Implementation of Lua endpoint

For this plugin to work, the server environment must have an endpoint that answers to "/ledge-invalidate", this endpoint should invalidate the url sent to it from the cache. If you are using Everyware in a Infomaker hosted environment we have included a example.lua file that should work out of the box. The following instructions are for a Infomaker hosted environment with NGINX/Lua support.

The function needs to be initiated in the ledge-run.lua file, it could look like this:

if ngx.var.request_uri == "/ledge-invalidate/" and ngx.req.get_method() == "POST" then

    local ledgeInvalidation = require "ledge-invalidate.lua"
        prefix = "ledge:cache:_1_:_2_:",
        cache_key = {
            [1] = {
            [2] = {

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