3.16.1 Minor Release
The document contains the major new features and changes in the minor 3.16.1 release. It also documents known problems and workarounds, if any
Product Information contained within this document, including technical information and functional specifications, is subject to change without notice. Naviga reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document at any time without notice. Naviga makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose.
This is a complete document. The last changes were made Oct 11th 2022.
3.16.1 is a minor release hence it does not contains any breaking changes, but mostly enhancements, bug fixes and several small new features. The new features supported are related to corporate subscription and registrations, localization and the Landing app.
Please note that upgrades to this version are no longer available since the Amazon S3 bucket now requires a minimum of TLS 1.2 security protocol, which is not supported by this version.
Note added on June 20th, 2023.
The release notes for the internal stakeholders can be found in Confluence (access required)
Please note that the minor release will include all the hotfixes. The hotfixes documentation can be found at 3.16.0.X hotfixes
New features
The following new features appear in this release
Registration not required to send an Invitation
Until this release, for an invitation to be sent at least one registration linked with the subscription used to be required. Starting from this release an invitation for registration can be sent even without having an existing linked registration.
The visibility of the button is configured by UserAccountSearchDetailsInviteButton
APP setting. To enable the feature, set the key to 1. The setting also controls the usual Invite button in the registration grid visibility.
Pre-requisites: N/A
Sign in through Invitation email
The user invited to join a corporate digital subscription can now accept the invitation received via their email and sign in to access the newspaper.
The recommended setup is:
in One CSR Portal go to Event Management tab -> Event Types -> Even Type Emails
select the Invitation Send Event Code and click Edit
in the Update Transaction Email Id window go to the Customer Email tab and select the Subscription Share Invitation option in the Template dropdown
Add the newly created CMS Attribute to the email text and Save
Pre-requisites: N/A
Account Management localization
The following items are now manageable via CMS and hence can be translated to the local language:
The payment gateway setup. Please note that a specific page has to be created for each payment provider (e.g. StripeIframe, SpreedlyIframe etc)
The error message/notification for the unsuccessful payment/invalid payment - a customized page dedicated to every external payment gateway has to be created
getAvailableDatesFailed Page: CancelSubscription
submitPaymentSuccess, submitAutoPay Pages: autopay sign up, manage add tip)
createPaymentMethodFailed and CreditCard.InvalidField Pages: CommonIframe (for Bank Accounts, createPaymentMethodFailed only), StripeIframe, SpreedlyIframe, PeachPaymentIframe, PaywayIframe, BraintreeIframe, CybersourceIframe, AuthorizeNetIframe - Note updated Oct 4th 2022
Payment option's table headers at the AutoPaySignUp page - Note updated Oct 4th 2022:
Days of the week and months in the Date picker, please find the titles of the added fields in CMS, the fields were added to the Layout page:
ShortDayName.XXX, where the XXX is the name of the day of the week
LongMonthName.YYY, where the YYY is the name of the month
The lookup dropdown options at Verify Account page, please find the titles of the added fields in CMS:
Content: Lastname Segment: PrimarySearchTypeLastNameText
Content: Company Name Segment: PrimarySearchTypeCompanyNameText
Content: Account Number Segment: SearchTypeAccountNumberText
Content: House Number Segment: SearchTypeHouseNumberText
Content: Zip Code and Phone Number # Segment: SearchTypePhoneNumberText
Content: Share subscription Segment: ShareSubscriptionHeaderText
Content: Payment Segment: SaveTimeWithEzPayTitle
Page names in notifications (used to be hardcoded in English
Page: Home Content: Home
Page: MG2Auth Content: MG2Auth
Page: SelectAccount Content: Select Account
Page: VerifyAccount Content: Verify Account
Page: MyProfile Content: My Profile
