Property mappings

Model keys to OC property mapping


    "xml": "EventXML", //{1}
    "uuid": "uuid", //{1}
    "mimetype": "mimetype", //{1}
    "name": "EventName", //{1}
    "sector": "EventSector", //{1}
    "startDate": "EventStartDate", //{1}
    "endDate": "EventEndDate", //{1}
    "etag": "checksum", //{1}
    "planningItem": { //{2}
        "property": "EventPlanningItemRelations" //{3}
  1. A key value pair where left part is internal keys and right part is OC properties

  2. Internal format to determine that the following part is a relation. Left part internal key

  3. Which property to contains the relation from OC


    "uuid": "uuid", //{1}
    "etag": "checksum", //{1}
    "xml": "PlanningXML", //{1}
    "mimetype": "mimetype", //{1}
    "headline": "PlanningHeadline", //{1}
    "urgency": "PlanningUrgency", //{1}
    "statusHRM": "PlanningStatusHRM", //{1}
    "sector": "PlanningSector", //{1}
    "startDate": "PlanningStartDate", //{1}
    "endDate": "PlanningEndDate", //{1}
    "event": { //{2}
        "property": "PlanningEventRelation" //{3}
    "assignments": { //{2}
        "property": "PlanningAssignmentsRelation" //{3}
  1. A key value pair where left part is internal keys and right part is OC properties

  2. Internal format to determine that the following part is a relation. Left part internal key

  3. Which property to contains the relation from OC


    "etag": "checksum", //{1}
    "uuid": "uuid", //{1}
    "contentType": "contenttype", //{1}
    "xml": "AssignmentXML", //{1}
    "mimetype": "mimetype", //{1}
    "headline": "AssignmentHeadline", //{1}
    "type": "AssignmentType", //{1}
    "statusHRM": "AssignmentStatusHRM", //{1}
    "assigneeName": "AssignmentAssigneesName", //{1}
    "endDate": "AssignmentEndDate", //{1}
    "startDate": "AssignmentStartDate", //{1}
    "assignees": { //{2}
        "property": "AssignmentAssigneesRelation" //{3}
    "articles": { //{2}
        "property": "AssignmentArticlesRelation" //{3}
    "planningItem": { //{2}
        "property": "AssignmentPlanningItemRelation" //{3}
  1. A key value pair where left part is internal keys and right part is OC properties

  2. Internal format to determine that the following part is a relation. Left part internal key

  3. Which property to contains the relation from OC


    "headline": "WriterHeadlines", //{1}
    "leadin": "ArticleLeadin", //{1}
    "mimetype": "mimetype", //{1}
    "body": "ArticleBody", //{1}
    "uuid": "uuid", //{1}
    "created": "created", //{1}
    "status": "WriterPubStatus", //{1}
    "updated": "updated", //{1}
    "authors": "WriterAuthors", //{1}
    "authorsUuid": "WriterAuthorsUuid", //{1}
    "images": "ArticleMetaImageUuids", //{1}
    "caption": "ArticleCaption", //{1}
    "title": "Name", //{1}
    "channels": "ArticleMetaChannels", //{1}
    "publishedDate": "PubDate" //{1}
    "size": "ArticleSize", //{1}
    "premium": "ArticleMetaPremium", //{1}
    "checksum": "checksum", //{1}
    "assignmentUuid": "ArticleMetaAssignmentUuid" //{1}
  1. A key value pair where left part is internal keys and right part is OC properties


    "xml": "ConceptXML",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "name": "ConceptName",
    "type": "ConceptImTypeFull",
    "imidSub": "ConceptImIdSubjectId",
    "broader": {
        "property": "ConceptBroaderRelation"
    "associatedWith": {
        "property": "ConceptAssociatedWithRelations"
    "replacedBy": {
        "property": "ConceptReplacedByRelation"
    "avatar": {
        "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation"


    "uuid": "uuid",
    "filename": "WriterFileName"

Last updated

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