Transaction Security has been added to the “Requested Refund?” checkbox in the Perm Stop transactions of the Customer Services screen so that whether or not to use this feature can be regulated at the user level. The value is set to “blank” by default.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to the “Requested Refund?” checkbox, while users who are not part of the Security ID will not.
Transaction Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > CSMReqRefund
(CM2-9286, CM43#4530)
Transaction Security has been added to the “Authorization” and “Transaction ID” fields on the Bank Draft Payment Information screen on Customer Service so that whether or not to use this feature can be regulated at the user level. The value is set to “blank” by default.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to both fields, while users who are not part of the Security ID will not.
Transaction Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > AuthNumEntryBD
(CM2-9728, CM43#5090) (CM43#5880)
When creating a New Start for Route-accessible addresses and then changing the Delivery Method to either Mail or Online, the Start Date is now automatically changed. Additionally, the Carrier Entry Rule will now only be applied to Route-based Delivery Methods. (CM2-9360, CM43#4820)
The Broadcast Messages created with Selection Type as Zip Code and Broadcast To as Customer Services were not displaying the messages for Mail subscribers. Changes have now been made so that messages will now be displayed for Mail subscribers. (CM2-9964, CM43#5240)
A new Business Rule— Should Include Address checkbox be checked while adding a message in Customer Service? has been added in the Customer Service Section with the default value set to No. When adding messages to the Customer Service Screen, this setting determines whether the “Include Address” checkbox will be default-selected.
If BR is set to No, the “Include Address” checkbox will not be selected by default when adding a message to a specific subscriber. If set to Yes, the “Include Address” checkbox will be selected by default.
When adding a message without selecting a subscription, the “Include Address” checkbox will remain disabled (greyed out) regardless of the value given in the BR.
(CM2-10058, CM43#5420)
Email addresses with future end dates can now have the Primary checkbox set to Yes in Customer Service.
(CM2-10204, CM43#5430)
Route Services > Setup > Account Services Changes have been made to the Account Services screen to increase the maximum number of Account Billing records that can be loaded and displayed on the screen to 25,000. If the number of account billing records exceeds 25,000, a message stating “More than 25,000 records found. Displaying only the first 25,000” will be displayed.
(CM2-9702, CM43#4830)
Graphical Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Lockbox Processing Character Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Resolve Payments Pre-authorized Credit Card payments created through Subscriber Lockbox Processing that are not assigned to a subscription (SubscriptionID=0) can now be modified under Resolve Payments. (CM2-1880, CM#4690)
Graphical Accounting > Account Payments > Cancel Payment The menu option “Cancel Payment”, which is accessible in the Character Accounting > Account Payments, has now been enabled in the Graphic User Interface (GUI).
(CM2-10077, CM43#5600)
Graphical Accounting > Account Payments > Apply Unapplied The menu option “Apply Unapplied”, which is accessible in Character Accounting > Account Payments, has now been enabled in the Graphic User Interface (GUI).
(CM2-10078, CM43#5250)
Graphical Accounting > Fiscal Close > Fiscal Close – Acct > Close Period The menu option “Close Period”, which is accessible in Character Accounting > Fiscal Close – Acct, has now been enabled in the Graphic User Interface (GUI).
(CM2-10079, CM43#5270)
Accounting > Fiscal Close > Fiscal Close - Sub > Close Period The menu option “Close Period”, which is accessible in Character Accounting > Fiscal Close - Sub > Close Period, has now been enabled in the Graphic User Interface (GUI).
(CM2-10080, CM43#5290)
A new Business Rule “What Delivery Types of the Subscriptions should be allowed to send to Vindicia?” has been added to the “Pymt Auth - Vindicia” section. Based on the Delivery Type defined, this setting determines which subscribers with a suspended billing change transaction should be sent to Vindicia. The value can be set to “Print”, “Digital”, or “Both”. The default answer is “Both.”
(CM2-10163, CM43#5410)
A new menu option for the tool ShowLocks has been added to the Character Utilities > System menu. The ShowLocks tool allows users to view which records in the database are locked and by whom.
This menu option has Menu Security enabled so that that it can be regulated at the user level. The default security value is set to “Not Activated,” preventing users from accessing the menu item. Only users who are part of the Menu Security ID will have access to this menu, while users who are not part of the Menu Security ID will not. Please contact Naviga Support for any required assistance. (CM2-9762, CM43#5010)
Graphical Setup > Rules > Business Rules A new screen for Business Rules has been introduced to the Graphical Setup module, with enhanced capabilities from the Character User Interface (CHUI). In addition to the existing features available on the CHUI screen, the following enhancements have been implemented:
The complete Business Rules have been placed in the Business Rules table, and the settings have been made easily accessible and can now be modified in one-stop configuration.
