3.17.2 Minor Release
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice. Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
This release is currently in its Beta version.
Release Prerequisites
NCS Circ
Subscribe Extracts
Australian Clients - Extract Version 6 Other Clients - Extract Version 5
Sync Jobs
Matrix Circ
Circ Pro
DSI (Saxo Circ)
Naviga Pay (if using Fluid Pay)
Key Feature - Variable Pricing
The minor release 3.17.2 introduces the Variable Pricing feature to improve the subscription experience in Subscribe for NCS Circ client users. With this feature enabled, a surcharge can be applied when end users select a credit card as their payment method. Unlike processing fees or activation fees, this surcharge will not appear as a separate line item; instead, it will be included in the total amount displayed to the user. For payments made via Bank Draft or Bank Transfer, users will see a lower total amount for the same offer, as these methods exclude the surcharge. Further, as opposed to the Processing Fee which is applied on the final amount, the Variable Pricing levies surcharge only on the base amount, grace amount & tax amount. Hence, the payments like Donations & Tip are excluded from the surcharge calculation. Additionally, in the case of Variable Pricing, the surcharge is fetched via NCS Circ in real-time & clients do not need to set up the calculations in Subscribe.
For more details about the Variable Pricing payment feature, please refer to the Variable Pricing documentation: Subscribe Features - Payment features (NCS Circ). For details about the Credit card surcharge feature within NCS Circ, please refer to NCS documentation: Credit Card Surcharge - Circulation Feature-Specific User Guide.
Additionally, this release provides support for split transactions through Fluid Pay (formerly Impress Pay) via Naviga Pay, allowing to send the surcharge amount explicitly to payment vendor.
The Variable Pricing feature is not available for payments initiated from SubCon Admin.
Currently, the surcharge is not considered for PayPal payment method.
Variable Pricing is not supported for Day Pass subscriptions.
The 'Processing Fee' and 'Variable Pricing' features cannot be used simultaneously. If both features are enabled for a client, the Processing Fee feature takes priority.
Integration with Fluid Pay (Formerly Impress Pay)
Unlike Processing Fee, Variable Pricing feature requires a split transaction process, both in Subscription Panel and Self Serivce, if the payment vendor is Fluid Pay via Naviga Pay.
1. Variable Pricing Implementation in Subscription Panel
Variable Pricing is a feature that allows clients to apply a surcharge (processing fee) for credit card payments without explicitly displaying it. If the payment method involves a credit card, including but not limited to options such as Google Pay, or Apple Pay, the surcharge will be applied. However, if the payment method is a bank account (ACH) or PayPal, no surcharge will be applied.
When Variable Pricing is enabled (through the CMS component and the MG2 control keys), and the user selects Credit Card as the payment option, the subscription cost displayed will include the surcharge amount. This surcharge amount will not appear as a separate line item in the list of payment details (such as processing fees, activation fees, etc.).
Note: The surcharge amount is fetched from NCS Circ in real time during the workflow.
CMS- New Property 'Cash Discounting Enable'
A new property ‘Cash Discounting Enable’ has been added to the PaymentMethodsV3 component in CMS Presentation. This property can be toggled ON or OFF. (Select an appropriate Presentation > Page V3 -> Step V3 -> Payment Methods V3)
If the Payment Method V3 component is not included in the CMS Presentation, the Variable Pricing feature will not retrieve the total amount with a surcharge from NCS Circ.
API Key Settings to incorporate Variable Pricing in SP
A new MG2 Control API Setting key DTI.CashDiscounting has been introduced to control the Variable Pricing feature in consumer applications such as Subscription Panel & Self Service. When this feature is enabled, the API considers the CCSurcharge returned by NCS API to be applied in the end user payment.
Cash Discounting Key: When DTI.CashDiscounting is set to 1 (enabled):
If the PaymentType is Bank Transfer, Cash, PayPal, or Electronic Cheque (ACH payment), no surcharge is added to the TotalAmount.
If the PaymentType is Credit Card or other online options (e.g., Google Pay, or ApplePay or any other non ACH payments except PayPal), a surcharge is added to the TotalAmount.