Page: Feedback Content: Feedback
Page: Preference Content: Preference
Page: Unsubscribe Content: Unsubscribe
Page: Address Content: Address
Page: ForgotPassword Content: Forgot Password
Page: Complaint Content: Complaint
Page: FAQ Content: FAQ
Page: TemporaryStop Content: Temporary Stop
Page: Payment Content: Payment
Page: AutoPaySignUp Content: AutoPay
Page: AutoPayManage Content: AutoPay
Page: AutoPaySignOut Content: AutoPay
Page: AutoPayAddTip Content: AutoPay
Page: EBillSignUp Content: EBill Sign Up
Page: EBillManage Content: EBill Manage
Page: EBillInvoice Content: EBill Invoice
Page: SubscriptionShare Content: Subscription Share
Page: InvitationConfirm Content: Invitation Confirm
Page: Dashboard Content: Dashboard
Page: SubscriptionCancel Content: Subscription Cancel
Page: SubscriptionRestart Content: Subscription Restart
Page: TemporaryStopTransfer Content: Temporary Stop Transfer
Page: TemporaryStopRestart Content: Temporary Stop Restart
Page: SubscriptionUpdate Content: Subscription Update
Page: Activate Content: Activate
Page: Rewards Content: Rewards
Page: StopSaver Content: Stop Saver
Page: Transactions Content: Transactions
Status description of the Subscription
Placeholder content for the following Account Management pages can now be created via CMS: Complaint, Address, Feedback, Verify Account, Share Subscription, Phone number, and Cancel Subscription pages:
Placeholder.ZipCode Pages: Address
Placeholder.SelectOption Pages: Activate, Feedback, VerifyAccount, SubscriptionShare, Address and CommonIframe (recently created for bank account iframe) pages
Placeholder.CCName Pages: BraintreeIframe. Please note that a specific page has to be created for each payment provider
Placeholder.SelectReason Pages: StopSaver, SubscriptionCancel and TemporaryStopTransfer
Placeholder.SelectCategory Pages: Preference
Placeholder.SelectIssue Pages: Complaint
Placeholder.EnterAddress Pages: Address and TemporaryStopTransfer
Placeholder.EnterCity Pages: Address and TemporaryStopTransfer
Placeholder.EnterZipCode Pages: Address and TemporaryStopTransfer
Placeholder.EnterFirstName, Placeholder.EnterLastName, Placeholder.EnterEmail, Placeholder.EnterLocation, Placeholder.EnterComments Pages: Feedback
Password change, Transactions, and Temporary Stop changes (hardcoded message removed) for Transactions and Temporary Stop Transfer pages:
Content: Transactions Segment: Transactions.NoHistoryPaymentsText
Content: There are no Transfers Segment: TemporaryStopTransfer.NoTransfersTe
Content: Enter your email address to create a new password. Segment: ForgotPasswordForm.Description
Pre-requisites: N/A
Subscription Panel localization
The following items are now manageable via CMS and can be translated to the local language:
the error message for the unsuccessful payment/invalid payment; the error generated by the external payment gateway is overridden
Pre-requisites: N/A
Access to Support Viewer via Landing
The user who is authenticated to access the Support Viewer application now can access it via Landing.
Support Viewer being visible on the Home page of the Landing app does not imply that the user has access to the application. If access is needed, it has to be requested from Admin. If the user is not authenticated and tries to access the Support Viewer app, then the Login credentials are deactivated. For the user to be able to access Subscribe applications again the credentials have to be re-activated by the Admin user. Please note that for now Support Viewer is meant for Naviga support only. More functionality is expected in future releases
Pre-requisites: N/A
Upgrades & enhancements
The following enhancements were introduced to the existing features
Complaints when on Vacation
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Initial Auth0 Screen modification for Account Management
When a user wants to subscribe/activate his Digital account, initial authentication is made easy by enabling the Register tab for the users.
If the user already has a digital subscription, then the Login tab would be active by default instead of the Register tab.
Pre-requisites: N/A
Special characters removed from certain parameters
No special characters are supported in the name fields, address 2 fields, or cardholder name fields. All the exceptions are listed below:
First Name: ' - & / .
Last Name: ' - & / .
email: @. + - _ ,
Cardholder Name: ' - & / # .