The Business Rule table can be filtered using various parameters such as Application, Section, Level, etc.
The Business Rule table's columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Simply click on a column header to sort or re-sort it. Click the column header again to reverse the order.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to the “Modify” button, while users who are not part of the Security ID will not.
Transaction Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > PolicyAnsModify
Client sites can view the QuestionID of a selected BR by selecting the “Show Comm Stat” option from the Help menu.
Go to Setup > Help > Show Comm Stat
Navigate to the QuestionID in the Communication Status window.
To modify a Business Rule's settings, do the following:
Go to Graphical Setup > Rules > Business Rules.
The Business Rules Setup screen will be displayed. Business Rules are grouped by section, such as General, Customer Service, etc.
Select the Business Rule from the table for which the value needs to be set and click the Modify button, as shown in the figure above.
Change the Level to Company, Publication, Bill Source, or Division, if desired.
To modify the default value, select the Answer column and enter a valid setting of your choice.
Alternatively, press F2 for help. This will display a pop-up window with all the acceptable values for the selected BR. Select the desired value and click OK.
Once the setting has been saved by clicking the “OK” button, any changes to the value of a BR will be reflected immediately on the corresponding screens.
(CM2-9652, CM43#5720) (CM2-10145)
Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address > Stop Utility In Stop Utility, a new checkbox, “Exclude Subscribers with a pending Restart/Move”, has been added to exclude Subscribers who have a Restart or MoveIn transaction with a future Date. Note: After updating to 2020-6.0, make sure to recreate/resave the input files.
(CM2-10113, CM43#5630)
(CM2-10117, CM43#5330)
Graphical Setup > Utilities > Mass Import/Export Enhancements have been made to the Mass Import/Export Utility such that when importing user profiles, a new user will be created if there is no existing profile, and if a user profile already exists, the record will be updated based on the details specified in the import tables. (CM2-10157, CM43#5500)
Character Setup > Rules > Business Rules Client sites can now display the QuestionID of a selected Business Rule when a user presses “Ctrl + G” on the Business Rule Setup screen.
(CM2-10228, CM43#5470 - CMO43#660 - HM43#730)
Character Utilities > Import > Billing Change Previously, the Billing Change Import would return an error and reject the billing changes if the AutoRenew Credit Card was expired. Changes have been made so that Billing Change Import now accepts any valid expire date (MMYY), and the error will no longer be displayed. (CM2-10410, CM43#5680)
The Circ application has been integrated with the third-party vendor Enghouse’s Pause and Resume API so that the call recording between the CSR and subscribers now includes an automatic Pause and Resume feature, which the CSR previously handled manually when collecting credit card information or making any other payment-related entry. This functionality works by pausing call recording when the Payment Hosted Order Page (HOP) is opened and immediately resuming recording when the HOP is closed. Note: To utilize this feature, the customer should make sure that all the open modules have been closed and then reopen only the required modules; otherwise, any existing open modules will return an error. (CM2-10593, CM43#5920 - HM43#790 - CMO43#720)
The third-party PDF invoices (or acknowledgment receipts) will now be displayed as a URL in the Subscribe application's Self-Service Portal. The URL represents the location of the PDF saved in the exchange directory, which will be retrieved through the GetInvoices MicroAPI.
The filename should be in the same format as provided in the configuration.
File name format:
To store the invoices, a new subdirectory, “subscribeinvoices,” must be created within the default exchange directory.
Path: /pbs/exchange/[defaultdir]/subscribeinvoices
(CM2-10286, CM43#5520)
The rate_codes.txt
file of Subscribe Extracts has been modified to include the AutoPayTerm along with the existing rate terms: Normal, Reduced, Retail, and Promo under the "Rate_Type" field.
Note: For AutoPayTerm, the "Next_RateCode" field will be blank.
(CM2-10678, CM43#6170)
A new Business Rule—”Should Expire Date and End Grace Date be sent separately in the response?” has been introduced in the CircAPI section, with the default value set to “No”. Previously, if a subscriber was on grace period, the “Expire Date” output parameter in the FindSubscription CircAPI returned the End Grace Date. Now, based on the value defined in this setting, CircAPI includes a new output parameter, “End Grace Date,” in its response to return the date on which a subscription's grace period expires.
If the BR value is set to Yes, the CircAPI response will include the “End Grace Date” field.
