NewsItem - Text
<newsItem xmlns="" version="1" conformance="power"
standardversion="2.20" standard="NewsML-G2" guid="1d02738f-7c99-42ba-a6da-3d1b97261523">
<!-- Mandatory. Catalog for ninat:, nprov:, irel:, cpnat:, drol:, etc... -->
<catalogRef href=""/>
<!-- Mandatory. Catalog for infomaker extensions: imchn, imext etc... -->
<catalogRef href=""/>
<!-- Mandatory. Identifies the newsItem as an aricle. -->
<itemClass qcode="ninat:text"/>
<!-- Mandatory. The party (person or organisation) responsible for the management of the Item. -->
<provider literal="John Doe"/>
<!-- When newsItem is first created, "versionCreated" and "firstCreated" must have identical timestamps -->
The publishing status of the Item. If no pubStatus exists the article is considered to be
<pubStatus qcode="stat:withheld"/>
An editorial service to which an item is assigned by its provider.
An article that is considered "premium" has a service with qcode="imchn:premium".
Channel plugin should not use service[@qcode='imchn:...'].
Use link[@type='x-im/channel'] instead.
<!--<service qcode="imchn:premium" why="imext:main"/>
<service qcode="imchn:ddse"/>
<service qcode="imchn:test"/>-->
<!-- Mandatory. The name of the article -->
<title>Proin eget dignissim ipsum</title>
<!-- Optional. Notes attached to the article (editorial purpose). No support in writer frontend as-is -->
<edNote>Duis eget magna lacus. In sodales lectus vel egestas rhoncus</edNote>
Note. The QCodeType prefix of the extensions (itemMetaExtProperty) used
is "imext:" where im stands for Infomaker.
Article type. Mandatory.
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:type" value="x-im/article"/>
Article subtype. Optional.
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:subtype" value="x-im/print" creator="app:newspilot"/>
Published state of article, i.e. there is a version of the article that is published.
Valid values are true / false
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:haspublishedversion" value="true"/>
<!-- Mandatory. Uniform resource identifier -->
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:uri"
<!-- Optional. Uniform resource locator -->
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:url"
<!-- Optional. Publication start date -->
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:pubstart" value="2015-07-01T14:27:00+02:00"/>
<!-- Optional. Publication stop date -->
<itemMetaExtProperty type="imext:pubstop" value="2015-10-05T15:14:13+02:00"/>
The "links" element contains resources of various kinds that are
linked to the article. Each link must have a "rel" and a "type".
<links xmlns="">
<!-- Related article. -->
<link title="Quisque pharetra id velit quis commodo" rel="article" type="x-im/article"
<!-- Alternate version of article. -->
<link rel="alternate" type="x-im/article" uuid="a0836ecc-1d4a-4ce0-b5dc-7d06ba853759"/>
<!-- Creator and updater referenced using IMID sub. -->
<link rel="creator" type="x-imid/user"
<link rel="affiliation" title="naviga" type="x-imid/organisation"
<link rel="affiliation" title="naviganews" type="x-imid/unit"
<link rel="updater" type="x-imid/user"
<link rel="affiliation" title="naviga" type="x-imid/organisation"
<link rel="affiliation" title="naviganews" type="x-imid/unit"
Channel. The @rel attribute specify which channel is main ("mainchannel"). Other
channels use @rel='channel'.
<link title="Premium" rel="mainchannel" type="x-im/channel"
<link title="" rel="channel" type="x-im/channel"
<!-- Authors. This is the article´s byline. Note that uuid and uri will probably exclude one another -->
<link title="John Doe" rel="author" type="x-im/author"
uuid="9e1653f3-7575-4cb7-9b74-dc4dea63513e" uri="im://user/58456">
This author gives an example of how the format could allow for denormalization of data
concerning the author, i.e. saving duplicate data on the article
<link title="Jane Doe" rel="author" type="x-im/author"
uuid="bad4314c-7e33-11e5-8bcf-feff819cdc9f" uri="im://user/58456">
<link rel="avatar" type="x-im/image" uuid="9c188460-c500-11e5-9912-ba0be0483c18"
<!-- Concept - Category -->
<link title="Hedemora" rel="subject" type="x-im/category"
<link title="Dalarna" rel="subject" type="x-im/category"
<!-- Concept - Tag/Topic -->
<link title="Volvo" rel="subject" type="x-im/topic"
<link title="Saab" rel="subject" type="x-im/topic"
<!-- Concept - Place. Note that position is saved on the article but is owned by the concept -->
<link title="Alvesta" rel="subject" type="x-im/place"
<geometry>POINT(14.55600 56.89921)</geometry>
<link title="Stockholm" rel="subject" type="x-im/place"
<geometry>POINT(18.0685810 59.3293230)</geometry>
<link title="Kalmar" rel="subject" type="x-im/place"
<geometry>POLYGON((15.927104999999983 56.52092099999997,15.81290899999999
