2.X Releases
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice. Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
Display the One Trust modal pop-up for the client in Self-Service Portal. Please note that the 2.X versions are not supported anymore. No enhancement and/or future releases are planned.
PurchaseAPI for Vindicia
Please note that the introduction of synchronous and asynchronous events will result in two Account Numbers for a subscription purchased on Subscription Panel: the confirmation number is the temporary Account Number that will be replaced then by a permanent one. So the Account number was hidden from the Confirmation page as well as LTE receipts. The users will still get the Permanent Account Number in a confirmation email
Display the One trust modal pop up for the client in Subscription Panel
The "Do Not Sell My Personal Information" link has been added to the footer section of client's Subscription Panel. When users click the link, a pop-up modal displays, allowing them to choose whether to opt out of the sale of personal information, and their preferences are stored once they click the Save Settings button.
Configuration Notes
The user can change the class by going to CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation > Footer V3 > Link V3 > Class field.
Add class “ot-sdk-show-settings” to the “Do Not Sell My Personal Information” link in footer in CMS.
Add below in the config file under config.System in Subscription Panel.
OneTrustDomianId: '8b0b6efb-b8b2-4950-b5a0-e0d9d18b7273'
SS - The script for OneTrust Modal same as that of SP
As per the client's request, starting from this release, SS has transitioned to using the same OneTrust script as SP. Both SS and SP will now use the same OneTrust ID.
API - New subscriber entitlement not being passed
Previously, when the user's information was requested through the Auth0 API for a subscription that used an Apple ID as its customer registration ID, an error message was displayed.
The Apple IDs include a special character (.), which caused the URL to be broken since the special character is not URL encoded, and the URL rejected the request due to the incorrect Path parameter. The error has now been resolved by including a "/" at the end of the API request to indicate the Path parameter's limit.
SL - Increased the character limit of SolCon fields
The character limits validation of SolCon fields Code1-10 has been removed to support client-specific change. There will be no character limit restriction in SolCon UI.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Upgrade to Version 1.2
The CMS Content module has been updated to support Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2. The TLS version can now also be configured from the web.config file, and image uploads can now communicate with the AWS S3 bucket using the TLS 1.2 security protocol.
This update has been made as Amazon will no longer support TLS 1.1 for its S3 bucket. Note was updated on June 12th, 2023.
Note: If the TLS version is not configured in the web.config file, CMS now uses the TLS 1.2 security protocol by default.
This fix was also merged to 2.39.1,,,,,, and 3.16.3.
Multi-currency support for Vindicia clients
Naviga Subscribe now supports non-US currencies for Vindicia clients. This allows clients to sell subscriptions in local currencies across the globe. The request was originally made by Simon and Schuster so customers could buy their language products in local currency. This is available for Vindicia clients and only in 2.X version.
Please contact Naviga Support if you have additional questions about this feature.
Add class name property in the Link section in CMS application Date Updated: 11-Apr-23
Users can now add the class name input property to the Link V3 component in CMS to be used in the Subscription Panel's footer section. Configuration Notes
The user can change the class by going to CMS > Subscription Panel > Presentation > Footer V3 > Link V3 > Class field.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Upgrade to Version 1.2
Note: If the TLS version is not configured in the web.config file, CMS now uses the TLS 1.2 security protocol by default.
The CMS Content module has been updated to support Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2. The TLS version can now also be configured from the web.config file, and image uploads can now communicate with the AWS S3 bucket using the TLS 1.2 security protocol.
This update has been made as Amazon will no longer support TLS 1.1 for its S3 bucket. Note was updated on June 12th, 2023.
Exposed Code fields in the Offers endpoint Date added: 27-Jun-23
The Promotions/{promotionId}/Offers
endpoint has been modified to add a new set of fields, Code 1 through Code 10. These parameters retrieve information about the codes that support the Offer Group, which can be consumed by the consumer application.
Note: The TLS version fix was also merged to,,,,,, and 3.16.3.
Remove Chatbot from the client’s Self-Service Portal Date added: 10-Nov-23
Changes have now been made to remove client-specific Chatbot from the Self-Service Portal.
Display the One trust modal pop up for the client in Self-Service Portal
To adhere to the privacy laws, the "Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information/Opt-Out" link has been added to the footer section of the client’s self-service portal. When users click the link, a pop-up modal displays, allowing them to choose whether to opt out of the sale of personal information, and their preferences can be set under "Manage Consent Preferences". Updated on August 17, 2023
Last updated
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