2020-5.0 - Resolved Issues
Circulation Management (CM)
Customer Service
The blank Reason Code error for AutoRenew transaction type in the Customer Services screen when processing the Renewal Notice export has now been fixed.
(CM2-2612, CM43#3900)
Hybrid Subscribers can now create a vacation using the Stop Reason Code as ‘Digital Vacation Hold’ by setting the Digital Vac Hold logical value to True (‘Digital Vac Hold?’ = Y) in ‘Delivery Schedule Setup’ (Character Setup > Products > Deliver Schedule).
(CM2-8252, CM43#3810)
When the ‘SubTran.CampaignCode’ field in the database has a valid campaign code, the “CampaignCode” field will now correctly populate in the ‘Billing Change by campaign’ and ‘Delivery Schedule Change by campaign’ transactions in Customer Service.
(CM2-9107, CM43#4170)
Processing a Refund Batch for a Refund Transaction with the “Manually Issued” checkbox selected will now show the checkbox as selected in Customer Service as well, and the record will be removed from the ‘aprefund.d’ file. (CM2-8253, CM43#3830)
When a complaint is made about a Bonus Day Delivery, the checkboxes for “Redeliver?” and “Dispatch?” do not remain checked in Customer Service (in the Complaint transaction). This issue has now been resolved.
(CM2-8848, CM43#4510)
Route Service
In the Router Setup Utility, under Route Service > Setup > Router Utility, assigning a Publication to a Route that is not setup for that Publication will now result in the error message “Distrib point Publication not found for product (Product Name), route (Route ID), and start date (start date of route)”.
(CM2-89, CM43#4050)
If the “Receives an Invoice” checkbox is not selected in the Account Services Wizard, Route Service > Setup > Account Services, the Demographics tab in Account Services, and Account Inquiry will now be enabled.
Also, regardless of the ‘Demographic Valid’ values specified, the Demographic tab will display Account Demographics.
(CM2-160, CM43#4020)
The issue with Burt Export, in Route Services > Utilities > Export > Burt Export, which selected incorrect messages to export because the logic was selecting the records based on the entered draw date rather than the start and end dates of the message, has now been resolved.
(CM2-9172, CM43#4350)
The issue with the Complaint Report, in Route Services > Report > Complaint Report, not being executed if it was setup to run for a single Route with a single or multiple Publications has now been resolved.
(CM2-9140, CM43#4370)
The issue with the bank number format showing three digits (999 format) instead of four digits (0999 format) in the Account Direct Deposit Detail record of HSBC file format has now been resolved.
(CM2-9217, CM43#4490)
A new Business Rule— “Should Draws and Draw Adjustments be billed based on End Publishing run or Final Tran Processing?” has been introduced in the Account Finance section, with the default value set to Final Tran Processing.
When the value is set to “End Publication Run,” the Draws and Draw Adjustments will be billed if the publishing day has been processed through End Publishing Run.
If the value is set to “Final Tran Processing,” the Draws and Draw Adjustments will be billed for a day that has been processed through Final Transaction Processing.
(CM2-9476, CM43#4500)
In Character User Interface (CHUI), the menu options “Merge Tools” and “Merge Trans Tool” have been removed from the Custom Menu , under Utilities > Custom Menu.
(CM2-9253, CM43#4420)
The Custom Invoice (NewsVendor Invoice Report, in Character Utilities > Custom Menu > NewsVendor > NewsVendor Invoice) now displays the correct GST% even when the Business Rule— “Should Billing Date or transaction date be used for determining taxing? (Account Finance section) is set to “Transaction Date”.
(CM2-8934, CM43#3940) (CM2-8980) (CM2-8981)
The issue with the display of the error message “Credit card has expired.” while running the Billing Change Import (Character Utilities > Import > Billing Change), despite the imported record having a valid credit card expire date in the CreditCardExpire field, has now been resolved.
(CM2-3307, CM43#4430)
The Lock-Table overflow error that occurred when running Transaction Processing for Suspend/Unsuspend day with a large amount of data has now been resolved.
