Standard flow
This is the standard flow that our clients usually implement in their Apps.
The Store knows if you already had bought a subscription in that Store.
The GET User
call returns the customer registration ID if a user with that email already exists. If a customer doesn’t, use the CreateUser
There’s no need to validate if the email has a Naviga's subscription already – with unlimited digital access for instance - because we have to insert the InApp subscription anyway. In this last scenario, if the user cancels the Naviga's one in the future, the will still have digital access using the inApp subscription.
The GetUser
/ CreateUser
call can be done after purchasing in the Store, buit before the CreateSubcription
The GetsubscriptionsByCustomerRegistrationId
endpoint here for good measure.
Get user by email
GET api/User/{type}?email={email}
This endpoint gets users account by using the user's email address.
Endpoint's authorization.
Unique identifier of the User in Naviga's system.
Defines where to look for the user. 1
= User Provider; 2
= Naviga's database; 0
User provider and Naviga's database (recommended)
The following is a cURL request example for the endpoint.
Copy curl -X GET
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe'
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI'
--header 'X-PaperCode: MAA'
--header 'X-SourceSystem: <***>
--header 'Authorization: bearer <***>'
--header 'X-RequestId: 0'
The following is a JSON example of a successful response from the api/User/{type}?email={email}
Copy {
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"User": {
"RegistrationId": 2937,
"LoginName": "",
"LoginPassword": "$2a$11$gYF08yClTtrFeJNKg1Pvs.WZZOaAo2Z0MtrFCXYV9AVXKMTGGi4f.",
"CustomerRegistrationId": "2937",
"EncryptedCustomerRegistrationId": "c1Naxk2z4Xc=",
"FirstName": "nathan",
"LastName": "laux",
"Email": "",
"Gender": null,
"PhoneAc": null,
"PhoneEx": null,
"PhoneExt": null,
"Phone": "--",
"MobilePhone": null,
"OptInEVantageSubscriberRewards": false,
"OptInSpecialOffers": false,
"OptInContestAndPromotions": false,
"OptInPaperlessBilling": false,
"OptInEEdition": false,
"OptInEEditionEmailNotification": false,
"OptInSubscriberDiscounts": false,
"OptInAdvertiserEmails": false,
"MemberEvent": false,
"ContentEngagement": false,
"SUBCOM": false,
"Survey": false,
"AccountUpdates": false,
"DateOfBirth": null,
"BirthYear": null,
"AcceptsEmailOffers": 78,
"AcceptsEmailAds": 78,
"AcceptsEmailPromotions": 78,
"IsOkToEmail": 78,
"IsOkToPhone": 78,
"IsOkToMail": 78,
"AcceptsEENotification": 78,
"ChangeDate": "2021-01-12T18:05:18.733",
"DateRegistered": null,
"Photos": null,
"IsSocial": false,
"DisplayName": "nathan637460715185780759",
"AgreeToTerms": false,
"OptOutMarketing": false,
"Photo": null,
"VerificationCode": "2CF772",
"Verified": false,
"AuthSystem": {
"AuthSystemId": 1,
"AuthSystemCode": "MG2",
"AuthSystemName": "MG2"
"UserState": {
"UserStateId": 2,
"UserStateCode": "Unverified"
"BounceType": null
"SessionId": "02f6cf6b-acb2-468f-bab2-d51249a5a70c",
"RequestId": "0"
Response Codes
Naviga's API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
{"error":"Authorization is missing."}
{"error":"X-SourceSystem is missing."}
{"error":"request cannot be null."}
{"error":"Invalid Authorization."}
{"error":"Invalid X-SourceSystem."}
{"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."}
Create a user
POST api/User
This endpoint creates a user.
Defines where to create the user. 1
= User provider; 2
= Naviga's database; 0
= both (highly recommended )
The following is a cURL request example for the endpoint.
