Config guide

good advice


Publication Planner needs to be configured with Content-Agent, ICP and Writer providers and endpoints.

  • Go to Plugins > Publication Planner > settings > Configurations

  • Add OpenContent ContentProvider name.

  • Add QueryStreamer ContentProvider name.

  • Add your Publication Planner config inside the config editor.

  • Click save.

Publication Planner also needs to be configured with requirements in Mappings section

  • Go to Plugins > Publication Planner > settings > Mappings

  • Select all the required actions by selecting from the dropdown for each required action.

Add filter query to your search request

available with v3.0.0 or higher

In your config you can add filterQuery to add custom filter to your searches


    "filterQuery": "NOT WriterAuthors:\"John Doe\"",

Add slugline to Article cards

In your config object you can add your Slug OC-Property in ocProperties and map it in articlePropertyMap as a Slugline


    "ocProperties": [
    "articlePropertyMap": {
        "...": "...",
        "Slugline": "Slug",
        "...": "..."



"articlePropertyMap": {
    "Uuid": "uuid",
    "ImageURIs": "ArticleMetaImageUuids",
    "Published": "WriterPubStart",
    "Status": "WriterPubStatus",
    "Channels": "ArticleMetaChannels",
    "ContentProfiles": "ArticleContent",
    "Authors": "WriterAuthors",
    "Headline": "Headline",
    "NewsPrio": "ArticleMetaNewsValue",
    "NewsPrioLifetime": "ArticleMetaLifeTime",
    "Products": "ArticleMetaChannels",
    "PubStart": "WriterPubStart",
    "PubStop": "WriterPubStop",
    "HasPublishedVersion": "WriterHasPublishedVersion",
    "Updated": "updated",
    "AssignmentUuid": "ArticleMetaAssignmentUuid"

Start and stop time in Scheduled Publication

Don't forget to add start and stop time to config to make Scheduled publication show properly.

Open Assignment

In order to open Assignments from article cards, you need to have the "Open assignments" action mapped in settings, and add the following config:

"ocProperties": [
"articlePropertyMap": {
    "AssignmentUuid": "ArticleMetaAssignmentUuid"

Drag and Drop

In order to make DND work you should check the following:

  • articleExtractors is configured

  • publisherId is configured

  • PubStart, PubStop, WriterHasPublishedVersion is configured in ocProperties config

Using proxy

  • Configure Writer to allow requests from Dashboard IP

Using fetch

  • Configure Writer to allow Dashboard domain to do CORS requests