1.x ➡ 2.x

If you've been running NRP in a prior version to 2.0.0 you probably already have Events which will not look complete when running the new version. This due to us adding priority on Events in current version.

In order to make these look okay a migration of content is needed.

in the XML you'll need to add the tag <urgency></urgency> with a value depending on which priority you want the item to have.

    <description role="nrpdesc:extern">l</description>
    <contentMetaExtProperty type="nrp:sector" literal="Domestic" value="domestic"/>
    <links xmlns="http://www.infomaker.se/newsml/1.0"/>

You'll also have to load OC with the new config for NRP. This will add the extractors, properties and index fields needed for the priority on Events.

Last updated