(CM2-4801, CM43#4300)
When the Start Publ Run and Truck Manifest were run in the Publishing module, the file names were generated as ‘
’ instead of the names given in the “View/Print Options” window. This issue has now been resolved in (CM2-9055, CM43#4090)
When adding or copying ‘Market Terms setup’ on Subscriber Rates (Graphical Setup > Accounting > Subscription Rates), a pop-up message that says “Marketing Term setup is no longer supported. Please contact Naviga IT support for assistance.” will now be displayed.
Only the rate terms that have already been added and have data in marketing fields will be available in read-only mode. The existing data cannot be modified, and the fields will remain disabled in all instances.
(CM2-8865, CM43#3990)
Subscribers on a Digital Vac Pack who are in grace and are converted using a GraceOwed transaction will now have the most recently published date as the transaction date.
(CM2-7675, CM43#3970)
The additional blank FERAG file that was being created by Stacker Interface, in Graphical Publishing > Distribution > Stacker Interface, will no longer be generated.
Also, the ProcessLog messages will now be exported to a new export file (/u/pbs/exchange/cm).
(CM2-7854, CM43#3950)
Accounting > Subscriber > Grace Owed Export
The following changes have been made to Grace Owed Export:
If OccupantID is the same as BillOccupantID, the BillOccupant phone number and email address will now be exported when a Grace Owed Export is run.
The data element BillToAddressPhone has been renamed BillToPhone, and three new fields, Phone, UnlistedPhone, and EmailAddr, have been added to the Grace Owed Export FileMap.
(CM2-8856, CM43#3930)
The missing data element “Literal” has now been added to the Grace Owed Export FileMap. Note: After updating to 2020-5.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files.
(CM2-9235, CM43#4450)
A new FileMap setup, “
,” has now been introduced for Renewal Notices, Accounting > Subscriber > Renewal Notices. Note: After updating to 2020-5.0, make sure to recreate/resave any input files.(CM2-8948, CM43#4660)
Reporting > Management > Unearned Revenue
When the Unearned Revenue report was run again while the first report was still being processed, two batches of transactions were created, so the GL showed double the amount of revenue. This issue has been resolved, and a warning message— “Unearned revenue report is already in process for the same parameters in update mode.” will now be displayed.
(CM2-9163, CM43#4520)
When attempting to run an Unearned Revenue Report individually for each publication of the same company, once the report for the first publication was successfully run, the following publication reports returned the error "GLBATCH already exists."
This issue has now been resolved, the error message will no longer be displayed, and the Unearned Revenue Report will run as expected for all publications.
In addition, a program has been added to the Tools (
run tools/clearunearnedrv.p
) section to delete the Convert record for "RevenueInProcess
" if the Unearned Revenue Report stops unexpectedly when run in update mode.Note:
To prevent data ambiguity while running any two reports simultaneously, the Spool file should be setup in the Report Configuration with the token
).(CM2-10200, CM43#5460)
Naviga Subscribe Integration
Naviga Subscribe
Subscriber payments processed through Naviga Subscribe will now be segregated into different batches based on PaymentType (i.e., Credit Card, Bank Draft Payments, etc.).
(CM2-9051, CM43#4120)
Processing a Permanent Stop:
When there are multiple unprocessed payments for the same subscriber with different dates in the system, the General Ledger (GL) batch date is set to the latest transaction date of the payments.
When there is a single unprocessed payment in the system, the GL batch date is set to the payment’s transaction date.
(CM2-109, CM43#4140) (CM43#4570)
The issue with the Bank ID being displayed on the credit card Batch Payments screen (Accounting > Subscriber Payments > Batch Payments) when creating a credit card Payment through the CircAPI has now been resolved.
(CM2-9088, HM43#630 - CM43#4460)
Application Programming Interface (API)
Circulation (Circ) API
To address the issue of Subscriptions not moving to the next Rate Code correctly, the “Invoice Subscriber” and “Renew after this term” checkbox values will no longer be updated by the CircAPI “Billing Change” transaction.
Their values will remain as they were before the transaction (as specified during the creation of a new Start).
(CM2-6235, CM43#4110)
Last updated