Publish flow config details

The config for a Draft workflow

Config example for the Draft status

First lines you see in the config is the pubStatus for the Draft-status and on next line is the description you will find in the Writer dialog, “titel”:”draft”, description”:”You are working on a draft for this article”, and that the label on the button should be “Save”. Compare the image above with line 1-6 in the config.

The configuration for the Draft status in the plugin config:

    "workflow": {
        "draft": {
            "pubStatus": "imext:draft",
            "title": "Draft",
            "description": "You are working on a draft for this article",
            "saveActionLabel": "Save",
            "icon": "fa-pencil",
            "color": "#828282",
            "actions": [
                    "pubStatus": "imext:draft"
            "transitions": [
                    "nextState": "publishchanges",
                    "title": "Publish changes",
                    "preCondition": {
                        "hasPublishedVersion": true
                    "nextState": "republish",
                    "title": "Republish article",
                    "preCondition": {
                        "hasPublishedVersion": true
                    "nextState": "cancel",
                    "title": "Unpublish",
                    "preCondition": {
                        "hasPublishedVersion": true
                    "nextState": "done",
                    "title": "Ready for approval"
                    "nextState": "publish",
                    "title": "Publish Now",
                    "preCondition": {
                        "hasPublishedVersion": false
                    "nextState": "withhold",
                    "title": "Scheduled publication",
                    "preCondition": {
                        "hasPublishedVersion": false

The draft config example describes what can happen to an draft that will transition to be published or a draft that exists beside a published version and what that can transition to.

The config for the transition is built of the nextState and the configurable title of that state + the precondition. The draft transition to nextState status will depend on if you have the possibility to use the hasPublishedVersion flag as a precondition.

If the first draft should be able to change to “Publish now” or “Schedule”, the hasPublishedVersion should be set to false. That means the precondition is: the article has not been published and no published version exists. This does also describe a set up with one Open Content.

If the draft should exists beside the published version, the precondition for the transition to nextState is that the hasPublishedVersion flag is set to true. The precondition is then that it exists an article in public open content.

All the defined nextStates in the configuration must be configured as Workflow states and be defined with title, description, icon, color, transitions (nextState, priority, preconditions) and actions. There can not be any un-configured endpoints.

This was just example for one Workflow state, but the same general rules applies for the other states.

In next section we will go through the full configuration with the help of the Test Config Tool.

Testing the configuration with the help of Test Config Tool

To start the test configuration tool you must be logged in as an admin user. You start the tool by ctrl/cmd + skift + Y. Here you can elaborate on the plugin setting and when you apply the settings they are applied to your local environment only.

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