This page provides a way to check for errors that might have occurred while synchronizing Concepts to the site.
This page contains Information about the current state of your concepts. This includes health-check of the Open Contents eventlog. You will be able to do a "difference check" between the site and its connected OpenContent to see if there are differences in the Concepts in both systems. The Concepts that differ between systems are presented in a table. Concepts in this table will indicate whether it exist in Open Content or/and Wordpress. If they exist in both systems it might be that the title have changed.
Manual synchronization
If the event log is unhealthy it's best to contact Support but meanwhile there is a way to manually synchronize concepts that are "out-of-sync" directly from the Errors table.
Errors occur when the service that should synchronize concepts from Open Content, for some unknown reason, fails to do its job and the Concepts are not matched between Open Content and Wordpress.
Example Error
Concept exist in Open Content but NOT in Wordpress
The Concept have not been created in Wordpress.
Concept exist in Wordpress but NOT in Open Content
The Concept have been removed from Open Content or the rights have been changed so that the site no longer have access to it.
Concept exist in both Wordpress and Open Content
The error is most likely that the title have been changed in Open Content
Last updated
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