Copy curl
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe'
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI'
--header 'X-PaperCode: MAA'
--header 'X-SourceSystem: ***'
--header 'Authorization: ***'
--header 'X-RequestId: 0'
-d '{
"Email": "",
"Password": "asd987asd",
"CreationMode": 0,
"FirstName": "nathan",
"LastName": "laux",
"VerifyEmail": true
The following is a JSON example of a successful response from the api/User
Copy {
"Code": 0,
"Errors": [
"Message": "string",
"Code": "string",
"Type": {
"Id": 0,
"Code": "string"
"ErrorSource": "string"
"Result": {
"CustomerRegistrationId": "string",
"EncryptedCustomerRegistrationId": "string",
"Mg2RegistrationId": 0
Response Codes
Naviga's API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
{"error":"Authorization is missing."}
{"error":"X-SourceSystem is missing."}
{"error":"request cannot be null."}
{"error":"Invalid Authorization."}
{"error":"Invalid X-SourceSystem."}
{"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."}
Get Subscriptions by Customer Registration Id
GET /users/{12345}/subscriptions/?CustomerRegistrationId={1234}5&paperCodesAllowed=JCO,JCOE
This endpoint gets the active subscriptions of a customer using the customer's registration ID.
The unique identifier of a customer in Naviga. Also known as Customer Registration Id
. Represents an user.
Set of paper codes allowed for the subscription's lookup.
Determines whether the response includes stopped subscriptions.
The following is a cURL request example of the endpoint.
Copy curl -X GET
--header 'Accept: application/json'
--header 'X-MediaGroupCode: MG2GroupStripe'
--header 'X-ClientCode: DTI'
--header 'X-PaperCode: VCP'
--header 'X-SourceSystem: ***'
--header 'Authorization: ***'
--header 'X-RequestId: 0'
The following is a JSON example of a successful response from the /users/12345/subscriptions/?CustomerRegistrationId=12345&paperCodesAllowed=JCO,JCOE
Copy An example response is:
"Code": 200,
"Errors": [],
"Result": {
"OwnedSubscriptions": [
"SubscriptionId": 69518,
"ExternalSubscriptionId": "104791",
"SubscriberId": 28488,
"ExternalSubscriberId": "104791",
"MerchantSubscriberId": null,
"AccountNumber": "104791",
"FirstName": "STEVE & JILL",
"LastName": "RAGEN",
"FullName": "STEVE & JILL RAGEN",
"Email": "",
"BillingPlanId": 1,
"OfferId": 0,
"PromotionId": 0,
"PremiumGiftId": 0,
"Phone": "7608897387",
"CompanyName": "",
"ExternalSubscriptionBillingPlanId": null,
"PaymentMethodId": 19042,
"ExternalSubscriptionPaymentMethodId": "CIRC_28488",
"PaymentMethod": {
"PaymentMethodId": 19042,
"ExternalPaymentMethodId": "CIRC_28488",
"HolderName": "STEVE & JILL RAGEN",
"Active": true,
"PaymentMethodType": null,
"FirstName": "STEVE & JILL",
"LastName": "RAGEN",
"CompanyName": null,
"Phone": "7608897387",
"BillingAddress": {
"AddressId": 14267,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": null,
"FirstName": "STEVE & JILL",
"LastName": "RAGEN",
"Company": null,
"Address": "13051 CASCO RD ",
"Address2": null,
"HouseNumber": "13051",
"StreetName": "CASCO",
"StreetSuffix": "RD",
"PreDirect": " ",
"PostDirect": "",
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": " ",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"CityCode": null,
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "92308",
"ZipCode4": "4434",
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": "7",
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": "",
"PakHash": "f66881d8a769124801e4ca9a3097d2f4",
"ParsedAddressKey": "00000130510000RD00CASCO00000000000092308",
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": "34.488317",
"Longitude": "-117.216829",
"CensusBlock": "2040",
"CensusTract": "009711",
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": "C017",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Country": null,
"LockBox": null,
"PhoneAC": "760",
"PhoneEX": "889",
"PhoneEXT": "7387",
"Phone": "7608897387",
"Route": null,
"Title": null,
"AddressTypeCode": null,
"AddressType": null,
"DependentLocality": null
"DeliveryAddress": {
"AddressId": 14267,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": null,
"FirstName": "STEVE & JILL",
"LastName": "RAGEN",
"Company": null,
