Default config

Register plugin's default config

What is defaultConfig?

defaultConfig is an object you can register with your Plugin to make sure that your plugin will have some default config value when a user install/update your plugin in Dashboard

import DashboardPlugin from 'Dashboard/plugin'

const Plugin = new DashboardPlugin('@plugin_bundle')

const registerPlugin = () => {
    const { Application } = require('@components/Application')
        application: Application,

        defaultConfig: {
            applicationKey: 'xxxx-xx-xxxxx-x-xxx'


export {

The object keys should be the ref keys of your config field.

In our example 👆🏽we registered a default config object with a key applicationKey that means in the Settings component, the ref who has the same key applicationKey will share the same value and it will be assigned as a default value for that ref

import { Plugin } from '@root'

const GUI = Plugin.GUI

class Settings extends Plugin.settings {
    plugin() {
        return (
                    name={'Application key'}
                    ref={refs => this.handleRefs(refs, 'applicationKey')}

If a plugin is already installed, and you added a new key to the defaultConfig object, Dashboard will add the new key to the config automatically, once the plugin is updated

If a plugin is already installed, and you removed a key from the defaultConfig object, Dashboard won't remove any keys or value from the config.

Last updated