Infomaker NewsML (IMNML) is the format used by several of the Infomakers product such as Writer, Dashboard, Concept Admin, Newsroom Planner etc. IMNML is sort of the ”glue” between these products and here we aim to describe the format a bit closer.
Document format
IMNML is based on IPTC NewsML (NewsML-G2 - IPTC). IMNML make use of the basic IPTC NewsML format but it also relies to a high degree on extensions of the standard.
NewsML document types used
IMNML make use of the following NewsML document types:
NewsItem - Represents articles, images and other binaries. Read more here
ConceptItem - Represents concepts, i.e. metadata entities, to which other NewsML documents can be related to. E.g. authors, categories, events etc. Read more here
PlanningItem - Represents entities used for planning editorial work. Read more here
NewsML Infomaker extensions
The IMNML extensions are described in detail in this XSD file and, on a higher level, below.
metadata - Contains information considered to be ”metadata” for the document, e.g. ”news value”
object - Contains data that lives inside the document only (compared to a link which points to an external entity and represents a relation). Typically, a content-plugin will store its information and data in an object element. Please note that the attribute uuid can be used on object but this does not automatically means that the object is represented by an object in the repository used.
data - Contains ”any” children. Used to store plugin specific data
links - Wraps all links (see below) used in the document/element
link - Represents a link to an external (from the documents perspective) entity. Make use of attributes to describe how the relation to the entity should be interpreted
properties - Wraps all properties (see below) used by the object (parent node)
property - Represents a key/value associated with the object (parent node).
Document relations, types and uri
In order to represent types and relations and to convey how to interpret IMNML documents, a broad range of ”relations”, ”types” and ”uri”:s are used. These are described in more detail here.
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