Error Handling: If no Rate amount is found in NCS Circ for the selected offer, an error message “No RateTerms found” will be displayed.
Implementation Notes:
To enable Variable Pricing feature,
Toggle ON the CMS property ‘Cash Discounting Enable’ in the presentation
Set the value of MG2Control API key DTI.CashDiscounting to 1
Set the value MG2Control API key Billing.CreditCard.ProcessingFee.Enable to 0
For an end-to-end flow of Cash Discounting, respective Business Rules must be set up in NCS Circ.
2. Variable Pricing Implementation in Self Service
Variable Pricing in Self-Service is similar to Processing Fee but with key differences in the calculation of amount to be paid and in its display to subscribers.
When this feature is enabled, if the payment is through Credit card, then a credit card processing fee (surcharge) will be deducted from the subscribers only on the base amount of the subscription, due amount, if any, and taxes, but it will not include Donation and Tip amounts. The surcharge will not be explicitly displayed to the subscriber, and it will be embedded in the Total amount. The surcharge is not applicable to ACH payments such as Bank Draft or transfer (that do not involve a credit card).
When users select ACH mode of payment, they see a lower price applicable to the transaction while making a One-time payment, Autopay signup, or Restart where the ACH payment has a lesser amount compared to the respective Credit Card payment option as below:
Rate Display: When Variable Pricing is enabled, a new "ACH Amount" column appears in the Rate Term grid, displaying discounted rates for ACH payments in all payment pages.
Payment Options:
Credit Card Payment: The CC surcharge (processing fee) is received from NCS, added to the total amount and is displayed, which is then sent to NCS in the API request and further processed by NCS. The CC Surcharge is also applicable to grace amounts in restart flows (if there is a negative previous balance).
ACH Payment: The surcharge is excluded in the total, and the API request is processed without the surcharge.
When Variable Pricing is not enabled, in a regular flow (one-time payment, Autopay signup, or Restart), if a negative balance is returned from NCS, it is added to the current transaction. However, when Variable Pricing is enabled, the negative balance is considered only in the Restart flow for a stopped subscription. In this case, a grace amount (negative balance) surcharge is applied when the payment is made using a credit card.
Defining API responses to incorporate Variable Pricing in Self Service
Self-Service has three payment flows:
One-time payment
Autopay Signup
The endpoint that returns the Billing options to display them in Self-service for all these payment flows is the endpoint Billing/AutoBill/{subscriptionId} of Billing API.
A new key “SurchargeType“ has been added to this endpoint that acts as a flag or an identifier to differentiate between the Processing fee flow and Variable pricing flow. The SurchargeType will have the value “PF” for Processing Fee flow and “CD” for Variable Pricing flow.
A new parameter “AmountExcludingSurcharge“ has been added in the BillingOptions that holds the value of the Amount excluding surcharge.
If the SurchargeType is "PF", then the flow is Processing fee flow and the AmountExcludingSurcharge will return the value 0 from NCS Circ.
New Parameter in Billing API
In the Billing API (Billing/AutoBill/{SubscriptionId}), a new parameter, CCSurcharge, has been added to the BillingOptions object in the API response.
Regardless of the values in the API setting keys for CashDiscount or ProcessingFee (enabled or disabled), the CCSurcharge parameter will always be included in the Billing API response.
New object added in the DTI API response to support Restart payment flow
The value of GraceCCSurcharge has been added to the request parameter CreditCardCircChargeAmount in Billing option endpoint.
A new object “GraceOwedInfo” has been added in the responses from the below DTI Micro API endpoints.
“DTI/Subscription/{SubscriptionInfo}” (GETRATES event)
The new object "GraceOwedInfo" contains parameters such as GraceAmount, GraceTax,GraceTotal, CCSurcharge, etc. and these are available in the Restart flow of stopped subscriptions with a negative balance.
If the stopped subscription has a zero balance, then the “GraceOwedInfo” object will contain null values in the response. For active or in-grace subscriptions, NCS does not send Grace details, so GraceOwedInfo section will not be present in the response.
