
The Dashboard plugin for File Library allows the user to upload files, search files or folders, copy a file link and use in article body in the Writer, download a file, delete a file (if permission set), rename a file or folder and create new folders.

Functionalities: The file library dashboard plugin has the following features:

  1. Upload a file - The file can be uploaded to the destination using the upload functionality or by using drag and drop.

  2. Search - The user can search a file and folder

  3. Copy Link - The user can copy the link of the file that is uploaded and use the link

  4. Download - The user can download a file after it is selected

  5. Delete - The user can delete a file or folder (if permission set for user)*

  6. Rename - The user can rename a file or folder

  7. Create folder - The user can create a folder in the location

Upload File - This functionality allows the user to upload a file, onto the destination that is selected. The upload process is initiated after clicking on the upload icon

Upload Icon:

A modal window then opens which allows the user to either select a file from their machine or drag and drop a file from their machine. Once the file is selected it shows along with its file name and extension for the user to confirm and then either close the selection or click cancel button to cancel upload or click the submit button to upload the file.

2. Search - This functionality allows the user to search for a file or folder. Once the user click inside the search box the and types in some text and presses the enter key then the search is performed on the text entered and the matching results are shown in the grid below. A user can remove the search term by clicking on the cross ( x ) button and the grid is refreshed with all content.

Search Icon:

  1. Copy Link - The user can use this feature to copy link of a file and then use the link. To copy a link of a file, first the file is selected by clicking the checkbox to select the file and then the copy link button is enabled. Once the copy link button is clicked it copies the link which can then be used. At a time only one file link can be copied so the copy button is only enabled when one file is selected. Copy link icon:

Download - The user can download a file using the download icon which looks like as shown below:

Download button is only enabled when a file is selected, if is disabled if more than one files are selected.

Delete - The user, if permission has been set, can delete a file or folder by selecting the file or folder from the grid and then clicking on the delete icon. Delete icon:

Once the button is clicked a pop-up shows which asks the user to either click ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ button

If the ‘Yes’ button is clicked then the file or folder is deleted and if the ‘No’ button is clicked then the delete is cancelled and pop-up window closes. Alternatively the user can close the delete pop-up window by clicking on the 'X' button which cancels the delete.

Rename - The user, if permission has been set, can rename a file or folder by selecting a file or folder and then clicking on the rename button. Rename icon:

Once the button is clicked a pop-up window opens with the file name of the selected file or folder in input text filed. The user can then modify the name and click on the ‘Submit' button to change the name. Alternatively, if the user clicks on the ‘Cancel’ button or close icon 'X’ then the rename pop-up closes and file is not renamed.

Create Folder - This button in used to create a folder. Once a user clicks on this button a folder is created at the root or folder that is selected and visible in the grid. Create Folder Icon:

Other Functionalities: Navigation - A user can navigate back upto root folder (named as ‘Main Folder') by clicking on the breadcrumbs that are shown along the Main Folder with each new folder starting after a '>’ sign

Configurations: (Update in config key store)

    "FL_REGION": "your-region",
    "FL_BUCKET_NAME": "your-bucket-name",
    "FL_ACCESS_KEY": "your-access-key",
    "FL_KEY_ID": "your-key-id"

What is File Library:

  1. A Dashboard application that supports file upload to a S3 bucket

  2. List files and folders from the S3 bucket

  3. Rename files or folders in S3 bucket

  4. Copy file’s S3 url and use it

  5. Delete files from S3 bucket

What File Library is NOT:

  1. Any type of video content management system, where video files are uploaded to S3 and their S3 url’s are embedded into writer body

  2. Uploading files of very large sizes which are beyond the S3 bucket configuration or technical bandwidth


  1. AWS Bucket needs to be public to be available when publishing articles.

  2. When issue while uploading large file please update CORS policy of bucket "YOUR BUCKET NAME" in AWS. The updated CORS should contain "ETag" in the "ExposeHeaders" array in CORS configuration.

Last updated