56.521005,15.761852999999974 56.53631000000001,15.743408000000045
56.56162099999999,15.763378999999986 56.578452000000006,15.76974999999993
56.60278499999998,15.884826999999973 56.610537,15.937459999999987
56.65602899999998,15.897770000000037 56.683924000000005,15.953058000000055
56.69666199999999,16.06211499999995 56.671465000000005,16.07262000000003
56.71785899999999,16.03175699999997 56.74044700000002,16.12640399999998
56.75234799999998,16.11106300000006 56.80044500000001,16.11191800000006
56.84746899999999,16.150035000000003 56.841344,16.178530000000023
56.87930699999998,16.174943999999982 56.90671000000002,16.23679500000003
56.93642099999999,16.370225000000005 56.895477,16.438777000000073
56.887794,16.444588920898468 56.827982181232876,16.45837226464846
56.8129675976375,16.506553275390615 56.78757339890983,16.461156719726546
56.75290442123698,16.399744000000055 56.78296599999998,16.38394282031254
56.65206280372057,16.31990650292971 56.62710503013163,16.28092002148435
56.60460106881793,16.224918000000002 56.595492,16.22716300000002
56.54824099999998,16.21953540234381 56.5145372338241,16.17962291015624
56.48224874176693,16.12245400000006 56.470696000000004,16.002729000000045
56.50876299999999,15.99745299999995 56.52902499999998,15.927104999999983
56.52092099999997)) </geometry>
<link rel="shared-with" type="x-imid/organisation"
uri="imid://organisation/company-x" title="Company X">
<link rel="shared-with" type="x-imid/unit"
uri="imid://unit/newspaper-z" title="Newspaper Z" />
<link rel="shared-with" type="x-imid/unit"
uri="imid://unit/newspaper-q" title="Newspaper Q" />
<!-- Mandatory. When newsItem is first created, "contentCreated" and "contentModified" must have identical timestamps -->
Optional. A party (person or organisation) which originated, distributed, aggregated or supplied the content or provided some information
used to create or enhance the content.
Writer will not add this be default to articles created in writer (if not in template used by writer that is)
<infoSource literal="MKT"/>
Optional. An alternative identifier assigned to the content.
<!-- Optional. Slugline. No support in writer frontend as-is -->
<slugline>Praesent nisl risus, lobortis sed congue at...</slugline>
<!-- Optional. Description attached to article (editorial use). No support in writer frontend as-is -->
<description>Quisque ullamcorper non ligula vel commodo.</description>
<!-- Optional. Language in content. No support in writer frontend as-is -->
<language tag="sv"/>
<!-- Optional. String representation (comma separated if multiple) of itemMeta/links/link[@rel="author"]. -->
<by>Jane Doe</by>
<!-- Optional. Extracted from contentSet/inlineXML/idf/group/element[@type="headline"]. -->
<headline>Lorem ipsum dolor sit</headline>
The "metadata" element contains metadata that are included in the article
but not part of the content itself.
<metadata xmlns="">
Score (prio), lifetime and lifetime end date for article. Valid values
described below.
"score" is an integer ranging from 1 - 6 where 1 is the lowest score (prio).
"description" and "text"/"duration" are stored as pairs. NOTE that
either is "text" used or "duration".
∞/0 (infinite)
imext:lifetimeend: date format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ. null allowed.
<object id="8400c74d665x" type="x-im/newsvalue">
<!-- usage of either 'text' or 'duration' supported. Value of
duration is expected to be in seconds -->
Print information belonging to article. Maps to page (print) related
fields for article.
<object id="9076h25e322y" type="x-im/print-meta">
Teaser text for the article. Only one teaser object per article is supported
and only plain text is allowed in writer as-is. It is possible to add images
and bylines to a teaser.
<object id="8400c74d667e" type="x-im/teaser"
title="Sed sit amet turpis a purus fringilla">
subject is an "optional" element used as an override/alternative to the
text of the teaser
<subject>In sodales lectus vel egestas rhoncus</subject>
The main text (or body if you will) of the teaser
<text>Duis eget magna lacus. In sodales lectus vel egestas rhoncus. Fusce
ultrices urna vel ante sodales tincidunt. Maecenas at nisl in lorem egestas
egestas id sed ipsum. Sed aliquam gravida dolor. </text>
<link rel="image" type="x-im/image"
The "links" element contains resources of various kinds that are
linked to the article. Each link must have a "rel" and a "type".
<links xmlns="">
Optional. This link represent the "source", e.g. TT, Writer, of the article
<link rel="articlesource" title="Online" type="x-im/articlesource" uri="im://articlesource/online"/>
Actual content of the article. As-is the writer supports usage of one group used
for all elements or usage of group[@type="header"] and group[@type="body"].
