NCS Circ Maintenance Release: 2020-3.0

Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice, and Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.

Introduction and Minimum Supported Configuration

Welcome to the NCS Circulation 2020-3.0 release. This release comprises a variety of enhancements to the subscriptions, payments, accounting modules, and application interface of the Circulation Management System. The 2020-3.0 version of NCS Circ supports an updated version of NavigaPay suite with new payment vendors, for example PayTrace, Bambora, and Stripe.

With this release, publishers will have a more convenient way to configure critical reports such as the Churn Report, Vindicia Audit Report, and the Unearned Revenue Report, among others. Additionally, this release also contains important bug fixes in a variety of areas.

Minimal Requirements

  • If using Naviga Pay for payments, a minimum Naviga Pay version of 2.2 is required for 2020-3.0.

  • If using Payment Authorization Service, a minimum PAS version of 8.11.61 is required for 2020-3.0.

  • A minimum Circulation version of 2020 is required to upgrade to the 2020-3.0 release.

  • A minimum of Java 8.201 is required for the 2020-3.0 release upgrade. (PBS43A Interim #110)

Installation Notes

If using PostWare, run all of your postal reports through the current publishing date before applying this patch.

After upgrading to 2020-3.0, you must recreate/resave any input files for the:

  • [Accounting ► Subscriber ► Credit Card Expires report],

  • [Accounting ► Subscriber ► Refund Journal],

  • [Reporting ► Subscriber ► Grace Due Report], and

  • [Setup ► Accounting ► General Ledger ► Unearned Revenue report].

Resolved Issues

Circulation Management (CM)

Customer Service

  • BillingChg transactions switching a subscriber to a less expensive RateCode could cause the Expire date to be pulled back. This type of change will now correctly extend the subscriber’s Expire date. (CM2-791)

  • The workflow issues with the Router Rules setup in Customer Services that prevented completion of a Start transaction have been resolved. (CM2-2852)

  • The Edition did not display for Mail or Online subscribers when the current publishing date is not a valid delivery day for their Delivery Schedule. The Edition will now appear on delivery and non-delivery days. (CM2-5606)

  • Resolve Payments processed with All Unresolved? = Yes, earlier generated a Progress error “No SubscriptionTran record is available. (91)”. This error has been resolved. (CM2-93)

  • When running EndGrace processing, CreditStatusID was not being updated correctly. This has been fixed, and EndGrace no longer sets the OldCreditStatusID to the default value, but instead shows the value specified in Setup. (CM2-761)

  • MoveOut transactions may now be updated without errors when the Business Rule under Customer Services section – Should carrier collect subscriptions be assigned a rate code? – is answered Yes. (CM2-4427)

  • Toggling between different tabs during the entry of a Payment within Customer Services could result in a Term of zero days. This issue has been resolved. (CM2-154)

  • The E-Bill of a subscriber now displays the “Name” and “E-Bill info” in the Billing Info tab. (CM2-1285)

  • Move and Payment transactions dated prior to a Start is reactivating a former subscriber incorrectly by using the AddressID from the previous RouteSubscription or MailSubscription data. The correct AddressID will now be used. (CM2-6371)

  • Special characters in Address fields, UnitType / UnitNumber, could result in Payment entry failure. This has now been fixed, resulting in a successful Payment entry for Payment (CM2-6576) and AutoRenew transactions (CM2-7132)

  • Validation checks have been implemented to ensure Auto Renew Details from an existing Subscription are not duplicated on a new Subscription using the same OccupantID. (CM2-1247)

  • New Transaction Security (AddressMod and AddressDigitMod) have been added to allow separate Security for modifying digital or physical addresses within Customer Service and Route Services > Setup > Account Services. (CM2-7058)

  • When modifying a Delivery Schedule Change transaction, the LabelGroupChange child record will not be deleted. Additionally, when viewing or modifying a Delivery Schedule Change that doesn’t have a rate change record associated with it, the value in Subscription.RateCodeID and the corresponding RateCode.Description will be displayed. (CM2-5482) (CM2-5194)

Route Service

  • In Route Services, when the Account > BillAddress and/or BillOccupant details are updated, the Address and/or Occupant details were also updated. This has been corrected, allowing only the BillAddress/BillOccupant details to be updated. (CM2-5097)

  • Multiple errors of Invalid object ‘Contacts’ when attempting to use the Forgot Password option in Route Services/Account Services have now been resolved. (CM2-100)

