Article Size

Article Size is a Newsroom Planner feature that is used for planning articles according to sized specifications.

Making Article Size into a suggestable field in configuration

Add ArticleSize suggest field, in this case in the end of this configuration part

"suggestFields": [

If you want a specific order, the highest value will be in the top of the suggest search:

"suggestOrder": {
    "ArticleSize": 30,
    "WriterHeadlines": 30,
    "WriterAuthors": 10,
    "_freeText": 40

For labelling of this field:

"labels": {
    "WriterAuthors": "Author",
    "Status": "Status",
    "WriterHeadlines": "Headline",
    "ArticleLanguage": "Language",
    "ArticleMetaChannels": "Channel",
    "ArticleMetaSections": "Section",
    "ArticleMetaServices": "Service",
    "ArticleMetaNewsValue": "News value",
    "MainChannel": "Main channel",
    "ArticleSize": "Article Size",
    "_all": "Free text"