4.1.0 (2025-01-29)
Progress indicator for uploading images
Image uploader not displaying when we do remove from selection in update modal
Fix where entering text into a field and clicking outside would cause the text to be unexpectedly copied to a lower field when update metadata of item in update modal.
Fix an issue where editing text fields did not activate the save button
4.0.1 (2024-11-22)
Wingman integration stops working when Tag, AI Description and Description Label values are changed
Individual metadata form does not open in overview tab when photo is in focus state
Setup metadata modal doesn't close when user clicks on remove from selection option
Writer client: Data gets removed from the article body when user click on "remove from selection" option in setup metadata modal
Compression ratio adjustments for images
3.0.0 (2022-03-22)
Support for integration with Writer 8-> (Writer will use Photos for image handling)
Ability to enable various types of debug information in console.
The upload process has been reworked. It is now more compact with one less step. The design is improved. If uploading an already existing photo, you will be able to edit the existing photo metadata instead of the photo being rejected.
Mapping to Utility Agent removed.
Mapping to Notifications agent removed.
Mapping to Concept admin made optional.
When in Windows, only three images where shown in each row in Grid (should be four).
"Find next required metadata" stopped working if switching back and forth between individual and photo overview tabs.
Certain jpeg signatures were not allowed.
Photo dates without utc-time did not show up in user interface.
Metadata encoding were wrong in some photos.
2.1.0 (2021-05-11)
Show uploaded and changed data on individual cards.
Confirm on leave - the user is prompted when leaving with changes.
Image preview.
More support for XMP metadata fields.
Copy UUID function to easier find duplicated images when uploading.
Bug in config for Suggest Search sorting in config.
Selected photos from find view did not have the same order when editing.
Configuration of Suggest Search sorting did not work.
2.0.0 (2020-02-23)
Please note: This is a major update. This version is utilizing the new Plugin-API from Dashboard v4.0.0. Naviga Photos 2.0.0 can ONLY be installed in Dashboard v4.0.0 or higher.
The bottom bar when selecting photos is now hidden by default and animated when a photo is selected.
The user can now copy the image UUID.
New GUI in config for default metadata.
Possibility to set 'share with organisation' with config.
Possibility to use select and checkbox in metadata.
Support for metadata extraction in png files. (By upgrading exifr to 6.0.0).
Metadata summary in find photos.
Uses new Plugin-API in Dashboard 4.0.
Updated dependencies.
Default file metadata is now hardcoded with the ability to configure label, row and required.
Dialog choices when closing without finishing an upload.
Dialog choices when closing without saving metadata changes.
Style when metadata fields and select are required. (Triangle icon removed and no red text/background).
Minor style changes across the plugin to work better with narrow screens.
Bug with bad character translation in metadata.
Bug where fixed images was bleeding outside of their containers on the history page.
Bug where Photos crashed when metadata section was missing in newsml.
1.1.0 (2020-10-01)
New features:
Download photos.
User rights: What Dashboard roles are allowed to create new concepts (all concepts, not per type) in the same manner as Concept Admin What Dashboard roles are allowed to download photos
XMP Support:
We also added a library for XMP, this has so far been tested with the same "fields" used in the Writer, other fields will require additional testing.
Author data as a so called 00-UUID: When importing photos we now create so called 00-UUID data from XMP/IPTC/EXIF "Photographer". This means photos imported using Naviga Photos, will have a byline also in the Writer.
Added provider 'NavigaPhotos' to always be added to the XML
Removed support for EXIF Metadata
Bug where you can't edit config.
Bug where some jpg images could not be uploaded
Last updated
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