If the BR value is set to No, the “End Grace Date” field will not be included in the CircAPI response.
(CM2-10637, CM43#5890 - HM43#770)
Transaction Security has been added to the “Modify” button () under the Business Rules screen so that it may be Controlled based on the user access. Only users who have been allocated to the proper user group are permitted to modify or set records; all other users are not permitted to modify the BRs. The security value is set to “blank” by default.
Graphical Setup > Accounting > Subscription Rates > Fee Code In Fee Code Info setup, the Rate Code field allows users to select either a single Rate Code or all Rate Codes (*). However, the Find icon next to the Rate Code field displayed the multi-select option () rather than the single selection (). Changes have now been made to display the single-select Find icon ().
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice, and Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
Welcome to the NCS Circulation 2020-6.0 release. This release comprises a variety of enhancements to the customer service, route service, accounting, and setup modules of the Circulation Management System.
With this release, the menu options Cancel Payment, Apply Unapplied, and Close Period, which previously could be accessed through the Character User Interface (CHUI), have been made accessible through the Graphical User Interface (GUI). In addition, the Business Rules setup can now be accessed through the GUI, with enhanced capabilities from the Character User Interface (CHUI).
Carrier Entry Rules can now only be applied to Route-based Delivery Methods. The third-party PDF invoices will be displayed as a URL in the Subscribe application's Self-Service Portal, directing users to the directory path of the saved invoice files.
Additionally, this release also contains important bug fixes in various modules of the application.
If using Naviga Pay for payments, a minimum Naviga Pay version of 2.2 is required for 2020-6.0.
If using Payment Authorization Service, a minimum PAS version of 8.11.61 is required for 2020-6.0.
A minimum Circulation version of 2020 is required to upgrade to the 2020-6.0 release.
A minimum of Java 8.201 is required for the 2020-6.0 release upgrade. (PBS43A Interim #110)
If the application is accessed through OpenWebStart, we recommend using the Corretto 8 JRE along with it.
Download the Corretto 8 JRE Windows .msi file for your operating system from the link:
If using PostWare, run all of your postal reports through the current publishing date before applying this patch.
After upgrading to 2020-6.0, you must recreate/resave any input files for the:
Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address > Stop Utility
The issue with the value in the combo fields (ComboID and ComboSubscriptionID) not being removed on the Customer Service screen when a New Start has been created through Targeted Marketing for a Perm-Stopped Combo subscriber has now been resolved. (CM2-98, CM43#4870)
When subscribers moved to the next RateCode, which has the “Include In Bonus Day Adjustments” checkbox set to “Yes,” the Premium Day amount was not applied to subscribers who previously had a RateCode with the “Include In Bonus Day Adjustments” checkbox set to “No”. This issue has now been resolved.
(CM2-7146, CM43#5370 - CMO43#640)
Transaction Security has been added to the “New Password” button under the Occupant screen on Customer Service so that it can be regulated at the user level. The value is set to “blank” by default.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to the “New Password” button, while users who are not part of the Security ID would not.
Transaction Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > CSMNewPswdBtn
(CM2-8146, CM43#4860)
In Customer Services, the Cancel/NSF Payment transaction has been updated such that:
If the user has entered either the Card Number or Card Expires field in the Cancel Payment screen, then a list of the last 100 payments made will be displayed in the Payments lookup window.
If all the fields on the Cancel Payment screen have been left blank, a list of all the payments made will be displayed in the Payments lookup window.
If the user has entered a Payment Amount in the Cancel Payment screen, a list of all the payments that have been made with the specified amount will be displayed in the Payments lookup window.
(CM2-8826, CM43#5850)
The issue of being unable to create a New Start with a future start date if the subscription had a past unprocessed Message transaction has been resolved. Future-dated New Starts can now be entered even if there is an unprocessed Message transaction in the past, and if the unprocessed New Start is deleted, the unprocessed Message transaction will also be deleted. (CM2-9052, CM43#5710)
A new Business Rule—”What is the maximum number of characters allowed in remarks, message and complaint field in customer service?” has been introduced in the Customer Services section, with the default value set to zero (0) and a maximum acceptable character count of 9999. In Customer Service transactions, the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the Remarks, Message, and Complaint fields is determined by this setting.
(CM2-9582, CM43#4700 - CMO43#590 - HM43#640)
Previously, when entering a New Start for a Distribution Method of “Online” or “Mail”, the Billing Method field was not displaying the default value when the following two BRs were set to the values as specified below.
