2.1.0 configuration

Upgrade note: if you are upgrading to version 2.0.0 or later from a previous version note that "/v2" needs to be added to the host url. See example below.

Things to remember:

  1. The order in which the widgets will appear in the UI is driven from the widgets block of configuration:

"widgets": [
  1. Renaming the check box which was earlier named as 'Digital' & 'Print' can now be done under widgetConfig by:

 "checkoBoxLabelName": "DIGI"
  1. Each instance can have it's own model and service provider, which are set by:

"serviceProvider": "<set service provider>",
"modelId": "<set model id>"
  1. For using your ChatGPT model the value of keyencryptedKeyPhraseis necessary

  2. You can now turn OFF or ON the saved result widget by setting the value of key saveWidget": <true/false> as true to enable & false to disable.

  3. While using Bedrock models it is required to write prompts ending with these words: 'provided in XML tag' when asking to generate something. This is important to parse data correctly. However this is not required in case of OpenAI models.

  4. XPath for setting the location of the result to be associated with allowed nodes in the writer body. "xPath": "drophead",

Full Configuration:

    "host": "https://ai-eu-west-1.saas-prod.infomaker.io/v2",
    "contextLimit": 2,
    "encryptedKeyPhrase": "HhjiQuvUnNdeWjZ5K6F[^zxQ5^DwSTjo",
    "widgets": [
    "widgetConfig": {
        "genericheadline": {
            "digital": {
                "preText": "Suggest headlines for the article provided in XML tag. If the article has a strong local connection, reflect this in the headline.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "xPath": "drophead",
                "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "DIGI",
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
            "print": {
                "preText": "Suggest headlines for the article provided in XML tag. If the article has a strong local connection, reflect this in the headline.",
                "creativity": 5,
                 "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "PR",
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
        "headline": {
            "digital": {
                "preText": "Suggest headlines for the article provided in XML tag. If the article has a strong local connection, reflect this in the headline.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "DIGI",
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
            "print": {
                "preText": "Suggest headlines for the article provided in XML tag. If the article has a strong local connection, reflect this in the headline.",
                "creativity": 5,
               "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "PR",
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
        "summary": {
            "digital": {
                "preText": "Suggest summaries for the article provided in XML tag. Act as a news editor and your task is to suggest a click bait social media teaser for the article.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "DIGI",
                "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "providerAccessToken": "<chatGPT token goes here>",
                "serviceProvider": "openai",
                "modelId": "gpt-4-turbo"
            "print": {
                "preText": "Suggest summaries for the article provided in XML tag. Act as a news editor and your task is to suggest a summary for the article.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "PRINT",
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-v2:1"
        "generic": {
            "digital": {
                "preText": "You are a News Editor of a News Firm and your task is to suggest headlines for the article provided in  XML tag.\n\nPlease use professional tone while generating headlines.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "checkBoxDefault": true,
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "DIGITAL",
                "providerAccessToken": "<chatGPT token goes here>",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-instant-v1"
            "print": {
                "preText": "You are a News Editor of a News Firm and your task is to suggest headlines for the article provided in  XML tag.\n\nPlease use professional tone while generating headlines.",
                "creativity": 5,
                "checkBoxDefault": false,
                "providerAccessToken": "",
                "checkoBoxLabelName": "PRINT",
                "serviceProvider": "Bedrock",
                "modelId": "anthropic.claude-instant-v1"
    "saveWidget": true

Last updated