  • In Route Services > Distribution Maintenance, relocating a Relay Truck from one tree to another and then reverting the changes resulted in overlapping EndDate values. This issue has been resolved. (CM2-1541)

  • The Bulk Route Change utility no longer returns multiple records with blank EndDate values when processed for a Route. Now, only a single record will be created with the proper EndDate. (CM2-96)

  • The date parameters of Demographic data (i.e., ModifyDate/Time) are now correctly updated when using the Copy Route Utility. This resolves the issue where the incorrect dates cause Demographic data to be omitted from the Insight Export . (CM2-6542)

  • ChargesTax records with a ‘ChargesTax.SequenceNumber’ created for SingleCopyDrawAdjust records for Returns are now properly linked to their parent Charges record. (CM2-5204)

  • In the Ferag Stacker file, Trucks with a RouteDraw or SingleCopyDraw of zero had missing 2403 and 2414 header records. This is now fixed. (CM2-5341)

  • For Subscribers on DigitalVacPack, RouteDrawAdjustments will no longer be created in when backdated Starts, Restarts, PermStop transactions are processed on the subscription. (CM2-7100)


  • Previously, Trial Billing processed with ‘Use Pending Draw = Yes’ would delete all PendingDraw dated after the end date of the billing run. This issue has been resolved. (CM2-1863)

  • Payments cancelled using the ‘Cancel Batch’ utility (processed by Naviga Support) appeared more than once on the Subscriber Payment Journal. This duplication has been resolved.


  • Refund Journals now shows the correct refund amount entered in Customer Services for Combo subscriptions. (CM2-58)

  • Special characters (_+-%![].) are now allowed in the SubPaymentBatchID field. All special characters except stated above will result in errors. (CM2-132)

  • Input files used to process AutoRenew will correctly use the parameters in the file (BatchID, BillingGroup, and Run Date) when processed within a Batch. (CM2-102)

  • Modifying an Expire date in Customer Services by entering an amount rather than a number of days could result in an error message – Unearned Revenue account record not found for Publication ABC, Delivery Type <BLANK>. This error has been resolved. (CM2-97)


  • IRS 1099 Form – Field positioning changes have been implemented to the electronic file for the 1099 submission form to the IRS in accordance with ‘IRS Publication 1220 Rev.9-2021’. (CM2-6356)

    Note: This change is to format the electronic files for 1099 submissions to the IRS, as NCS Circ do not support the printing of the 1099 forms from the application.

  • Transportation Cost Export - Added a new run time parameter “All Rate Codes” checkbox. The use of the multi-select option on the RateCode field could result in time-out issues. Selecting the ‘All Rate Codes’ option will disable the RateCode field. (CM2-5631)

  • The Input File Error that occurred when running the refund written off report has now been resolved. (CM2-134)

  • Only the selected publications will now be shown in Process Log of the Unearned Revenue Report rather than the complete list. (CM2-105)

  • The performance issues with the Duplicate Address Purge have been resolved. (CM2-104)

  • The error message when running Unearned Revenue that states, “Publishing is not completed for product “xx” on xx/xx/xx.” has been implemented in the Character Application. (CM2-121)

  • For WSO report and Newsvendor Invoice menu, a new custom menu option has been added allowing the originally hard coded company registration number and GST Registration number values to be updated as needed. (CM2-6106)


  • A Progress error related to security, “st-Resource Translation already exists with 1” was displayed while assessing the ‘Translation’ section (Accessing Setup ► System ► Translation). This has been fixed now. (CM2-4434)

  • Export/Import Account Rates - Resolved the Progress error “Unable to open data stream” when selecting all rate codes to export. (CM2-5559)

  • When making updates to the RateCode table via Export/Import Subscription Rates resulted in the Progress error “RateCode record already exists”. This is now fixed. (CM2-103)

  • In Character Screen, Setup > Distribution > Route > Single Copy Type, copying an SC Type defined with a StackerID would result in a Progress error. This error has been resolved. (CM2-119)


  • Conversion Tools - When running the status check and status checker tools, the ability to multi-select products has been added. (CM2-5337)

  • Conversion Edit Reports - Invalid Routes edit reports (354, 360, 366, 372, 378, 384, and 390) now include a Subscriber Status column (e.g., active, temp stopped, perm stopped, etc.). (CM2-5434)



  • The correct Delivery Method is now exported in the cmDeliverySubscription.asc.file when a subscriber has multiple end-dated Mail Subscription records with different Delivery Methods. (CM2-5063)

