NCS Circ Rapid Release: 2020-2.1

This page will give us the detail on all the tickets that were sent out to production in this fix version.

Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice, and Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.

Release Goal:

The main goal of the new release is to introduce version of the Circulation Management system will have an enhanced suite of APIs for Subscribe Integration and key bug fixes in various areas for Vindicia Integration and within the application.

Resolved Issues

Vindicia Retain:

  1. Payment transactions were not being entered to the subscribers account when payment was captured by Retain when the payment amount included adjustments and tips. Now subscription payment transactions will be created for all Retain captured payments. (CM2-4683)

  2. Correctly reporting Authorization Numbers on subscription payment transactions - joint change between Naviga and Vindicia. (CM2-3792)

  3. Resolved issue with saved date parameters using dates with a 4-digit year when used to create Batch Input files. (CM2-3718)

  4. Enhanced Process Log messages for better reporting errors while processing fetched Retain records. (CM2-3383)

  5. Receiving 400 error response when sending Cancel/Refund transaction in batch mode to Retain. NCS-Circulation will now send Cancel/Refund transactions as single transactions to better handle Retain response codes. (CM2-5643)

  6. Incorrect Vault ID assigned in Retain billing transactions, causing the wrong customer account’s credit card to be charged, this has been resolved. (CM2-4710)


  1. Calculating correct term and length when restarting a former subscriber with a payment transaction that included a tip. (CM2-873)

  2. Microsoft Edge and Chrome browsers were displaying timeout messages while entering payments through iServices payment pages. Issues related to cookie management associated with the browsers. This has been resolved (CM2-5863)

  3. Subscriber Activity Import and Lock Box Payment process errors with "CC vault Customer ID is blank” & “Vault ID or Vault customer id is missing from credit card payment, No Payment record created”. These processes now correctly identify which payment vendors require VaultID or Customer VaultID and VaultID. (CM2-5853)

  4. API call for IVR payments did not return correctly, produced message that session timed out because of inactivity. Issue has been resolved. (CM2-5600)


  1. Subscribe Export – Duplicate Campaign Code entries in the Campaign export file. (CM2-5577)

  2. Subscribe Export - Credit Card expire dates are now displayed instead of being masked in Auto_Renew export file. (CM2-5486)

  3. Subscribe Export – Modified the query for the renewals export file, as it was not completing in a timely manner. (CM2-5410)

  4. Subscribe Export – Resolved issue where the Future Transaction export file was not correctly reporting open ended vacations. (CM2-5002)

  5. Carrier Mail Export - Carrier Mail Export was not exporting complaints on former, perm stopped subscribers. After the fixing of this bug, the former subscriber complaints started getting exported into the Carrier Mail export. (CM2-4430)

Subscribe API

  1. Create Complaint API was only accepting complaint types of Normal or Both. API updated to accept Normal, Formal and Both complaint code types. (CM2-5635)

  2. Not correctly calculating tax authority and exempt status on route delivered subscribers. API updated to correctly select tax authority publication records based upon route types. (CM2-4971)

Circulation API

  1. Create Payment transactions incorrectly requiring both Customer VaultID and VaultID values when only VaultID should was required. (CM-5510)

  2. Rates Info was only showing rate terms and length that were higher than the last paid rate term and length when requesting the Last Paid and Higher “&LastPaidandHigher=true”. All rate terms equal to and higher than the last payment term and length will now be returned. (CM2-5316)

  3. Create Payment transaction will now allow for a tip only payment to be created when the payment amount is 0. Previously a tip amount could only be provided with a payment amount greater than 0. (CM2-4439)

Customer Service API

  1. Display of rates during renewal process not displaying correct term and length corresponding to the subscriber auto renew term and length. (CM2-5001)

Java 8.291

‌Resolved these issues experienced after applying the 8.291 Java update:

  1. Window Command Prompt window appearing when in the Contacts tab in Customer Services. (CM2-5231)

  2. Command Prompt window displayed when selecting 'View Renewals" in Customer Services (CM2-5183)

  3. Reports not opening in browser window upon completion. (CM2-5022)

I-Services Distribution

  1. Viewing an invoice on Android phone, the downloaded pdf file had an .sh extension, which has been corrected. (CM2-5526)

Transaction Processing

  1. Sites reported increased time in Transaction Processing times for restart transactions. This has been resolved (CM2-5325)

  2. Message records for Stop transactions were being deleted for sites that use the Carrier Messages Export instead of the Bundle Tops for message distribution. (CM2-4739)

  3. Complaint Message records on Perm Stopped subscribers were not being created when incident date was prior to the stop date. (CM2-4732)


‌Custom Menu option for WSO report - Corrected date format parameters used when saving the input for batch processing. (CM2-4643)

  1. Newsvendor Invoice Corrected date format parameters used when saving the input for batch processing. (CM2-4440)

  2. Resolved issue for “Number too large for Integer” error when updating Occupant Emails. (CM2-4484)

  3. Refunds entered in Customer Services to a subscriber credit card ended up with a blank GL AccountID when processed. Issue has been resolved. (CM2-4615)

  4. Resolved duplicate subscription refund information was being saved in the aprefund. d file. (CM2-5037)

  5. RuleRateLink Audit report generates Progress error “**No RuleRateLink record available (91)”. This issue has been resolved (CM2-4817)


