


  • PluginBundle >=12.0.0

  • IMSG >=16.6.1

  • MOCK-IMSG >=0.4.1

  • Editor Service >=5.1.0

Released 2019-11-19

Release overview


This release of Naviga Writer includes PDF metadata handling, improved right-to-left text support, and further improvements to UI/UX.

EditorService 5.1.0

Enhanced pdf processing, i.e. support for more metadata for uploaded pdf files.

Updated plugins with Writer 6.1.0 as dependency

The listed plugin versions require Writer 6.1.0 to work.

Updated plugins

The listed plugins are updated but do not require Writer 6.1.0 specifically to work


Polished Documentation

Polished documentation site. Link to new public gitbook site https://docs.infomaker.io/writer/

PDF changes and improvements

Added ability to configure archive search plugin to search for PDFs. Also able to drag and drop PDFs into content area. Needs an updated version of the PDF plugin to handle the drop.

Added support for clearly displaying article subtypes

Currently only supports subtype x-im/print, which will be displayed in the Writer as a label "Print" in the top left.

Improved right-to-left (rtl) language support

Core features in content area have been updated to better support RTL languages.

Improved im-publishflow UX

Design and layout now aligns with Naviga Writers new look and feel. New pubstart/pubstop calendar feature. More stable rendering. Now sets pubstart and pubstop in zulu-time (instead of user time+timezone) to better align with all other dates in the article.

Minor UI/UX Improvements

  • Writer logo now has a menu indication, making it more clickable.

  • Table plugin new improved design.

  • Improved contentrelation presentation in content area (im-contentrelation)

  • New button variations

Writer Plugin Bundle version 12.0.0

In our efforts to separate the plugins into their own repositories, we have removed the following plugins from the plugin bundle in this release. They will no longer work if used with their 12.0.0 location.

Plugins migrated from plugin bundle in version 12.0.0

These versions are the same as the versions in Plugin Bundle 11.0.0

Changes in this release

New Feature

  • WRIT-973 - Add text direction RTL support in textarea

  • WRIT-963 - Implement new date and time UI components

  • WRIT-962 - Add functionality to display article subtype in writer


  • WRIT-977 - UI components improvement

  • WRIT-975 - Upgrade Writer to latest IMSG 16.6.1

  • WRIT-972 - Format Change: Add Source link to Article Copies

  • WRIT-970 - ConceptService should increase limit for ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations


  • WRIT-971 - Reset crop dialog clicked when image component get blur

Upgrade notes

WRIT-963 Implement new date and time UI components

New calendar configuration

To enable new UIDatePicker andUITimePicker components to display date and time correctly writer config needs to include a new property:

  "newsItemTemplateId": "30eae1c0-c640-4053-b114-05c64e28bbe7",
  "enableUserTemplate": true,
  "language": "sv_SE",
  "labelLanguage": "sv",
  "calendarLocale": "sv", <----- NEW

WRIT-972 Format Change: Add Source link to Article Copies

Format change

Will insert a link referencing the original article in every copy.

<links xmlns="http://www.infomaker.se/newsml/1.0">
    <link rel="source" type="x-im/article" uuid="95c0ddd3-d16f-49f5-bc28-9ddfada22e6c"/>

WRIT-970 ConceptService should increase limit for ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations

New config for concept association limit

Concepts with related concepts where previously limited to 15 hits in the relational property (caused by Open Contents default limit). This has now been fixed and a associationLimit property has been added to the Writer config, which if it's not explicitly set, will default to 50.

    "conceptServiceConfig": {
        "broaderLimit": 3,
        "relatedGeoFunction": "Contains",
        "relatedGeoExludeSelf": false,
        "searchLimit": 50,
        "associationLimit": 50, <--- NEW

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