The value is set as Mail for the Business Rule — If an address cannot be routed, should the delivery method default to mail or should the operator decide? (Customer Services section).
The value is set as Office Pay for the Business Rule —What is the default billing method for new subscribers? (Customer Services section).
This issue has been resolved, and the default value set in the above BRs will now be displayed in the Billing Method field. (CM2-9674, CM43#5390)
The performance issue that occurred in the application due to an excess of Login Audit Records when performing a search (Find) for a subscriber on the Customer Service page has now been resolved. (CM2-9768, CM43#5570)
Users can no longer add a Donation Code while creating Perm Stop to a subscription that has a non-refundable Rate Code. (CM2-9826 - CM2-9828, CM43#4990) (CM43#5320)
The issue with the AutoRenew Tip amount not being removed when changing a subscriber's Delivery Method from Route to either Mail or Online through the Delivery Reassignment has now been resolved. (CM2-10198, CM43#5480)
Route Service > Setup > Rerouting When running Reroute By with Zip for one of the delivery addresses of a subscription that has multiple delivery addresses and routes, the Rerouting utility created a Route ID for the changed delivery address and displayed a blank Route ID for the unchanged delivery address. This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-59, CM43#1090)
Route Services > Utilities > Export > Draw Forecast Previously, when running the Draw Forecast export, the Export Days With No Draw? checkbox functioned incorrectly, exporting only Routes with Draws instead of also exporting Routes with No Draw when selected. This issue has been resolved. The Draw Forecast export has now been updated so that:
If the checkbox ‘Export Days With No Draw?' is not selected, Routes with No Draw will not be exported.
If the ‘Export Days With No Draw?' checkbox is selected and there will be a Route with Draw on some days and No Draw on others, the No Draw days will be filled with 0 in the report.
If there is no Carrier for a Route, a space will be added and the respective field will be left blank to maintain consistency throughout the export file.
(CM2-9102, CM43#5660)
Route Services > Utilities > Export > GMA/SAM Export In GMA/SAM Export, an additional pipe delimiter (|) was shown at the end of the record in the Detail line for Mail records. This issue has now been resolved by removing the extra pipe delimiter. (CM2-9747, CM43#4960)
Route Services > Utilities > Import > Single Copy Draw Running the Single Copy Draw import utility displayed no errors if the input file had the date format of Effective Date and Reversal Date with five-digit years (MM/DD/YYYYY) instead of four (MM/DD/YYYY). This issue has been resolved, and the import utility now displays an error in the report if the input file has an invalid date format.
(CM2-10254, CM43#5540)
Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Batch Payments The issues with Subscriber Batch Payments showing the Total as blank in the Summary table if the payment amount was greater than $999.99 and displaying the Adjustment as blank if the adjustment amount entered was negative have now been resolved. (CM2-8967, CM43#4600)
Graphical Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Lockbox Processing When running Subscriber Lockbox Processing, if the import file had multiple sub-groupings, an error message— “Bank Number or account number is missing from bank draft payment. No payment record created. (2696)” was shown against the last cash payment in the sub-grouping. This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9113, CM43#4760)
A new Business Rule—”Are Perm Stops allowed to be processed for unprocessed and unrouteable Starts?” has been introduced in the Customer Services section, with the default value set to “No”.
If the BR value is set to “Yes,” the Perm Stop transaction will be processed if the unprocessed Start cannot be routed. If there is a payment on that transaction, an AvailRefund transaction is created.
If set to “No”, the Perm Stop transaction will not be processed when an unprocessed Start is unrouteable.
(CM2-9491, CM43#4740)
Accounting > Account Payments > Payment Journal Credit Card Type Summary has now been added to the Account Payment Journal to show all payments and payment cancellations recorded against each Credit Card type.
(CM2-9641, CM43#4810)
Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Auto Payments The error message— “?? No RouteSubscription or MailSubscription for Publ ID: XYZ Subscription ID: XXXXXXXXX. Subscription was not selected for renewal or invoice” that was displayed each time when running Automatic Subscription Payments to auto-renew a Permanently Stopped subscriber has been resolved. This error message will now only be displayed if the subscription has no RouteSubscription or MailSubscription records. (CM2-9685, CM43#4790)
Character Setup > Accounting > Account Setup > Account > Specifics > Account Billing Transaction Security has been added to the “Written Off?” field under the Account Billing screen so that it may be regulated at the user level. The value is set to “blank” by default.
If any Security is applied to the Security item, users who are part of the Security ID will have access to the “Written Off?” field, while users who are not part of the Security ID would not.