Inside group element there can be any number of "element" and "object" element.
Each "element" element is to considered a block element which contains text and
"object" elements. @format does not do anything as-is.
Attribute "xml:lang" should be defined with both language and region, e.g. "sv-SE".
For more information see
<idf xml:lang="sv-SE" dir="ltr" xmlns="">
<!-- Note. There may be one or many group:s -->
<group id="metadata" type="header">
<element id="d0dbf67d385e" type="headline">Lorem ipsum dolor sit</element>
<element id="8a5ef068ef17" type="dateline" format="html">New York</element>
<element id="8a5ef068ef18" type="leadin" format="html">Quisque dignissim
molestie tellus </element>
<group type="body">
<element id="fafbedf02da1" type="body" format="html">Mauris eleifend, <a
href="" id="link-5399cd1a1d7c8336c2c2203f2be1cb94"
title="">Bacon </a> orci nec volutpat efficitur massa. </element>
<element id="8a5ef068ef15" type="body" format="html">In hac habitasse platea
<object id="dcc7c5fcf709" type="x-im/image"
<link rel="self" type="x-im/image"
<text>Vivamus luctus eros.</text>
<link rel="author" type="x-im/author"
uuid="bad4314c-7e33-11e5-8bcf-feff819cdc9f" title="Jane Doe"/>
Softcrop below
<link rel="crop" uri="im://crop/[x]/[y]/[width]/[height]" />
Please note that softcrop is stored as relative values
<link rel="crop" title="16:9" type="x-im/crop"
<link rel="crop" title="1:1" type="x-im/crop"
<link rel="source" type="x-xyz/image" uri="xyz://image/2345836363"/>
<element id="6e5af065ef33" type="body" format="html">Sed a urna tincidunt,
consectetur est quis, malesuada est.</element>
Example of youtube plugin with fallback render options (links)
<object id="youtubeembed-1c1bd399dfa9513795e5626e08cab898" type="x-im/youtube"
Alternate representations of this object can be referenced by link
elements with the type attribute value "alternate". There might be
several alternate renditions, these are separated by the type attribute
which then specify the content type.
- Image type representations must provide width/height as child elements to data
- Html type representations must provide title attribute.
- Html type can optionally provide context, and provider as child elements
to its data element to provide further context and information to the content source.
An alternate representation of type "image/jpg" might be used in apps
as a preview handled natively. An alternate representation of type
"text/html" might be opened in a webview by the app.
<link rel="alternate" type="image/jpg" url="">
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" url="" title="Click link to view content">
Example of iframely plugin with fallback render options (links)
<object id="iframely-f79e0901d1e0d97b4dc2c163397e6c4f" type="x-im/iframely" url="">
<title>Infomaker on Twitter</title>
<![CDATA[<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" align="center">
<p lang="sv" dir="ltr">Igår kväll hittade vi på hyss tillsammans med <a href="">#wilsoncreative</a>, team <a href="">@WilsonHasse</a> och co. Stay tuned för det färdiga resultatet! <a href="">#ePaper</a> <a href=""></a>
</p>— Infomaker (@infomakernews) <a href="">September 20, 2017</a>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8">
Alternate representations of this object can be referenced by link
elements with the type attribute value "alternate". There might be
several alternate renditions, these are separated by the type attribute
which then specify the content type.
- Image type representations must provide width/height as child elements to data
- Html type representations must provide title attribute.
- Html type can optionally provide context, provider, and description as child elements
to its data element to provide further context and information to the content source.
An alternate representation of type "image/jpg" might be used in apps
as a preview handled natively. An alternate representation of type
"text/html" might be opened in a webview by the app.
<link rel="alternate" type="text/html" title="Infomaker on Twitter" url="">
<!-- These elements are optional and might not exist if the source content does not provide enough information -->
<description>interdum idmassa sed ullamcorper.— Infomaker (@infomakernews) September 20, 2017</description>
<link rel="alternate" type="image/jpg" url="">
<!-- This is an example of a factbox (article part) plugin -->
<object id="MTU0LDE0MywyMTQsMTgw" type="x-im/content-part"
title="Vivamus vitae gravida">
<title>Vivamus vitae gravida</title>
<text format="idf">
<element id="paragraph-f6f5d97f5c8d6cd4977981ee4e609985" type="body">
<strong id="strong-88285daa39e05cb9bffd601c1e72322e">Quisque ac</strong>
<element id="paragraph-abb247cabe3778f5296f3b65aa3c3cbb" type="body">Etiam <em
id="emphasis-8734116999568b91e80e5c4e0453e117">interdum idmassa sed ullamcorper.
<!-- If configured to support different types, the selected type is represented as a link -->
<link rel="type" type="x-im/fact-1" title="Faktaruta"/>
Last updated
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