"Address": "13051 CASCO RD ",
"Address2": null,
"HouseNumber": "13051",
"StreetName": "CASCO",
"StreetSuffix": "RD",
"PreDirect": " ",
"PostDirect": "",
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": " ",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"CityCode": null,
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "92308",
"ZipCode4": "4434",
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": null,
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": "",
"PakHash": "f66881d8a769124801e4ca9a3097d2f4",
"ParsedAddressKey": "00000130510000RD00CASCO00000000000092308",
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": "34.488317",
"Longitude": "-117.216829",
"CensusBlock": "2040",
"CensusTract": "009711",
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": "C017",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Country": null,
"LockBox": null,
"PhoneAC": "760",
"PhoneEX": "889",
"PhoneEXT": "7387",
"Phone": "7608897387",
"Route": null,
"Title": null,
"AddressTypeCode": null,
"AddressType": null,
"DependentLocality": null
"BillingAddress": {
"AddressId": 14267,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": null,
"FirstName": "STEVE & JILL",
"LastName": "RAGEN",
"Company": null,
"Address": "13051 CASCO RD ",
"Address2": null,
"HouseNumber": "13051",
"StreetName": "CASCO",
"StreetSuffix": "RD",
"PreDirect": " ",
"PostDirect": "",
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": " ",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"CityCode": null,
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "92308",
"ZipCode4": "4434",
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": "V",
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": "7",
"DPVFootnotes": "AABB",
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": "",
"PakHash": "f66881d8a769124801e4ca9a3097d2f4",
"ParsedAddressKey": "00000130510000RD00CASCO00000000000092308",
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": "34.488317",
"Longitude": "-117.216829",
"CensusBlock": "2040",
"CensusTract": "009711",
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": "C017",
"CountryCode": "US",
"Country": null,
"LockBox": null,
"PhoneAC": "760",
"PhoneEX": "889",
"PhoneEXT": "7387",
"Phone": "7608897387",
"Route": null,
"Title": null,
"AddressTypeCode": null,
"AddressType": null,
"DependentLocality": null
"MerchantId": null,
"Active": true,
"HasPrintProducts": true,
"HasDigitalProducts": true,
"HasGoogleProducts": true,
"Status": "L",
"StatusDescription": "Active",
"StartDate": "2014-05-06T00:00:00",
"StopDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"NewspaperId": 2,
"NewspaperName": "Valley City Press",
"PaperCode": "VCP",
"Products": [
"SubscriptionProductId": 8925,
"ExternalSubscriptionProductId": null,
"SubscriptionId": 69518,
"ProductId": 100007,
"StartDate": "2014-05-06T00:00:00",
"StopDate": null,
"Product": {
"ProductId": 100007,
"ExternalProductId": "100007",
"ExternalMerchantId": "100007",
"Name": "VCP Daily Home Delivery",
"Price": 0,
"Currency": null,
"Active": true,
"PaperCode": "VCP",
"NewspaperId": 2,
"ServiceTypeId": 7,
"NewspaperBillingCode": 2,
"IsPrint": true,
"IsDigital": true,
"ServiceType": {
"ServiceTypeId": 7,
"Name": "Mon-Sun",
"Description": "Daily Home Delivery",
"Sequence": 999,
"Days": 7,
"DeliveryMap": "1111111",
"Code": "7Day",
"Active": true,
"eEditionAccess": true,
"AllowPreviousSunday": false,
"ServiceDays": [
"Day": 0,
"DayName": "Sunday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 1,
"DayName": "Monday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 2,
"DayName": "Tuesday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 3,
"DayName": "Wednesday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 4,
"DayName": "Thursday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 5,
"DayName": "Friday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 6,
"DayName": "Saturday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Discount": null,
"Description": "VCP Daily Home Delivery",
"IsAddOn": false,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"OneTimeCharge": false,
"RegularRate": null,
"CircSystemId": 1,
"BusinessName": "Daily Home Delivery",
