes.
If the ‘Subsource Type’ or ‘Subsource Required’ is set to True and no Subsource is passed in Campaign Setup, the username in the Campaign Circ API will be used as the Subsource, and a Subsource entry will be created in setup.
If a value is provided in the Subsource field in Campaign Setup, it will be reflected in Daypass Subsource.
If the ‘Subsource Type’ and ‘Subsource Required’ fields are left blank, the Daypass generates a blank value in the Subsource field.
(CM2-6575, HM43#360, CM43#2210)
Taxation on the Activation and Printed Bill Fees will be applied in NCS Circ for payments created through the CS API and Circ API, and the payment amount will now be computed by including the Fees Tax Amount. (CM2-7791)
The CircAPI ‘GetDeliveryAddress’ now includes a new parameter, MoveOutDate, in the response, allowing the API to return information on when the subscriber is moving out of the old address and into the new address.
(CM2-7866, HM43#440)
The CreateSubscription CircAPI now includes a new parameter “Copies,” which allows users to request one or more than one copy for all the days of the subscription. Also, the CircAPI GetSubscription now includes this new parameter, “Copies,” which displays the number of copies for the days of the week for which the subscriber has delivery. Note: The maximum permitted value is 99, while the minimum is 1.
(CM2-7966, HM43#450 CM43#3180 CMO43#490)
The FindTax API now includes a new “Rate Code” field, which allows fees to be calculated using the Rate Code and ProductID entered in the API if the SubscriptionID is not provided.
(CM2-8251, HM43#490) (CM2-9096, HM43#610)
Two new fields have been added to the FindSubscription API: “IsFuturePermStop” and “FuturePermStopDate.” If a subscription contains an unprocessed future Perm Stop transaction, the FindSubscription API will return the logical answer for “IsFuturePermStop” as “yes” and the transaction date for “FuturePermStopDate”. If no Perm Stop or Processed Perm Stop exists, the logical field “IsFuturePermStop” will return “no.”
(CM2-8868, HM43#570)
The CreateSubscription CircAPI now has a new output parameter, RestartDate, which will show the date when the subscription has been restarted in the response.
(CM2-8750, HM43#540)
A new business rule— Should Auto Payments/ Auto Notice be generated for Subscriptions with unprocessed Perm Stop on expire? has been added in Subscriber Payments Section with the default value set to Yes. When set to No, raising invoices, or generating Auto-Renew Payments will be suppressed if the subscriber’s Expire date has a future Unprocessed Perm Stop.
(CM2-8037, CM43#3650)
All business rules related to payment processing have been deleted before the client’s data dump was uploaded to internal databases. (CM2-7435, CM43#2750)
Changes have been made to clean up the debug files from the secure exchange directory whenever debug is turned off and to keep the files only when debug is turned on. (CM2-8070, CM43#3400)
A billing change transaction is now created for AutoPay users, resulting in records being updated with new credit card details returned by Payway’s Account Updater through NavigaPay when the error status code = 2 and a change in CC number or expiry date is encountered during a sale transaction. Note: The Billing Change Reason Code have been hardcoded as ‘Payment’. (CM2-7069, CM43#2330)
A billing change transaction is now created for AutoPay users to remove them from AutoPay when Payway returns a status code of 5 through NavigaPay during a sale transaction. (CM2-7070, CM43#2330)
When using NavigaPay, payments will no longer be processed if the database and server host names do not match.
(CM2-7091, CM43#2480)
The special characters # and & in the address and occupant fields are now populating correct data in the NavigaPay I-frame window.
(CM2-8040, CM43#3380, CMO43#500)
Two new Business Rules have been introduced in the Customer Service section to replace the earlier hardcoded reason codes for creating a billing change in the case of “Credit card details changed or discontinuing from Auto Pay in case of expired card”. Also the status remarks have been updated to “Card Details Changed - Card Number and Expiry Date Updated”.
What is the default reason code for discontinued Autopay when Credit card account is updated?
What is the default reason code for change in credit card details?