Transaction Security can be configured under: Setup > System > Security > Transaction Security > AcctWrittenOff
(CM2-9761, CM43#4930)
Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Lockbox Processing The issue with Subscriber Lockbox Processing allowing the tip to be entered on a Mail Subscription if it was once a Route Subscription (i.e., the subscription has an end-dated Route Subscription record and an active Mail Subscription record) has now been resolved. (CM2-9829, CM43#5080)
Accounting > Account Payments > Lockbox Processing The issue with Account Lockbox processing creating an additional payment record with a value of $0 when the import was an adjustment-only payment and the adjustment amount was less than the balance due has been resolved. (CM2-9932, CM43#5110)
Accounting > Subscriber > Renewal Notices When running Renewals for subscribers with GraceOwed and on E-Bill, the export file split the data such that the Grace Transaction data (G2) was in the Renewals file and the remaining data was in the E-Bill file. This issue has been resolved, and the E-Bill file will now include complete data. (CM2-9976, CM43#5120)
The performance issue that occurred while running any export file if the File Name field in the “View/Print Options” window did not contain any alphabetic characters has now been resolved. An error message, “In file name at least one alpha character is required”, will now be displayed if the File Name field does not include any alphabetic characters. Note: These changes have only been made to the GUI. No changes have been made to the CHUI or Batch Input file since it was working correctly with just the numeric characters in the File Name.
(CM2-10096, CM43#5340)
Reporting > Subscriber > Grace Due Report Reporting > Management > GL Interface Journal Setup > Accounting > Taxes > Tax Authority Publ Previously, when comparing the Grace Due Report to the GL Interface Journal for a publication that had the “Remit On Delivery” for taxing (in Tax Authority Publication screen) set to 'Yes', the taxes on Grace Owed displayed on the Grace Due Report were incorrectly calculated. This occurred because the tax amount shown on the Grace Due report has been reduced if there was any Grace Paid. The issue has been resolved, and both reports now display the correct tax amount. (CM2-10102, CM43#5360)
Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Auto Payments The issue of Trial Subscriptions that have not yet completed the trial period being selected for AutoRenewal when running the Automatic Subscription Payments has been resolved. (CM2-10103, CM43#5280)
Accounting > Subscriber > Batch Refunds Previously, after processing Subscriber Batch Refunds, the Process Log Report did not provide any log message or error indication of a subscriber's refund not being exported if the subscription's Bill Occupant ID record did not exist. Changes have now been made to generate a log message indicating that the BillOccupant record for the corresponding subscription does not exist and that the refund transaction will be deleted. (CM2-10251, CM43#5670)
Character Utilities > Tools > Make Draw The following changes have been made in the Make Draw:
If the selected day is a holiday, the Draw will be created 7 days in advance.
If there are holidays on a selected day for two weeks in a row, a Draw will be created for the third week.
When running Make Draw again after removing the selected day from holiday, Route Draws will be created on the selected date, and previously created Route Draws that were forwarded due to the holiday will be removed.
(CM2-9632, CM43#4840)
A program has been developed to determine if a subscriber is eligible for the Vindicia Cancel/Refund flow based on the SubscriptionID provided. Program name: vinrefundcheck.p (CM2-9672)
The billingAddressDistrict data element is now included in the Send request to Vindicia Retain, which provides the Billing State details of a transaction. This update has been made due to the Cybersource gateway rejecting transactions if the Naviga integration fails to provide the Billing State details. (CM2-10006, CM43#5230)
The Lock-Table overflow error that occurred when running Vindicia Get Payments on the client server (CM43a.4.2) has now been resolved. (CM2-10601, CM43#5790)
Publishing > Tran Processing When running the final Transaction Processing from a Batch, the Prenotify Message records for the publishing run were not created. This issue has been resolved, and Prenotify Message records will now be created correctly for each publishing run. (CM2-9881, CM43#5560)
Graphical Reporting > Subscriber > Subscriber Activity Import (GUI)
Character Utilities > Import > Subscriber Activity (CHUI)
The issue with incorrect Start Dates being calculated from SAI after applying the Carrier Entry Rule has now been resolved. (CM2-9746, CM43#4890)
The issue with New Starts created through CircAPI or SAI using a holiday as the Start Date has now been resolved. Subscriber Activity Import error message number 253, “Record: &1, Selected date &2 is a holiday. Start date changed to &3” has been added as a “Reject” code. This error message is generated when a user selects a holiday as a Start Date. (CM2-9748, CM43#4950)
The SAI and CircAPI were calculating the incorrect Start Date on non-publishing dates when the Carrier Entry Rule was being applied with the Delivery Schedule set as either Saturday or Sunday. The issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9836, CM43#5140)
In Subscriber Activity Import, a set of new error message numbers has been added as “Reject” codes.
