This is the changelog for infomaker/everyboard
Current version: 2.5.1
2.5.1 - 2022-10-05
Fixed bug that caused Board Settings to present Teaser templates that has been overridden by a child theme.
Minor fixes regarding Linked Board Widget in Board admin.
2.5.0 - 2022-09-21
Presentation of boards table in wp-admin have been updated with two new features:
A "Pages column" that will show which pages the board is active on. (Only includes directly active and not partially added through widgets such as “Template boards” and “Linked board widget” ).
A board will get the state of "Front Page" if it is active on the "Front Page".
Boards will now inherit the version from the plugin when saved. This will make it easier to determine when a board needs updating in the future.
Fixed bug in "Board Template widget" where "query start" is not correctly formatted during validation.
Fixed issue where quoted queries where not properly validated for Board Template widget queries.
Minor fixes.
2.4.2 - 2022-08-18
Removed support for adding widgets to Everyboard through the WordPress widget admin interface. Hid the "Everyboard Widgets" sidebar from the "Appearance" -> "Widgets" admin. To make widgets available for boards, use "Boards" -> "Board Widgets".
Made sure that nested board widgets does not wrap empty content.
Fixed issue where Board preview does not use entire viewport.
Fixed issue with WP_Scripts::localize when board widget tags have not been created.
Fixed issue where switching board on a page and pressing "Preview changes" would make the changes public.
Minor fixes and optimizations.
2.4.1 - 2021-10-25
Fixed version number constants.
2.4.0 - 2021-09-24
is available for EveryList previews as well.
are sent with the widget arguments, not the widget instance.
2.3.0 - 2021-09-13
A new variable
is made available for templates, which gives useful information for their rendering.
When selecting an OC List, the lists are sorted alphabetically.
2.2.0 - 2021-04-26
Template Board widget can now support "start position" and "limit" for Lists.
Template Board widget "start from" now originates from "1" instead of "0", to match all other widgets. The value will, from now on, be used as the actual position in the query result. Make sure to update your widget settings if you are using Queries with start from > 1 so your Board don't miss any article.
This will not affect any previous settings with the value 0, that will still be considered first position.
To get the first 5 articles (v2.1 and before)
Start: 0 Limit: 5
Will return articles 1-5
Start: 1 Limit: 5
Would return articles 2-6
To get the first 5 articles (Now v2.2+)
Start: 1 Limit: 5
Will return articles 1-5
Start: 0 Limit: 5
Will still return articles 1-5
Everylist has been deprecated, to be removed in future major version. It is only available if active during update.
Old grid frameworks support has been deprecated. They will only be available if active during update:
Bootstrap 3 - 20 columns (custom version)
Bootstrap (v2)
Foundation (v2)
Suit Grid (custom customer version)
Improved Article handling to maximize use of new Everyware 2 document cache.
Improved List handling to maximize use of new Everyware 2 document cache.
OcList admin UX improvements.
OcList: Published property is not mandatory anymore.
OcList: Article relation property will be selected automatically if only one relation is found in Open Content.
Increased number of lists possible in "OC list item" dropdown, in Board admin.
Fixed error that caused Board admin to break if widget had single quote in
custom name
.Linked board Widget should not have itself as default in Board admin.
Fixed bug where Template board widget rendered multiple
classes.Fixed bug with registration of notifier listeners on OcList widget settings page.
Fixed bug that caused caching of List from Open Content not to update properly with Template boards.
Fixed bug that caused some Board rows to cover widget settings popups in Board admin.
Fixed call to wrongly handled
.Other minor fixes and optimizations.
2.1.0 - 2021-03-15
Added template board as static widget.
2.0.8 - 2021-02-08
Added support for Everyware v2
2.0.7 - 2020-10-08
to useOcAPI::get_properties_by_type
instead of duplicating code.Boards no longer tries to prefetch articles that have been directly added into a board
Minor fixes for issues in Board Widgets in WordPress v5 <
2.0.6 - 2020-05-11
Updated license to GPL-3.0-or-later
2.0.5 - 2019-07-27
Fixed a bug, introduced in
, where we render wrong visibility classes with bootstrap 4
2.0.4 - 2019-07-04
Tick template description update.
2.0.3 - 2019-05-10
Nicer documentation and changelog links in dashboard-widget
Update bootstrap 4 grid classes to meat the appropriate approach.
Make columns stretch to full height of rows when using flex-box grids
Minor fixes and optimizations
2.0.2 - 2019-04-24
Added a link on WordPress dashboard to the changelog
2.0.1 - 2019-04-05
Made it possible to edit WordPress widgets under board widgets
2.0.0 - 2019-04-02
No longer supports Twig
1.6.9 - 2019-03-25
Removed article preview as it was causing a security vulnerability
1.6.8 - 2018-11-21
This version has a dependency to Everyware 1.7.3
Fixed a bug where wrong content type properties where fetched on OC List settings page.
