

  • IMSG >=16.6.3

  • Editor Service >=5.2.0

  • PluginBundle Deprecated

Released 2020-01-15

Release overview


6.2.0 continues to modernize the UI with new design and improved UX. This also leads to a lot of updated plugins.

High impact

Editor Service 5.2.0 should be used to regress to a more graceful handling of mandatory type in IM NewsML and extended IMID integration towards Open Content.

As part of the ongoing work to simplify and streamline new installations and upgrades, starting with Writer 6.2.0 a default writer-config.json and CloudFormationTemplate are now included and maintained as part of each writer release.

Updated plugins


Fullscreen overlay component

Added a new fullscreen UI element which can be used by plugins to render components.

Bottom bar

Added a new bottom bar surface to display data and information to the user. The bottom bar and its features can be toggled through main menu settings. The bottom bar surface is not accessible for plugin developers.

Article language and text analyzer

These plugins have been built in to writer core and are now installed and enabled by default. They have also moved from top bar to the new bottom bar with updated design and improved ux.

Default configuration for ConceptService

ConceptService has been improved with default config and will no longer need the entire block of config in writer-config.json. See WRIT-992: Add default values for ConceptService configuration below.

Resource proxy enhancements

Improved error handling and added HTTP-headers to conform with proxy standards

Changes in this release

New Feature

  • WRIT-991 - Add new Fullscreen Overlay Component


  • WRIT-995 - Improved RTL support in components

  • WRIT-994 - Added new UI validation classes for inputs

  • WRIT-993 - DialogComponent updated with new standard style

  • WRIT-992 - Add default values for ConceptService configuration

  • WRIT-981 - Add new BottomBar Component

  • WRIT-974 - Upgrade Node version from v8.16.0 to v12.13.0 in Writer backend


  • WRIT-984 - Writer timePicker does not support hh.mm timeformat

  • WRIT-983 - Article shared-with information is not cleared when article is created from template

  • WRIT-969 - Writer should not crash when resourceproxy call fails

Upgrade notes

WRIT-992 Add default values for ConceptService configuration

Default configuration

ConceptService is now configured using default values, which means the entire conceptServiceConfig-block can be removed from writer-config, how ever, if needed each property can be changed through local config. If no local config is used this is how it will be configured:

"conceptServiceConfig": {
    "conceptPath": "https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/concepts-config-local/writer/",
    "contenttype": "Concept",
    "broaderLimit": 3,
    "relatedGeoFunction": "Contains",
    "relatedGeoExludeSelf": false,
    "searchLimit": 50,
    "associationLimit": 50,
    "titleSearchField": "ConceptNameString",
    "sortField": "ConceptNameString",
    "propertyMap": {
        "uuid": "uuid",
        "ConceptName": "ConceptName",
        "ConceptNameString": "ConceptNameString",
        "ConceptStatus": "ConceptStatus",
        "ConceptDefinitionShort": "ConceptDefinitionShort",
        "ConceptDefinitionLong": "ConceptDefinitionLong",
        "ConceptImTypeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
        "ConceptImSubTypeFull": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
        "ConceptGeometry": "ConceptGeometry",
        "ConceptAvatarUuid": "ConceptAvatarUuid",
        "ConceptAssociatedWith": "ConceptAssociatedWith",
        "ConceptAuthorFirstname": "ConceptAuthorFirstname",
        "ConceptAuthorLastname": "ConceptAuthorLastname",
        "ConceptAuthorEmail": "ConceptAuthorEmail",
        "ConceptImIdSubjectId": "ConceptImIdSubjectId",
        "ConceptBroaderRelation": "ConceptBroaderRelation",
        "ConceptAssociatedWithRelations": "ConceptAssociatedWithRelations",
        "ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations": "ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations",
        "ConceptReplacedByRelation": "ConceptReplacedByRelation",
        "ConceptGroupSubTypeFull": "ConceptGroupSubTypeFull"

WRIT-981 Add new BottomBar Component

Requires new writer config

Bottom bar includes information about writers and language, this means im-articlelanguage and im-textanalyzer are now part of Writer Core and should be removed from client configuration.

languageOptions - this should be set to what ever config was set in im-articlelanguage. If omitted this will default to all supported languages (like in the example below), and the language order does matter, language-options will be rendered in the dropdown in the order they are in the list.

    "newsItemTemplateId": "9f9a967a-2dd9-48a1-87ab-34df21c595bd",
    "enableUserTemplate": true,
    "pluginLoadTimeout": 12000,
    "language": "sv_SE",
    "languageFallbacks": {
        "sv": "sv_SE"
    "textInformation": {
        "charactersPerUnit": 10,
        "unit": "inches"
    "languageOptions": {
        "languages": [
                "label": "Svenska",
                "code": "sv_SE"
                "label": "English (Great Britain)",
                "code": "en_GB"
                "label": "English (American)",
                "code": "en_US"
                "label": "Dansk",
                "code": "da_DK"
                "label": "Nynorsk",
                "code": "nn_NO"
                "label": "Bokmål",
                "code": "nb_NO"
                "label": "Nederlands",
                "code": "nl_NL"
                "label": "Polskie",
                "code": "pl_PL"
                "label": "Deutsch",
                "code": "de_DE"
                "label": "Deutsch (Österreich)",
                "code": "de_AT"
                "label": "Deutsch (Schweiz)",
                "code": "de_CH"
                "label": "Français",
                "code": "fr_FR"
                "label": "Íslensku",
                "code": "is_IS"
                "label": "Português",
                "code": "pt_PT"
                "label": "Spanish (Traditional)",
                "code": "es_ES"

textInformation - this should be set to what ever config was set in im-textanalyzer. If omitted this will default to:

"textInformation": {
    "charactersPerUnit": 10,
    "unit": "inches"

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