Vindicia Retain Integration

  1. Changed the Cancel/Refund process to submit single transaction to Retain. When sending multiple records in a batch file, a single return code is returned for the, limiting the ability to identify individual records that were accepted or had an error. (CM2-5896)

  2. Disabled the MODIFY and DELETE buttons when viewing a suspended Billing Change record that currently is in the Retain workflow. Users will only be able to delete a BillingChange record that has completed the Retain workflow with a Failed, Cancelled or Refunded status. This will prevent the unintentional deleting of a transaction that is in process. (CM2-5881)

Subscribe APIs

  1. Modified the addvacationtransfer by eliminating the new address elements parameters. The new address will be referenced by AddressID, thus simplifying the API and workflow. (CM2-5353)

  2. Modified getvacationtran – Added all Address elements to the response of this API. (CM2-5405)

  3. Modified getnextpubdate to include the next billing (expire date) & deliverable date based upon the delivery schedule of the subscriber, in addition to the next publishing date for the publication.

  4. Modified Adddeliveryschedule endpoint, when “immediate” is passed as the EffectiveDate or is left blank, the EffectiveDate will be greater of either the next publishing date or the date of next delivery based upon delivery schedule for the subscriber. (CM2-4819)

  5. New getdelschedmethod API – For a selected subscription and effective date the API responds with valid DeliverSchedule and DeliveryMethod combinations. (CM2-4818)

  6. Added new data elements to the response of getcomplaintcode API to better reflect the fields in Complaint Code setup screen within the application. (CM2-5086)

  7. Updated the getvacationdetail API by adding “StopType” to better indicate if the stop reason code is a temp or perm stop. (CM2-4435)

  8. Updated the getredeliverycutofftime API, was throwing an error when a delivery deadline was not set at route level. A default cut off time of 00:00 will be passed instead of an error. (CM2-3795)

  9. Enhanced getpaymentdetail API by adding Bank Number and Account Number as payment details when payment type is Bank Draft. (CM2-3676)

Customer Service APIs

  • Updated the Single Payment and Auto-Renew terms information pages to display rate terms that are equal to or higher than the term and length of the last payment. New Business Rule “Limit renewal payment terms to last paid term and rates with longer term?” CMO Subscriber API / Payments. (CM2-5315)

Circ APIs

  • Modified the gettax API to not make the County required when the City/State/Country parameters are provided. Postal Code, which is mandatory, will be used to determine County from the ZipCode setup. (CM2-5072)


  1. iServices Payment page – PayPal Icon – Added new Business Rule to control which PayPal icon is displayed on the iServices Payment page. CMO Busines Rules: Subscriber – Web -> Payments -> “What is the URL for PayPal Icon?”. (CM2-5222)

  2. PayPal payment – Added a logic to handle the PayPal payments via Old PAS(PayPal) irrespective of NavigaPay BR. (CM2-5660)

  3. Added as a payment vendor through the NavigaPay authorization services. (CM2-2828)

  4. ApplePay Payments – NCS Circulation has made changes to CIRC APIs to support taking ApplePay payment through the Naviga Subscribe Subscription Panel for one-time payments and setting up Auto Renewal payments. ApplePay payments are processed through the interface with Payway. ApplePay payment transactions will be treated like a normal credit card payment. (CM2-3321, CM2-3322, CM2-2683)

Changes made to the NCS-Circulation application:

  1. Added new parameter PaymentSource to the CreateSubscription, BillingChange, and CreatePayment CIRC API calls.

  2. Modified the Payment Details and Auto Renew Detail windows to ‘ApplePay’ along with the credit card type as shown below.

  3. ApplePay payment transactions will be broken out on the Payment Journal

  4. ApplePay payment source identifier has been added to the Subscribe Export Payment and Auto Renew files.

AuthO Integration

Auth0 SSO Login has been added as a Single Sign On option for SubscriptionLink. Users can log in with Auth0 registered email on the Create an Account, Link Account and Start Offers pages. This is accomplished by sharing of a JWT parameter in the URL links. Auth0 integration has also been incorporated with the Piano login interface which allows for either Auth0 or Piano JWT.

New Business Rules Added --- CMO -> SubscriptionLink -> Single SignOn

  1. If using Auth0 for SSO, What ClientID should be used?

  2. If using Auth0 for SSO, What Domain should be used?

  3. What type of integration is used to support single SignOn using the newspaper website registration system?"

  4. If using Auth0 for SSO, what is the URL for Library?

  5. What is the public key for Auth0 JWT decoder?

All the above changes have been developed in CM2-3601, CM2-3602, CM2-3603, CM2-3604, CM2-3667 and CM2-3668.


  1. Customer Service - Removed the restriction on entering a Move transaction on a subscriber with a digital address. Previously only Move transaction were allow when a subscriber had a complete Address record which includes a full street address. You can now Move these Digital subscribers from a ‘Digital Address’ to a permanent address. This can be accomplished both through Customer Services and the Subscribe Move APIs. (CM2-56)

  2. Security Report – Added User Status run-time option with selection values of Active/ Inactive/ Both (*), this field is activated when the Users is selected in the Section field. Also added Export Filename option to also redirect the output to the exchange directory. (CM2-5003)

Last updated