House number: / -
Unit number: No Special Chars
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Payment Terms for Comp Subscribers
As comp (complimentary) subscriptions are meant to provide free access to the content for the employees and other support staff of a Newspaper publication, events are configured in such a format that for Subscription Kind of ‘Comp’ category, are not fired for payment purpose
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Restart events order rectified
RESTART PAYMENT event meant for Payment activation for stopped subscriptions used to fire before the occurrence of RESTART SUBSCRIPTION event. The wrong order of firing events is rectified
Pre-requisites: Matrix, all versions Tested on: Matrix 38.0.034.ITSP5
Carrier Collect restriction for Billing method in CMS
Carrier Collect restriction is present in the Hide links for dropdown in the Links section of the Navigation tab
Pre-requisites: N/A
Hardcoded Message about Software Update removed
There used to be a Modal (Message) window for an API with new functionality to notify the user about the new software update. When the system is up and running, the notification serves no purpose so that was removed. Note: The hardcoded message can be configured from CMS for SWUpdate.Text and SWUpdate.Title segments for Layout (Filter by page drop-down) page. Note updated Oct 4th 2022
Pre-requisites: N/A
Close button added in Solicitor Concierge
A close (x) button is added to the top-right corner of the Offer group
Pre-requisites: N/A
American Express card logo removed
On the payment page in Account Management the Card logos for American Express and related card logos were removed (AmericanCardImages setting set to false. Hiding images setting set to false)
Pre-requisites: N/A
Bug fixes
The following bugs were fixed in this release
Encoded Subscriber’s Email not accepted
When the user creates a new subscription through Subscription Panel the PurchaseAPI is being called to process a new subscription start. One of these steps is CreateSubscriber in DTI Circulation System. Purchase API was sending an encoded email and DTI API cannot process the same as special characters are not accepted by DTI Circ which caused an error that has been fixed.
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Invalid Input for a New Subscription
The PurchaseAPI was not sending proper input for Address and no subscription id was created. As for the new subscription, the system has to generate the Subscription Id by default. This type of subscription is said to be a billed one which means no payment details are required as this is for internal staff of the client or publication.
Pre-requisites: Matrix, all versions Tested on: Matrix 38.0.034.ITSP5
Create Reward returns an unexpected error
An unexpected error was shown when adding a new Reward if there was already at least one Reward. The error message is fixed, a friendly validation message is displayed
Pre-requisites: N/A
Creating a scheduled reward with a start time before the end time
While creating a new reward for a Newspaper client, the Start time later than the End time was acceptable by the system. This behavior is rectified and the system is functioning fine. While creating the reward, if a later date was entered for the start time compared to the end time, the API is giving out an error to notify the user. This is further rectified to give out an appropriate or clear message as “Error! start date can not be greater than or equal to end date”
Pre-requisites: N/A
Error message when a Reward is saved successfully in CMS
While creating the reward, if a later date was entered for start time compared to end time, the API is giving out an error to notify the user. When the error is rectified by entering the correct dates, the Reward details are saved but still, the validation error continues to appear. The only difference it disappears after a few seconds.
Pre-requisites: N/A
The credit card number not encrypted in PurchaseAPI
In Subscriptions API the credit card number is encrypted (does not matter if it is masked) but in Purchase API this functionality was deprecated in 3.16.1 due to being moved to Payments API during its refactor, which is planned for 3.17.0. Still, we need to encrypt the credit card number in the 3.16.X Releases, because otherwise the masked credit card number will not be displayed in the subscription account. In scope of this fix we added credit card number encryption to PurchaseAPI. Note updated Oct 11th 2022
Pre-requisites: N/A
EZPay payment method update resets recurring tip - bug fix
Prior to the fix sometimes when a payment method used for ezpay was updated, the recurring tip was reset. To fix that now TipAmount=null is allowed in case tip amount was not updated during the call. Note updated Oct 11th 2022
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Paypal direct integration change to Auth and Capture - bug fix
Paypal Do Express checkout was failing because the API was performing a Sale transaction (TRXTYPE=S). In scope of this fix we updated integration to have Authorize (TRXTYPE=A) and Delayed Capture (TRXTYPE=D) types of transactions Note updated Oct 11th 2022
Pre-requisites: N/A
Stop options not being displayed when scheduling a Permanent Stop in One CSR Portal - bug fix
When trying to schedule a Permanent Stop in One CSR Portal an error message “There are no stop options available for this subscription“ was thrown instead of “Schedule cancellation without refund“ and “Schedule cancellation with refund“. To fix that missing dependencies were added to the component constructor. Note updated Oct 11th 2022
Pre-requisites: N/A
The routable check adds Addresses that do not exist in NCS Circ
New starts were blocked by the Routable check when using addresses that do not exist in NCS circ. The routable check flow was reworked to add Addresses that do not exist in NCS. Note updated Oct 11th 2022
Pre-requisites: NCS circ, all versions Tested on: NCS Circ 2020-3.0
Upgrade/Downgrade not allowed with Temporary stop settings - bug fix was moved to 3.16.2 Note updated Oct 11th 2022.
Last updated
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