  • Insight Export - While running a full Insight export, draw adjustment records were missing from the cmDraw.asc file when the DrawDate was greater than the current publishing date. This is now resolved. (CM2-5340)

  • Insight Export - The Insight load process failed when cmSubscriptionDraw.asc files had Subscription Draw records with StartDate greater than the end date of an Insight Export run. This is now fixed. (CM2-5409)

  • Subscription records updated when the Delivery Method is changed via a Reroute transaction will now be correctly picked up by the Insight Export. (CM2-5061)

Vindicia Retain

  • The code for the Vindicia Retain functionality has been restructured, and Vindicia Batches have been enhanced to include Source, Reason, and Bank codes. (CM2-6469) (CM2-6346)

Subscriber Activity Import (SAI)

  • Verbiage of the errors/warning messages in Subscriber Activity Import related to credit card data have been corrected. (CM2-4950)

    For example:

    • Earlier, the reject description in the Export file was “Invalid Zipe code”. This have been changed to “Invalid Zip code”.

    • Earlier, it was “Record: 123, CreditCd, Billing Change, is not valid. was rejected”. It now reads as, “Record: 123, Auto renew type, CreditCd, is not valid. Billing Change was rejected. (2159).”

  • Subscriber Activity Import now correctly imports unparsed addresses, particularly the street name. (CM2-118)

  • There will no longer be an error when importing Starts from SAI for addresses that do not exist in the router (Online Starts). (CM2-135)

Self Service Portals (CMO)

  • In the Subscriptions drop-down list, the Perm Stopped subscriptions will now be displayed at the end, and the active subscriptions will be displayed at the top.

    (CM2-75) (CM2-5098)

iServices Distribution

  • Sorting the iServices Distribution > Routes page based on the RouteID resulted in a distorted display with no sort achieved. The RouteIDs will now be properly sorted without distorting the page. (CM2-5970)

Naviga Subscribe Integration

Circulation (Circ) API

  • The Create Subscription/Payment endpoint now allows email addresses to be added in the Remarks field. (CM2-4719)

  • The PermStop API has been modified to allow Perm Stops to override the subscription’s current temp stop period, allowing the PermStop to be submitted. (CM2-6351)


  • Previously, an unprocessed TempStop could be modified and set to VacPack = Yes, even though the Reason code in the Stop is setup to now allow VacPacks. Setting a TempStop to VacPack = Yes is no longer possible when the Reason does not allow VacPacks. (CM2-5558)


Payment Gateway

  • On the credit card info page, the Customer ID field (payment vendor assigned) is now being populated. (CM2-6585)

  • The issue with the Customer ID not being pre-populated from Refund transactions has been resolved. (CM2-7220)

  • CM and CMO NavigaPay Payments - The logic has been restructured, allowing the offsite token value to be defined based on the PAS vendor even when driven by Naviga Pay.

    Additionally, two new payment vendors, Stripe and Bambora, have been added. (CM2-6035) (CM2-6036)

  • PayTrace Payment - PayTrace has been validated for successful payments with NavigaPay Suite. (CM2-6192)

Bank Draft (ACH)

  • Profiles for Bank Draft are now being created successfully through Braintree's NavigaPay settings. (CM2-7187)

Application Programming Interface (API)

Circulation (Circ) API

  • Phone numbers are no longer truncated when entered through the Circ API. (CM2-111)

  • CircAPI Payments for different Publications are aligned to their corresponding SubPaymentBatch, resulting in efficient batch processing. (CM2-110)

  • During CircAPI transactions such as CreateSubscription, the UserID was removed from the Subsource field. This resulted in the creation of a Subsource record in Source Code setup and an error in the Insight export. This has been resolved. (CM2-129)

Customer Service (CS) API

  • The CreateComplaint API now accepts complaints correctly according to the Valid When settings (Before, After, and Always) in the ComplaintCode setup. (CM2-5861)

  • All transactions created through the Customer Service API that have a valid User ID will be displayed in the application under ‘create/modify’; or else, the default value will be displayed. (CM2-5854)

Distribution API

  • In the return call of the Distribution API, no errors related to error code 0 (zero) will now be encountered. (CM2-6045)

Distribution Reporting

  • All of the parameters can now be saved in the Input file created for TM draw import. (CM2-85).