"Code": null,
"RenewalProductId": null,
"RenewalProduct": null,
"GoogleProducts": [
"Id": 1,
"Code": "",
"Description": "Naviga Demo basic",
"GooglePublication": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "",
"Description": "Naviga Dev Sandbox"
"IsBase": true
"Amount": 0,
"Currency": null,
"CampaignId": null,
"CampaignCode": null,
"IsAutoRenewal": false,
"Cycles": 0,
"Copies": 1,
"RemainingCycles": 0,
"MatherPrice": null,
"MatherDate": null,
"MatherAlternativePrices": []
"FutureProducts": [],
"OldProducts": [],
"NewStartQueueId": 0,
"CirculationSystemAccountId": null,
"DateCreated": null,
"ProcessingStatus": null,
"TransactionType": null,
"RateCode": "VCP7DHDLG",
"HouseholdSubscriptionLevel": 11,
"UpgradeSmartOfferSegment": null,
"DowngradeSmartOfferSegment": null,
"SubscriptionType": "H",
"Sub3Code": null,
"PromoCert": null,
"PromoCredit": null,
"PromoSource": null,
"PromoSubSource": null,
"StartSource": null,
"StartReason": null,
"StopSource": null,
"StopReason": null,
"IsEZPay": false,
"HaseBill": false,
"IsTerm": null,
"IsTrial": false,
"PaymentFlag": null,
"DailyRate": 0,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"BillingMethod": "Office Pay",
"WeekDayCredit": null,
"SundayCredit": null,
"IsCompSubscription": null,
"IsMailSubscription": false,
"DailyRateWithTaxes": 0,
"UpgradeSubscriptionPromotionId": null,
"DowngradeSubscriptionPromotionId": null,
"UpgradeProductsPromotionId": null,
"SubscriptionDescription": null,
"BaseProduct": {
"ProductId": 100007,
"ExternalProductId": "100007",
"ExternalMerchantId": "100007",
"Name": "VCP Daily Home Delivery",
"Price": 0,
"Currency": null,
"Active": true,
"PaperCode": "VCP",
"NewspaperId": 2,
"ServiceTypeId": 7,
"NewspaperBillingCode": 2,
"IsPrint": true,
"IsDigital": true,
"ServiceType": {
"ServiceTypeId": 7,
"Name": "Mon-Sun",
"Description": "Daily Home Delivery",
"Sequence": 999,
"Days": 7,
"DeliveryMap": "1111111",
"Code": "7Day",
"Active": true,
"eEditionAccess": true,
"AllowPreviousSunday": false,
"ServiceDays": [
"Day": 0,
"DayName": "Sunday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 1,
"DayName": "Monday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 2,
"DayName": "Tuesday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 3,
"DayName": "Wednesday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 4,
"DayName": "Thursday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 5,
"DayName": "Friday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Day": 6,
"DayName": "Saturday",
"PrintAllowed": true,
"DigitalAllowed": true
"Discount": null,
"Description": "VCP Daily Home Delivery",
"IsAddOn": false,
"DeliveryMethod": null,
"OneTimeCharge": false,
"RegularRate": null,
"CircSystemId": 1,
"BusinessName": "Daily Home Delivery",
"Code": null,
"RenewalProductId": null,
"RenewalProduct": null,
"GoogleProducts": [
"Id": 1,
"Code": "",
"Description": "Naviga Demo basic",
"GooglePublication": {
"Id": 1,
"Code": "",
"Description": "Naviga Dev Sandbox"
"IsBase": true
"DeliveryStartDate": null,
"EffectiveStartDate": null,
"PermanentStopDate": null,
"CurrentBalance": null,
"DatePaidThru": null,
"CurrentRate": 0,
"ExpirationDateOverride": null,
"GraceDays": null,
"SubscriptionStopReason": null,
"SubscriptionSmartOffers": [
"SmartOfferId": 31079,
"SmartOfferCode": "VCPDN",
"SmartOfferType": "DNGRD",
"SmartOfferSource": "G2D"
"SmartOfferId": 77560,
"SmartOfferCode": "STVCPDN",
"SmartOfferType": "StopSaver",
"SmartOfferSource": "G2D"
"SmartOfferId": 93248,
"SmartOfferCode": "STVCPSUN",
"SmartOfferType": "StopSaver",
"SmartOfferSource": "G2D"
"CustomerSince": null,
"Market": null,
"SubscriberType": null,
"BillingState": null,
"eBillEmail": "",
"eBillEmailType": null,
"AutobillStatus": null,
"WeeklyRate": null,
"RegistrationCount": null,
"IsSeasonal": false,
"IsExternal": false,
"Currency": "USD",
"CurrencySymbol": "$",
"CurrencyCulture": "en-US",
"CircSystemId": 1,
"CircSystemCode": null,
"CircSystemName": null
"GuestSubscriptions": null,
"InactiveOwnedSubscriptions": null,
"InactiveGuestSubscriptions": null
"SessionId": "29d787bc-5e8b-4d48-ad22-52f24bf2a03e",
"RequestId": "0"
Response Codes
Naviga's API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.
