
Update of the settings file

The exercises can be downloaded from

# In terminal do 
cd ~/oc-lab
mkdir lab-newsitem
cd lab-newsitem
curl -s https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/open-content-artifacts/lab-newsitem.zip --output lab-newsitem.zip

# this will download the lab-newsitem.zip, unzip it 
unzip lab-newsitem.zip

Structure of lab-newsitem dir

├── 0-config
│   ├── configure.sh
│   └── lab-newsml-config.yml
├── 1-concept
│   ├── 29889da3-e930-4846-a12b-096508e1054d
│   ├── 8c7437ce-a7ca-414d-8bfc-7bf2d1054fc3
│   ├── 9197a3ea-9624-404a-aef5-4d80eaadc99f
│   ├── b7399f0c-fb3d-4a4f-b849-9935a77d9512
│   ├── db09e859-43d4-42f8-a6ca-c810b653ec6a
│   ├── fb5911fa-b97f-436e-83f7-de7f7a203ea9
│   ├── upload-concepts.sh
│   └── uuids
├── 2-upload-image
│   ├── image-template.xml
│   ├── one.jpg
│   ├── one.jpg.uuid
│   ├── three.jpg
│   ├── three.jpg.uuid
│   ├── two.jpg
│   ├── two.jpg.uuid
│   └── upload-image.sh
├── 3-upload-article
│   ├── article.xml
│   └── upload-article.sh
├── 4-search
│   └── readme.md
├── 5-delete
│   ├── delete-mine.sh
│   └── delete.sh
├── 6-event-sourcing
│   └── listen.sh
├── build.sh
├── lab-newsitem.zip
├── readme.md
└── settings

Settings file

The settings file holds information about the host, user and password for the Open Content to be used with the script in exercises directories. Update the settings file to the Open Content you will use.

export OpenContentIp=
export pemfile=

Last updated