4.x ➡ 5.x

Make sure that your Dashboard is running the Utility Core-Module version 2.1.0 or higher

With NRP 5.0.0, we have changed how the sorting mechanism works in the Application, therefore we need to update some properties type in OC with the correct type in order to make the sorting works correctly. Do make sure your environments have ObjectUpdated properties for all object types.

The OC changes will target 3 indexfields, and we are not going to add any new ones, indexfields to update:

  • EventName

  • PlanningHeadline

  • AssignmentHeadline

These fields should have the type: lowercase string

    - name: EventName
      multivalued: false
      sortable: true
      readonly: false
      suggest: true
      description: Name of event
    - name: PlanningHeadline
      multivalued: false
      sortable: true
      readonly: false
      suggest: true
      description: Planning headline
    - name: AssignmentHeadline
      multivalued: false
      sortable: true
      readonly: false
      suggest: true
      description: Headline of assignment

These OC changes has been applied to the standard-oc-config

A reindex is required after applying the changes for the indexfields for all types:

  • Event

  • PlanningItem

  • Assignment

In NRP 5.0.0, we cleaned up some configs that were hanging around in the settings, you need to remove these configs since these configs are now maintained in code, and no need to have them "configureable" anymore. Check out Cleanup page to see what configs you need to remove.

When updating to NRP 5.0.0, you will get new sorting fields, since a new sorting functionality is shipped with NRP 5.0.0, you can check them out in Settings and modify them to fit your needs.

Go to NRP plugin settings and go to Configurations tab within the settings, and expand the Sorting section There you will find the new Sortings UI that you can change to fits your needs for each type:

  • Event

  • PlanningItem

  • Assignment

Sorting keys

With the new sortings functionality as it is shown above, we add a custom set of sorting keys that you can sort your cards in the full application, the available keys are:




Removed support for Drop down menus

As part of this version, to get filtering and sorting working properly, we removed the drop down menus (Prio, Sector etc), instead use the improved suggest search.

We have implemented an experimental feature, where we let the user create personal favourites that then becomes buttons in the UI. In earlier versions, filters were shared between the different views in Newsroom Planner, in version 5 we have split this functionality to be per type instead. Old saved searches have been copied to all three views, and the user can then clean up searches per type if necessary.