1.3.0 -> 2.0.0


The prerequisites for a migrations is the same as described in the Getting started page for 2.0.0

This is a good time to check the OC config for the property names required to get the article drop data to populate the Title and Body text. The TeaserHeadline and TeaserBody properties were added in standard OC config version 0.9.1 (2021-03-29)

Data migration

A data migration needs to be done by the push backend administrators. To move the existing push notifications to the new backend from the one used by 1.3.0. This is currently a one-shot that migrates the entire bunch. So it is good to do this just prior to the upgrade so no data is lost.


Less configurations is required in the plugin settings 🎉

API URL to push endpoint

The push api url is different and you need to update it. The new url points to a saas environment which should correspond with the environment of your dashboard.

The URL you need to configure is:


Replace {{ENV}} with either dev, stage or prod depending on which environment the dashboard is running.

API KEY to push endpoint

The API key is removed. The new version is using NavigaID token to authenticate with the push api.


Applications is removed from the dashboard plugin configuration. When your app is made available in the push notification backend it will belong to one or several of a organisations Naviga ID units.


Last updated