Transaction Security has been added to the “WriteOff Type” field under the “Grace WriteOff Information” screen on Customer Service so that it may be regulated at the user level. The value is set to “blank” by default.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to the "Writeoff Type" field, and all options are available, while users who are not part of the Security ID would not, and the "Both" option is selected by default.
CSMWriteOffType Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > CSMWriteOffType
(CM2-9006, CM43#4900)
In Setup > Accounting > General Ledger > Sub Payment Adjust, a new field “Is Taxable?” has been introduced to apply taxation on the Adjustment Amount passed for fees.
The logical values of the field are “y” and “n”. The field’s default value is set to “n.”
(CM2-7514, CM43#2620)
Accounting > Account Payments > Payments To GL (GUI and CHUI)
A new checkbox, “All Batches,” has been added to the Graphical ‘Interface Payments To GL’ screen to allow the creation of an input file that will process all current Cash Batches.
This field has been added to the Character ‘Interface Payments To GL’ screen with the logical values “y” and “n”.
Note: After updating to 2020-5.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files.
(CM2-9834, CM43#5020)
A new menu option has been added in Graphical Publishing > Publishing — Press Room Import. This functionality allows for the easy import of files added in the Press Room Entry section (Publishing > Publishing > Press Room Entry).
FileMap changes have been introduced in Press Room History Import to allow for the import of files added in the Press Room Entry section.
Note: After updating to 2020-5.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files. (CM2-7459 - CM2-7463, CM43#4230) (CM43#4630)
Conversion Edit Reports:
When “AddrEdit.IsOnline
” is set to “yes,” edit error 117 will no longer occur, and the erroneous record will be handled correctly.
(CM2-9036, CM43#4130)
In NCS Circulation, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) has been implemented to authenticate users’ access to the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and the Character User Interface (CHUI) of CM and CMO setup applications.
For user authentication, a user’s email address should be added to their user profile in the application.
The user can successfully authenticate by either accepting the push notification sent to the MFA mobile application or by entering the OTP passcode given in the MFA mobile application.
(CM2-8057, CM43#4410 PBS43#160) (CM2-9489, CMO43#550 - CM43#4540)
(CM2-9010) (CM2-9186) (CM2-9332)
Users who do not have a UNIX profile can now utilize Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) through their Email ID to open reports in PDF format on the NCS Circulation GUI.
(CM2-9176, CM43#4360)
A new Business Rule— “How long is the MFA security bypassed after the initial login for a character-based application?” has been introduced in the Login section, with the default value set to zero (0).
This setting determines the time duration (in minutes) for which the user would not require MFA authentication for a new session after the successful initial login through the MFA.
(CM2-9802, CM43#4910 - CM43#620)
Mass Import/Export
In Mass Import/Export Utility, a new dropdown value “User Profile Group” has been added under the ‘Table/Group’ drop-down menu.
This allows the importing of User Profile, User Profile CR, and User Group assignments and the exporting of User Profiles from specific date ranges.
(CM2-8021, CM43#3850)
Any user added using the Mass Import/Export Utility will now be added to CTIMap.
(CM2-8020, CM43#3860)
A new field, “Email Address,” has been added to the User Profile Setup screen, under Character Setup > System > Security > User profile.
(CM2-9223, CM43#4240)
In the Character User Interface (CHUI), the keyword “Newscycle” has been replaced with “Naviga” on all applicable screens.
(CM2-9213, CM43#4280)
A new MicroAPI, “GetReasonCodes”.
(CM2-9306, CM43#4470)
Modified the MicroAPI, “addVacation”.
(CM2-8260, CM43#3980) (CM43#4670) (CM43#4710)
Modified the MicroAPI, “CreateComplaint”.
(CM2-8261, CM43#3710)
The performance issue that occurred in the application when running ‘Subscriber Payment Processing’ for a subscriber with a very low CopyRateByDay and a GraceOwed amount to pay off has been resolved.
System will now generate a pop-up message— “Payment with Payment Date MM/DD/YYYY and Amount X$ for Subscription XXXXX: Payment Term and Length cannot be determined due to missing Publishing Calendar. Unable to rate.”
(CM2-8729, CM43#3880)
In the Pymt Auth - General section, a new Business Rule— “Should we allow authorized credit card payments to cancel in Pymt Authorization utility?” has been added with the default value set to “No”.
This determines whether a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment can be created when running the Subscriber Payment Authorization (Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Pymt Authorization).
If the value of this BR is set to “Yes,” the Payment Authorization utility will create a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment.
When set to “No,” the Payment Authorization utility will not create a PymtCancel transaction for an authorized credit card payment.
(CM2-9000, CM43#4340) (CM43#4440) (CM43#4650)
A new payment vendor, “PaySafe”, has been introduced in the NavigaPay suite for payment processing and changes have been made in NCS Circulation to support this new vendor.
(CM2-8673, CM43#3920 - CMO43#530 - HM43#580)
A new soft descriptor has been integrated with the NavigaPay (in the Custom3 tag field) that can be used by any vendor to manage product information.
In the log file, the new soft descriptor to print the “Publication Name” is introduced for all vendors.
And on the Sandbox page, the new soft descriptor is introduced for only the Edgil Payway vendor.
(CM2-9073, CM43#4390)
New tags for the Daily Draw Work Sheet, Bundle Tops, Truck Manifest, and Mail Labels reports have been introduced so that the user may save the output files with the Publishing Token appended to the file names.
Publication (DM, GZ, etc.)
Publishing Run Date - YYMMDD
Publishing Run Date - DD
Publishing Run Date - MM
Publishing Run Date - YY
(CM2-7961, CM43#4480)
The Subscriber Rate Chains report screen, in Reporting > Audit > Other > Rate Chain, has been updated with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Name (name for the export file) will be available.
Note: After updating to 2020-5.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files. (CM2-8069, CM43#4180)
Reporting > Subscriber > Subscriber Activity Import (GUI)
Utilities > Import > Subscriber Activity (CHUI)
Subscriber Activity Import (SAI) now supports Trial functionality. This adds a set of new fields to FileMap and Flat File (used without FileMap).
Trial - (Y/N)
Trial Length
Trial Term
(CM2-9152, CM43#4550)