Circulation Management (CM)


  • A new Business Rule in Account Finance has been added, asking if taxing should be based on the Billing Date or Transaction Date. (CM2-5227)

  • The Subscriber Refund Journal screen has been updated with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Format (File Map options) and File Name (name of the exported file) will be available. (CM2-4652)

  • The Subscriber Payment Journal screen has been updated with the addition of a new Export option. When selected, the File Format (File Map options) and File Name (name of the exported file) will be available. (CM2-4741)

  • In File Map setup for the Subscriber Payment Journal (Usage = SubPymtJrnlExp), a new field has been added to the Account Detail record – PaymentSource. (CM2-4510)

  • A new business rule regarding how to handle declined credit card refunds for Digital Only subscribers has been added in the Subscriber Acctg section. With the default answer of No, all declined credit card refunds for Digital Only subscribers will be switched to cash (previous functionality). Set to Yes, the refunds will be moved to a new, suspended RefundBatchID. (CM2-5869)

Vindicia Retain

  • A new menu option has been added in Graphical Accounting > Subscription Payments – Vindicia Report. All Vindicia data, along with the current status as of the run-date, is included in this report. (CM2-6311)

Subscriber Activity Import (SAI)

Utilities > Import > Subscriber Activity Import

  • Subscription Related (CM2-4998)

    • If the “TownOf25ID” is left blank while adding an address, the default value (defined in biz rules, Customer Services section) will be used.

    • When the ‘Paid Comp’ and ‘Unpaid Comp’ Start record does not include a valid RateCodeID, no error will occur for the BillingChange record.

    • Some of the SAI validations that are only applicable to non-digital subscriptions have been eliminated for digital addresses to allow for addresses that are undeliverable. (CM2-5197)

    • Subscribers can now select Mail, Online, or Route as their preferred Delivery Method. Also, Route-delivered subscribers may now change their RouteIDs, while Mail and Online subscribers may change their LabelGroupID. (CM2-5399)

  • Subscriber Activity Import now supports PayPal AutoRenew information through the Start and BillingChange transactions. (CM2-5966)

    • The Start and BillingChange records now includes an ‘Auto Renew PayPal Email Address’ field. This field is also included as a FileMap element.

    • The Start record has been updated to allow the HIN and GNAF-PID fields to be populated when a bill-to address is added through a start (applicable only with QAS address cleansing).

  • Importing the digital address without an Address ID through the Subscriber Activity Import will now select the first Matching digital address. (CM2-6441)

  • Processing of New Starts and Billing Changes through Subscriber Activity Import has improved as the number of AutoRenewTerm Table Reads has decreased significantly. (CM2-6139)

Subscriber Activity Export

  • Subscriber Activity Export has been enhanced to export up to 2000 characters for the SubscriptionTran.Remarks field. The previous max was 30 characters. (CM2-6140)


  • A new Payment Authorization Message is introduced for CyberSource when a payment exceeds the authorized limit. (Setup → System → Pymt Auth Messages) (CM2-5114)

  • A new Business Rule has been added.

    What end date should be used for setting up GUI Calendars? General Section. This value was previously hard-coded. (CM2-141)


  • In Graphical Utilities > Subscription/Address, the Stop Utility now includes a multi-select dropdown for DeliverySchedule to generate reports or create Stop transactions for the selected DeliveryScheduleIDs. (CM2-929)

Naviga Subscribe Integration

Circulation (Circ) API

  • The CreatePayment, BillChange, and CreateSubscription APIs are enhanced with three additional payment adjustment code and amount fields, allowing for up to five payment adjustment code and amount combinations. (CM2-5516)

  • In the CreateDayByCampaign API, a new field PaymentSource has been added which accepts the values “Apple Pay” and “GooglePay”. (CM2-6262)

  • The Circ API, RatesInfo, has been modified to display the Term amounts for stopped subscribers. (CM2-6352)


  • To enhance the API interface interaction between Circ and Subscribe, two new APIs, ‘Add Payment Profile’ and ‘Get Payment Profile’, have been developed. (CM2-4523) (CM2-4526) (CM2-6257) (CM2-5011) (CM2-6173)


Payment Gateway

  • For all payment vendors in the CM application, credit card masking has been set to display only last four digits of the card and the initial digits will be masked. (CM2-6368)


  • In Route Services > Utilities > Export > Draw Forecast, the following have been added: (CM2-4740)

    • A dropdown for Route Type has been added.

    • The ‘Export by Delivery Schedule ID?’ checkbox has been added.

    • The Actual draw type has been added to the Draw Type dropdown.

  • In Reporting > Churn, the Report Type dropdown now offers the option of Print, Digital, or Both. (CM2-5109)

    * This update affects the Churn Analysis, Churn Summary, and Controllable Churn Summary reports.

Last updated
