Environment Variables

The project relies on a number of Environment variables. This section will cover all variables and what they are used for.

OC variables

In some functionality there needs to be a general Open Content user that has access to all content of the project OC. An example of this functionality is the 404-redirect that lets us match urls that cause a 404 to migrated articles and redirect the user to the new url.

  • OC_URL - Only the domain should be used e.g. oc-public-imid.tryout.infomaker.io

  • OC_PORT - use port 8080

  • OC_USER - a user with read access to all content

  • OC_PASSWORD - password

App variables

There are som more general variables configure the application.

  • APP_ORGANISATION - Will be used to setup the customers Project plugin. This means that the menu item will be named after this variable.

  • APP_DEBUG - Will set the entire application in debug mode.

  • APP_ENV - Will set the state of your environment (local, testing, stage, prod)

  • APP_DOMAIN - Will set the DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE constant in www/wp-config.php. Read more here

  • APP_DEV_DOMAIN - Only used locally. Will act as default for the APP_DOMAIN variable.

Database variables

The database variables is used to setup the Wordpress database in www/wp-config.php.

  • DB_NAME - The name of the database for WordPress

  • DB_USER - MySQL database username

  • DB_PASSWORD - MySQL database password

  • DB_HOST - MySQL hostname

Available variables that should not be set unless good reason:

  • DB_CHARSET - MySQL charset. Read here

  • DB_COLLATE - MySQL database collation (i.e. the sort order of the character set). Read here

  • DB_TABLE_PREFIX - is the value placed in the front of your database tables. Read here

Read more about the Wordpress database constants here

Cloudfront variables

Everyware projects use Cloudfront for certain services and there are variables that defines those domains.

  • CF_IMENGINE - The Imengine url.

  • CF_PDF - The PDF CDN url.

  • CF_STATIC - The projects assets CDN e.g. "static domain"

Redis variables

Everyware projects uses the Redis Cache Plugin and it is configured through variables.

  • REDIS_OB_DEBUG - Disable graceful failures and throw exceptions.

  • REDIS_OB_DISABLED - Disable the object cache.

  • REDIS_OB_HOST - IP or hostname of the target server.

  • REDIS_OB_MAX_TTL - Set max time-to-live (in seconds) for cache keys with an expiration time of 0.

  • REDIS_OB_PORT - TCP/IP port of the target server.

  • REDIS_OB_PREFIX - Set the prefix for all cache keys.

Further information about configuration can be found here

Front Cache variables

  • FRONT_CACHE_TTL - Set max time-to-live (in seconds) for front cache keys

AWS IAM variables / credentials

StarterKit comes with WP Offload Media Lite Plugin that automatically copies images, videos, documents, and any other media added through WordPress’ media uploader to Amazon S3. In order to configure this, we need an IAM user.

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID - The access key from the IAM-user.

  • AWS_SECRET_KEY - The secret access key from the IAM-user.

These variables are maintained by the Naviga hosting team

AWS SES variables

StarterKit comes with WP Offload SES Plugin to connect the sites to Amazon SES.

  • AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID - The access key from the IAM-user. (Default: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)

  • AWS_SES_SECRET_KEY - The secret access key from the IAM-user. (Default: AWS_SECRET_KEY)

  • AWS_SES_FROM - Changes the default email address used by WordPress

  • AWS_SES_RETURNPATH - Sets the "Return-Path" header used by Amazon SES.

  • AWS_SES_REPLYTO - Sets the "Reply-To" header for all outgoing emails

  • AWS_SES_ENDPOINT - Amazon SES region

These variables are maintained by the Naviga hosting team

Local Environment

These variables can be setup on a local environment as well. You will automatically get two env-files:

  • .env - is used to configure the local environment.

  • .env.example - is used to generate .env for new developers to the project. It will be versioned in the repository.

# OC

APP_ORGANISATION="Everyware Starter Kit"








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