Image gallery

When you want to use the image gallery you click on Insert gallery in the content menu.

When the gallery exists in the article, you can start adding images by using drag and drop or browse images from your desktop, the image search plugin or other plugins with images.

  • You can add all the images in one drop or fetch or add a singel image to an existing image gallery.

  • You can also decide where in the image order an image should be placed when you drop the image.

  • Change order of the images by dragging the images in the vertical list.

From the image gallery you can use the image management features, such as:

  1. Cropping

  2. Adding metadata for one single image.

  3. Add metadata for all the images at the same time.

  4. Add bylines.

  5. Add caption for the full gallery

  6. Add caption for a single image

  7. Remove an image

  8. Copy UUID

The configuration is set in the plugin Image Gallery .

When you edit metadata, the application Naviga Photo is opened as a modal. Also, when you upload an image, Naviga Photos can be opened. This depends on which setting your admin has made. There are three ways of different configuration:

  • Always opens when uploading.

  • Opens when required metadata is missing.

  • Never opens.

You can read about how you work in Naviga Photos.

Last updated