
This is the introduction to what Naviga Web call StarterKit. This section covers the general structure of the StarterKit source.

StarterKit is a template of what we on Naviga call a "Standard web application". It includes everything you need to get your application going and also the tools for further development. It includes vital parts for production and things that can easily be switched out for your own customized versions.

What is a "Standard web application"?

A "Standard web application" is Wordpress multisite installation. Multisite is a type of WordPress installation that allows you to create and manage a network of multiple websites from a single WordPress dashboard. This lets you easily make changes and keep all of your websites updated from one place. This installation comes with a tools to help you to manage and develop your project.

The local environment

A Docker environment to let you run the application on your local system. This environment will include the following services:


The project source is a combination of different code languages and every language has their different management and configuration. These are included in a "Standard web application":




Defines and manages PHP dependencies, code standard, namespaces etc.


Defines and manages dependencies for common assets like javascript and css


Defines and runs the Docker-containers for the local environment.



The only requirement to run the application on your system is Docker since all of the managers, mentioned above, can be used through docker-containers. However, for local development we still recommend to have the following installed on your system:

  • Composer - Instructions on how to install composer can be found here.

  • NVM - to manage Node and npm versions. Instructions on how to install nvm can be found here

  • PHP 7.* Most Operating systems have PHP installed but we recommend having your local version up-to-date to make development easier.

Last updated

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