Configuration of calendarLocale

How to get the date and time picker to work in the Publish Flow.


This is a setting in the main configuration and not just in the Publish Flow plugin configuration.

Calendar configuration for date picker and timepicker

To enable new UIDatePicker andUITimePicker components to display date and time correctly writer config needs to include a new property:

  "newsItemTemplateId": "30eae1c0-c640-4053-b114-05c64e28bbe7",
  "enableUserTemplate": true,
  "language": "sv_SE",
  "labelLanguage": "sv",
  "calendarLocale": "sv",

The calendarLocale above is new client configuration that is necessary using the PublishFlow plugin in version > 2.1.0. This will decide first day of week for example. This will also show dates and time in a specific way (NewsML will always be stored in "Zulu" time). Example of time variation in the Writer client:

en: hh:mm AM/PM sv: hh:mm fi:

This will also set the timezone according to the local timezone for that location.

Some keys from this is translated using our Branding plugin (from/to), some are not included in the Branding plugin (like month).

See the separate plugin-documentation here.

Last updated