
This list is always up to date and has the latest methods, If you are missing any method checkout the Deprecations page to see the replacement for it.

The Plugin-API contains more methods than the listed ones below, you can check them out by logging the Plugin object to console, these un-listed methods are deprecated and we don't recommend using them

Here is a list of what can you get from Plugin-API object:

// import DashboardPlugin from 'Dashboard/plugin'
// cosnt Plugin = new DashboardPlugin('@plugin_bundle')

import { Plugin } from '@root'

Plugin === {
    React, // instance of react
    Component, // instance of react Component
    GUI, // A GUI lib components
    ViewUtil, // A ViewUtil GUI lib components
    CopyToClipboard,  // instance of 'react-copy-to-clipboard'
    Modal, // Modal base component
    Agent, // Agent base component
    Health, // Health base component
    Widget, // Widget base component
    Settings, // Settings base component
    Portal, // Portal base component
    Application, // Application base component
    PopoutComponent, // Popout base component
    Popout, // Component to popout the rendered children to a new browser window
    Sheet, // Component to render animated sheet-layout
    Standalone, // Helper class contains methods to work with Standalone Dashboard
    moment, // instance of moment.js
    MODALSIZE, // Object contains modal sizes to be set in Modal component
    createUUID, // a helper function will return a random UUID v4
    getLanguage, // a helper function will return the current Dashboard locale that the user set the Dashboard language to
    getTextDirection, // a helper function will return css rule for the passed value depending on the language of the text
    getTimeFormat, // a helper function will return '24h' || '12h' dependent on the current user settings
    getKeyCharFromCode, // a helper function will return the char value of the keyCode
    getKeyCodeFromChar, // a helper function will return the keyCode value of the key char
    event, // a function to create events dispatcher
    Logger, // a helper logger to print output to the console.
    buildRouteUrlWithDispatchableEvent, // **experimental** a helper function to build a routed Dashboard url with a dispatcher event
    getUser, // a function will returns user object.
    getAction, // a helper function to return the registerd action in Dashboard
    getPortal, // a helper function to return the registerd portal in Dashboard
    getConfig, // a function will returns plugin's config object.
    getLocalize, // a helper function  will return the plugin localization object
    getAvailableActions, // a helper function to return all the available registerd actions in Dashboard
    getAvailablePortals, // a helper function to return all the available registerd portals in Dashboard
    cache, // a helper instance to store/load data to/from locale storage
    store, // a helper instance to store/load data to/from persistent storage
    encrypt, // a helper function to encrypt a custom payload
    decrypt, // a helper function to decrypt an encrypted data with encrypt method
    request, // a helper function to do a proxy requests 
    setHealth, // a helper function to set the health status for a plugin that register Health component
    openModal, // a helper function to open modals in Dashboard
    closeModal, // a helper function to close modals in Dashboard
    confirmOnLeave, // a helper function to display a confim on leaving application.
    confirm: { // add/remove confirm notifications
    notifications: { // add/remove notifications
    withUser, // a HOC will pass user object to the composed component as a prop
    useModal, // a hook will returns modal component context-api
    useSheet, // a hook will returns sheet component  context-api
    useUser, // a hook will returns user object
    useConfig, // a hook will returns the plugin config
    useLocalize, // a hook will returns the plugin localization object
    useMappings, // a hook will returns the plugin mappings config
    useApplication, // a hook will returns the application context
    hasPermission, // a function to check for loggedIn permissions.
    register // a method to register plugin in Dashboard

Last updated

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