244 - HIN Invalid Format
254 - Trial should be yes/no
255 - Trial Length cannot be zero
256 - Trial Term cannot be blank
257 - Trial Term should be Day, Week, Month, Quarter, or Year
258 - Trial Subscription should be less than or equals + string (MaxSubTrialDays) Days
(CM2-9839, CM43#5060)
Previously, if an existing digital occupant had an email address with start and end dates in the future and ran the SAI with the same name and email address, a New Start was created on the existing occupant record. This issue has been resolved. Also, when running SAI, if the file contains two account records with the same occupant name and email address but different addresses (just differing by Zip Code), both subscriptions were created with the same address. This issue has been resolved. (CM2-10104, CM43#5400)
Utilities > Import > Billing Change Previously, if a blank VaultCustomerID was provided for AutoRenew and the Hosted Page Provider was Braintree, running the SAI Billing Change, SAI Starts, and Billing Change Import resulted in an error. This issue has been resolved, and changes have been made so that SAI Starts, SAI Billing Change, and Billing Change Import can now be run with Braintree without a VaultCustomerID. Additionally, providing a VaultCustomerID for BrainTree will now result in an error. (CM2-10420, CM43#5730) (CM2-10425, CM43#5740)
Graphical Reporting > Subscriber > Subscriber Activity Export (GUI)
Character Utilities > Export > Subscriber Activity (CHUI)
When running the Subscriber Activity Export for the Grace Paid transaction type, the ‘Last Payment Amount’ field was shown as 0 (zero) if the previous payment was made using a Credit Card. To resolve this issue, a new data element, LastAdjustAmount, was introduced to the File Map Usage, StopCollect, and changes have been made such that:
If a transaction includes both the Payment Amount and the Adjustment Amount, the LastPaymentAmount and LastAdjustmentAmount values will be non-zero.
If a transaction contains only the Adjustment Amount, the LastPaymentAmount and LastAdjustmentAmount values will be zero and non-zero, respectively.
If a transaction contains only the Payment Amount, the LastPaymentAmount and LastAdjustmentAmount values will be non-zero and zero, respectively.
(CM2-9236, CM43#4750)
Character Utilities > System > View/Print > Run > Batch When running Subscriber Activity Export through the CHUI with the saved input file that had the “All Reasons” checkbox set to Yes, an error message “Enter a valid reason” was being displayed. In addition, the date parameters in the input file saved using the CHUI were being shown as CHAR datatype, resulting in the system prompting for a date when running Subscriber Activity Export or the Batch utility using the aforesaid saved input file through either the CHUI or the GUI. These issues have been resolved, and the errors will no longer be displayed. (CM2-10130, CM43#5640)
Few of the earlier Write Security IDs did not have a “W” at the end, which was inconsistent with the security model for the cloud. In addition, in certain instances, these Write Security IDs were the same as the Read Security IDs, allowing write access for users who should only have read access. This issue has now been resolved by adding the letter W to the end of the following security IDs to make them consistent.
Setup > System > Security > Menu Security > Main > Utilities > System > Batch Setup > Write Security ID: M61400W
Setup > System > Security > Menu Security > Setup > Accounting > Account Rates > Bonus Rates > Write Security ID: M75700W
Setup > System > Security > Menu Security > Setup > Accounting > Account Rates > Drop Rates > Write Security ID: M75900W
Setup > System > Security > Menu Security > Setup > Distribution > Account Setup > Account > Write Security ID: M85000W
(CM2-157, CM43#5610)
Character Utilities > System > View/Print > Run > Batch When the Historical Invoice was run using the Batch Input file, the year was incorrectly calculated. The issue occurred because if the year in the Input file was 2023, it was getting truncated and picked as 20; this caused the system to consider it to be 2020. The issue has been resolved. (CM2-4511, CM43#780)
Changes have been made under Utilities > Custom Menu to prevent users from deleting the menu option “Setup,” and any attempts to delete now result in the warning— “Setup menu cannot be deleted.”
