Content area

The content area is where you write your content.

On the left hand (besides the text you write) , press the pencil, to get to the plugin and paragraph tool.

The pen

These icons represent different plugins in a basic set up of Naviga Writer. Here you select all the different authoring tools you need to write the content. In the section below they are all explained:

Add the gallery and then drag and drop images from your desktop, the image search plugin or other plugins with images.

The configuration is set in the plugin Image Gallery .

Insert map

Add embedded maps with a position.

The configuration is set in the plugin Map Embed.

Insert table

Click and then select the amount of cells you want to add.

The configuration is set in the plugin Table.

Insert teaser

If there is no teaser, you can insert a teaser with this menu command.

Follow the link if you want to see more info about the Teaser functions and plugin.

Insert content part (fact etc)

If you have this function active you can add a Content Part, such as a Fact box or similar, that is predefined and configured.

The configuration is set in the plugin Content part plugin.

Insert HTML embed code

The function lets you embed HTML in the text.

The configuration is set in the plugin HTML embed plugin .

Upload image

You can upload images by browsing and selecting or drag and drop the image onto the article in the Writer surface. It is also possible to upload the image as an URL.

See more features for images here.

The configuration is set in the Image plugin im-ximimage.

Upload PDF

You can upload pdf-files by browsing and selecting or drag and drop the file from disk onto the article in the Writer surface. You can also upload as an URL.

The PDF will be uploaded to a file service in the cloud (a configured AWS' S3 bucket) bucket and a NewsItem will be created for the PDF.

The configuration is set in the pdf upload plugin.

Adding lists

You can use ordered and bulleted lists in Writer to use in your presentation.The menu includes two list items. Remember this is also a plugin feature so if you don't see any commands it most likely means that the plugin is not configured in your environment.

The configuration is set in list plugin .

Text Styles

Choose different styles for your paragraphs. You have the possibility to use and configure shortcuts.The ones that are configured are displayed in the menu.

The configuration is set in text style plugin.

Marker tool

When selecting words, there is an marker (annotation) tool.

This tool can look very different depending on your configuration in the plugins that are installed.

Bold works with shortcut (CTRL/CMD B), and italics with (CTRL/CMD I).

The marker tool can also be turned off (by your administrator/developer) for selected styles. The configuration is set in several plugins. The Marker plugin can be configured to highlights, code and citations (see below) and the Link plugin sets the configration of the link feature.

Example of different text styles:

The overlay styles bold and italic etc and paragraph is built in the Writer. In earlier version than 4.11.0, his was configured in plugins.

The links can be targeted to new tab or window, current window, parent frame or top-most frame when the link is used in the published article.

Special character keybord

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