
3.3.0 (2024-05-06)


  • List relation in Article xml

  • Configuration to show warning message for article which is already in another list.


  • Same unit is selecting multiple times when creating or updating list

  • Loading issue when clicked on cross button in list/package window popup

  • Drag and drop from publication planner enabled with ctrl/alt key

  • While creating a new package, previously deleted package data is reflecting as default

  • No validation is showing when user try to create duplicate list

  • Text exceeds the notification popup modal UI.



  • Edit Article opens in modal as well as new tab

  • Updated Status bar color scheme

  • Published date

  • Drag and drop between lists and packages

  • Lists and Packages are getting updated dynamically

  • Add Planned and updated data in the hover

  • Dates will be configurable

3.1.0 (2022-04-12)


  • Ability to copy List and Package UUID from menu


  • Issues with localizations not being used correctly

3.0.0 (2022-01-13)


  • Writer instance action in order to let writer plugin handle opening of articles


  • Issue with only fetching 15 articles when accessing package from list item relation

  • Issue causing false warning about unsaved changes to occur when swapping workspace even after content was saved


  • Notifications agent action, uses Plugin API instead

2.3.0 (2021-06-07)


  • Confirm on close when editing list/package settings

  • Indication for unsaved changes when list/package has been created but yet not saved

  • Information about missing permissions when entering list/package

  • Ability to remove all of specific item type from list


  • Added missing filter queries to list relations in Package which didn't fetch relations above default 15


  • GUI components

  • How application state is behaving when leaving workspace - leaving workspace will now close open list/package

  • Clear list from package view unlinked current list - now with the ability to remove item types we changed the option to "unlink list"

2.2.0 (2021-05-17)


  • ability to specify sorting order on search result

2.1.1 (2020-12-15)


  • issue with notifying for changes even after the application been unmounted

  • issue with checksum calculations not resetting after loading list is initiated

2.1.0 (2020-10-28)


  • output on number of images for an article

2.0.4 (2020-10-13)


  • issue with search cache for lists being shared over multiple instances of the plugin

  • issue with notification regarding pending change even after a list is saved

  • issue with leaving workspace/changing profile not notifying on pending changes

Last updated