(CM2-8264, CM43#4680)
Graphical Setup > Accounting > Account Rates > Exp/Imp Acct Rates Account Rate Code Export with Multi-Product Selection now exports all active data if more than one Product is linked with a single Rate Code. When pressing F2 in the Rate Code field, valid data will now be shown in the options, and the data will be exported to files. (CM2-8940, CM43#4850)
Utilities > Import > Billing Change When running Billing Change Import to update a subscriber's AutoRenew Adjustments, the utility imported an incorrect amount rather than the amount specified in the import file. This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9041, CM43#5450)
Utilities > Import > Billing Change Accounting > General Ledger > Credit Card Account The issue with Billing Change Import not recognizing the Credit Card Type, Discover (“DISC”), even though Credit Card Account Setup exists, has been resolved. If there is no Credit Card Account Setup for Credit Card Type, Discover (“DISC”), an error message— “File map of CreditCardType 'Disc” for Subscriber is invalid or blank.” will be displayed. (CM2-9535, CM43#4720)
Character Utilities > End Publishing Run > Reset End Publ Run When running Reset End Publ Run, future transactions will no longer be processed and will now display an error message— “Publication dates for Mail/Route are different dates. Please open a case for analyst assistance”. (CM2-9600, CM43#4800)
Character Utilities > System > View/Print > Run > Batch Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address > Bonus Day Setup Running a Bonus Day Adjustment from a Batch Input file no longer includes subscribers on Delivery Schedules who don't have a Delivery Schedule Bonus Day setup for their Product, Delivery Method, Delivery Schedule, and Bonus Day. (CM2-10016, CM43#5180)
When testing was done with Corretto version 8.362 and Open Web Start version 1.8.0, the user couldn't access any of the Circulation Graphical User Interface (GUI) modules. The logs displayed an error message: “Cannot grant permissions to unsigned jars. Application requested security permissions, but jars are not signed.” regarding this issue. When testing with older versions of Corretto (e.g., version 8.352) and Open Web Start (version 1.8.0), there were no errors and the user could access the Circulation GUI modules. This error was caused by the presence of a few JAR files that were signed using the Secure Hash Algorithm, SHA-1. After the release of Java's November 2022 Security patch, the SHA-1 algorithms were disabled, and these JAR files were considered unsigned due to their weak algorithm. To address this issue, the JAR signing process has been enhanced to utilize the SHA-256 algorithm, and the application launch error has been resolved. (CM2-9841, PBS43#170)
When loading the Graphical Setup module with the latest Corretto version 8.362 and Open Web Start version 1.8.0, the unsigned JAR error “Description: Jar found at C:\Users\pjn\.cache\icedtea-web\cache\0\9\swingx.jar has been verified as UNSIGNED” was being displayed. The SwingX unsigned JAR issue has been resolved, and the error message will no longer be displayed. (CM2-9935, PBS43#180)
Multiple campaign groups can now be loaded in Subscription Link's “startoffers.html” page using the Comma (,) delimiter in the URL parameter, campaignGroup. Sample: …./subscriber/web/startoffers.html?campaignGroup=CGroup1,CGroup2 (CM2-9095, CMO43#580)
Previously, in iServices, under Subscriber Payments > Account Adjustments, when selecting a ComboID or ComboSubscriptionID in the “Publication” dropdown menu, it displayed only the payment amount made towards the secondary Subscription ID. Changes have now been made such that when selecting the ComboID in the “Publication” dropdown menu, the total payment amount is displayed, and selecting the ComboSubscriptionID displays the payment amount made towards the primary Subscription ID. (CM2-7612, CMO43#630)
Previously, when creating a new subscription through iServices (zipcampaign.html), users encountered a blank page after entering the address and occupant details. This issue has been resolved, and users can now successfully create new subscriptions via the iServices campaign. (CM2-11038, CMO43#740)
The iServices Distribution Forgot Password page has been enhanced so that the input parameters (Phone Number and Email Address) from the URL query string are now sanitized, and validation checks have been implemented to prevent users from entering cross-site scripting in these tags, which could make the system vulnerable to phishing attacks. (CM2-10203, CMO43#650)
The header of the custom Weekly Sales Order (WSO) Report has been changed from ‘Circulation Dept’ to ‘Consumer Division’. (CM2-9972, CM43#2270)
Reporting > Management > Unearned Revenue When the Unearned Revenue report was run with the Export checkbox selected, the export file was created, but the report that was generated just had the headers and didn't contain any data. This issue has been resolved, and both the exported flat file and the report will now be created correctly. (CM2-9986, CM43#5200)
The issue with Grace Owed Export showing the D1 record of only the most recent GraceOwed of a subscriber instead of the D1 record for all GraceOwed records exported has been resolved. The Grace Owed Export now includes a D1 record for each GraceOwed exported in the file.