{"error":"Authorization is missing."}
{"error":"X-SourceSystem is missing."}
{"error":"request cannot be null."}
{"error":"Invalid Authorization."}
{"error":"Invalid X-SourceSystem."}
{"error":"Something went wrong. Please try again later."}
Create a subscription
The app calls Naviga API to create subscription. Try out the API with the Swagger link below:!/Subscriptions/Subscriptions_CreateSubscription
The minimum required values for Naviga 2.x:
Copy “CustomerRegistrationId”:
"PlanId": [OFFER CODE],
"PromotionId": ,
"StartDate": [not required, today by default]
“iTunesInfo”: OR “GooglePlayInfo”
The minimum required values for Naviga 3.x:
Copy “CustomerRegistrationId”:
"OfferId": [OFFER ID],
"OfferGroupId": [OFFER GROUP ID],
"StartDate": [not required, today by default]
“iTunesInfo”: OR “GooglePlayInfo”
The iTunesInfo
below is the complete response from iTunes purchase response (see the examples).
The client should provide the Credentials for the Store – Test and Prod instance. The credentials for iTunes and Google are stored in mg2_control settings:
Apple.VerifySecret (iTunes)
ExternalPaymentWebhook.AuthToken (GooglePlay)
Receipt Examples
Google Play
Copy {
"Receipt":"{\r\n\t\"orderId\": \"GPA.3383-0177-7993-52360\",\r\n\t\"packageName\": \"\",\r\n\t\"productId\": \"2476486697\",\r\n\t\"purchaseTime\": 1508247106192,\r\n\t\"purchaseState\": 0,\r\n\t\"developerPayload\": \"Get+unlimited+access+to+the+Chicago+Tribune+app+and+chicagotribune.com0\",\r\n\t\"purchaseToken\": \"ekghdeppdchnbecdmopogocm.AO-J1Oy0wv7jCSu6zxj1AVR_INdJCSBvDSZH2arPT3uR36JWZXaXx1G-5KrFe8X91DaQFkzPB-gOb7FiZlI6zsYRArElFHUAaFzaiTN0U64ygmwNGea96E_hqu2mMm_bpu1o8VK4XmE1\",\r\n\t\"autoRenewing\": true\r\n}"
Copy {
Swagger Examples
Additional Information
The app can also call Naviga's API to get an offer instead of storing the offer and promotion id. Please reach out to Naviga for more details.
The client can pass more details in add subscription call. Please find below json details below:
Copy {
"CustomerRegistrationId": "1009",
"EmailAddress": "",
"PlanId": 15,
"PromotionId": 5,
"GiftId": 0,
"DeliveryAddress": null,
"BillingAddress": {
"AddressId": 0,
"ExternalAddressId": null,
"FullName": "Slava Kutcher",
"FirstName": "Slava",
"LastName": "Kutcher",
"Company": "",
"Address": "400 N River Rd",
"HouseNumber": null,
"StreetName": null,
"StreetSuffix": null,
"PreDirect": null,
"PostDirect": null,
"AptNumber": null,
"AptUnit": "Apt 605",
"UnitType": null,
"District": null,
"City": "West Lafayette",
"CityCode": null,
"State": "IN",
"ZipCode": "47906",
"ZipCode4": null,
"DPVCode": null,
"SuiteStatus": null,
"DeliveryPointCheckDigit": null,
"DPVFootnotes": null,
"DeliveryPointCode": null,
"CountyFips": null,
"Msa": null,
"PakHash": null,
"ParsedAddressKey": null,
"StandardizationError": null,
"StandardizationResult": null,
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"CensusBlock": null,
"CensusTract": null,
"GeoCoderResult": null,
"CarrierRoute": null,
"Country": "",
"CountryCode": "US",
"PhoneAC": null,
"PhoneEX": null,
"PhoneEXT": null,
"Phone": "4444445675",
"Route": null,
"Title": null
"PaymentTypeId": 1,
"CreditCard": {
"Type": "VISA",
"Number": "411111******1111",
"NumberFirstTwoDigits": "",
"NumberLastFourDigits": "4111",
"ExpirationMonth": "10",
"ExpirationYear": "20",
"SecurityCode": null,
"OwnerName": "Slava;yghl; Kutcher"
"BankAccount": null,
"PayPalInfo": null,
"ActivateEZPay": true,
"Amount": {
"AmountCharged": 9.99,
"ActivationFee": 0,
"TaxAmount": 0,