In case of Restart for PAYMENTCC event (Payment/Circ endpoint) the request parameter CreditCardCircChargeAmount will consist of CCSurcharge value and GraceCCSurcharge value.
In case of Autopay signup or One-time payment, for PAYMENTCC event (Payment/Circ endpoint) the request parameter CreditCardCircChargeAmount will consist of the CCSurcharge value.
Implementation Notes:
Enable the ACH amount on respective CMS content pages:
Payment Options: PaymentOptionsHeader.ACHAmount
Autopay Signup: AutoPaySignUpHeader.ACHAmount
Subscription Restart: PaymentOptionsHeader.ACHAmount
MG2 Control API keys:
Set the value of DTI.CashDiscounting to 1
Set the value of Billing.CreditCard.ProcessingFee.Enable to 0
3. Split Transactions for Fluid Pay via Naviga Pay
When the Variable pricing feature is enabled, if the payment vendor is Fluid Pay (formerly Impress Pay) via NavigaPay, the API sends split payment transaction details (SplitAmount and AdjustmentAmount) in the request of AUTHCC event along with other parameters.
SplitAmount → Tip+Donation, if any
AdjustmentAmount →
CCSurcharge (if payment is through Credit card)
CCSurcharge+GraceCCSurcharge (if payment is through Credit card for Restart with a negative balance (debt))
Whenever Credit card surcharge is applied on the entire Total Amount (base amount + due amount if any + Donation + Tip), the usual practice is that the API sends the full value to payment gateways. However, if Variable Pricing is enabled, then the CCSurcharge is applied only on the Base amount and pending amount if any, and a split transaction along with transaction amount is sent to the payment gateway Fluid Pay via Naviga Pay. Here, the split amount represents the portion of the payment not subject to surcharge.
When SplitAmount and AdjustmentAmount are submitted to NavigaPay Fluid Pay API, the response will return SplitTransactionId, AdjustmentAmount and SplitAmount.
If SplitAmount is 0 or null in the request, then SplitTransactionId will be absent in the API response.
A new field, SplitAmount, has been added to the API request body. This field is passed along with requests for AUTHCC and CCFUNDCAPTURE events to manage split payments under different conditions:
Case 1: Fluid Pay Vendor Setup
When Fluid Pay is the payment vendor, both SplitAmount and AdjustmentAmount (representing CCSurcharge when Variable Pricing is enabled) are included in the request.
Upon successful submission of SplitAmount, a SplitTransactionId is returned in the event response.
Case 2: Other Vendors Setup
For other vendors, neither SplitAmount nor AdjustmentAmount affects the functionality of AUTHCC (Authorization) or CCFUNDCAPTURE (Capture) events, if these fields are omitted.
Note: Currently, Tip and Donation amounts are not applicable in new start flows. Thus, no specific split amount will be present (value passed will be 0), though SplitAmount and AdjustmentAmount parameters are included in the request body.
Submission of Fluid Pay Split transactions to Naviga Pay
When Variable pricing is enabled, once any payment request is submitted, Naviga Pay now returns two transaction IDs: one for the transaction amount (amount excluding the split amount → CCSurcharge+Amount on which CC Surcharge was applied) and the other for split amount. Two separate CCFUNDCAPTURE events will also be generated.
If the payment involves only a Donation amount while user opting for Autopay or if the user paying only a Tip amount (transaction amount is zero in these cases), then a single CCFUNDCAPTURE event will be triggered after the AUTHCC event.
When Variable Pricing is enabled for other payment vendors except Fluid Pay, the transaction amount sent to Naviga Pay for processing includes CCSurcharge + Amount on which surcharge applied + Split Amount. A single CCFUNDCAPTURE event will be generated in this case.
Bug Fix
Donation not included in calculating Processing fee
When the Processing fee feature was enabled, the Donation amount was not considered in calculating the processing fee for the payment done with credit card during Auto pay signup. This issue has been resolved.
Last updated
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