Added functionality needed by upcoming cache invalidation plugin.
1.6.7 - 2018-11-06
Fix bug where settings popup for board elements don't work
Minor improvements and optimizations
1.6.6 - 2018-10-31
Fix bug when using OC list start position on prefetch of list articles
Fix check for cached properties in OC List Settings
Fix error-handling when fetching article properties in OCList
Improve php 7.2 support by rewriting code where we try to count string
Improve fetching of articles when rendering OC list
Minor improvements and optimizations
1.6.5 - 2018-06-12
Bug in handlebars that prevent settings from opening for board-elements
1.6.4 - 2018-06-11
Add support for visibility/hiding of board-elements with bootstrap 4
Update npm dependencies
Added license file
fix path warning from jshint in grunt-file
fix a countable bug for PHP 7.2 support
minor fixes and optimizations
Improvement / Features
Added support for new drop data format from Dashboard in Everylist.
Fixed a few minor interface bugs in the Everyboard interface.
Fixed a bug that would give warning if a page did not have Everyboard meta value.
Fixed error occurring in PHP 7.2
Improvement / Features
Improved fetching of articles from OC List when rendering a board.
Improvement / Features
Added ability to add specific notifier listener for OC List.
Improved handling of capabilities for "list_user" role.
Improvement / Features
Make sure pages don't try to render none-existing boards
Improve rendering of boards on pages to not include trashed boards
Improve fetching of list articles
Improve dependency-check for Everyware plugin
Integrate the new standalone version of Everylist in Everyboard
Use custom cache time for OC Lists
Use default new properties-filter for EWLists and Everyboard Admin
Updated translation files
Minor fixes and optimizations
Fixed minor interface bug in Everyboard widgets for WordPress 4.8 and later.
Improve function to search for an element when binding search-box to Everyboard structure-item.
Ability to add css-class to entire board.
Added functionality to unregister templates.
Improve autoload of classes through composer.
Logic for creating a user role with correct capabilities to manage lists in EveryList.
Add Bootstrap 4 to the list of grid-frameworks supported by Everyboard.
Check if an object fetched from OC has "contenttype:Article" before creating a custom_port_type article.
Added internal cache per request for approved list items.
Support for new article drop data format from Newspilot in Everylist.
Property "status" no longer hardcoded as status-property in Everylist.
Support for new article drop data format in Everylist and Everyboard.
Remove Twig from Everyboard and add it as a dependency via composer
Use Composer to autoload Everyboard classes
Add support for content-size in "Suit Grid" framework
fix issue when rendering classes by Everyboard
IMPORTANT: Changed behaviour, CSS classes added to columns will now only be added to either the column or it's wrapper (if activated). Previously the classes would be added to both the column or the wrapper.
Fixed caching when fetching article templates.
Fixed HTML error in board admin page.
Fixed issue with opacity when dropping external articles directly in to a board.
Fixed issue where newly inserted structure items would appear above settings box.
Extra error handling for list javascript when fetching articles from OC.
Added "Product" as metadata for articles in board view.
Extra error handling for list javascript when fetching imgix images.
Fix for outputting wrong class for cell in Suit grid framework
Bugfix: When fetching articles for a list, make sure to don't fetch if count is zero.
Added functionality to drop articles in boards via drop-link (for example to EveryList).
Updated version management to Semantic Versioning (
Added check to everylist not to save items being fetched after drop
Added functionality to get image templates
Added support for using imgix as image source in admin interface.
Removed length limit for content in structure items.
Fix for using correct data when force fetching a list article from external site.
Fix bug where cache was used for fetching articles when dropped in lists.
Fix for not reinitializing sidebar widgets after board render.
Fix for bug in content container rendering.
Added limit to the searches for list articles and board prefetch
Added inactivity check for board list
Added functionality to take environment query in consideration when working with lists
Added close buttons to messages that didn't have any fade-timer in list admin
Fixed issue when rendering lists in admin due to old -> new list conversion.
Fixed bug while rendering range of list-articles
Added Suit grid as a rendering framework to Board Settings.
Fixed issue with sidebar on board page
Added width calculation of widget drag on widget page
Fixed issue with widget filter on board page
Updated style on widget/tab
Defaults hide wrapper settings to true
Changed default framework to bootstrap 3
Added content container as static widget.
