
General config

    "lcc": {
        "provider": "__INSERT_LCC_PROVIDER__" // name of content agent provider
    "icp": {
        "provider": "__INSERT_ICP_PROVIDER__", // name of image provider
        "thumbnail": "default"
    "displayPublishedFilter": true, // wheter to display if a article is published or not
    "defaultListLimit": 30 // the default limit on an list

Property mapper


    "products": "Products",
    "checksum": "checksum",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "limit": "ListItemLimit",
    "created": "created",
    "updated": "updated",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "name": "Name",
    "description": "Description",
    "type": "Type",
    "contentUuids": "ListContentUuids",
    "xml": "ListXML",
    "units": "NavigaUnits",
    "package": {
        "property": "PackageRelations"
    "contentArticles": {
        "property": "ArticleRelations"
    "contentPackages": {
        "property": "ContentPackageRelations"
    "contentLists": {
        "property": "ContentListRelations"


    "products": "Products",
    "checksum": "checksum",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "created": "created",
    "updated": "updated",
    "name": "Name",
    "type": "Type",
    "category": "PackageCategory",
    "coverUuid": "PackageCoverArticleUuid",
    "published": "PackagePublished",
    "pubStatus": "PackagePubStatus",
    "pubStart": "PackagePubStart",
    "pubStop": "PackagePubStop",
    "listUuid": "PackageListUuid",
    "xml": "PackageXML",
    "units": "NavigaUnits",
    "cover": {
        "property": "CoverArticleRelation"
    "list": {
        "property": "ListRelation"


    "uuid": "uuid",
    "contentType": "contenttype",
    "headline": "WriterHeadlines",
    "section": "ArticleMetaSections",
    "imageIdentifier": "ArticleMetaImageUuids",
    "hasPublishedVersion": "WriterHasPublishedVersion",
    "coverImageIdentifier": "ArticleMetaImageUuids",
    "coverHeadline": "WriterHeadlines",
    "coverBody": "ArticleMetaSections",
    "pubStatus": "WriterPubStatus",
    "pubStart": "WriterPubStart",
    "updated": "updated"


        "name": "Example-single-group", // display name
        "value": [ // values to write in the xml
        "name": "Example-multi-group",
        "value": [ // adds multiple values to the xml

Template config


    "header": { // optional
        "displayDate": false,
        "displayPremium": false, //requires a mapped premium key in article property map (boolean)
        "products": {
            "key": "__KEY_TO_MAP_FOR_PRODUCTS__" // property key to map for products
    "title": [ // array of keys to display in title part
            "key": "__INSERT_KEY_FOR_HEADLINE__"
    "body": [ // array of keys to display in body part
            "key": "section"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY__"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY__"
    "imageIdentifier": { // image identifier


    "header": { // optional
        "displayDate": false,
        "displayPremium": false, //requires a mapped premium key in article property map (boolean)
        "products": {
            "key": "__KEY_TO_MAP_FOR_PRODUCTS__" // property key to map for products
    "title": [ // array of keys to display in title part
            "key": "__INSERT_KEY_FOR_HEADLINE__"
    "body": [ // array of keys to display in body part
            "key": "section"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY__"
            "key": "__OTHER_KEY__"
    "imageIdentifier": { // image identifier

Product icons

        "key": "__NAME_OF_PRODUCT__",
        "value": "base64-encoded-image"

List Options

    "search": {
        "sortProperty": "updated",
        "sortAscending": false,
        "suggestQuery": "contenttype: List",
        "filterQuery": "contenttype: List AND metadata_mimetype: infomaker/list-2.0",
        "suggestFields": [],
        "labels": {
            "_all": "Free text"
        "keysToFetch": [] // optional keys to fetch, the necessary ones are fetched by default
    "types": [ // types of list to choose from. Add more types in order to filter them
            "name": "Lista",
            "value": "list"

Package Options

    "search": {
        "sortProperty": "updated",
        "sortAscending": false,
        "suggestQuery": "contenttype: Package",
        "filterQuery": "contenttype: Package AND metadata_mimetype: infomaker/package-1.0",
        "suggestFields": [],
        "labels": {
            "_all": "Free text"
        "keysToFetch": [] // optional keys to fetch, the necessary ones are fetched by default
    "types": [ // specify the different types of package you'd want
        { // example of type that also has a sub category. i.e: Edition > Sport
            "name": "__TypeWithCategory__",
            "value": "__TypeWithCategoryValue__",
            "categories": [
                    "name": "__CategoryName__",
                    "value": "__CateogoryValue__"
        { // exmple of one generic type
            "name": "__Type__",
            "value": "__TypeValue__",
            "categories": []

Article options

    "keysToFetch": [] // optional keys to fetch, the necessary ones are fetched by default