Migration to UsersOrchestrator API


This section outlines the process to be followed in order to migrate from the old UserAPI endpoints to the new UsersOrchestratorAPI endpoints. This section also shows a comparison of the old and new APIs.

The endpoints covered in this section are as listed below:

ProxyAPI Information

In order to redirect to UserAPI or to UsersOrchestratorAPI, ProxyAPI must have the following settings in place:

  • MG2 Control Internal setting, UsersOrchestrator - Its value includes a "string.Format" that must be utilized to determine the correct API route. The value by default is "{0}/UsersOrchestrator".

Note: Since the ProxyAPI directly calls the UsersOrchestratorAPI, GatewayAPI is not involved in the request chain.

IgnoreProvider Considerations

  • This flag is included in the Body or QueryString of certain endpoints.

  • This parameter is used to retrieve only SubscribeRegistration results while ignoring third-party integration services. This is an optional parameter that modifies the workflow execution.

User States

The UserOrchestrator API also includes the registration status in the API response.

  1. The GET /Users and GET /Users/id endpoints will include the output parameter, State, which returns the status of a registration.

    • The registration's status will be returned as follows:

      • If the tenant has been associated with a third-party authentication system such as Auth0, Firefly, etc., the State will be returned as Standard.

      • If the tenant has been associated with MG2 Auth:

        • When the Password field in the database remains blank, the State will be Lite.

        • When the Verified field in the database has been set to False, the State will be Unverified.

        • When the Password field hasn't been blank and the Verified field has been set to true, the State will be Standard.

  2. The POST /Users endpoint will display an error when trying to create a registration that already exists in the database and has the Verified field set to false.

  3. The POST /Users/Authentication endpoint will display an error when trying to login with an Unverified or Lite registration.

Last updated