Fixed bug with widget tagging
Fixed issue when rendering widgets after nesting linked external boards
Fixed issue with external article drop in boards
Added functionality to add loaders after the initial setup of EveryTwig
Fix for sidebar widget-check failing when fetching widgets from multi-site
Fixed broken preview
Added back compatibility to earlier versions than WP 4.6
Widget handling in board widgets updated.
Dashboard widget with everyboard version information.
Range feature for everylist-items.
Custom javascript-event for board-preview reload
Content-size classes for widgets and articles rendered by everyboard.
Changed deprecated wp-functions
Bugfix small col size bug in boards
Improved board widgets to only load once on init
Added functionality to only display widgets contained in the Everyboard-sidebar in boards
Removed obsolete tests
Removed deprecated functions
Removed template engine options
Removed obsolete mobile detect dependency
Support to install plugin via composer added.
Fixed issue with EveryList preview, also added javascript event for EveryList preview load.
Fixed issue when rendering widgets from linked boards causing them to reinitialize all widget all the time
Avoid unnecessary requests to Open Content if no manual articles exist when rendering board.
Fixed board render class calculation bug when used with nested linked boards
Fixed major memory leak during usage of multiple nested linked boards
Fixed issue with embed widgets breaking during a save
Added GIT_COMMIT number to Everytwig cache key
Added ability to preview a list with a chosen article template
Added ability to use shortcodes in widgets placed in sidebars
Fixed minor issue with "Board Upgrader"
Bug fix for networked list permalink problem if article did not exist on site
Bug fix for list items getting wrong/no permalink when used in linked board
Fixed bug where article settings box would appear under other gui elements in the admin interface.
Added Bootstrap 3 - 20 columns framework, also made changes to admin to allow use of other column sizes.
Bug fix for not generating "ghost" rows/columns when saving/applying out of settings box
Minor fix for networked lists (switch_to_blog / restore_current_blog)
Dependant on Everyware 1.0.7
Added functionality to share list items over networked sites
Added structure items to Everylist (caption divider)
Added functionality to automatically truncate Everylists after a set amount (default: 20)
Improved faulty check against connection problem to OC when working with lists
Removed articles should no longer give JS errors
Improvement in article drop functionality
Added Everylist component
Added functionality to share board across network sites
Added global site column-width identification
Fixed board preview bug
Fixed bug in version handling of boards
Improved external article drop functionality
Removed submit event on form in boards causing reload when searching for widgets
Integrated functionality to use Twig as rendering engine
Board drop error handling improvements
Board upgrade functionality added
Added functionality to import old css structure
Upgraded to bootstrap 3.3
Improved board widgets page behaviour
Removed hardcoded values and paths to the plugin
Added board lockdown if board data is changed remotely
Added support to use imengine in board admin
Added functionality to handle removed articles
Added functionality to handle articles with future pubdate
Added language support
Added validation to make sure Everyware is active before activating board
Added functionality to have multiple versions saved
Board Admin Main Area
Added support for Bootstrap 3.
Added support for different layouts on different devices / page widths.
Added support for hiding elements on different devices / page widths.
Added board version support, saves the five latest versions of a board.
Added keyboard shortcut for board publishing (cmd_s or ctrl_s).
Implemented functionality to parse older board structure and convert it to the new standard.
Fixed issue where structure item names could not contain special swedish characters.
Fixed issue where rows were not sortable or draggable at first after being dragged in.
Fixed issue where custom names on columns would hide the colspan.
Fixed issue where columns were not sortable or draggable at first after being dragged in.
Fixed issue where removed option for a structure item would apply to all devices and could not be changed.
Article headlines are now displayed in the header of the structure item.
Fixed issue where inherited templates would not update for newly added articles.
Fixed issue where article templates could not include special swedish characters.
Implemented optimization too manual article fetching, all articles are now fetched in a single request for each board.
Redesigned the settings box.
Board Admin Sidebar
Added text autocompletion for article search.
Added pubdate fields to article search.
Added information about what page is active and total number of pages to article search.
Added pagination for article search.
Fixed bug where sticky effect for sidebar would not work in all browsers.
Fixed problem where widget name would not be updated on board when settings were changed.
Fixed bug where Linked Board didn't show all available boards.
Fixed problem where the widget content was rendered outside the widget container on board admin.
Added functionality to show/hide widgets filtered on their type.
Added functionality to show/hide all widgets.
Saved search queries are now added to the list instantly when created.
Added pointer cursor on save search hover.
Removed "Template" from articles in search results.
Board Widgets
Settings box is now removed on save.
Fixed bug where settings box would not be populated in some cases.
Removed clean up of board widgets if the plugin is deactivated.
Initial "public" release.
Last updated
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