After upgrading to 2020-6.0, make the following changes to the Grace Owed Export FileMap:
Remove the Data Elements listed below from the FileMap.
Add the following Detail to the FileMap.
Add the following Data Elements under GraceOwedDateRangeDetail:
(CM2-10214, CM43#5590)
Accounting > Subscriber > Auto Notice Export Previously, when running the Auto Renew Notice Export for a single product with the Renewal Type set to ALL, the Billing Group field only displayed options for Bank Draft. The issue has been resolved, and the Billing Group field now displays all valid billing groups when the Renewal Type is set to ALL. (CM2-10249, CM43#6320)
The Progress Error "Value x too large to fit in Integer" in the auto_renew.txt file of subscriber extracts has been resolved. Note: This error will now be displayed in the debugger file instead of the extract file.
The Progress Error "Starting position of SUBSTRING, OVERLAY, etc. must be 1 or greater" in the payment.txt file of subscriber extracts with export version 5 and above has been resolved. (CM2-10966, CM43#6300)
A new Business Rule— “Which Auto Renew Payment Types are allowed to make multiple attempts on Auto Pay transactions after declined Payment?” has been introduced in the Subscriber Payments section. This setting determines which payment types require reattempts and the creation of billing changes after the initial attempt has been declined for AutoPay transactions. The valid values for this setting are listed below, with the default value set to ALL.
Bank Draft
Bank Draft & PayPal
Credit Card
Credit & Bank Draft
Credit & PayPal
(CM2-9923, CM43#5780)
The Edgil Payway Credit Card payment screen has been updated to make the previously hardcoded Credit Card Expire Date field dynamic and to display the year range from the current year to the next 19 years. (CM2-9625, CMO43#600)
When creating payments through Naviga Pay, the subscriber's complete address will now be displayed in the address line of the Hosted Order Page. (CM2-9344, CM43#4620 - CMO43#570)
The utility “NavPayGen.p,” which is used to generate Property Files based on import files provided by vendors, now supports CyberSource and Braintree in addition to Edgil Payway. (CM2-9934)
The MicroAPI, “GetBalanceDetail” now returns the correct balance in the response as displayed on the Customer Service screen. (CM2-8238, CM43#5650)
The issue with the MicroAPI, “AddVacation”, creating a Temporary Stop transaction for an existing temporarily stopped subscription has been resolved. (CM2-9891, CM43#5800)
The issue with the MicroAPI "GetDeliveryType" returning an incorrect value for the IsRoutable flag has been resolved. (CM2-10996, CM43#6310)
The error “Incident date cannot be after mm/dd/yy” that occurred when entering a complaint for a processed future Publishing Date through the CS API, Service Error Transaction Page, has been resolved. Note: The date (mm/dd/yy) mentioned in the error message indicates the “Latest Incident Date”. (CM2-9678, CMO43#610)
The CS API, Stop/Restart Info, was returning the Next Stop Date and Next Restart Date as ‘00000000’ if a subscriber had multiple pending Temp Stop or Restart transactions in the future. This issue has been resolved, and the correct dates will now be returned. (CM2-10191, CMO43#690)
The issue where the CircAPI, CreateSubscription, did not return an error when creating a Trial Subscription with the input parameter, Trial Term, set to “Invalid,” has now been resolved. (CM2-9146, HM43#750)
The name of the CircAPI, Update Bill to Occupant, has been modified to Update Bill To Occupant/External Subscription, on the CircAPI index page. The CircAPI has also been modified to include the ability to update the External Subscription ID in addition to the Bill-To-OccupantID. (CM2-9490, HM43#650)
The Billing Change created using the CircAPI with the Tip Amount field entered as '?' displayed a successful transaction status, but the transaction was not created in Customer Service. This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9686, HM43#700)
The CreateSubscriptionByCampaign CircAPI’s logic to set the default Start Date for Combo Subscriptions has been updated.
The start date will be the next Deliverable Date (or Publishing Date) if the subscription Start Date field is left blank.
The start date will be set to the provided date in the Start Date field if the specified subscription start date is in the past.
Additionally, in the CreateSubscriptionByCampaign CircAPI, the error “Invalid Rate Code” was being displayed since the Rate Code validation was performed against Delivery Method (Online/Mail/Route) instead of Delivery Type (Carrier/Motor/HomeDel). This issue has now been resolved. (CM2-9936 - CM2-9937, CM43#5300 - HM43#720)
The issue with CreateSubscription CircAPI allowing the Mail AutoRenew subscription to be created with Tip has now been resolved. (CM2-9940, CM43#5190 - HM43#710)