"SubscriptionCost": 9.99
"RecurringPaymentDayOfMonth": 0,
"PaymentMethodId": "033806411",
"StartDate": "2018-10-11T07:21:59",
"ExpirationDate": "1970-01-01T01:01:01",
"ValidateAddress": false,
"IgnoreRoutableErrors": true,
"IgnoreExistingSubscriberCheck": false,
"OptInForEedition": false,
"OptInPreviousSunday": false,
"OptOutOfDigitalContent": false,
"UserId": -1,
"StartType": "NewStart",
"TrialPeriodDays": 0,
"PassPeriodDays": 0,
"PassCode": "",
"SubscriptionId": 0,
"Products": [
"ExternalProductId": "100066",
"MerchantProductId": null,
"ProductQuantity": 1
"SalesPerson": null,
"ParentEventId": null,
"OfferCode": null,
"LegacyAccountNumber": null,
"PresentationName": "Default",
"CouponCode": null,
"StartReason": "",
"TransactionId": null,
"AuthorizationCode": null,
"OrderId": null,
"LocationName": null,
"LocationId": null,
"InitialCredit": null
Webhooks for Google, iTunes and Amazon
To maintain the subscription status, push notifications must be sent to the following endpoint for Google Play and iTunes:{provider}/{mediaGroup}/{clientCode}/{paperCode}
The provider would be one of the following:
Please reach out to your PM for your specific MediaGroup, ClientCode & Papercode settings.
Once you have received your push notification endpoints, the client must follow the documentation below to setup these up in their GooglePlay or iTunes console. Please refer to the following documentation.
Google Play documentation
Google Notifications leverages the use of Google Cloud Pub/Sub. See the following link to configure the Topics and Subscriptions:
Subscribe exposes an endpoint to receive the notifications at any time. This means that the Subscription needs to be configured as a Push.
NOTE : Originally, Google requested for confirmation on domain ownership by generating a unique confirmation file to be installed on the servers. Google has discontinued this.
MG2Control setting: ExternalPaymentWebhook.AuthToken
Supported notifications:
NOTE : All notifications except subscription_canceled
and subscription_restarted
are ignored by Naviga in Google Play.
iTunes documentation
Mg2Control setting: Apple.VerifySecret
NOTE : In iTunes, only cancel
, interactive_renewal
, and did_change_renewal_pref
are processed by Naviga. The remaining are ignored.
Amazon Pay
To maintain subscription status, Naviga has created a nightly process that calls Amazon and updates Subscribe db. For each active ReceiptId
, the process sends a verification request through the Amazon API. In response to the verification request, the subscription status is active, canceled, or restarted in Naviga.
Clients will have to configure ClientId
and ClientSecret
in the Amazon developer console: (Settings -> Security Profile) so Naviga can access Amazon API.
Mg2Control settings: Amazon.ClientId
and Amazon.ClientSecret
Subsvc db setup
For versions 3.9+, we introduced a new event type VERIFYCODECONFIRMATION (671), that needs to have active = 1 and triggers_post = 1, and associated with Event Processor = ExternalPayments (27), in order to work.
The advantage of this new Start child event is to provide more information about the responses we get from Markets (iTunes, Google, etc.) on the Confirmation Receipt call. In the event_post_return_html table, you can see the responses from those.
Scripts to do the update in case it’s not set up:
Update NewspaperEventProcessorAssignments
Set EventProcessorId = 27
where EventTypeId = 671
UPDATE event_types
SET triggers_post = 1, active = 1
where event_type_id = 671