(CM2-8927, CM43#3890)
Previously, after enabling NavigaPay for ACH, subscriptions that contained Bank Draft information had payment processing issues since the existing records lacked a VaultID. To address this, a new utility has been created that will link VaultID and CustomerID with AccountNumber and BankNumber, which are associated with Subscriptions as AutoRenewal information. (CM2-8869, CM43#4060)
Under the Billing tab of Route Service > Setup > Account Services, two new buttons for ‘Modify’ and ‘Delete’ have been introduced, allowing the CSR to modify or delete the existing Bank Draft details of a Billing Account.
Additionally, if the BR - ‘Will Naviga Pay be used as the payment gateway?’ is set to ‘Yes,’ the Bank draft fields will be greyed out when creating a new Account Setup.
(CM2-7529, CM43#2700) (CM2-7530)
A new menu option has been added in Graphical Accounting > Subscriber Payments — ACH Status Update. This option retrieves the status of Bank Draft payments and updates it accordingly. A Payment Decline record is created when a payment fails.
(CM2-7613, CM43#2790) (CM2-7614) (CM43#2800)
Bank draft verification through the NavigaPay API on the Bank Prenote transaction has been introduced with the following enhancements, allowing for run-time verification of bank details.
When the BR—Will Naviga Pay be used as the payment gateway? is set to NO (i.e., normal payment vendor), a prenote transaction is created with a notify file that is submitted to the bank.
Prenote transactions will not be created if the BR is set to NavigaPay.
If the API result is declined, a billing change transaction is created to remove the subscriber from Auto-Pay.
Payment can be done successfully when the status is Authorized.
(CM2-7782, CM43#3010)
The Direct Deposit and Account Service Bank Draft profile creation processes have now been automated by integration with NavigaPay and use of the Payway ACH Credit facility.
(CM2-7668, CM43#3630) (CM43#3130)
Fees Tax information for Activation and Printed Bill Fees has been added to the Fee Analysis Report under Reporting > Subscriber > Fees Analysis. (CM2-8116, CM43#3600)
The File Map export files (Refund Journal Report, Payment Journal Report, Age Summary export, Age Detail export) have been formatted to resolve the issue of displaying the thousands separator (,) in data elements such as Count or Term. (CM2-8262, CM43#3680)
Taxation on the Activation and Printed Bill Fees will be applied in NCS Circ for payments created through the Subscriber Activity Import, and the payment amount will now be computed by including the Fees Tax Amount. (CM2-7790)
In Vindicia, taxes on fees have been implemented.
When a PymtDecline transaction is generated, a Fees Tax Convert record is created with an equal and negative amount.
A Fees Tax Convert record with a positive balance is created when a declined payment is successfully captured.
(CM2-7954, CM43#3250)
A set of new fields have been added to the multiple NCS Extracts files:
Name and Zip Code of Subscription Credit Card Holder
Service Copies that were missing in the Route Draw
Account file - Credit Card Expire date, Zip Code, and Holder name.
TranNumber in the TranHistory Extract.
Note: The new changes are available in Subscribe Extract’s export version 5. Please contact Naviga Support for this change to be implemented. (CM2-7218, CM43#2440) (CM43#3730)
A set of new fields have been added to the sub_master.txt file of Subscribe Extracts.
Credit Status
Trial Term
Trial Length
Trial Start Date
Trial End Date
Note: The new changes are available in Subscribe Extract’s export version 5. Please contact Naviga Support for this change to be implemented. (CM2-7581, CM43#2910) (CM2-7759, CM43#2900)
In the auto_renew.txt file of Subscribe Extracts, a new field, “Creditcard_holder_name”, has been introduced between creditcard_type and payment_source fields. Note: The new changes are available in Subscribe Extract’s export version 5. Please contact Naviga Support for this change to be implemented. (CM2-8179, CM43#3580)
In the route_draw.txt file of Subscribe Extracts, a new field, “Draw_Type”, has been added. Note: The new changes are available in Subscribe Extract’s export version 5. Please contact Naviga Support for this change to be implemented. (CM2-8245, CM43#3610)
A set of new fields have been added to the payment.txt file of Subscribe Extracts.
Masked Credit Card number
Credit Card expiry date
Masked Bank number
Credit Card holder name
Credit card type
Payment Source
Note: The new changes are available in Subscribe Extract’s export version 5. Please contact Naviga Support for this change to be implemented. (CM2-8172, CM43#3560)