E-mail notification


Configuration of E-mail in Config Key Store and Newsroom Planner

E-mail service is available in EU West and all regions can use the same service.

Configuration in Newsroom Planner:

Settings/Configurations/Configuration/Email service: Set "enable": true,

If you don't want to use the e-mail functionality "enable":false,

The correct configuration for the following settings should be available as default, but make sure to change stage to prod in your production environment.

Configuration of Config Key store / Newsroom Planner:

Config key store name: EMAIL_SERVICE_SEND
Config key store value: https://sendmail-eu-west-1.saas-stage.infomaker.io/twirp/sendmail.Email/Send
App config / sendEndpoint: ${DBKS:EMAIL_SERVICE_SEND}

Config key store name: EMAIL_SERVICE_LIST
Config key store value: https://sendmail-eu-west-1.saas-stage.infomaker.io/twirp/sendmail.Email/GetThread
App config / listEndpoint: ${DBKS:EMAIL_SERVICE_LIST}

Config key store name: EMAIL_SERVICE_DOMAIN
Config key store value: saas-stage.infomaker.io
App config / serviceDomain: ${DBKS:EMAIL_SERVICE_DOMAIN}

Replace "stage" with "prod" in the key store value for your production environment. 

E-mails will be sent from a Naviga controlled e-mail address that is subject to change, but is at the moment of writing this documentation:

Newsroom Planner: newsroom-planner@saas-stage.infomaker.io Newsroom Planner: newsroom-planner@saas-prod.infomaker.io


For e-mail notifications to work, the service role sendmail:nrp needs to be added to groups in the Naviga ID admin. This is usually done by Naviga Support. The following is an example.

Example customer support JIRA ticket:

Specific to stage:

In the stage environment we need to verify users that are allowed to receive e-mails through this function. This means you need to deliver a couple of user e-mail addresses that you will use for testing (receiving) in the stage environment, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/verify-addresses-and-domains.html. This configuration is done in the saas-stage account for the domain saas-stage.infomaker.io. This is not required for the production environment. This work is done by Naviga Support.

When e-mail addresses have been added, it is important that the users that are being invited approve this by clicking the link (this is valid for 24 hours).

Possible errors with sending e-mail in stage

If you see this message in Dashboard when a user is sending an e-mail it is likely because the user has not been added according to the information above.

This should not happen in production. If this is the case, you will see the following error in the Chrome Dev Console:

{code: "internal", msg: "failed to send email", meta: {…}}
meta: {cause: "MessageRejected: Email address is not verified. 
Th…EST-1: User Name <user.name@domain.com>"}
msg: "failed to send email"
__proto__: Object

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